Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Germany
We didn’t get to see it this time, but we did
travel through the Swiss Alps and several other
scenic areas of Germany!

Occidental Institute
Research Foundation
40th Anniversary
Biological Medicine
Tour to Germany

Oct. 25 to Nov. 7, 2013

A Personal Diary of our
Exclusive Program for 2013

Wednesday, 05 December 2013

Attn:  Everyone who missed joining us in Frankfurt for our Germany Tour #40

A big hello to our OIRF members, colleagues and friends . . .

Those of you who were unable to join us for this most recent tour program, really missed a good one! The size of the group was slightly less than our anticipated 15 doctors, but it turned out to be just perfect. The countries represented by attendees were Canada, the United States and Australia, and – interestingly – most of them were “first-timers”. We were a small enough group that we could all get to know each other well and everyone had plenty of time for one-on-one interaction with our attending directors Dr. Karim Dhanani and (of course me) Carolyn Winsor-Sturm. This extended two-week tour celebrating the Institute’s 40th Anniversary as well as our 40th tour program was truly exceptional. Looking back at this trip just a month after I returned home I can say– in my humble opinion – you missed one of the very best tour programs ever!

Here’s an overview of our busy schedule of activities, lectures and travels during the Institute’s 40th Biological Medicine Group Tour to Germany. This is based on the final letter that went out to all participants shortly before their departure for the tour. I’ve added a few comments based on the actual events that took place – almost perfectly within our planned schedule.

PART 1 – “Tools”

FRIDAY (October 25th):  I arrived back at our Frankfurt Airport hotel a little later in the afternoon than expected (highway traffic jams delayed me returning from some of my pre-tour inspection travels and private meetings) but I arrived back in Kelsterbach in time to meet everyone, say hello and send them off to bed after their travels.

SATURDAY (October 26th):  After a great breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant, we began our Germany odyssey. Our private motor coach took us south and east of Frankfurt by autobahn (freeway) to the Main-Tauber-Kreis district in the Baden-Württemberg area, where we stayed for one night only in a “Kurhotel” (= “cure” hotel)! Some managed to arrange a nice welcoming massage too. After check in and lunch we met for a special presentation by Advanced Medical Systems on the pulsed electro-magnetic field (PEMF) therapy method based on the work of Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Ludwig. Ms. Tina Först (right) showed us the use and applications of the different devices – a very practical, non-theoretical workshop.

Enjoying a break from the lecture on the deck, in the sunshine on a beautiful fall day – and to finish it off perfectly – Kaffee und Kuchen (that translates to coffee and homemade apple crumble cake. Oh nummm!)

Tina Först, MBA with AMS

Nummm! And a beautiful fall day.

SUNDAY (October 27th):  Then we traveled south and west by autobahn (freeway) for about 2½ hours into the Black Forest region to the charming village of Friesenheim to visit the oldest and most famous German BioResonance company, Med-Tronik.

And then – what a treat! This is truly another sightseeing destination on its own. This is MORA (and BE-T-A and MORA-Color, and . . .). Due to the late arrival of our speaker (that darn freeway traffic) the new Managing Director of Med-Tronik, Mr. Dirk Reupke, gave us a personal full tour of their building including all the R&D, manufacturing and administration facilities.

Portraits of Erich Rasche and Dr. Franz Morell
in the Med-Tronik Museum Room

And then in their beautiful classroom/teaching facility we heard our afternoon workshop presentation with Arndt Kalinke, HP. Dr. Kalinke gave us a good overview of MORA BioResonance Therapy and some application hints and tips.

Then back onto our bus taking us to our hotel for the next eight nights (yeah we get to unpack a bit!).

Mr. Dirk Reupke with part of the group

Arndt Kalinke, HP

MONDAY (October 28th):  After breakfast at this family run hotel (with an award winning restaurant, house made Schnapps and traditional décor) we got back onto our private coach and travelled a short distance to visit the very interesting and unique firm of Medical Electronics. There we will be greeted by Mr. Dieter Jossner.

This is BioPhoton Therapy – the one therapy in our medical office that is utilized the most frequently and the most effectively. Mr. Jossner gave us a very interesting and lively short lecture and then showed us around their fabulous office, plant and home. I can’t describe this place briefly. As eccentric and interesting as Mr. Jossner is personally, their space age building is worthy of a sightseeing tour on its own. Here you will see and hear about the practical applications of BioPhoton therapy, have a tour of their building and it was also a lot of fun.

Dieter Jossner, Medical Electronics

Part of Medical Electronics show and classroom.

As a “Surprise Guest Lecturer” I am very pleased to introduce Silvia Binder, ND PhD (right) who gave us a presentation about the application and effectiveness of the ONDAMED device. This device is registered in the USA, is supported by some excellent studies and is listed as “a specific Electro-Magnetic Field Biofeedback device combined with the patient’s own pulse biofeedback”. Dr. Binder also gave an excellent presentation at the recent St. Louis International Alternative Medicine Conference.

As a result of this great presentation we are now pleased to inform our members and colleagues about the recommendation and availability of this instrumentation. It cannot be ordered directly through OIRF however we will be happy to forward your enquiries to Ondamed who will be able to provide you with order information and training.

In our efforts to maintain neutrality and cooperation between the various instrumentation companies and their devices, we are obliged to inform you, both as participants of this tour program and as supporters of OIRF, about the alternative quality devices and methods that are now available in Germany and other European countries. I felt that this was an important addition to our program.

Silvia Binder, ND, PhD

The ONDAMED developer Rolf Binder.

PART 2 – “Techniques”

TUESDAY (October 29th): This was the final day for the Part 1 “Tools” portion of the tour, and also the day that those docs joining us for Parts 2 and 3 were arriving into Frankfurt.

For the Part 1 group participants this morning’s lecture and workshop were held in our meeting room here at the hotel and featured Daniel Beilin, OMD from Alfa Thermodiagnostics. Dr. Beilin has been a member and supporter of Occidental Institute for many, many years (more than either of us are willing to admit really), and has worked with and researched thermography for just as long. After many years of research, development and determination Dr. Beilin and his associates have brought the Alfa Thermodiagnostic unit to the market in the USA and Europe. I predict this innovative and effective thermographic diagnostic device will become a staple in many clinics within the near future. Again, this device is not available through OIRF, however we will be happy to forward your enquiry or provide you with contact information.

Then the afternoon and evening were “free” for all participants – which of course led to . . .

Daniel Beilin, OMD, Alfa Thermodiagnostics

. . . more Kaffee und Kuchen!

WEDNESDAY (October 30th):  This morning Part 2 and 3 participants boarded our private motor coach and were brought southward from Frankfurt to the Baden-Baden area in the Black Forest to join us at our hotel to get ready for our first attack at the Medicine Week Congress!

I handed out the Medicine Week program books. Dr. Dhanani and I gave everyone an orientation talk about the layout of the Congress Hall and some tips about the exhibit stands. This year is the 47th Medicine Week Congress, and I think I have been to at least 35 of them (not to mention all the previous 40 OIRF tours!). Dr. Dhanani has traveled to Germany on these OIRF pilgrimages many times and continues to travel privately to Germany for other conferences and meetings. Between us, we will be able to give you a good idea about the layout of the Congress Hall and guide you to some of the more interesting, new, reliable – well you get the idea – exhibitors and demonstrations. We are here to answer your questions and like “good parents” let you fly away freely to discover this amazing Congress.

THURSDAY (October 31st):  This morning was the first of our privately arranged lectures featuring Thomas Rau, MD. For most of you there is no need for me to introduce this highly respected practitioner, lecturer, teacher and researcher. Dr. Rau has dedicated years to the spread and promotion of Biological Medicine around the world. In honor of our 40th Anniversary Tour Program Dr. Rau has donated his lecture and we are very grateful for his expertise, generosity and support. His lecture entitled “New Methods in Biological Medicine Cancer Treatment” took place in the meeting room right at our hotel.

Like yesterday, after lunch we once again spent the whole afternoon at the Medicine Week Congress. This is such an exciting and busy event. It always amazes me that we can see, visit with and talk to so many different practitioners and researchers all in one place. Although I unfortunately missed seeing Prof. Dr. Harmut Heine, through sheer serendipity I was able to personally visit briefly with Prof. Dr. Ivan Engler (see pic below),  Dr. Richard Kraßnigg, Dr. Manfred Doepp, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and Prof. Dr. Roeland van Wijk just to name a few. It is wonderful to be able to renew friendships and acquaintances. For participants the ability to personally contact so many of the German suppliers at their exhibits and information booths makes the whole trip worthwhile.

Carolyn, Dr. Ivan Engler and Dr. Dhanani

FRIDAY (November 1st):  Today we spent the whole day at our hotel where we heard lectures in our meeting room. This morning for our second privately arranged (definitely mandatory attendance!) presentation, we are privileged to hear a lecture entitled “Developments in Energy Medicine” from Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Hendrik Treugut. [Let me translate a bit of this title: Priv. Doz. = associate professor (usually does not have a specific university post) and of course Dr. med. = MD]. Dr. Treugut is the president of the prestigious “German Society for Energetic and Informations Medicine (DGEIM)” and is a highly respected researcher within our field of Biological or Energy Medicine. This will be an adaptation of a lecture he gave in German earlier this year. Some of us have been privileged to hear the likes of Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and his colleague Prof. Dr. Roeland van Wijk on previous tours. This German Society has continued and expanded the work of Dr. Popp, and boasts a membership/lecturer role that includes the most famous and respected practitioners, researchers and lecturers in this field.

Dr. Dhanani with the esteemed Dr. Hendrik Tregut

He held the rapt attention of the whole group.

This afternoon we hear our third privately arranged lecture from Jürgen Aschoff, MD who is a specialist for General Medicine and natural treatments. His fields of specialty include Darkfield Microscopy, hand-nail-face-tongue diagnosis, iris diagnosis, the electro-magnetic blood test according to Dr. Aschoff [his father who was a contemporary of Dr. Voll], frequency diagnosis and therapy, homeopathic anamnesis, special energetic pain therapy, specialist of the techniques of Royal Raymond Rife. This will be a two part lecture starting with “Frequency Analysis and Therapy in Medicine” and followed by “The Electromagnetic Blood Test of Aschoff”. Dr. Aschoff is very excited to speak with our group and I am honored to present these two lectures for you.

Jürgen Aschoff, MD with participants

See – this way!

SATURDAY (November 2nd):  Today we will be spending the whole day at the Medicine Week Congress. This morning is your final assault on the exhibit booths in the Congress Hall. Have you been lifting your weights and power walking and speed talking in preparation for this? Although Halloween was a few days ago, this is your big opportunity to collect all the goodies and treats that you can manage to carry or fit into your suitcases.

This afternoon is the special English language presentation at Medicine Week that I mentioned previously. Below is an outline of the lectures that will be presented. As I’ve mentioned before I am really excited to hear the Astrophysicist who will be considering aspects of the 6 dimensions of Burkhard Heim in his lecture (whew! – heavy stuff but so exciting). Times shown below.

Advanced Medical Systems Symposium Pictures

Dr. Frank Beck opens the Symposium
and tells us about Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig

The Astro-physicist Illobrand von Ludwiger
(He worked with Burkhardt Heim – Wow!)

Dr.rer.nat. Wolfgang Ludwig

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

SUNDAY (November 3rd):  After all the excitement of the Baden-Baden Casino or the relaxation of the baths (some of the participants did escape Med-Week to do some shopping, dine out, go to the baths . . .), now we move back into our meeting room at our Hotel Engel for another day of classroom lectures. I can feel us all going into overload – and download in some cases – as we begin to wind down this busy week. Both of the sessions today are a little shorter, a little less challenging and we will have some time to relax and get ready to pack up our bags and clean up the messes in our rooms. Tomorrow we do move on and will need to clear our rooms before Monday’s “surprise” presentation (more later).

This introduction and practical workshop will feature Reimar Banis, MD, PhD, ND. Dr. Banis is a doctor, researcher and author. His major methods include Vegatest (where he was the official instructor besides Dr. Helmut Schimmel), thermography, colon hydrotherapy, darkfield, Ozone, neural therapy, chirotherapy and others. Dr. Banis invented Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) in 1998. He has lectured extensively on PSE worldwide. Trained as a Medical Doctor, Dr. Banis has the unique ability to bridge the gap between conventional and naturopathic healing methods. He is regarded as one of the most advanced and well-known experts in energy medicine in the world.

Dr. Banis (right) has donated his lecture today in honor of our special 40th anniversary tour program. We are grateful for his generosity and thank him for sharing this valuable and innovative method with us. It is a real pleasure for me to share this time with him (this year his presentations at Med-Week are all in German).

Personal comment from Carolyn: The REBA device (and its accompanying Rubimed remedies) is not available through OIRF although several of our directors and advisors utilize and teach this method. I do not see it as competitive or contradictory to any of the instrumentation which we do recommend. From all reports this is a highly successful and effective therapy for those who wish to focus on emotional and psychological problems within their practice. Please contact BioMed Int’l in Canada and Terra Medica in the USA for full information on ordering and training. They are also the distributors of SANUM remedies in North America.

This year I bring back a company that last spoke to our Tour Group #6 in April 1985 – just a few years ago, eh? This specially arranged session presented by Jan-Christoph Wollmann, MD (their Head of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs) will bring you up-to-date information and application of the remedies of the Hevert Company based on the procedures and remedies of the famous naturopath Pastor Emanuel Felke. This company is owned and operated into the third (3rd) generation. We always see their exhibit stand at Med-Week as you come in the front door and turn right. These remedies are now available in the USA (and I believe also in Canada – but not sure about Australia).

Then this second and final “classroom” day comes to an end. It’s time to get packed up and ready to move on or for the Part 2 group to prepare to return home. Can the week have fled so quickly?

MONDAY (November 4th):  This morning is our second “surprise” lecture. Although this presentation is “instrumentation” and thus “tools” as in Part 1, I felt this lecture was important for everyone to hear. So first I must digress [yeah, I know – again!] with some “politics” and give you some update information about the status of these companies. I’ll try to keep it short but you all know I can spin a tale once I get going. [Today’s readers are urged to refer to my remarks regarding these two companies in Volume 9, Issue #11 of “The Bridge” Newsletter on Page Two – here’s the link to this our website

As always, OIRF must remain neutral with all of these companies so that we can offer and recommend the very best instrumentation for your practice needs. And so, today Mr. Andre Rasche (right) of the new BioKat Company will come to speak to us for a few hours before we depart from our home-away-from-home to continue our journeys. By the time this lecture takes place I will have had an opportunity to speak privately and individually with both Mr. Reupke at Med-Tronik and Mr. Rasche at Bio-Kat to try and determine which pathway OIRF will follow into the future. Somehow I think there is too much animosity between these two firms for us to be able to maintain a position “on the fence”, but only time will tell. So, this is about the best introduction I can give you for this final lecture.

Andre Rasche, with BioKat

Oh boy! – More machines!

Then, after lunch, we bid adieu to our Part 2 participants as they boarded one of our private motor coaches for return to Frankfurt and then to fly home. For them the end of an exciting tour program.

Those staying on for the Part 3 program board our bigger private coach and we head ever southward into Switzerland. Our ride took us along the freeways and “schnell straßen” (fast roads) for about 3 hours and of course we had to go through a short customs procedure at the Swiss border. We travelled through the famous Swiss Alps and into a very famous resort, ski and lake district.

PART 3 – “Applications”

TUESDAY (November 5th):  Today we begin our visits to three world famous Biological Medicine Clinics. First let me briefly digress (yet again): In Germany the doctor/practitioner has a “Practice” where he daily sees his patients. A “Clinic” on the other hand is usually what we would call a small – or large – hospital with inpatient care. The term “Hospital” is usually reserved for the large orthodox (school) medicine hospitals similar to what we expect to see in North America.

Mr. André Sidler, the marketing and communication manager has arranged a very full and interesting program for us and he will greet us in the lobby as we arrive at this amazing facility. Although under some massive renovations (due for completion the summer of 2014), the Aeskulap Klinik is very much in operation and has begun a whole new diagnostic and treatment protocol under this new management. This is definitely a “wow” place!

During this program we were also welcomed by the Clinic CEO, Mr. Werner Streicher and heard an introduction to the new clinic model by their medical director Cesar Winniki, MD. Then we heard a lecture on “Integrative Oncology” by Prof. Marcus Schuermann, MD.

The entrance fo the Aeskulap Klinik

Cesar Winniki, MD

Werner Streicher

Prof. Marcus Schuermann, MD

Then back onto our coach for departure north and east through the mountains and lakes to our hotel for tonight. This bus ride will take a little over two hours and will take us through some stunningly beautiful areas of Switzerland to the area of the Bodensee. [Here’s just a bit of sightseeing info: In English this is called Lake Constance and it is a lake on the Rhine River at the northern foot of the Alps and consists of three bodies of water; the upper lake, the lower lake and a connecting stretch of the Rhine called the Seerhein. The lake is situated in Germany (in the states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg), Switzerland (in the Cantons of Thurgau and St. Gallen) and Austria (in the federal state of Vorarlberg). This is a truly beautiful area.]

WEDNESDAY (November 6th):  For clinic #2 on this part of our journey we will be going to the world famous Paracelsus Clinic of Dr. Thomas Rau (right). Most of you are already familiar with Dr. Rau and this clinic. This clinic has recently changed hands (ownership and management) and there are a number of reports that the Biological Medicine diagnostics and therapies offered here have become almost “boiler plate” or “assembly line” – and very expensive. This is an opportunity for us to look critically at this so called bastion of Biological Medicine and see how it compares with the dozens of other similar clinics in Germany and Switzerland. I do not mean any criticism here – I have a great deal of respect for the teaching, work and promotion that Dr. Rau has given to this field and I hope that he will continue to cooperate with other organizations (like OIRF) in spreading the knowledge about the methods and devices available for effective Biological Medicine treatments.

Here is an outline of the wonderful program the good folks at Paracelsus have planned for us today – and even includes a little bit of sightseeing:

In addition to Dr. Rau’s lectures and tour of this clinic, we heard from Gunnar Reifert, DDS (one of their biological dentists) concerning implants, metals ceramics and much more. We also heard a very interesting lecture from Dr. Michael Falkner concerning sound/music in relation to HRV readings. Apparently they will be marketing this technology in the near future. Here are some of the dozens of pictures taken at this clinic. [Note things like the clinic cat who just “moved in” several years ago. He figured out how to get in the door and they can’t keep him out, so he now gets fed and “officially” welcomes many patients and visitors.]

In the entrance lobby

The Paracelsus Apotheke in Dr. Rau’s Office

The welcoming committee

Gunnar Reifert, DDS

They need a map of all the buildings!

One of the infusion rooms

Darkfield Microscopy

Dr. Michael Falkner

As we say farewell to the Rau’s we then begin our approx. 2 hour journey back into Germany to the historic city of Bad Waldsee (Okay, so by now you can translate this too – we have a “bath” town on the Forest Lake). This is a town in Upper Swabia in Baden-Württemberg which is known for its historic old city, its many landmarks and the large pedestrian zone.

THURSDAY (November 7th):  At clinic #3 we will be greeted by the physician and chief medical director, Vinzenz Mansmann, MD of the NaturaMed Vitalclinic. This clinic is considerably different from those we have seen over the past couple of days. It is, like the others, nestled in this incredibly beautiful lake and mountain area (we have simply gone around Lake Constance back into Germany). This clinic specializes in such things as anxiety, depression, migraine, burn out, arthrosis, immune weakness and allergies. For example, Dr. Mansmann will speak at Med-Week about Buddhist Meditation so we will see an entirely different philosophy and approach to healing and Biological Medicine. Here we truly saw biological medicine in practice. They use BEV, AMSAT, Vega, thermography and Aura photography for diagnostics. Their therapies range through a dozen different kinds of massage, meditation, music therapies, hot sand therapy, homeopathy, crystals, ozone, hydrotherapy, Kneipp therapy and so much more. I was so impressed with Dr. Mansmann and this beautiful clinic (70 beds altogether in two buildings), that I hope we will be able to visit again. Here are only a few of the many pictures of this amazing facility.

NaturaMed Vitalclinic

The Reception Area

An “old” BEV and Purolux hard at work

The Music Room

Vinzenz Mansmann, MD

Beate Ursula Schlenker, MD

Dr. Mansmann reads all of our aura pictures.

Inside part of the music room.

Our coach picked us up at the NaturaMed Vitalclinic and we head back out onto the autobahn (that’s the no speed limit freeway system – yippee! – wait till we get passed by a Porsche or Ferrari) and begin our final journey back to Frankfurt to our arrival and departure hotel.

After arrival with no luggage to worry about, we can relax and enjoy a beautiful closing “banquet” in a very nice local restaurant. This way we can have a leisurely celebration taking pictures and talking and enjoying our last evening together – into the wee hours.

The tour officially ends after our certificate ceremonies, as does OIRF’s responsibility for you. You are free to take the shuttle back to the hotel at any time (or it is only a short walk) and your hotel room for the night and breakfast tomorrow morning are included in the tour price.

FRIDAY (November 8th):  Fly home from Frankfurt anytime today if you wish, and most North Americans even get home that same day due to gaining time zones. Breakfast this morning is included in the tour price. Use the free hotel shuttle service to the airport and be sure to make advance reservations for your own flight departure times. Have a safe and pleasant trip home! I will be staying today and flying home on Saturday.

Colleagues, good friends, good food and a time to create lasting memories . . .

Our grateful thanks to all who attended this special Anniversary Program!

Here endth the fortieth Biological Medicine Pilgrimage to Germany (and Switzerland!)

An Exclusive Supplementary Article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published January 2014

© Copyright 2014, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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