BioResonance News, Views and Innovations from Germany

An Update Article from Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
OIRF Managing Director and CEO

We are all familiar with MORA and the original BioResonance devices researched and developed by Franz Morell, MD and the engineer Erich Rasche within the framework of the Med-Tronik Company. The foundation of this field is called BioCybernetic or BioResonance Therapy – and in fact the name MORA comes from the first 2 letters of their last names MO and RA. To this day the Med-Tronik BioResonance equipment is without equal for effectiveness and quality. However basic business practice was never the strong point of the Med-Tronik firm – they were instead incredible engineers, innovators and educators. Sadly however, when Erich Rasche passed away a few years ago, there was no legal plan of succession in place and the company has floundered in the past few years.

They have managed to finish development and bring the new MORA Nova to market and have continued to offer the best possible service and support. Recently Med-Tronik was purchased from the widow (Eva Rasche, MD who has since retired) by the businessman Mr. Dirk Reupke. His wife, Andrea Reupke, MD has worked with MORA for many years and she has already begun to publish articles and information on BioResonance (watch for a few translations in our 2014 newsletters). With this new management and a more stable business approach there are a lot of changes, and a lot of new concepts that are now taking effect within Med-Tronik.

But on the other side of this corporate changeover a new company called Bio-Kat Systems was founded about one year ago. Mr. Andre Rasche – the nephew of the original engineer Erich Rasche – trained and worked with him for many years and is one of the major engineering developers of the MORA Nova. About one year ago Mr. Andre left Med-Tronik and has been joined by many of the former employees and workers of that firm. New BioResonance devices and models are being developed and several will be available on the market early in the New Year (watch for descriptive and pricing information).

For Occidental Institute this is a very difficult position and quite a challenge in negotiation and diplomacy. We must honor our contacts, contracts and support of Med-Tronik after having placed hundreds of devices into North American practices over the past thirty-five plus years. But, it is our obligation and responsibility to you – our members and supporters – to make instrumentation recommendations that will offer you a choice of the best quality devices for the fairest price with the best possible service. And thus we must also look to this new company of Mr. Andre Rasche where new and specialized BioResonance devices are being made that meet the exacting standards of the Med-Tronik MORA devices.

The end result of my meetings and negotiations with both Med-Tronik and BioKat during my recent travels in Germany and Switzerland, is that Occidental Institute will now recommend both companies as long as their two product lines do not coincide with a directly competitive (or similar) device. Quite frankly neither company wants the added (legal) headaches of manufacturing and marketing directly competitive devices and I do not foresee this as a difficulty.

The BioKat Company of Mr. Andre Rasche has already managed to have a smaller BioResonance device called the “M 3” (similar to the discontinued Med-Tronik MORA III device but including color therapy – very nice!) certified within the full DIN ISO and medical categories. This is an excellent device that will sell in North America for about $XX. “Soon” it will also connect with an external computer for access to remedy software. For practitioners looking for a second unit, a backup unit or a startup BioResonance unit this “M 3” has now attained our Occidental Institute recommendation. The design of a larger device is nearly completed and that device (called the “M 5”) will be certified early in the New Year. Mr. Rasche has also promised to develop a small EAV/Vega style testing device (like the long ago discontinued RM-10S from Med-Tronik). We are anxiously looking forward to information on that device which should be available in late 2014. Our thanks go to Mr. Rasche and Mrs. Sitkowski who gave us an excellent presentation and demonstration during the recent Biological Medicine Group Tour #40.

During that group tour we were privileged to visit the Med-Tronik Company in Friesenheim, Germany. We heard a great presentation and introduction from one of their new instructors, Dr. Arndt Kalinke. As a Med-Tronik representative Occidental Institute is already seeing a lot of change and support from the new management. They have recently introduced several different models of the MORA Nova including a “basic” unit which will only do BioResonance Therapy and is not upgradeable. As well, you can still purchase the base model professional level MORA Nova (which includes EAV-type diagnostics, BioResonance Therapy, built-in computer and built-in DAC interface) at around $28,000 and upgrade with a broad range of newly re-recorded remedy software.

After all is said and done, the MORA Nova retains our Occidental Institute recommendation as a professional model BioResonance device. North American members and supporters please contact Elaine or Carolyn at our offices for an opportunity to discuss the instrumentation needs applicable to your practice. And just to finish off all this “commercial” talk about sales and equipment and prices, here is our official OIRF instrumentation policy:

Occidental Institute Research Foundation is a non-profit research organization. The instrumentation recommendations of this organization are based on thorough testing to determine efficacy, quality, pricing, availability, service and support. All instrumentation is sold at or below German factory (export) prices to assist our Affiliates in obtaining the best product for their needs at the best possible price. Longtime Affiliates consider OIRF as the “Consumer Reports” of German Biological Medicine. Training and educational materials on all recommended instrumentation are available through OIRF.
As a non-profit research organization, we are here to educate and inform our research associates (members), and to make instrumentation recommendations based on our years of research. Then, as a fund raising activity, we can assist you with a purchase that will work best in your practice for the most reasonable price.

I clearly understand that as practitioners working and practicing in this field, you really don’t care about all these politics and back room negotiations. But, in light of the uncertainty and disruption that has plagued the BioResonance industry over the past few years I wanted to at least give you some background information to support the decisions and agreements reached on your behalf by myself and our esteemed directors and advisors. We thank you for your trust and support as we continue to follow the many changes and innovations in Biological Medicine in Germany and Europe.

Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO


An Exclusive Commentary Article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published November 2013

© Copyright 2013, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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