Latest News
  • July 27, 2024

    A Chronological History of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation 1972 Doors open in Weston (Toronto), Ontario, Canada Traditional Acupuncture School Publication of Extension Training Program 1975 Move to Montreal, P. Québec, Canada Traditional Acupuncture School Publication of Master of Acupuncture Program 1978 Move to Miami, Florida Start of traditional acupuncture resident training programs Introduction of MORA Therapy to North America Sponsor first Clinic and Lecture Tour to Germany Sponsored first North American seminars for: Dr. Hartwig Schuldt (EAV) Dr. Franz Morell (MORA/BEV) Mr. Erich Rasche (Med-Tronik) Mr. Hans Brügemann [...]

  • July 27, 2024

     A SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES FROM THE 44 TOUR PROGRAMS Sponsored by: Occidental Institute Research Foundation Germany Tour # 1 - October 25th – October 31st, 1981 Staff: 4 Participants: 8 Speakers: Dr. Hartwig Schuldt (host and translator), Dr. Fritz Kramer, Dr. Franz Morell, Mr. Werner Eidam, Mr. Hans Brügemann Presentations: Med-Tronik, FfB Geräte, Reckeweg, Schwabe Toured: Staufen Pharma, Wala Heilmittel, Pascoe Heilmittel Germany Tour # 2 - March 22nd – March 28th, 1982 Staff: 3 Participants: 10 Speakers: Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, Dr. Franz Morell, Dr. K.R. Pauly, Dr. [...]

  • July 27, 2024

    Policy Statement Regarding Med-Tronik and MORA Therapy You will have read my personal letter regarding the closure of Occidental Institute with the very careful reference to “external but inalterable changes to our commercial distributorship contracts representing the loss of our major financial fund-raising ability”. Sadly, the outcome of those changes has now become irrevocable. Because you are a supporter and friend of OIRF, I would like to make a clear statement to you regarding those events and changes. Over the past ten years, and since the registration of the [...]

  • July 27, 2024

    Monday, 11 June 2018 Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF, Welcome to the Volume 14, Final Issue #6 of “The Bridge” newsletter! Welcome, but as you can see from my linked personal letter and announcement, also a fond farewell both to “The Bridge” and to OIRF. Although stressful and in many ways heartbreaking over the past few weeks, I finally feel comfortable that we have made the right decisions. Now, I am looking forward to the end of June and the end of this wonderful company that has [...]

  • Policy Statement

    June 12, 2018

    Policy Statement Regarding Med-Tronik and MORA Therapy You will have read my personal letter regarding the closure of Occidental Institute with the very careful reference to “external but inalterable changes to our commercial distributorship [...]

  • Final Issue

    June 12, 2018

    Monday, 11 June 2018 Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF, Welcome to the Volume 14, Final Issue #6 of “The Bridge” newsletter! Welcome, but as you can see from my linked personal letter [...]

  • Announcement

    June 12, 2018

    11 June 2018 RE: Announcement Regarding Occidental Institute My Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF, Today I write to you with mixed feelings. We here at OIRF have passed through another one of [...]

  • Re-Igniting Signaling Mechanisms

    May 15, 2018

    With Degenerative Challenges Foreword All of us have lurking in our DNA a most remarkable gene whose job is to protect us from the activation and results of faulty mechanisms; [...]

More News
  • Final Issue

    June 12, 2018

    Monday, 11 June 2018 Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF, Welcome to the Volume 14, Final Issue #6 of “The Bridge” newsletter! Welcome, but as you can see from my linked personal letter [...]

  • Announcement

    June 12, 2018

    11 June 2018 RE: Announcement Regarding Occidental Institute My Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters of OIRF, Today I write to you with mixed feelings. We here at OIRF have passed through another one of [...]

  • Re-Igniting Signaling Mechanisms

    May 15, 2018

    With Degenerative Challenges Foreword All of us have lurking in our DNA a most remarkable gene whose job is to protect us from the activation and results of faulty mechanisms; [...]

  • Sad News

    May 15, 2018

    Dr.rer.nat. Michael Galle April 27, 1960* - March 7, 2018† Unexpectedly for all of us, Michael Galle died on March 7, 2018. After his studies in biology he worked together with Prof. Fritz Albert [...]

  • No Word in English

    April 15, 2018

    No word in the English language elicits as much fear as CANCER. If our parents had cancer, then the traditional thinking is that it is genetic, and we are thus [...]

  • BioResonance Therapy

    March 15, 2018

    Metabolism Healing With Oscillations How BioResonance Therapy Helps in Metabolic Disorder Metabolic illnesses or disorders comprise the most frequent problems which lead patients to the physician or naturopath. BioResonance Therapy [...]

  • Regarding BioResonance

    March 15, 2018

    Carolyns Comments March 15, 2018 There has been a series of articles on BioResonance recently published in several of the German journals, and I will bring as many of them to you as possible. [...]

  • What I Learned This Week

    February 15, 2018

    We are sleeping better than ever before. While NuCalm took us to a higher level than ever before, the new energy eye glasses that Dr. Michael Galitzer recommended have enabled us to have 8 [...]

  • Lyme and Post-Lyme Syndrome:

    February 15, 2018

    Forensic Case Study from New York Who else committed the crime of Post-Lyme? The Integrative Medicine for the Treatment of the Tick-borne Diseases Conference will be held in Baltimore on [...]