The Causes of Illness &
Degenerative Diseases,

Part 3: The Homotoxins All Around Us (and In Us)

The word “toxicology” is derived from two Greek words: toxikon, meaning poison, and logia, meaning a field of study. Homotoxicology, then, is the study of how toxins affect humans, homo sapiens. It was developed in the mid-20th century by German physician Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg and is known today as bioregulatory medicine.

We ended last time by noting the vast number of synthetic chemicals we’re exposed to every day – in the products we buy, the food we consume, the water we drink, the air we breathe. These are all considered homotoxins, which your body strives to defend against.

But not all of them come from outside the body. Metabolic waste generated from within – by bacteria or other microbes, for instance – is also homotoxic.

In most basic terms, a homotoxin is anything that interferes with or interrupts the thousands of metabolic and energetic processes monitored by the autoregulatory system we looked at previously. “Toxicity” results when you take in or produce more homotoxins than your body can easily eliminate.

Toxins which enter the body from the external environment are called exogenous toxins. They can also be called toxicants or xenobiotics. These come through ingestion, breathing, or absorption. All have an impact on your body.

With our most sincere apologies, this article is not complete. We have been unable to recover it since Dr. Verigin has now retired from practice. CLW/OIRF 

A Partially Reprinted Article for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2017

© Copyright 2017, Dr. Gary M. Verigin, CA USA

From an article in Biosis Newsletter, Fall 2017, Issue #56

About the author

In the early 1980s, he was inspired by a number of notable German researchers, physicians and dentists who were then integrating medical and dental practices – especially Dr. Voll, Dr. Kramer, Dr. Turk, Mr. Erich Rasche and Dr. Walter Sturm of the Occidental Institute Research Foundation.

As a result of his study and continued research, in 1985, he and Dr. Ed Arana co-founded the American Academy of Biological Dentistry to help bring the new German knowledge to American practice. (The organization continues today as the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.).

About Gary M. Verigin, DDS, Inc.
For more than 40 years, we have practiced in Escalon, California, a small town located about halfway between Sacramento and Fresno, in the heart of the Central Valley.
Our office has been mercury-free since the early 1980s.We follow IAOMT protocols for the safe removal of mercury amalgam fillings and consistently review our office environment and practices, updating as needed to provide a safe, healthy space for our clients – especially those with multiple chemical sensitivities and environmental illnesses.Dr. Verigin has been a long time member and supporter of OIRF and we are honored to occasionally include a few of his many articles and insights as a guest author.

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