Therapy Tip

Woman aged 56
Diseases: Smokes 80 cigarettes per day for 40 years. Partner smokes 80 per day as well.
Suffers with severe emphysema. Sucks on seretide almost every five minutes. Severely short of breath.
Spirometry is almost a straight line with no response to bronchodilators.
Has 5 primary cancers in her lungs, and was sent home to die.

First consultation: Early Jan 2010.
Rx: The “McIvor” elimination diet
Blood Therapy setting on the MORA Super once a week x 5
Then MORA Super Gruba’s setting for infection once a week x 5.

Result: less short of breath.

Then Ultra violet Blood treatment weekly x 6.
By the fifth Rx, she is able to walk around a stinking farmer’s produce market (an area of some quarter of a square mile) with no inhalational remedy at all.

Sent home to NSW (ca. 1200 kms from my clinic) to continue with U/V treatments on a daily basis. She used a commercial U/V light source, purchased from a super market. 10 minute exposure with her bare arm draped over the light source each day with Sunday a rest day. She did this for 3 months.

Returned on 21 September.
No respiratory distress symptoms at all.
No drugs.
Spirometry shows a 10% improvement in her lung function.

Chest x-ray shows no evidence of cancer.

An Excluisve article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published October 2010

© Copyright 2010, Dr. Sir Zenon Gruba

About the author

Dr. Sir Zenon Wl Gruba, MBBS, Victoria, Australia

Graduate Melbourne University 1970, in general, obstetrics, gynecology and family practice through 1984. In private practice 1984 to retirement. I practice wholistic medicine with an emphasis on physiology. I take careful medical anamnesis. I do a careful and exacting physical examination. I design treatments around the patho-physiology of each patient.

I have had formal investigations into my practice carried out by the Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria. They found 97% of my patients were their failures, but this time 92% of my patients went into permanent remission. 45% of my cancer patients were still alive 15 years after the completion of their treatment. The Medical Board has never ever found any fault with my medicine. What they find fault with is my intolerance to people who do not do what I ask of them and who then criticize me for their lack of progress in returning to health.

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