
 In this article I would like to pass on some of the observations that I have been able to make during the past thirty-eight years. Having reached the age of seventy I am in the lucky position of being able to choose to retire if I so wish but before doing so I would like to share some of the things that I have learned over the years. Having completed a five year training in classical Chinese acupuncture I was lucky to be invited by Dr. Reinhold Voll to study with him, and later I was fortunate to meet and study with Dr. Franz Morell, and also with Dr Helmut Schimmel. I am privileged to be able to say that both Dr. Morell and Dr. Schimmel became good friends as well as being my teachers.

Why do patients come to a doctor or complementary therapist for BioResonance treatment, especially in a country like the UK where orthodox medical treatment is free? Why would an individual prefer to pay for treatment when conventional treatment is freely available? When discussing this with my own patients the answer is almost always “to find the cause of my problem.” Orthodox medicine is good at alleviating symptoms, especially in acute situations, but it is less efficient at diagnosing the cause of the problem and aiming treatment at the cause. With many chronic illnesses conventional medicine has made very little progress. We appear to be good at management of the disease but less good at treating it. Patients want to know what the deep underlying cause of their problem is, and whether anything can be done to help it. This is why they seek out a good practitioner of BioResonance Therapy (and other complementary therapies).

We have the tools and hopefully the ability to make a good diagnosis, to find the deep underlying cause and then to aim treatment at the cause rather than palliating the symptoms. We have been given the tools such as EAV (Dermatron, RM10/S), BioResonance (MORA), Vegatest (Vega, RM10/S), and others. Hopefully we have taken the time and made the effort to learn how to use these tools to good effect. However, the problem of good training is becoming increasingly problematic. There are very few good training programs that offer truly in depth training in these methods. This is a sad state of affairs because we have the tools and the diagnostic methods are capable of very accurate and sophisticated results but there are very few experienced practitioners who are able to teach how to get the best out of these tools. It is also saddening that many younger and newer practitioners do not appear to want to go through the discipline of proper training and appear to be looking for machines that do the work for them. In my own humble opinion these machines do not yet exist. There are machines that look good, that appear to take electronic data from the body, that have impressive looking graphics, but which are simply not accurate. Please, let us learn to take good data and then to have the courage to stand by our findings.

It might surprise some readers to learn that the one country where BioResonance methods are finding increasing acceptance is Russia. The Russian army has now trained 450 medical doctors to use these methods. Conscripts are checked for drug addiction and for transmittable diseases such as HIV, T.B., Herpes, etc. and treatment is then given. The Russian Ministry of Education has also authorised the use of these methods for testing young people at university for similar problems. It is a pity that western nations do not wake up to the many possibilities offered!

The Biological Index

 Let us start by looking at the Biological index. This is probably the first test that the practitioner will perform. The biological index provides an indication of the sum total of the effects of energetic disturbance in the body. These disturbances indicate the overall function of the body and also the efficiency or function of specific organs.

The biological index was devised by Dr. Helmut Schimmel as a means of measuring the overall disturbance in the body. The information is gained from the signals of potentized mesenchyme tissue in various strengths.

The mesenchyme is the matrix of tissue that connects every cell in the body. The mesenchyme contains the extra cellular fluid and it acts as a channel between capillaries, cells, and the lymphatic system. If we compare the cells to house bricks, then the mesenchyme may be compared to the cement that holds everything together. It contains both chemical and electro-magnetic information about every part of the body. The extra cellular fluid acts as a liquid crystal and, because of this, any change anywhere in the network will be instantly transferred to every part of the body.

The mesenchyme network can become slowly clogged with impurities and toxins thus decreasing the transport of materials between blood vessels, cells, and lymph. In addition, the ageing process causes a thickening and rigidity of the walls of both cells and vessels which further reduces oxygenation, nutrient exchange, and excretion to and from the cells.

The biological index is represented as a 21 point scale. Each degree of this scale indicates progressive toxicity within the mesenchyme, thus indicating a measure of the toxic levels of the body in general. An index of 1 on this scale indicates the least degree of toxicity and 21 the highest degree of toxicity. It is known that electromagnetic disturbances occur well in advance of morphological or pathological changes and thus, the biological index acts as an indication of general health and also as an early warning signal for potential or future disease. The biological index can also be used to monitor the progress of therapy. A progressive downward movement of the biological index to a lower value indicates the successful removal of toxic disturbances.

Interpretation of the Biological Index 

  • The childhood range is considered to be from 1-7
  • Adult range from 8-14
  • Old age from 15-21.

The childhood range corresponds to chronological age from biological index up to 14 years; adulthood from 15 to 65 years; old age from 65 to death.

Index range 1-6:

This represents a range of normal cellular respiration. Except for very young children and other rare cases, treatment is not normally required.

Scale points 7 onward indicates disturbance of health through to serious disease:

Index range 7-10
Indicates pre-clinical phases or functional disturbances that cannot normally be clinically identified.

Index range from 10 onwards represents the beginning of clinically identifiable disease:

Index range 11-13
Represents clinically recognisable disease.

Index range 14-15
Indicates the beginning of chronic degenerative tendencies and/or pre-malignant tendencies. Note that a clinically defined disease may mask a pre-malignant state.

Index range 16-17
Indicates possible micro-malignancies or other chronic degenerative states that may possibly be clinically verifiable.

Index range 18-21
Indicates macro-malignancies that should be clinically verifiable, or may indicate other degenerative states.

The patient will rarely have only one biological index. There are usually two or more index points spaced at least two values apart. The higher value represents the level of degeneration of the most stressed or most damaged organ whereas the lower value, represents the overall or average degree of degeneration of toxicity in the body.

Spacing between the index values

 When the index values are three points apart (e.g. 10 and 13) this represents a heavy degree of toxicity in the body. If the values are four or more points apart then the possibility of malignancy or degenerative changes should be considered.

A space of three points between the last two index values (e.g. 8, 10, 13) indicates toxic acquisition that has occurred later in life. A space of three points between the first two indices (e.g. 8, 11, 13) indicates toxicity acquired earlier in life.

General Remarks on Interpretation

 The concept of the biological index is rather more complex than first supposed. A relatively high biological index does not necessarily indicate a malignant or pre-malignant state. Rather, it may indicate such possibilities. A high biological index usually indicates degenerative change but there are situations where a previously low biological index may suddenly show a dramatic increase. Such cases suggest either a sudden toxic release (possibly as a result of excess treatment or as a result of intake of pharmaceutical medicines), or the increase may be the result of mental or emotional stress. Other pre-tests should be able to determine the cause for the sudden increase. It is also advisable to question the patient about recent changes in lifestyle or about the possibility of recent stressful events. Very often excess stress or anxiety will increase the biological index. The biological index provides us with a means of demonstrating to the patient the physiological effects of stress that some patients may be otherwise reluctant to accept.

Remember that we are measuring the energetic information contained within the mesenchyme. If the energetic function is impaired and prolonged over a sufficiently long period of time then it may lead to cellular degeneration and possibly to malignant states. Thus, it becomes the responsibility of both the patient and the practitioner to work towards a healthy lifestyle and to maintain the body as toxic free as possible.

Determining the affected organ(s)

 The organs affected by each positive biological index can be determined by cross-filtering. Suppose that a biological index of 17 has been found. By cross filtering organ preparations against this index the most damaged or stressed organ can be determined. Similarly, by filtering indications for virus, bacteria, mycosis, geopathic stress, emotional stress, etc., the cause of the high biological index will be indicated.

Finally, it is helpful in designing treatment to filter meridian indicators (e.g. meridian complexes) against the highest biological index. This will indicate which meridian carries the dominant amount of faulty or toxic information. This is normally the meridian that should be treated first.

The Optimum and Ideal Biological Index

Test for Optimum biological index (i) and then filter the indices against this filter. The index value that restores the measurement (h) indicates the optimum biological index for this patient. This is the value that should be attainable from good treatment. However, please note that we should not try to reduce a high biological index to the optimum value in one step. The toxic release would be too great. It is far better to reduce the biological index by small amounts at each therapy step.

There is also a filter for the ideal biological index with psychological influences. Test this indicator. If the measurement (i) then it can be assumed that there is a psychological stress present. It is quite possible that the patient will deny this, which suggests that the stress factor may be unconscious. Filter the index values against this indicator. The index that returns the measurement value (h) is the ideal value for the patient if the psychological stress factor is also resolved. Usually the ideal value will be one or two points lower than the optimum value.

Testing for Several Biological Indices

 For more than two biological indices use the filter Molybdenum D800. Natrium muriaticum D30 indicates the presence of 4 or more indices. Coenzyme Q10 at lx indicates the presence of 5 or more indices.

Using the highest biological index as a filter.

1. Toxic information
Use the highest determined biological index as a filter(i). Then test various toxic agents to find which restores the measurement value (h). Now switch off the index and, in turn, use each toxin that tests positive as a filter (toxin (i). Use the biological index against the toxin to determine which biological index restores the measurement value (h). The toxin that effects the greatest reduction in biological index is the most potent toxin.

2. Medications
The testing of medications is, in principle, similar to testing toxic agents. Switch on the highest biological index (i). Now, test various suitable medications against the index. Any medication that returns the measurement value (h) is potentially a useful medication. Next, use the medication as the base filter and test the reduction in biological index against the medicine. Any medication that reduces the biological index by one or two points indicates that successful therapy is possible. If the medication reduces the biological index by three or more points then it will, in all probability, be too strong and will overload the excretory and defensive mechanisms of the patient causing treatment aggravation. This should be avoided.


 A rough approximation with age can be calculated by multiplying the biological index by 4. Thus, a biological index of 10 equates with 40 years old. Obviously this should not be taken too literally but it may give a comparative guide that the patient can understand.

An interesting technique has been evolved that uses this calculation for determining the chronology of disease. By filtering the various disease toxins against these age brackets the chronology of the disease processes can be found. Thus, the toxins that correspond to the highest “age” are the more recent toxins and are also the ones that should be removed first.


 Let us take a simple example of using the biological index. The following indices were found for a patient:

  • Maximum biological index = 13
  • Average biological index =10
  • Ideal value = 8

From other tests it had been found that the following organs were stressed:

  • Pancreas
  • Duodenum
  • Gall-bladder
  • Rectum

By testing these organs against the highest index it was found that the gall-bladder was the only one to restore the measurement value (h). Thus it is the gall-bladder that corresponds to the index value of 13. (A possible inference is that there is some chronic inflammation of the common bile duct that is in turn causing irritation of the wall of the duodenum around the opening of the bile duct. It is also possible that this irritation is affecting the pancreas via the pancreatic duct.)

Further testing indicated the stomach meridian as corresponding to the index value of 13. Thus, the problem should be treated via the stomach meridian.

We also note that the value of 13 is three points higher than the next value (10). From this it may be inferred that this is probably a fairly recent problem. This was confirmed by the patient.

I hope that in this article intended for less experienced practitioners I have given an insight into some of the possibilities offered by the Biological Index in the Vegatest. The Vegatest Method of Dr. Schimmel is a very informative test when properly mastered. Many practitioners rely solely on the Vegatest assuming that it is easier to learn than EAV because it relies only on one or two measurement points rather than the very many required for EAV diagnosis. While EAV may have more appeal to the experienced acupuncturist who is already familiar with point location I do not believe that the Vegatest Method is less difficult or less time consuming. It takes very much practice with both systems to obtain consistent and reliable results but with experience the results can be outstanding. The two systems complement each other and information that is not clear in one system can be clarified with the other. For this reason I urge any younger practitioner to try to learn and master both systems. May I wish you all success.

Testing Summary

An Exclusive Article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2013

© Copyright 2013, Dr. Tony Scott-Morley, UK

About the author

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