A special chronological report on our
2007 “Medicine Week” Group tour to Germany

SUNDAY (October 28th):  All of the tour participants met at our Frankfurt hotel this evening for an informal welcome reception. Many North Americans had to leave on Saturday to get to Germany today, due to North Atlantic flight schedules and losing time zones. Because delegates joined us from different countries, everyone made their own airline arrangements.

This year we were a very small group for our 34th Tour program. There were only eight of us all together going on this Tour, including myself as the only attending staff member. However, we had the benefit of an elite group that included a few ‘first-timers’ and a select group of ‘many-timers’. Countries represented were Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States.

Although our limit was twenty-five participants, this tour was much smaller than we anticipated, as compared to previous tours with up to fifty participants. There are several factors that could have contributed to the smaller number this time, such as the very low American Dollar. [As in all recent tours, all participants – other than couples – had a single room in Frankfurt, Baden-Baden and Allenbach at no extra charge.]

MONDAY (October 29th):  After a great breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant [included in the tour price], our deluxe motor coach took us in a southerly direction by autobahn (freeway) to our hotel near Baden-Baden (our home away from home for the next three nights). On arrival we were able to check into our rooms and a great lunch awaited us. This is the second year we stayed at this hotel and we all enjoyed our stay very much. It is a family run hotel, very pleasant, close to Baden-Baden and the food was GREAT (typical “country” German fare).

Then after lunch in the meeting room of our hotel, Dr. med. Richard Kraßnigg [“ß” means a double “s” in German, and thus one could substitute “ss” if necessary]. This presentation from Dr. Kraßnigg is a great honor. He is the current president of the famous EAV society that was originally founded in 1956 with Dr. Voll (yes, they celebrated their fiftieth (50th) anniversary last year!). He lectures frequently and has agreed to see our group just before his Med-Week lectures begin. He was a personal friend of Dr. Walter Sturm and he hopes that we will be able to carry Walter’s work with the EAV method forward in North America. Dr. Kraßnigg’s lecture was very well received by the entire group as he introduced us to the concepts of Global Scaling. Here we heard about concepts that explain the scientific background and basic fundamentals of biological medicine.

Supper this evening was also right in the restaurant of our hotel. This hotel prepared special menus for our group with a choice of two traditional German dishes for each meal and also had a well stocked breakfast buffet for us each morning.

Thereafter, we had the rest of the evening free, since there were no organized events – but that offers yet another opportunity to have a few drinks in the pub, meet with the other tour participants, etc. BUT, after supper you will all probably be tired – I know I was. This was a long and busy day and tomorrow will come only too quickly . . .

TUESDAY (October 30th):  After breakfast in the meeting room of our hotel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. med. habil. Hartmut Heine [this long title means that Prof. Heine is a university professor, a doctor of natural science, a medical doctor and has completed a postdoctoral thesis qualifying him for a senior university teaching post – Wow!] gave our second private session. At the end of this report, I have added the sheet that gives you some background on all our eminent speakers. Do take a look at that sheet for a more in depth picture of their accomplishments and current research.

Prof. Dr. Heine had a heart attack a little over a year ago, and is now essentially retired. He tires quickly and was most concerned about the amount of time he would be able to give us. We on the other hand wanted as much time as we could get with him – it was not a problem. We were such a responsive and receptive audience that he just kept going! He is such a great man, a great lecturer and his English is excellent. Again, he was a personal friend of Walter’s and we are honored that he agreed to speak to us in addition to his Med-Week responsibilities.

This was a dynamite presentation! Prof. Heine’s comments on the ground (or matrix) regulation system as the fundamental basis and explanation of how we are able to use biological medicine for our patient’s was very enlightening.

After lunch our motor coach transported us to the Congress Hall in Baden-Baden. There we had the entire afternoon at the “Medicine Week” to start our assault on the almost 200 exhibit stands – Halloween for Doctors!

One annual world event stands out concerning natural healing approaches, namely the Baden-Baden “Medicine Week”. Imagine up to 4,000 medical doctors under one roof, all interested in learning more about Biological Medicine or obtaining certification therein (mainly because of patient demand for it!). Add to this 200 exhibit booths on four floors and you’ve got the picture!

At closing time, the bus drove us back to our hotel for our evening meal, bedtime, studying or a good German beer in the pub.

WEDNESDAY (October 31st – Reformation Day in Germany and Halloween – eek!):  After breakfast our motor coach again transported us to Baden-Baden to the Congress Hall. Today, we had the entire day at the “Medicine Week” to complete your assault on the almost 200 exhibit stands – get your arms and shoulders ready to carry bags of goodies and literature around. This is truly “trick or treat” for doctors. To give maximum flexibility for your own meetings with exhibitors and representatives at Med-Week you are on your own for lunch today (the first of only two meals not covered in the tour).

Back at the hotel later that evening and after another great evening meal, the “meetings” continued in the pub – or in some cases at the Baden-Baden baths and night clubs.

THURSDAY (November 1st – This is All Saints Day, a holiday in Germany):  Right after breakfast, our deluxe motor coach departed out hotel and took us by “Autobahn” (freeway) and “schnellstrasse” (highway) in a northerly then easterly direction to the charming little town of Allenbach.

This was our first time at this little country hotel and again, it is a family run business that specializes in “Wanderer” (hikers) and even has special guest packages for guests that come specifically for the trails and forests in this area. It turned out the owner is a “master chef” and we were treated to excellent meals. This area is famous for gems and gemstones.

Upon arrival in Allenbach we checked into our rooms, and had our lunch. Then in the meeting room of our hotel we had our third private session with Dr. rer. nat. Michael Galle. Dr. Galle has worked with MORA-Therapy and BE-T-A for years and is responsible for much of the scientific research that is being done to explain and prove how this therapy works. He is a protégé of Prof. Dr. Fritz Albert Popp and is definitely carrying on the torch. Again see the description in the attached sheet about our speakers.

Dr. Galle lives and practices about 15 kilometers (±8 miles) from Allenbach in a town called Idar-Oberstein, the center of this gemstone area. I was eagerly looking forward to his presentation – he gave us the scientific rationale behind the therapy we are so successfully applying in our practices everyday. This was definitely one of the highlights of the tour for me. Unfortunately since this was a holiday in this area of Germany many restaurants, all shops and most stores were closed on this day.

Afterwards, we re-grouped for our evening meal in the restaurant of our hotel – traditional regional German cooking by a master chef – ummm!

FRIDAY (November 2nd):  “After breakfast we want to get an early start to our exciting day.” That is how the paragraph started until the phone call I received the day before my departure. We were scheduled to hear a short lecture from Mr. Andreas Pili who is the manager of Paramedica. This company manufactures the best Glutathione remedies in Europe. Unfortunately, his mother was recently diagnosed with cancer, and combined with some other “political” reasons he was unable to speak to the group. He sent us some English language literature and I tried to update participants on his products while we are traveling on the bus. Because this short lecture was cancelled, we were able to leave Allenbach a little later (gave participants a chance to go out and see a little bit of the town – visit the gemstone store right in our hotel – or . . .)

Our motor coach then departed Allenbach and traveled back to the same hotel near Frankfurt Airport that we arrived into last Sunday. This is where we had lunch today and we stayed until departure home on Sunday.

But, I had a special surprise planned for you today.

At this point in the schedule Elaine did some really fast talking. Originally I planned to take you to see a naturally oriented clinic and spa this afternoon, but she convinced me that we need some relaxation and some sights before we tackle tomorrow’s heavy duty lecture on AIDS and Cancer. So . . . in the early afternoon our motor coach took us to Bingen on the Rhine River where we boarded a river touring boat. It took us to St. Goarshausen (about an hour and a half) and – trust me on this – we saw more castles than you have ever seen in your life before! I have made this trip before many times by car, bus and boat and this is truly a unique experience. From St. Goarshausen our bus took us to Rüdesheim, which is famous for brandy, wine and brandy bean chocolates – and of course Rüdesheimer coffees (do you think they have brandy in them?). There is a famous little street called the “Drosselgasse” which means the Jostle Street. In busy times so many people are walking on this little cobblestone street (full of restaurants, shops, wine sellers, street vendors, and music) that you are always being “jostled”.

Of course, we arrived in the first days of November. The major tourist season is over (so it will not be too busy) and some of the shops may have clo

sed for the season. It is the time of the year when the new wines have been pressed and the fall harvest season is being celebrated. We will probably find street vendors with glasses of glühwein (hot sweet wine) and sausages and . . . We had three hours here to just have fun. Find yourself some supper (the only other meal not included in the tour), enjoy the ambience and the people, and get back on the bus for our return to Frankfurt.

SATURDAY (November 3rd):  After breakfast, our fourth private session starts in a meeting room right at our hotel with Dr. med. Juliane Sacher. She has worked with AIDS patients for more than 25 years! Her English is very good (accented a bit). Dr. Sacher arrived very late – late enough that I was panicked – but made up for all lost time by reducing break times. There is a possibility that a DVD copy of this lecture will be available to us soon. See her three-part article in “The Bridge” and the short bio on the speakers’ sheet enclosed for more information. We were very fortunate to have Dr. Sacher speak to the group, and we even had a few doctors join us for this lecture only.

After the presentation is finished we were ready for our closing banquet and Tour Certificate Ceremonies. Tired and happy we didn’t even change for this special dinner since we were a small group who all knew each other pretty well by this point. This way we had a leisurely celebration taking pictures and talking and enjoying our last evening together – into the wee hours.

The tour officially ended after our certificate ceremonies, as did OIRF’s responsibility for participants. Naturally their hotel room for the night and breakfast the next morning was included in tour price.

SUNDAY (November 4th):  The majority of tour participants flew home from Frankfurt this day and most North Americans even got home that same day due to gaining time zones. Have a safe and pleasant trip home! I stayed one more day and flew home on Monday.

In conclusion:  That’s it for my special day-to-day report on our thirty-fourth (yes, that’s 34th) group tour to Germany. I’ve certainly covered the most important aspects, and thrown in a few personal comments for those of you who haven’t experienced one of our tours yet. Just recounting it for you brought back many good personal memories, but I hope my enthusiasm and excitement for the things that interest us the most comes through.

Hoping you will be with us next year for the 35th Tour and with very best wishes, I remain your “illustrious” tour guide. . .

s/ Carolyn
Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO

P.S. Watch for the PowerPoint “tour” of the Tour #34 program on our website at www.oirf.com

P.P.S. Tour #35 will include either the Medicine Week Congress or the MEDICA Trade Fair (see separate report by CLW). Dates will be announced early in 2008.

Speakers for 34th Biological Medicine Group Tour
to Germany Sunday Oct. 28 to Saturday Nov. 3, 2007

Dr. med. Richard Kraßnigg is president of the International Medical Association for EAV and is specialized in Electro-acupuncture according to Dr. med. Reinhold Voll, or EAV. He will speak to us about the Scientific Background of Biological Medicine and Global Scaling.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. med. habil. Harmut Heine is a researcher in the area of Matrix and Matrix Regulation and was editor for Prof. Dr. Alfred Pischinger in the book with the same title. He will speak to us about the Ground (Matrix) Regulation System as the Scientific Background of Biological Medicine.

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Galle is a protégé of Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and has been involved with research into the scientific and theoretical basis of BioResonance Therapy for many years. He will speak to us about the Theoretical Basis of Endogenous and Exogenous BioResonance Therapy as well as the Biological and Clinical Applications.

Keynote Speaker: For more than 25 years Dr. med. Juliane Sacher has educated herself in the area of natural healing and biological medicine. Since the early 1980’s she has worked on the molecular-biological, evolution-biological and biochemical connections of the immunological, hormonal and cellular disturbances of chronic diseases of today’s time. Dr. Sacher was one of the initial physicians to deal with AIDS patients when the disease first became known in Germany. She has worked closely with Dr. med. Heinrich Kremer and will speak to us about the latest scientific research and development within that method and how it can be converted into your practice.

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 15, 2007

© Copyright 2007, Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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