Email Question:

I am interested in obtaining the FIT 915 photobiological glasses from your information. I have lost sight in one eye and have degenerative sight in the other. I am concerned about the safety of using this device. Could the bright photon light in any way hurt or diminish my failing sight?

Carolyn’s rambling answer:

Please understand that I make my recommendations and suggestions based on the more than 45 years of experience and work in this field of complementary medicine. Many times over the years, we have had to play “games” of semantics and work around the ever-changing regulations and certifications which attempt to “control” and “restrict” the various applications. Because the complementary medicine field is a Billion-Dollar-a-year industry, we threaten orthodox or school medicine in many areas. With specialized changes to the global legislation and regulations coming totally into effect in March of 2020, we are once again entering an era of restriction – and in some cases destruction – of many of the therapy and assessment methods that previously were considered and ISO certified as “medical”.

In view of these restriction and certification rulings, most of our complementary device manufacturers have altered their products slightly and opted out of the costly and extremely restrictive medical certification. By becoming “wellness” or “spa” products it is hoped we can salvage and protect the decades of research and application for these methods.

The downside of all this and the reason I have rambled a bit here, is that due to these changes and the fact that all of the Medical Electronics devices are now “wellness” devices we are simply not allowed to make any claims or guarantees concerning healing (now we have to say “application”). All “claims” must fall outside of any medical or healing terminology – semantics, but nonetheless the way of the world for now. The push for these changes to the medical device industry are seen in the same light as the regulations several years ago called the CODEX which decimated the homeopathic industry and caused the demise of many long-term and respected homeopathic companies.

With that in mind, please understand that I cannot guarantee or promise a positive answer to any of your questions below. I understand your reasons for asking and want to assure you that I would never recommend a product for which I understood there was any possibility of harm instead of healing.

From my personal experience and understanding, I do not see or understand how the BioPhoton light could harm anyone’s eyes. BioPhotons are small particles of light by which the cells of our body communicate or transfer information/energy. The precisely and specifically matched pure light within all of the Medical Electronics devices is a healing energy – an energy that matches and resonates with the energy of our body. I have worked with Mr. Jossner and Medical Electronics for over 40 years and I have never heard of or received a negative report on any application of his devices.

In almost all cases with these devices, the purpose is to introduce a normal, or body-matching (sorry I don’t know how else to say it right now) energy. By teaching the body what the well or correct energy frequencies and resonance is, hopefully the body can return to that resonance. This isn’t the best explanation and I can put you in touch with Mr. Jossner if you would like to pursue the technical explanations with him. He speaks excellent English – but unfortunately for all of us he does not use internet or email and you would need to speak with him by phone or fax.

It is my experience that these smaller “wellness” devices are deceptively powerful and effective. I always recommend that you start your applications at the lower end of the application scale and then add time or amplification later if needed. The greatest negative has been in over- or too-enthusiastic applications. One doc used the goggles for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes that night – without remembering that more isn’t always better! – and he did become over energized for a number of days afterwards.

With the hope that I have offered helpful information to answer your question and that you will find healing for your sight.


Device FAQ Response for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published November 2019

© Copyright 2019, Praxis2Practice Consulting, BC Canada

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