Parasites and Symbionts

Parasites Are Energy Robbers

Thus, They Can Be Used Healingly in Homeopathy

Parasites are organisms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria) that feed on other living beings, their hosts. While ectoparasites or external parasites, such as lice or mosquitoes, only adhere externally and temporarily, for example to get a blood meal, the following is about endo- or internal parasites.

These worms, flukes or protozoa nest permanently in their host in order to feed and reproduce there. The host suffers more or less from loss of strength, impaired organ functions or nutrient deficiency. Here, I would like to look at the phenomenon of energy theft in a holistic way and show its healing possibilities with homeopathically potentized endoparasites.

How It All Began: My First Case

Many years ago, a 16-year-old teenager came to my practice who had been suffering from diarrhea, abdominal cramps, back pain and sleep disorders for three months. Before that, he had been treated with antibiotics for an inflamed bee sting. His previous therapies had been another antibiotic treatment and subsequent intestinal cleansing with probiotics.

In my practice, I use homeopathic medicines as they show up in the muscle resonance test. In the course of a year (03.05.2016 – 11.05.2017) he received Syphilinum + Mercurius in C200 up to C10,000 several times. Syphilinum stimulates the regenerative forces of the organism and helps let go of negatives, darkness and burdens. Mercurius improves physical cleansing.

A very critical condition in the meantime (emaciation to 48 kg with a height of 1.80 m and hardly able to go to school) improved with Carcinosinum stomach C200 + Lycopodium C200. Other therapies included osteopathy, healing clay and a Loperamide preparation for symptomatic diarrhea treatment. Medical examinations did not bring any findings.

When he came back to my practice on 28.06.2017 after more than a year of unsuccessful therapies, he already weighed 56 kg and had an appetite, but the diarrhea and back pain were unchanged. Now, for the first time, Kinesiology testing showed that homeopathy is necessary, but none of my usual remedies. I pulled out all the rare remedies and test kits I still had, including a test kit with potentized parasites[1]. Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese liver fluke) D35 tested “strong”.

The dosage: one dose every three days. I advised him to have a possible parasite infestation clarified by a specialist.

I didn’t see him again in my practice until three years later. He reported that at that time all further examinations were able to rule out a parasite infestation. However, every dose of Clonorchis sinensis D35 helped him noticeably, and he had taken it until all the ailments had disappeared. Now he is healthy, except for eczema on his upper body. This healed after a dose of Syphilinum C50,000 + Mercurius C50,000.

My parasite test kit has been at hand ever since, but it took another six years for these remedies to come back into my focus.

When Do Nosodes Show Themselves “Strong” in the Resonance Test?

The young man did not have a liver fluke infestation or exposure, such as eating raw fish, and yet the potency of the Chinese liver fluke completely cured his complaints.

In addition, we may understand the effect of nosodes in general: Nosodes are homeopathic potencies of germs and disease-causing material. In potencies from D23 onwards, there is no longer any material component, but only the energy or information of the starting material.

In the Synergetic Homeopathy[2-4] developed by me, nosodes are very often “strong” in the kinesiological muscle test and often lead to unexpectedly deep healings. However, we must not derive a diagnosis from this! For example, if the Herpes Zoster nosode tests “strongly”, this does not mean that the patient “has shingles”. The above case also confirmed no infestation of Chinese liver fluke, although this nosode helped. “Strongly” tested nosodes are therefore not indications of diseases, but their energy helps the self-healing powers to develop further and acquire new competencies.

Germs Are the Basis for Our Health

Our body and energy system learns not only from potentized germs, but also from germs in natural form. Because everywhere there is life, germs exist, and intelligent life is based on a symbiosis of as many different germs as possible. Our fear of germs and our desire to be as “germ-free” as possible in the clinical sense is an outdated view.

Current research shows more and more that the entire germ colonization of our organism, which we call the microbiome, is the basis for functioning physical and emotional-mental processes. A diverse and well-structured microbiome works on its own to promote health.

And it supports the intelligent development of our body cells: The trillions of germs that live in us have a regulative effect and help the cells to react faster and more appropriately to stimuli and changes. Germs therefore continuously transmit their knowledge to body cells, which also store the acquired knowledge in the genome[5].

Every germ – even the one that enters us “sickening” – is both a challenge and a training for the body’s own intelligences. In this way, human development is promoted in the confrontation with germs and other pathogenic stimuli.

Finding the Most Effective Nosodes

Nosodes contain the information present in germs or parasites. Finding out the appropriate effective nosodes is very important, because inappropriate nosodes can cause deep irritation in the body and energy system. Suitable nosodes, on the other hand, accelerate and facilitate healing processes, just as a good tip can help us quickly. Suitable nosodes are best shown in energetic resonance tests, such as the Kinesiology muscle test, in combination with a previously defined goal, for example the comprehensive strengthening of the self-healing powers.

Since energetic healing is not about killing pathological germs or cells, or “getting rid of” a disease, rather it is about building intelligent, defensive and self-healing body and energy systems, which are strong enough to take on new challenges (for example, an infection) and to grow from them.

The Intelligence of Parasites

Endoparasites can be single-celled organisms, such as amoeba, babesia, lamblia, plasmodia and toxoplasmas, or multicellular organisms. The latter are worms or flukes that migrate through the body and attach themselves to organs with the help of adhesive organs such as suction cups or hook rings: tapeworms (Cestoda, Tänia, Echinococcus) are primarily located in the intestine, while other worms nest in the liver (Clonorchis sinensis, Fasciola hepatica), in the pancreas (Eurytrema pancreaticum) or in blood vessels (Dirofilaria, Schistosoma).

The intelligence of the parasites is not only shown in how they get to their hosts, because their development cycles are ingenious changes of habitat and intermediate hosts, but also in how they can settle there permanently, despite the host’s endogenous defenses. If we look for example at the Chinese liver fluke: It excretes its eggs from the final host through the bile via the stool. When freshwater snails eat on them, the eggs in them transform into a larval stage and release tail larvae into the water through asexual reproduction, which pierce the skin of fish and form cysts in the muscles. People and animals can become infected by eating raw fish.

Then the consumed larvae come through the wall of the small intestine into the liver, attach themselves to the bile ducts and mature into an adult fluke. After a few weeks, they begin to lay eggs there, which in turn are excreted[6].

Other worms also use their host organisms in a very intelligent way: The eggs of the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus), for example, reach intermediate hosts such as mice, dogs or humans as false intermediate hosts via the faeces. There, the larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and reach the liver via the portal vein, but can also be carried on to the lungs, heart or spleen.

In the affected tissue, they form fins (gelatinous, well-defined blisters) that can multiply by budding, spread further and form new foci. The intermediate host becomes weaker and weaker and an easy prey for the final host (dog, fox, cat). In the intestines of the final host, the eaten fins mature into a new tapeworm generation. It is astonishing that thousands of worms can occur in the intestine of the final host without it being seriously impaired, while the intermediate hosts quickly wither away.

Here, the parasite helps its final host to make easier prey[7], which could already be described as symbiosis, a coexistence of different creature species for their mutual benefit.

What Do Potentized Parasites Show Us?

Since 2023, I have been observing an increased use of potentized parasites in my practice and have gained the impression that in that moment many people can learn something from these intelligent beings. As already described, in the rarest of cases it is a matter of suspecting an actual parasite infestation with “strongly” tested parasite nosodes. In each individual case, it must be clarified whether further examinations are necessary to preclude a parasite infestation in the case of corresponding symptoms, for example physical emaciation. In the vast majority of cases, the parasite nosodes stimulate special developmental and healing steps that can lead to a real “awakening”.

Interpersonal relationships can subtly steal energy.

Two treatment examples

 Example 1

A 50-year-old female patient has fallen into a deep hole due to the separation from her partner. She feels weak and sexually drained. Nevertheless, she still has a strong desire for his physical closeness. But he turned away from her altogether after she “could no longer provide him with sufficient sex” due to her menopause. For her overall strengthening, Amoebae D35 tested “strong”.

To take it, I describe the quality of the amoeba: These unicellular organisms, known as amorphous creatures, do not have a fixed body shape. They are usually transparent, stay mainly in water and damp soils and constantly change their shape by forming pseudopods. In such a way, they also move around. They catch their prey by flowing around bacteria and smaller protozoa, then locking them in their bodies and digesting them[8].

Then the patient begins to cry violently and says: “That’s exactly how it feels with him: he slimes around me until he has taken me all for himself, and then he feeds on my energy!” She realizes that she has allowed him to do so. In further conversations, she begins to guess what in her was the deepest cause of her behavior: It is her early childhood trauma of abandonment that still makes her act “like a little worm desperately looking for support and love.” In order to get this from her ex-partner for sure, she took care of his well-being until she was completely exhausted. In the further course of treatment, she often gets Clonorchis sinensis D35.

This “worm” helps her to no longer want to be close to her ex-partner, but to stay with herself. Furthermore, she often receives Lac maternum C200 (breast milk), which gives her a feeling of being nourished. In addition, she begins body-oriented trauma therapy, which helps her a lot to regain her strength.

Example 2

After a 30-year-old female patient took several “strongly” tested potentized parasites at the same time, she became aware that a close friend was subtly robbing her of energy. When she could feel this, she began to distance herself from this friend. In a next appointment, she said she had increased headaches since she learned that her friend was ill with a brain tumor. She now feels obliged to get in touch with her more again.

I tested ten potentized parasites for her, which are administered at the same time, and then ask her what she now feels about her friend. She says: “I have to break away from her completely.” Her concerns that she would not be allowed to do so in view of the cancer have now disappeared. I advise her to say goodbye to her lovingly in her thoughts.

The patient consultation

In the conversation, I encourage patients who need potentized parasites to explore the following questions:

Do I have the feeling that I do not have my strength at my disposal permanently, even though I’m actually a powerful person?

Are there people close to me or influencing me, after whose contacts I feel empty, weak, drained or externally determined?

Do I have deep feelings of loneliness and abandonment and do I long for a permanent fusion with another person? In this fusion, am I ready to give everything, to the point of exhaustion?

Are there close people who keep emphasizing how much they do for me, but I cannot feel it? Do I feel that these people are rather manipulative, dishonest or artificial in order to maintain a semblance of “charity”, but in truth I realize that they are always anxious to get a lot from me and give little?

Potentized Parasites Sensitize to Energy Theft

Potentized parasites strengthen the defense mechanisms against parasites and against energetic parasitism. In such an unhealthy fusion state of two individuals, the “parasite” is usually doing well, while the “host” feels weaker and weaker. Potentized parasites help to feel such an energy theft and to recognize the highly specialized manipulations, camouflages, entanglements and deceptions that are unconsciously used by energy-robbing people.

As a result of this awareness, people can also become aware of their own “energy holes” or “sore spots”, which have led them to inseparably connect with others, in the same way as through suction cups or hooks, and to nourish them.


The appropriately tested parasite nosodes can trigger a real awakening for people clearly recognizing and feeling that they are in debilitating or disease-causing interpersonal entanglements. Through this awareness, they have the further strength to find solutions and, if necessary, further suitable therapies. Because it is important to heal old traumas and develop new inner concepts to prevent energy thieves from “docking” again. In addition to parasite nosodes, other medicines and nosodes are also used in homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy can be used very creatively to strengthen people comprehensively and to further develop their consciousness in a healing way.

HP Angelika Zimmermann

Keywords: energy, homeopathy, nosodes, parasites

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published January 2025

From an article in Der Heilpraktiker, Volume 91, October 2024
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2024, Angelika Zimmermann, HP, Germany

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