Why does it always come back to politics?

12 March 2024

Another Part 1 on Politics

Politics – eww – that’s a naughty word right? As time and the seasons march (pun intended by the way) past us, political repression and the popular perceptions continue to remain dark. As I daily go through my journals and newsletters, I frequently wonder how the acceptance and understanding of natural medicine has changed so markedly since the start of the so-called pandemic.

A friend, a lady physiotherapist blind since birth and now retired, asked me to visit and talk with her about homeopathy and some of the energy medicine methods I so strongly support. What was supposed to be coffee and a treat with discussions to help her gain information about homeopathy, rapidly became a series of questions about the politics of the situation and also of how Canada has changed so remarkably under our current Prime Minister.

But, why does it always come back to the politics? Argh. I truly dislike dealing with this dicey and so frequently nasty topic. Couldn’t we just talk about homeopathy with its safety and effectiveness? Nevertheless, when considering topics like accessibility, training, registration of remedies, and so on, the politics just keep straggling into the conversation. Both of us eventually decided to talk about our treats, her very energetic guide dog and leave all of the tough stuff for another day.

But, as I tend to do, when I look back into the history of our field of biological medicine and of natural medicine in general, we have been regulated, restricted, ridiculed, gaslighted and declared “not standard practice” basically since publication of the Flexner Report in 1910. What has affected my sense of right-and-wrong so dramatically in recent months has been the overwhelming universality of how the constitutions and laws of so many countries have been altered to cement into reality the tangled web of curtailment of freedom of speech and confirmation of draconian control over healthcare measures.

Many people in Canada seem quite placid and content with how everything is progressing. It doesn’t seem to register that by saying “It’s okay that all vaccines were mandatory for everyone”, because “they” are taking care of us. Or, even “I’m glad they blocked out all that information about the horse medicine”, because “they” were protecting us. Yet, on the other hand it still doesn’t seem to even register that their freedom of choice for how their body will be medically treated has been denied. Or, that by censoring the information about Ivermectin for example, they have denied our natural healers from practicing medicine to the “standard of practice” for their field, falsely accepted one version of “science” over another and have labeled valid non-conforming information worthy only for deletion.

Even more startling is how many countries are simply changing their constitutions, or overwriting them with new laws and regulations, to now make the suppression of freedom of speech and the expectation of freedom of choice in healthcare, to be forever denied. When our Canadian Prime Minister was found by our courts to have misused the Emergencies Act to quell the Tucker’s Freedom Convoy, he simply smiled and wrote a law changing that act so that it is perfectly legal for him to freeze and seize assets of his citizens, censor publication of opinions contrary to his, in addition to arresting and imprisoning those who oppose him without due process.

While the spate of acts and legislation that setup far reaching punishments for health practitioners (6-figure fines, jail, loss of license and practice, etc.) for daring to practice outside of the politically defined “standard of practice”, France has now gone another step further in cementing medical tyranny (thanks to Doc. RM for the advance tip on this one). And what is this dastardly further step? Now, if a patient chooses to refuse a medical treatment mandated by the politicians and the orthodox medical establishment, that patient too will be subject to the usual litany of punishments including jail (where they would then end up receiving the invasive and so-called treatment). This quickly went viral within the alternate media, but not a word in the standard media. Here’s a few links:

20 February 2024
Global Research News
French “Democracy” Establishes Medical Tyranny
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
Follow this link

19 February 2024
Global Research News
Article 4, France’s Senate: Up to 3 Years Prison Sentence for “Speaking Out against the Toxic Jabs.” “With this Bill we Defend Science”.
Follow this link

19 February 2024
Natural News
Opposition to mRNA injections now considered a CRIME in France, violators face 45,000 euro fine and 3 years in prison for questioning “the science”
By Ethan Huff
Follow this link

And then there is the show-trial for our Canadian physician, Charles Hoffe, MD for his opposition to the mandated mRNA vax: “What is most disturbing about this unprecedented case is that, if the prosecution gets its way, all the evidence produced by the State claiming the Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” will be deemed indisputable, irrefutable – and Dr. Hoffe would not be able to defend himself or call expert witnesses!
In other words, a totalitarian show-trial designed to intimidate all doctors and patients who value medical freedom of choice, the right to a fair trial, freedom of speech, and medical ethics.”
For the disturbing details please follow this link.

And then there are the reports of the man in Germany who had 217 Covid vax jabs. They are going to “study him” to see the outcome. What is there to say ? ? ?

Part 2 – Again, What Can We Do?

From the English language Journals

How can this be? And how do we continue to help our patients? It is a sticky situation no matter how we go forward, especially as we recognize that many of our methods are the only possible way for our patients to recover from the injuries and illnesses resulting from the orthodox mandated procedures. But there are rays of hope. And it brings us back again to last month’s question of “What Can We Do?” Here’s another Part 2 with a few articles and reports that I’ve compiled for this month.

  • A report by James Lyons Weiler considers a report discussing how Dr. Anthony Fauci is now “re-thinking” mandated vaccines and all the rest of the silly masking and distancing recommendations. Now? Now he’s rethinking it? Well, here’s the link to see the five important aspects that should never have been implemented anyway.
  • And, here’s another resource. I haven’t made it through the whole book yet, but so far it is excellent. It is well researched and presented in a less emotional manner than many similar books. Again, however it is sufficient to bring home the fact that orthodox medicine and healthcare is ruled by a corrupt and monopolized pharmaceutical industry to further line the pockets of billionaires. (I’m only slightly jaded here, but . . .) Please follow this link to see details about the book by Suzanne Humphries, MDDissolving Illusions’: 225 Years of Lies and Cover-Ups Behind Vaccines. I even got a copy for my Kindle for 10 bucks.
  • “Children’s Health Defense is among the organizations that support a bill introduced Tuesday by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) that would remove the liability shield for manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines and open the door for vaccine-injured Americans to sue companies like Pfizer and Moderna.” If you can, imagine how this will (could) change the entire presentation of vaccines and their mandatory schedules. To see the report by Michael Nevradakis, PhD, follow this link.
  • Here’s a short report and YouTube video from Natural News and Mike Adams, the Health Ranger with Sherri Tenpenny, DO: Dr. Tenpenny explains how COVID-19 injections cause VACCINE INJURIES. Follow this link for more info. By understanding the cause, perhaps we can find the resolution.
  • Another contribution from Tim Guilford regarding Glutathione. Follow this link for two new studies regarding The Impact of ReadiSorb® Liposomal Glutathione on the effects of different Viruses as published in 2024.

And here are my contributions translated from the German Journals:

  • Immunosenescence, Infection Risks and Antibiotic Resistance, What can secondary plant ingredients from black elderberry achieve?, by Dr. rer. nat. Michaela Döll: The efficiency of our body’s own defense system plays a prominent role when it comes to fighting off bacterial and viral caused infections. Phytobiotics, which on the one hand have an anti-infective effect and on the other hand strengthen the immune system, are advantageous in daily practice application and contribute to the avoidance of antibiotics, whose resistance has increased dramatically in recent decades.
    Read more here.
  • Long-/Post-COVID – The Long Road Back to Normality, A Consideration From a Homeopathic Point of View, by Peter Bergmann, HP: Corona infections often leave lasting symptoms. The list of Post-COVID symptoms is long. It is still unclear what pathological processes are behind this. Various attempts at explanation are discussed. From a medical point of view, the problem cannot be solved so far. Read more here.

In closing for this month, I do pray that the chaos and volatility of the current political (both international and medical) situations will find a resolution sufficient to bring us back from the path to wars and violence into a stable democratic openness of freedom of choice and speech.

Until next time, be well and be healthy . . .

An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published March 2024

© Copyright 2024, CArolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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