Health Points

Multiple Doses of Vaccine

Vaccines Increase Infant Mortality

Vaccinations in early childhood do not reduce infant mortality – quite the opposite, according to the results of a recently published study. The more vaccinations shortly after birth, the higher the mortality rates among children under five years of age. This is emerging from a study published on July 20 in the professional journal “Cureus”. Additionally, the researchers had several times analyzed the mortality rates and vaccination schedules from 2019 and 2021 in 44 and 50 leading industrial nations of the world respectively. They investigated possible connections between the number of early childhood vaccinations required in the vaccination schedule in developed countries and mortality rates among newborns, infants and children under five years of age. With the frightening result that especially combined multiple vaccinations – in Germany there are currently 24 vaccine doses in the first year of life! – negatively influence mortality. With 18 vaccine doses by the end of the first year of life up to 2009, Germany still lay in eleventh place with the lowest infant mortality rate. In 2021, however, Germany slipped to thirteenth place. From then on, it was increased to 24 vaccine doses. The researchers do not count the so-called sixfold vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B and Hib (flu) as one vaccination, but as six vaccine doses. You can also read the interview “Impf-Nosoden” [“Vaccine Nosodes”] with the naturopath Christian Krämer on page 12 [of R&Z or follow this link].
Source: at this link

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published February 2024

From a “Short” in Raum&Zeit, Volume 42, Nr. 247, Jan/Feb 2024
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2024, raum&zeit, Wolfratshausen, Germany

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