12 February 2024
There’s no real theme for this month’s commentary – it’s more like a jumble of thoughts as all the journals and newsletters gear up for this new year and begin looking at necessary treatments for the secondary health issues post pandemic/vax. So, for this issue, in three parts here is a brief overview of some of the political aspects, and then– more importantly – for parts two and three “what can we do?” about all these pandemic “secondary illnesses”.
Part 1 – The Political Commentary
Current political commentary and research findings for this time period continue to reaffirm many of the pandemic “conspiracy theories” and “disinformation” as reality – some 3-4 years too late. Here in Canada, one of the biggest current stories was our Supreme Court’s ruling that our Prime Minister’s use of the Emergencies Act to quell the Trucker Convoy protests against the vaccine mandates was unnecessary and unconstitutional (yes, we too have one of those pesky constitutions). We currently still have four Canadian citizens involved in the Alberta protests in prison (some in isolation), with no charges laid and no legal representation. Several provinces have now also instituted restrictive legislation similar to British Columbia’s Bill 36 for the Health Professions and Occupations Act (see Protection or Repression? here). The result, is that all health related professions are now lumped into groups under one “professional college” that is controlled by a politically appointed board (including politicians and civil servants). Only one professional peer from one of the professions lumped into that group is allowed to participate on the board. Thus, when a well-meaning politician decides for example that vaccines are mandatory, or that naturopaths can no longer prescribe (even natural remedies) that becomes the “standard of practice” for those professions. (Last month I mentioned the doc in Quebec with all the terrible punishments for actually practicing homeopathy – Gasp!!). Needless to say it is a volatile time of change and repression that seems to come around in cycles when those “in charge” are threatened – or disagreed with.
It reminds me of the quote from Harry Truman:
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
At any rate, here are a few very interesting articles that have arisen in recent months. Many of these article examples are based on good old Canada. As our current Prime Minister loses his influence and “control” to waning voter and citizen support (after a few too many embarrassing scandals and international snubs), we are slowly seeing the mainstream media and the “official narrative” changing to “allow” information that 2-3 years ago was forbidden. I’m sure statistics and publication in other highly vaxed liberal countries will be similar. It seems timing is all important.
- Virology is a Fraudulent Pseudoscience and is a Dying Field” according to Biomedical Scientist, Simon Lee, By Patricia Harrity[Remember when Stefan Landa. Tom Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell and several other colleagues became very vocal (even did a short movie) about the fact that viruses do not exist – in the middle of the pandemic. Of course they were ridiculed – not because of the truth of the situation, but rather because it did not agree with Dr. Fauci and all his (now very wealthy) minions. NOW! Now is this time for this argument. Now is the time to step up and force actually scientific research into this direction. Before they come up with Virus X or whatever. CLW]
Follow this link for the article from Exposé News (22Jan2024).
- Canadian Government Admits 48,700 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022, by William Makis
Statistics and graphs along with the comment: “Statistics Canada Deaths 2022 is data that you can reasonably expect has been thoroughly manipulated and tampered with. It’s preliminary and doesn’t include many ‘younger Canadians’ who died suddenly. Even so it is a devastating report … I propose that the vast majority of these [excess deaths] are COVID-19 deaths.”
Follow this link for the article from Global Research News (29Dec2023).
- ‘An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVD Vaccines, By Michael Nevradokis, PhD[More and more evidence and details finally being published openly with minimal censorship – although this is a US source talking about Canada – hmmm. CLW]
Follow this link for the article from Children’s Health Defense (20Oct2023)
- The design of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines was intentionally to harm people, By Mike Yeadon
Video and transcript of presentation prepared for the British Parliament that was subsequently censored and deleted.
Follow this link for the full unredacted article from Global Research News (11Dec2023)
- Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You, with Tucker Carlson and Dr. Bret Weinstein
Follow this link for the YouTube Interview (reported by Dr. Mercola 15Jan2024)
Part 2 – What Can We do? – from the English-language Journals
- Liposomal Glutathione Augments Immune Defenses against Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Neonatal Mice Exposed in Utero to Ethanol, from Tim Guildford and ReadiSorb
Follow this link for the study (20Jan2024)
Follow this link for details and more information
- What We’ve Learned From Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports, from Joe Mercola Follow this link for the temporary posting of this article (Jan2024)
- L-Arginine and Vitamin C Reduced Long-Covids Symptoms in 1 Month (Study), by Lise Alschuler, ND, Natural Medicine Journal
Follow this link to see the study and the references (05Jan2024)
- Vitamin D and Covid-19 (Pilot Study), by J.Kirby, J.Adams, S. Trahan, T. Audhya, A. Musavi, S. Kennedy, A. R-Alexander from Natural Medicine Journal
Follow this link to see the study and the references (05Jan2024)
- Quercetin in Early Covid (Clinical Trial), by Caitlin O’Connor, ND, Natural Medicine Journal
Follow this link to see the study and the references (05Jan2024)
- How to remove Graphene Oxide, the Dangerous & Undisclosed Ingredient in COVID Vaccines, from your Body, From the Exposé News
Interesting connections between EMF, Glutathione, graphene oxide, 5G, Hydrogels and Covid. Follow this link for the article (20 Oct2023)
- Schizophrenia Is Chronic Encephalitis…and Niacin Cures It, by Thomas Levy, MD, from the Townsend Letter [I found this article by the well known Dr. Levy interesting. I’m sure our Psychiatry doc colleagues will have some interesting insights as well, but I do remember reading years ago that schizophrenia was also a deficiency illness often involving copper. Similarly, Dr. Julianne Sacher confirmed that AIDS often involved a nitrogen deficiency. This is something we can all test for!! CLW]
Follow this link for the article (27Jan2024)
And one final one for this month:
- Citrus to the Rescue! Ancient Lime Peel Oil Stops “Nightmare Bacteria” When Modern Antibiotic Fail, from GreenMedInfo
We are all well aware of the highly effective natural antibiotic substances – even honey. But what was interesting here was the statement: “The CDC now acknowledges that rather than relying solely on new antibiotics, incorporating old botanical treatments may better protect public health.”
Follow this link to see the article. (11Feb2024)
Part 3 – What Can We Do? – Carolyn’s German-language Journal Translations
Two and a half contributions for this month. One (and a “short”) article regarding the multiple doses of vaccines mandated and forced on our children even in the first year of life. Once again Dr. Julianne Sacher comes to mind. During her lectures to us during Med-Week and the tour programs, she showed us extensive studies from her research on AIDS, Cancer and vaccines showing how, for example, the measles vaccine introduced shortly after WWII quickly reduced the instances of infection, but then plateaued with continued infections. Her conclusion was that the quick reduction probably came about more from increased hygiene, and that the vaccine kept the infection from fading out, where under non-vax criteria the disease would have nearly disappeared. I’d have to hunt for her notes and slides after the passing of quite a few years, but I think I remember that was the concept she purported. With so many health challenges increasing for our children, we need to look at and reconsider the increasing number of vaccinations we are giving to our healthy babies and toddlers. Anyway . . . The final translation here was of personal interest to me and I hope will offer you some insight with your elderly and geriatric patients.
- Health Points: Multiple Doses of Vaccine, Vaccines Increase Infant Mortality, From a “short” in raum&zeit: Vaccinations in early childhood do not reduce infant mortality – quite the opposite, according to the results of a recently published study. The more vaccinations shortly after birth, the higher the mortality rates among children under five years of age.
Read more here.
- Vaccine Nosodes: “Focus on Solutions”, An Interview with Christian Krämer, HP: raum&zeit spoke with the experienced Heilpraktiker [naturopath] and nosode expert Christian Krämer about his practical experience with the controversial vaccination nosodes. Krämer has been working with them for around 30 years and has registered numerous healing successes. Nosodes have also proven to be very valuable in the treatment of Long- and Post-Covid. Read more here.
- Slow Down Dementia! Hearing and Cognition as the Key; Understanding Connections, Recognizing Differences and Avoiding Misinterpretations: By rer.nat. Juliane Dettling-Papargyris. At the end of 2021, the German Alzheimer’s Society estimated the number of patients with dementia illnesses living in Germany at almost 1.8 million. As a result of demographic change, this will inevitably continue to increase. On the other hand, there is a no less large number of people who are affected by hearing loss. The intersection – and thus a difficult demarcation – of the two diseases: impairments of cognition and communication. Read more here.
And another author unknown quote to close:
We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive.
But we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.
I send thanks to each and every one of you for your ongoing support and your continuing orders for the Medical Electronics small wellness devices and the many OIRF courses and materials. This financial support is what gives me the resources and ability to continue sending you these monthly “newsletters” and to push forward with development of the OIRF legacy/library website. I appreciate and greatly enjoy hearing from you with your comments and article resources.
Until next time, be well and be healthy . . .
An Exclusive Commentary & Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published February 2024
© Copyright 2024, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
12 February 2024
There’s no real theme for this month’s commentary – it’s more like a jumble of thoughts as all the journals and newsletters gear up for this new year and begin looking at necessary treatments for the secondary health issues post pandemic/vax. So, for this issue, in three parts here is a brief overview of some of the political aspects, and then– more importantly – for parts two and three “what can we do?” about all these pandemic “secondary illnesses”.
Part 1 – The Political Commentary
Current political commentary and research findings for this time period continue to reaffirm many of the pandemic “conspiracy theories” and “disinformation” as reality – some 3-4 years too late. Here in Canada, one of the biggest current stories was our Supreme Court’s ruling that our Prime Minister’s use of the Emergencies Act to quell the Trucker Convoy protests against the vaccine mandates was unnecessary and unconstitutional (yes, we too have one of those pesky constitutions). We currently still have four Canadian citizens involved in the Alberta protests in prison (some in isolation), with no charges laid and no legal representation. Several provinces have now also instituted restrictive legislation similar to British Columbia’s Bill 36 for the Health Professions and Occupations Act (see Protection or Repression? here). The result, is that all health related professions are now lumped into groups under one “professional college” that is controlled by a politically appointed board (including politicians and civil servants). Only one professional peer from one of the professions lumped into that group is allowed to participate on the board. Thus, when a well-meaning politician decides for example that vaccines are mandatory, or that naturopaths can no longer prescribe (even natural remedies) that becomes the “standard of practice” for those professions. (Last month I mentioned the doc in Quebec with all the terrible punishments for actually practicing homeopathy – Gasp!!). Needless to say it is a volatile time of change and repression that seems to come around in cycles when those “in charge” are threatened – or disagreed with.
It reminds me of the quote from Harry Truman:
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
At any rate, here are a few very interesting articles that have arisen in recent months. Many of these article examples are based on good old Canada. As our current Prime Minister loses his influence and “control” to waning voter and citizen support (after a few too many embarrassing scandals and international snubs), we are slowly seeing the mainstream media and the “official narrative” changing to “allow” information that 2-3 years ago was forbidden. I’m sure statistics and publication in other highly vaxed liberal countries will be similar. It seems timing is all important.
Statistics and graphs along with the comment: “Statistics Canada Deaths 2022 is data that you can reasonably expect has been thoroughly manipulated and tampered with. It’s preliminary and doesn’t include many ‘younger Canadians’ who died suddenly. Even so it is a devastating report … I propose that the vast majority of these [excess deaths] are COVID-19 deaths.”
Follow this link for the article from Global Research News (29Dec2023).
Video and transcript of presentation prepared for the British Parliament that was subsequently censored and deleted.
Follow this link for the full unredacted article from Global Research News (11Dec2023)
Follow this link for the YouTube Interview (reported by Dr. Mercola 15Jan2024)
Part 2 – What Can We do? – from the English-language Journals
Follow this link for the study (20Jan2024)
Follow this link for details and more information
Follow this link to see the study and the references (05Jan2024)
Follow this link to see the study and the references (05Jan2024)
Follow this link to see the study and the references (05Jan2024)
Interesting connections between EMF, Glutathione, graphene oxide, 5G, Hydrogels and Covid. Follow this link for the article (20 Oct2023)
And one final one for this month:
We are all well aware of the highly effective natural antibiotic substances – even honey. But what was interesting here was the statement: “The CDC now acknowledges that rather than relying solely on new antibiotics, incorporating old botanical treatments may better protect public health.”
Follow this link to see the article. (11Feb2024)
Part 3 – What Can We Do? – Carolyn’s German-language Journal Translations
Two and a half contributions for this month. One (and a “short”) article regarding the multiple doses of vaccines mandated and forced on our children even in the first year of life. Once again Dr. Julianne Sacher comes to mind. During her lectures to us during Med-Week and the tour programs, she showed us extensive studies from her research on AIDS, Cancer and vaccines showing how, for example, the measles vaccine introduced shortly after WWII quickly reduced the instances of infection, but then plateaued with continued infections. Her conclusion was that the quick reduction probably came about more from increased hygiene, and that the vaccine kept the infection from fading out, where under non-vax criteria the disease would have nearly disappeared. I’d have to hunt for her notes and slides after the passing of quite a few years, but I think I remember that was the concept she purported. With so many health challenges increasing for our children, we need to look at and reconsider the increasing number of vaccinations we are giving to our healthy babies and toddlers. Anyway . . . The final translation here was of personal interest to me and I hope will offer you some insight with your elderly and geriatric patients.
Read more here.
And another author unknown quote to close:
We cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive.
But we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.
I send thanks to each and every one of you for your ongoing support and your continuing orders for the Medical Electronics small wellness devices and the many OIRF courses and materials. This financial support is what gives me the resources and ability to continue sending you these monthly “newsletters” and to push forward with development of the OIRF legacy/library website. I appreciate and greatly enjoy hearing from you with your comments and article resources.
Until next time, be well and be healthy . . .
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published February 2024
© Copyright 2024, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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