Pathways to the Future of Energy Medicine

TFIM Conference Summary

March 2023

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Were you there? Did you take in the Forum for Integrative Medicine (TFIM) online conference in the first weekend of March? Titled “Exploring Complex, Chronic Illness Through the Lens of True Healing” this is/was the premier event of the year in my humble opinion. If you missed it, get in touch with the organizers and see if you can obtain permission to get the slide and video presentations.

This was an incredible experience. I think I have a numb behind from sitting in front of my computer for three long and intellectually overwhelming days. During the days following this conference I have contemplated the phenomenal amount of information we received from the excellent speakers and researchers, and I think I still have a bit of “brain freeze”. Although I am going to summarize a few of the events and lectures, I also want to share a few of the conclusions and focus that have settled into my psyche as a result of this conference.

Day One – COVID

Opening the conference and the day was Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH. Since all of you know his name and the courageous battle he has fought, his lecture titled “COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Efficacy and the Urgent Need for Early Ambulatory Therapy” brought us new understanding about the so-called vaccines, as well as the necessity for early treatment of the acute illness.

Ryan Cole, MD, “Post COVID and Post Vaccination Integrative Approaches”: Showed us autopsy slides clearly imaging the spike harms; felt it is unknown how to make the body stop making the spike protein. He also stated that the innate immune system alterations from the vax are inheritable! An explanation of the antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity which means the vax immunity is in conflict with the innate immunity and leads to a cytokine release. And much more.

Marie Matheson, BSc, LAC, ND, “The Intersection Between Long-Haul COVID, Lyme Disease, and Complex Chronic Illness”: An understanding of the similarities of symptoms between Long COVID, Chronic Lyme Disease and Complex Chronic illness; underlying illnesses primary for Long Covid; reactivation of pre-existing infections; pulmonary fibrosis scarring.

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, “Post COVID Medicine”. Dr. K. spoke to us in a two-hour video recorded lecture from his clinic in Switzerland (which has mostly remained somewhat neutral toward the pandemic restrictions and censorship). He repeats his early protocols and special formations; uselessness of masks; and, the effects of 5G.

Days Two and Three

These days focused more on Environmental Toxins, Mast Cell Activation, Autism, PANDAS/PANS, the microbiome and a lot of bio-chemistry. All very interesting (much of it way beyond my personal wheelbase) yet extremely important to the understanding of how our biological and energy methods are effectively healing our patients. On Sunday, (as we all sort of reached brain overload capacity) I particularly liked one lecture by:

Joe Mather, MD, MPH & TM, “Simplifying Functional Medicine”. He clearly covered how:

  • To learn the importance of prioritizing fundamentals in chronic complex disease
  • To explore why the fields of Functional and Integrative Medicine must refocus on symptoms rather than repetitive expensive laboratory findings
  • To learn strategies to lower the financial burden in your sickest patients
  • To learn strategies to improve outcomes in your practice.

Very well done! And needed after some of the lectures we had just heard!

Throughout the many lectures on all three days there were some take-aways that remained consistent:

  • Effectiveness of virucidal nasal sprays and washes (povidone iodine solution, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, propolis . . .)
  • Useful and effective use of Hydroxychloroquine
  • Useful and effective use of Ivermectin (confirmed by Simon Yu during his recent Zoom meeting for grads of the AMA workshops, as being both an anti-parasitic and an anti-viral)
  • The treatments proposed by the famous French physician and microbiologist Didier Raoult, MD early in the pandemic of high dose Vit. C, Vit. D, HCQ and if necessary Azithromycin are still extremely effective for all ages.
  • Effective use of hyperbaric oxygen – this treatment apparently requires long term application
  • Effective use of ozone therapies
  • Nattokinase and lumbrokinase can be used to “dissolve” or slow the spike protein
  • Although most of the speakers proposed effective treatments, most of the protocols are also long, complicated and expensive
  • The so-called vaccines are not safe or effective; are not a viable commercial product; are worthless; and, are not durable (for their intended purpose) . . .
  • It is clear that the push for the vaccines and drugs such as Paxlovid are primarily economically driven. The “BioPharmaceutical Complex” is a part of the WEF and all the agencies and (Gates, Rockefeller, etc.) foundations. It has thus been utilized as a means of changing the economic, medical, political and constitutional landscape of all supposedly democratic countries.
  • Rather than calling the extended illness Long- or Post-Covid we should perhaps use the term Chronic Covid and treat similar to Lyme/Borrelia
  • Long-Covid or a severe acute illness is almost always connected with co-infections or pre-existing illnesses

I personally found it interesting there was seldom any discussion or indication or differentiation made between un-vax’d and vax’d patients with COVID. It does appear however, that it is the vax’d who are primarily struggling with the consequences of the spike protein and who encounter the most severe onset, course and length of the illness. Although not discussed openly, it was clear in many lectures that the spike protein creates the greatest challenge in treatment. The autopsy and microscopic evidence of the damages to tissues, organs and systems by the spike where quite simply scary. Since most of that damage cannot be repaired and at best leaves terrible scarring, we come back to my hypothesis from my February commentary.

The major symptoms for both the prolonged illness and the vax reaction appear to be inflammation, fatigue, cognitive and sleep disturbances and that darn cough. Once the spike protein is activated – either by some viral infection or by simply being injected – there is just no “off switch”.

Dr. Peter McCullough states: “The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. The Synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period. This would be an advantage for a normal human protein being replaced in a rare genetic deficiency state (e.g. alpha galactosidase in Fabry’s disease). However, it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike. The adenoviral DNA (Janssen) should breakdown by deoxyribonuclease, however this has not been exhaustively studied.”

More basically stated, the spike works and works and works. It can be retriggered and the symptoms return or prolong the infection. And when that is finished, the spike looks around for what else it can attack. Basically once the immune system has learned to tolerate (not be in conflict with) the spike all those old aches, and pains, and illnesses, and cancers become explosively re-ignited.

For the many of us who were forced, coerced, manipulated and mandated to join the ranks of the vaccinated (and boosted), our only hope appears to be the treatments or approaches that will control or stop the spike protein. As the statistics of excess mortality, sudden (adult) death, severe illness and infertility among the vax’d dramatically increase we are faced, as practitioners of biological and energy medicine, with finding the methods that will bring us back from the abyss of genocide into healing and health.

Here are two more in-depth articles considering the dissolution or resolution of the Spike Protein situation:

10 March 2023
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
By Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
Read more here.

22 February 2023
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase
Read more here.

And some bonus links for recent studies regarding the benefits of glutathione:
From Tim Guilford, MD
Your Energy Systems, LLC
Here are the articles I mentioned. (1) (2) (3).
The second article is an addendum to #1. (2)The articles are long and detailed. The loss of Glutathione during Covid-19 is summarized at
An article describing how the loss of glutathione leads simultaneously to inflammation and thrombosis (microemboli) has been submitted for publication.
Guloyan V, Oganesian B, Baghdasaryan N, Yeh C, Singh M, Guilford F, et al. Glutathione Supplementation as an Adjunctive Therapy in COVID-19. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020;9(10).
Venketaraman V, Guilford F. Depletion of Glutathione in Covid-19. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia Antioxidants (Basel). 2020
Yegiazaryan A, Abnousian A, Alexander LJ, Badaoui A, Flaig B, Sheren N, et al. Recent Developments in the Understanding of Immunity, Pathogenesis and Management of COVID-19. Int J Mol Sci. 2022;23(16).

And beyond that call to help our patients, we must now look strongly toward changing the paradigm of the modern BioPharmaceutical Complex. As I’ve said strongly before, we will never be able to join them. There is too much money, too much influence from the foundations supported by a hierarchy of “acceptable” science. Natural, biological and energy medicine cannot be defined by chemistry. We will affect the patient’s chemistry, but unless the Complex can patent or define the mode of action in a lab there is (in my opinion) no possibility of true integration of the methods.

I know that many of you are aware of the corruption rampant within this pandemic scenario and that many of you have done the “deep dive” into the alternative media covering all the nasties that have been perpetrated under the guise of “public safety”. Although I remain aware of this background and try to include it within my perception of the situation we face for our patients, it is not my focus. Here are three articles that can provide some of the background without all the rhetoric and drama.

February 13, 2023
Dr. Mercola
How does COVID-19 Compare to the Spanish Flu?
Previously published May 2, 2020
There were some excellent embedded YouTube videos if you can still get into the article.
Read more here.

February 25, 2023
Dr. Mercola (with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr)
How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic
Read more here.

March 08, 2023
Global Research Newsletter
By Michael Bryant
Italy 2020: Inside COVID’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe
Read more here.

So what do we do here folks? In my thoughts I often go back to the essays of Charles Eisenstein. Remember The Coronation? There are so many pathways that have been closed to energy medicine (the CODEX, medical device regulations, and so on), but at the same time there are many more opening to us. We have seen censorship, renowned physicians being stripped of their licenses and the ability to practice, highly effective treatments demonized or ridiculed and lied to by those who had been elected and authorized to protect us. Really, it is time for us to stand up with the likes of Dr. McCullough, Dr. Ryan, Dr. Mercola and so many others and demand that the medical establishment and the authorities be held accountable for their mistakes and misjudgement.

My mind keeps playing with the need – the possibility – for some kind of organization or group or society that will bring all of these various forms of “alternative” medicine under one umbrella. We need some way to stand up to “conventional” medicine where they cannot simply say it is “witchcraft” or “ridiculous” or “horse medicine”. The naturopathic community has a strong organization and incorporates many alternate therapies and approaches. As do the chiropractors, and acupuncturists, and . . . Even they have been controlled to the point where one doc told me “we’re not allowed to prescribe ivermectin anymore unless we can prove a round worm infection”. And again, not all of us are NDs, DCs or MDs. There has to be a way that acupuncture and bioresonance and PEMF and . . . all those many methods that work effectively . . . can be recognized together as a true, effective, integrative and complementary aspect of modern healthcare. There has to be a way that these respected and knowledgeable practitioners, researchers, naturopaths and physicians who are gaslighted and black-listed by conventional medicine can continue their work and research without fear.

I must admit that I have begun to see articles and research by renowned and highly respected researchers and practitioners outlining the concepts and applications of energy medicine. Here are two excellent two-part articles:

15 Feb 2023
Received through Ondamed
Biofield Science and healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts
Rubik et al.
National Library of Medicine – PubMed Central
Read more here.

06 March 2023
Received through Ondamed
Biofield Physiology: A Framework for an Emerging Discipline
Hammerschlag et al.
National Library of Medicine – Pub Med Central
Read more here.

24 February 2023
Children’s Health Defense
Rob Verkerk, PhD
Frequencies, Part 1: Was Einstein Right About the Future of Medicine?
Read more here.
Or at Alliance for Natural Health International
Read more here.

10 March 2023
Children’s Health Defense
By Rob Verkerk, PhD
Frequencies, Part 2: Demystifying the World of Electromagnetic Medical Devices
Devices: Wacky or Worthy?
Read more here.
Or at Alliance for Natural Health International
Read more here.

On the one hand, I may be naively optimistic, but to my way of thinking it behooves some of the foundations (like the privately funded non-profit Marion Institute) or the bigger commercial entities (such as A4M and GreenMed Info) to be collaborating and working toward some sort of consortium, or regulatory organization that offers legitimate protection and recognition for the energy medicine practitioners who are their customers and the methods that are their products.

On the other side, I’m supposed-to-be-retired folks. It’s not up to me to attempt to put together another Occidental Institute or whatever to bring this biological medicine into the future. I’m doing the best I can to protect our legacy, but I’ve been involved for over 50 years now and have suffered the many slings-and-arrows, censorship and lawsuits. I will continue to make my voice heard. But for now, it is time to look at the pathways that are opening and possible, instead of railing against the corruption and censorship of recent years. Although I’m starting to sound like a broken record, it is time to stand up and make our voices heard.


An Exclusive Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published March 2023

© Copyright 2023, Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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