In Memoriam

Dr. med. univ. Konrad Philipp Werthmann

By HP Dr. med. vet. Anita Kracke

With dismay and great grief, we learned that the pediatrician Konrad Werthmann, MD died on 23 August 2016.

With this loss medicine loses a very big passionate representative of natural healing medicine, especially Isopathy. Through his exemplary charming manner he helped countless people and has taught and represented the idea of SANUM Therapy worldwide. Wholeheartedly he let everybody participate in his rich experience.

After working as a physician, Dr. Werthmann continued his education in acupuncture, neural therapy and darkfield microscopy and worked very successfully as a complementary doctor.

With certainty strong early childhood discomfort on the mental and physical level led in the course of his life to the fact that he has strongly dealt with the processes in the Pischinger Space and particularly in the area of the bowel.

He knew the pioneers who investigated the Ground [System] or so called “connective tissue” and their prominent meaning for health.

In his lectures, with a few sure strokes on paper or the “foils” for the overhead projector he could show the procedures figuratively and provide his implementations of it with background.

From his experiences with patients who suffered from intestinal illnesses, and which he also painfully found out himself, he developed his great understanding of respect between the mental and physical dependence of health and from it derived his “Werthmann-diet” which represents the basic condition for every natural healing therapy. He recommended avoiding products with cow’s milk, chicken eggs and pork because they push the so called “primary antigens” into the still incomplete childish bowel too early and with it evoke lifelong intolerances and allergies of these products.

We recognize how far ahead of his time Dr. Werthmann was by the fact that in the meantime many other therapeutic efforts likewise aim in this direction.

After Dr. Werthmann came into contact with Isopathy and the body of thought of Prof. Günther Enderlein he became an intensive researcher, user and teacher of this therapeutic method.

In countless publications he has published his knowledge which has set practical applications. He gave learned insight into Darkfield diagnostics and the evaluation of the findings in many seminars.

Nevertheless, people always felt the affectionate responsible doctor who was also not afraid to speak out about the disagreeable points and to give instructions according to the symptom picture. At the annual SANUM conferences he was always a special magnet for the listeners who brought a great esteem for him.

His open nature, hearty being and manner, even to an advanced hour with a little glass of wine and “performed humorous contributions”, opened not only the ears of his listeners but also their hearts.

He traveled as a guest lecturer to North and South America, Japan, Australia and Africa. He was an enthusiastic “globetrotter”, who in this way visited altogether 32 countries and untiringly took on all stress and brought along reports of his interesting experiences.

[For many years Dr. Werthmann was a devoted coworker, colleague, supporter, author and so many other duties for the SANUM Kehlbeck Company and was well loved and respected by all the staff and personnel of that company.]

Dear Konrad, you live on in us!

Dr. Anita Kracke
SANUM Kehlbeck

The above comments are translated and paraphrased from the memorial article by Dr. Anita Kracke in the SANUM Post, Nr. 116, 2016 from the SANUM Kehlbeck Company. With Dr. Werthmann’s passing we have lost yet another of the “old rabbits” and a dear friend of complementary medicine.

I remember him clearly from the first SANUM seminars in North America as sponsored by OIRF and Dr. Walter Sturm in April 1992. With over 85 participants in New York and followed by over 110 participants a week later in Los Angeles, SANUM therapy and Isopathy exploded into North America. During the days between the two seminars, Walter and Konrad travelled to Los Angeles and visited Disneyland. Both arrived at the Los Angeles seminar wearing shirts embroidered with the Disney characters. And I can still hear Dr. Werthmann during those seminars repeating the “formula” (of that time): “I repeat use Fortakehl, Notakehl, Pefrakehl . . . and . . . (strongly) Albicansan!!!

Thank you for the memories, for your wonderful smile, for the incredible knowledge you shared with us and for your shining enlightenment. We will miss you, dear Konrad!

Carolyn L. Winsor
Managing Director & CEO

A Sad Announcement for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2016

© Copyright 2016, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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