Points of Interest

In amongst the “Special Mention” and “Of Interest” items for this Issue of “The Bridge”, the facts and theories about the number of deaths among natural and holistic doctors continue to be bandied about on a number of websites and within the media (alternative and even some mainstream).

While attending the ACIM conference in Florida in September I was surprised and curious about a number of well known cancer and natural docs who were accompanied by bodyguards. It kind of threw me when one of our long standing affiliates approached me with a big hello and a request for a new probe and tip for his aging MORA device, only to find a good looking but burly gentleman dressed in a black suit gently nudging me away from getting to close to him even in the busy exhibit area. It was after that first afternoon when the rumors and stories circulated throughout the conference and exhibit areas.

I admit, I’ve been curious ever since. Elaine and I have followed up with some more extensive web, journal and media searches. When I managed to (belatedly) read through my October issue of The Townsend Letter, Dr. Jonathan Collin’s editorial on this situation once again got me thinking and remembering.

I don’t profess to be any kind of investigator, or journalist, or knowledgeable expert about such matters. But, I have been involved in this field for nearly 45 years (argh – how many?) and on numerous occasions have found myself on the receiving end of a campaign by the “powers that be” to discredit and destroy the work and research of Occidental Institute. It’s only logical that when we become a threat to big Pharma or the medical establishment itself, that they will lash out to protect their monopoly.

I don’t have answers to what has been happening with these doctors nor proof that there is any kind of conspiracy – clearly some of them had some pretty rough dealings with the FDA. Many of the websites we went through came to a similar conclusion as that quoted in the editorial below by Dr. Collin in that there is no definitive proof of a conspiracy. But yet, that over 60 doctors (most linked directly to holistic or alternative medicine) are simply gone – dead – many under suspicious circumstances in one year seems more than coincidental to me.

Most importantly though, let us remember that these doctors had families and friends and were caring healers with patients who must now seek alternate (establishment?) health care. Regardless of the causes and the conspiracy theories, during this sacred season of reflection and hope let us all extend our prayers and our condolences to the families, friends and patients of these men and women who have been taken from us too soon.

Carolyn L. Winsor
Managing Director & CEO

Jonathan Collin, MD
Townsend Letter
Issue #399, October 2016

Over the past 15 months, a number of natural health writers have made the case that an inordinate number of holistic doctors have died under suspicious circumstances. The doctors share a commonality of practicing some form of alternative medicine, be it medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, chiropractic, naturopathy, nutrition counseling, physical therapy, and more. Many of the doctors were found dead in circumstances that appear to involve foul play. Others were deemed to have died from natural causes but the circumstances remain suspicious. Perhaps the writer who has devoted the most efforts to listing and following the holistic doctor deaths is Erin Elizabeth, editor of the Health Nut News? The following is a partial listing of doctors who have died:

Jeffrey Bradstreet, an integrative doctor who was vocally opposed to vaccinating children, was found dead in a river from a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” on June 19, 2015. On June 21, two chiropractors, Dr. Hendendal, DC, PhD and Dr. Holt DC were found dead with no specified causes. On June 29th Theresa Sievers MD was found murdered. Also on that date, Jeffrey Whiteside MD, a pulmonologist, has vanished. On July 3 Patrick Fitzpatrick MD also went missing and has not been found. On July 10 Lisa Riley, DO was murdered; her husband was charged with the homicide. On July 19 Ron Schwartz, MD, a gynecologist, was found shot to death, an apparent murder.

Included on Elizabeth’s list is Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, integrative cancer physician, who died suddenly on July 21, 2015 of an apparent heart attack, but he was of good health and no autopsy confirmed causes of death. Coincidentally on July 21, Dr. Abdul Karim, DDS, died following a heart attack while practicing for an upcoming marathon. On July 23 Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside’s body was found and later deemed a suicide. On August 12th, Mary Bovier, DO was found “slain” but no one has been charged.

On Sept. 16, 2015 Dr. Mitch Gaynor, MD, author and holistic MD, committed suicide. On Oct. 11, Dr. Marie Pass was found dead following a suicide. On Oct. 29 Jerome Block, MD died after jumping from his New York City apartment window. On Dec. 28, cancer researcher Alan Clarke, MD “accidentally died” despite his body found hanging from a tree.

On Jan. 15, 2016 Ron Floyd, DC was found dead. On Jan. 23 John Marshall MD was found dead in a river. On Feb. 1 Paige Adams, FNP was also found dead. On Feb. 14th, HIV researcher, Cheryl Deboer, PhD was found dead with a plastic bag covering her head. On March 23, 2016 Dr. Henry Han and his family were all murdered. On April 6, Dr. Harsh, MD was killed while riding her bicycle. On May 16, Dr. Suutari, a holistic doctor; took his own life. On June 17, 2016 Tiejun Huang MD, PhD was killed by an assailant.

Elizabeth makes the case that too many holistic and integrative doctors are dying. She suggests that many of the deaths deemed as suicides involved foul play and were possibly murders. Elizabeth thinks that these deaths are not being investigated satisfactorily. Moreover, she suspects that most of these deaths involve doctors who had been targeted. However, there is no definitive evidence to substantiate that the deaths are part of a conspiracy against holistic doctors. The murders appear to be typical of all murders – a jilted relationship, a bad business deal, domestic violence, or a psychopath’s delusional behavior. The suicides frequently follow similar scenarios, including financial loss, divorce, or serious illness.

Holistic doctors and practitioners are not immune from the turmoil and tragedies of life and frequently act out in irrational ways, including taking their own lives. The fact that the aforementioned individuals died from suicide, murder, and other natural causes does not mean that there is a conspiracy afoot. It means that holistic doctors are human and die for the same reasons that befall all humans. Elizabeth and other similar-minded writers need to provide the evidence for whom these actors are in this evildoing conspiracy and what exactly they are doing. Until she does, this holistic doctor death series is simply a listing of holistic doctors who coincidentally died – nothing more.

Here’s the link to the reference made by Dr. Collin:
Holistic Health Nut News, by Erin Elizabeth (“significant other” of Dr. Joe Mercola)

And an additional comment from: FromSnopes.com

The rumor (currently attached to a number of separate and ostensibly unrelated tragedies) continued to suggest imaginary or tenuous links to support an assertion that the deaths were somehow connected. While headlines crowed about deaths in Florida, several of the doctors died in other states and had no obvious link to that state. Moreover, the claims centered upon the purported targeting of alternative medicine doctors despite the fact that several of the individuals included were mainstream, science-based medical providers. As the rumor spread, the inclusion of mainstream doctors across several states highlighted that the death of any doctor in July 2015 was likely to be conscripted into the (still unarticulated) conspiracy, whether or not that doctor lived in Florida or practiced alternative medicine.

(Some sources have attempted to link all the deceased doctors together through the common thread of their advocacy of Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, or GcMAF, a protein that a handful of doctors have claimed can cure anything from cancer to autism by boosting the human immune system. However, only Dr. Bradstreet has been connected to its use.)


Carolyn’s Comments for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2016

© Copyright 2016, Winsor/Occidental Institute, BC Canada

Dr. Collin’s comments reprinted from:
The Townsend Letter for Doctors
Issue #399, October 2016

About the author

Washington offer the ambience of the old-time country doc, emphasizing nutritional and functional medicine alternatives to manage chronic health conditions. Dr. Collin’s scheduling assures the patient the time to fully discuss their concerns, carefully balancing natural approaches with conventional medical care. His assessment focuses on the patient’s functional status including nutrient and hormone adequacy as well as toxic chemical burden. At the same time, Dr. Collin recognizes evidence-based treatment and imaging studies are essential to managing chronic illness. Finding that balance between conventional care and alternative medicine is Dr. Collin’s primary concern.

“The question I am always asked is how do you practice medicine and put out a magazine? I started the Townsend Letter as a hobby, a newsletter. Back in 1983, it was a bulletin board for doctors to share their pet therapies and mad-scientist ideas. When I realized that a publishing hobby could become quite an expense, I made the decision to make the letter into a magazine. Well, here it is 300 issues later, and the Townsend Letter is a fixture in the alternative medicine/naturopathic medical community. While our circulation holds to around 10,000, we have had well over 100,000 health professionals read our publication over the past 25 years.

My biggest shortcoming has been that the time to see patients, publish a magazine, and walk our Westie terrier, Bella, has meant less time for my wife and family, whom I thank for bearing with my workaholic ways.”

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