New Member of OIRF North American Board of Medical Advisors

It is my great pleasure to announce another new member to our elite and prestigious “North American” Board of Medical Advisors.

Daniel Beilin, BSc, OMD, LAc

Clinical Logistics and Education Consultant for Complementary Medicine Clinics and Hospitals

Dr. Daniel Beilin was born in Los Angeles and has practiced complementary medicine for 31 years. He has a neurophysiology, gastroenterology and herbal pharmacology background. His first scientific endeavor included his own designed laboratory research at the UCLA Brain Research Institute, studying evoked potentials in the brain at the age of 16. Dr. Beilin has been recognized for his teaching and education on early detection of women’s cancers by dynamic thermography methods and testified before the U.S. Congress bringing this possibility to the forefront, as well as importing 3 complementary methods from Europe to North America (Electrodermal Devices, Darkfield Hematology and Regulation Thermography).

From his website,, he provides consultation services to help those who feel the causes of their symptoms are not being fully addressed by conventional methods or services. Dr. Beilin outlines strategies for patients to help overcome diseases and dysfunctions using non-toxic dietary modifications, life style changes and herbal supplementation, at the same time raising awareness for emotionally co-created disorders. Dr. Beilin focuses on causal factors in disease, often neglected and responsible for recurrence of many disorders including cancer. Dr. Beilin practices yoga, meditation and the martial arts.

“Medicine today is only as effective as its understanding of natural and biochemical laws. It has yet to create a greater emphasis on building optimum health for cells that are just beginning to fail.”

In private practice since 1983.
Founder of Alfa Thermodiagnostics, Inc
Dynamic Digital Regulation Thermography
Dr. Beilin’s 8 years of experience in medical research and applications (UCLA and UC Davis) in the fields of Neurology and Gastroenterology created over 30 peer-reviewed articles in Journals such as Stroke and Endoscopy, as he also invented an injection catheter system now used routinely in endoscopy.
Dr. Beilin has also created several nutritional supplements including the antidepressant “Well Mind” produced today by Allergy Research Group, as Dr. Beilin was the first to publish and gain recognition for the herb St. John’s Wort, from which came its use today as a potential natural replacement to some antidepressants.
Dr. Beilin has lectured for famous personalities such as Anthony Robbins, Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., William Rea, M.D., Hans Nieper, M.D. and Jonathan Wright, M.D.. His patients have included well-known personalities as Jane Seymour and Stevie Wonder.

As the CEO and Chairman of the OIRF Board of Directors, I want to welcome Dr. Beilin and thank him for his willingness to come onto our Board of Medical Advisors. We are grateful for his participation and look forward to working more closely with him in the future. Watch the OIRF website for updates and changes to the listings of advisors and directors.

An Announcement for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published March 2016

© Copyright 2016, Occidental Institute, BC Canda

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