Welcome to the

37th Biological Medicine
Tour to Germany

An exclusive program for
2010 Research Associates

Sponsored by:
Occidental Institute Research Foundation (OIRF)
Penticton, British Columbia Canada

Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Germany

Above is a representation of the cover page of the 20-page final letter sent out to everyone who joined us October 30, 2010 in Frankfurt for our Germany Tour #37. Here are some excerpts from that letter (and some pictures) to give you a chance to share our journey, our adventure and our incredible learning experience. [I’ve left this all in “present tense” rather than struggling to change it all around – but this way you can imagine that you are getting ready to join us for this fantastic program!]

This year we had a very small – but very elite – group for our 37th Tour program. There were a grand total of seven of us all together going on this Tour, including myself and Dr. Dhanani as your attending staff members. Countries represented were Canada, Singapore and the United States. Four of you are “first-timers”!

Although our limit was twenty participants, this tour is a lot smaller than we anticipated, as compared to previous tours with up to fifty participants. There are several factors that could have contributed to the lower numbers this time such as the recent travel alerts, the very low American Dollar and the very slowly recovering economic crisis in the US.

Needless to say we at OIRF are somewhat disappointed with the response to this Tour Program, but for those few of you joining us this is an excellent opportunity for one-on-one interaction with Dr. Dhanani and me. In spite of the lower participation we will endeavor to make this the “best tour ever” and you will definitely not go hungry or thirsty!

SATURDAY (October30th):  Upon arrival into Frankfurt participants went to our Frankfurt Airport Hotel where I was able to meet them after departing from the Med-Tronik Distributor’s Meeting with a short stop in Baden-Baden at the Med-Week to pick up admittance passes and congress catalogs. We met this evening briefly for a final briefing and our last minute preparation for “lift off” tomorrow morning.

SUNDAY (October 31st):  After a great breakfast buffet our shuttle bus will take us southward by autobahn (freeway) to Baden-Baden, where we stay for four nights. This gives us time to look through the Med-Week catalogs and share some good conversations (or naps) as we travel. After lunch at our hotel, our shuttle bus leaves the hotel for the Baden-Baden Congress House. This afternoon is scheduled as your first “attack” on the exhibits at the Medicine Week.

Our bus will pick us up for return to the Hotel Engel. Our supper this evening will be right in the restaurant of our hotel. Thereafter, you have the rest of the evening free, since there are no organized events – but that offers yet another opportunity to have a few drinks in the pub, meet with the other tour participants, study, prep for Med-Week, etc. BUT, after supper you will all probably be tired – I know I will be. This has been a long and busy day and tomorrow will come only too quickly . . .

MONDAY (November 1st):  A daily breakfast buffet is included in the tour price – have a good one. Today is the big day – today is the prestigious and historic English language lecture day at Medicine Week. Here are the lectures we heard that day with some pictures (sorry for the quality, but I haven’t mastered Photoshop yet and will also get a new camera for next year!). Dr. Brian MacCoy who was originally listed as our chairman and lecturer underwent major dental surgery a few days before departure and was not allowed to fly to Germany (boy, was he ever cranky to miss this tour!). Dr. Karim Dhanani stepped in for him to be chairman for the morning sessions and deliver a lecture on Pleomorphism. I got to be the “alternate chairman” during the afternoon sessions.

Lunch is on your own today to visit some of the stands. At the end of the lectures and after the short closing remarks we can head over to our shuttle which will pick us up for return to the hotel and another great supper. Whew! Again, nothing further is planned for this evening and by now you should be getting over your jetlag. See you in the bar for a good German beer and some conversation?

TUESDAY (November 2nd):  Enjoy a good breakfast at the buffet and, in the meeting room of our hotel Dr. rer. nat. Frank Beck (that means a Doctor of Natural Science) from the Advanced Medical Systems (AMS) Company will give us an in depth presentation and demonstration of their magnetic field therapy devices. As with the majority of sessions and lectures I have arranged for this tour, this one is focused on the practical application of “diagnosis and therapy possibilities for the modern biological medicine practice with an emphasis on cancer”. Dr. Beck gave us a dynamite presentation last year and he is back at the request of some of our “many-timer” participants.

Here we will see the application of the lifelong research and passion of Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Ludwig. As the co-inventor of the long ago discontinued INDUMED unit made by Med-Tronik in the early 1980’s, Dr. Ludwig continued his research with magnetics up until the time of his death in 2004. The AMS Company has been continued by Dr. Ludwig’s wife with the able and expert guidance of Dr. Beck.

Surprise: Dr. Beck brought with him (and note these impressive credentials) Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. med. dent. Werner Becker whose focus is natural healing dentistry and integral orthodontics and naturopathics. His participation in this lecture was a great honor and his comments were very enlightening – for example “Dry socket! No, no. I haven’t seen a dry socket in 40 years. You need to use the magnetics and . . .”

Dr. rer. nat. Frank Beck

Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. med. dent. Werner Becker

The group spellbound with all the information!

After a leisurely lunch at our hotel, we go back into our meeting room for our next session. And, this session with Prof. Dr. Hendrik Treugut is one that is a great privilege for our group. He has a very busy schedule at Med-Week and we were fortunate enough to work in the English presentation between his other commitments.

You can see my introductory remarks about Dr. Treugut in the original tour information. His colleagues and fellow members of the DGEIM (of which he is president) read like a “who’s who” of biological medicine and include the likes of Dr. Richard Kraßnigg and Dr. Manfred Doepp whom we heard last year during Germany Tour #36 and the Vancouver Biological Medicine Symposium. Dr. Treugut is primarily a researcher now, but he will give us a wealth of background and practical information to take home and apply immediately in your practice. Whew – another busy day done!

WEDNESDAY (November 3rd):  After breakfast we have our third and final private session in the meeting room at our hotel with Prof. Dr. Roeland van Wijk. Again this is a great privilege for our group to hear this gentleman speak. He is a close colleague of Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp and an executive member of the prestigious IIBE. His personal research work is – well I’m not sure what word to use here – astounding, incredible, fascinating. You will have to be the judge. I am looking forward to meeting Dr. van Wijk and to hearing this presentation.

Prof. Dr. Roeland van Wijk

See – you do it this way!

After a quick lunch at our hotel, our shuttle leaves the hotel for the Congress Hall. Today, you have the entire afternoon at the “Medicine Week” to finalize your assault on the over 200 exhibit stands – get your arms and shoulders ready to carry bags of goodies and literature around – this is why you are bringing along an extra empty suitcase! To give you maximum flexibility for your own meetings with exhibitors and company representatives you are on your own for supper today (the second of only three meals not covered in the tour).

THURSDAY (November 4th):  After breakfast today we check out of our hotel and our shuttle bus leaves the hotel for Rheinau where we will visit the very interesting and unique firm of Medical Electronics. This will be a short journey south of about thirty minutes. There we will be greeted by Mr. Dieter Jossner who I hope many of you have visited at their stand (at UG-8), and Mr. Jossner has already given us a short presentation during the English language program (Monday).

This is BioPhoton Therapy – the one therapy in our medical office that is utilized the most frequently and the most effectively. I am sure he will give us a very interesting and lively short lecture and then show us around their fabulous office, plant and home. I can’t describe this place briefly. As eccentric and interesting as Mr. Jossner is personally, their space age building is worthy of a sightseeing tour on its own. Here you will see and hear about the practical applications of BioPhoton therapy, have a tour of their building and it should also be a lot of fun.

Mr. Dieter Jossner, “Welcome to our Comapny and our Home”

Demonstrations in the lecture room.

Mrs. Margot Jossner getting back to work after Med-Week.

This is our living room . . .

Here is the group ready to leave – when the
neighbor “dropped in” by helicopter for coffee!

Ready to depart Medical Electronics. You will have to help me here. I know from past experience that we could talk with Mr. Jossner for hours and the time truly flies once he gets going – but we must move on and I’m asking you to keep an eye on the time and be ready to “cut and run”. Now we will head out onto the autobahn (that’s the no speed limit freeway system – yippee! – wait until we get passed by a Porsche or Ferrari) and head further south into the Black Forest to Friesenheim. At bus speed limits it should take us about 45 minutes to reach our lunch hour restaurant (I picked pizza for a change from the traditional German fare and for speed). Let’s chow down and then we travel a few minutes to the Med-Tronik firm.

Again, what a treat! And this is truly another sightseeing destination on its own. This is MORA (and BE-T-A and Century and Color and . . .). Here you will see their own manufacturing plant, the research and development departments, GWG water technology, the beautiful classroom and teaching facility and so much more. We will get a presentation from Mr. Andre Rasche (the developer of the new MORA NOVA) plus a tour of their facility.

Entryway at Med-Tronik

Lecture and classroom

Our continuing tour of Med-Tronik – note one of
the old original BEV electrodes in the lower left!

Mr. Andre Rasche tells us about the MORA-Nova

Mr. Siegfried Ludwig tells us the
history of MORA and Med-Tronik

Part of the production area.

We are scheduled to depart Med-Tronik at 17:00 hours for our supper meal at the hotel that will be home for this one night only. This hotel is recommended to us by Med-Tronik. But listen up – you are being dumped into small town Germany. This is a very traditional family run hotel which (according to Mr. Ludwig at M-T) has an excellent restaurant – and limited English. By now you should be able to handle the basics (like: “ein bier bitte”), I will be there to assist with any challenges and it is only for one night, so I am sure we will survive the adventure. But this is probably not the best location for your family or staff to try and reach you unless it is really important.

Enjoy your time here. The rest of the evening is free without any further scheduled activities. I expect several of the Med-Tronik ‘family’ will join us for supper and we should be able to relax and enjoy our second last evening together.

FRIDAY (November 5th):  So, have good breakfasts (I am betting it will be simple, homemade and really good at this hotel!) and then our shuttle bus will depart for Heidelberg. (Here’s where we get to see the castle – Yeah!)

This will be about a two hour trip at bus speed limits and the bus will park in a designated area on arrival in downtown Heidelberg. Remember this location as this is where we must meet the bus later for our final ride back to Frankfurt. We will walk from here to the entrance of the castle where I will be able to purchase your entrance tickets. Those tickets give you access to the train (up to – and down from – the castle), the castle itself, the pharmacy museum and the huge wine vat (no, there’s no wine in it – darn!).

We’re heading waaaaay up there – but there’s a train.

The beautiful city of Heidelberg from the Castle.

One of the facades in the Castle.

Entering the Pharmacy Museum . . .

Museum Display

Museum Display

And another of the many displays –
note the aslligator in the center!

Have fun! The pharmacy museum is fabulous – you can rent little machines to tell you stories in English, or hire a guide (very expensive) or just wander through on your own. It’s very interesting and touring around the rest of the castle is great fun. Lunch is on your own (the third and final meal not included in the tour), time for shopping and a look at this famous university and romantic city. Be back at the bus on time for the ride back to Frankfurt heading toward the end of this tour program. Don’t be late – it’s a long walk back!

We should arrive back at our Frankfurt Airport hotel in time to drop off our bags and meet in the restaurant where the hotel staff will set aside a special table for our group. Although we have had a lot of good German food during this week, I opted to stay in our hotel for this special dinner for two reasons. First, the restaurant has a relatively good menu, and second so that we do not have any transportation deadlines. This way we can have a leisurely celebration taking pictures and talking and enjoying our last evening together – into the wee hours. The tour officially ends after our certificate ceremonies.

Our final dinner – Carolyn looks tired, but we all look content!

SATURDAY (November 6th):  Fly home from Frankfurt anytime today if you wish, and most North Americans even get home that same day due to gaining time zones. Breakfast this morning is included in the tour price. Have a safe and pleasant trip home!

Well, this is it. I really can’t think of any other details you need to know in this letter before we meet in Germany. SEE YOU THERE! With very best wishes for a most pleasant flight and a safe journey, I remain your “illustrious” tour guide,

Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO

And no – that’s not a picture of me, but it looks like fun! CLWS

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2010

©Copyright 2010, Occidental Institute, B.C. Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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