News and Updates after
Germany Tour #42, 2015

As always during these Germany Tour programs, I have my own personal research and interests to pursue. Once my participants (especially the “first-timers) have graduated beyond “duckling” stage and the introductory days of the tour and have scattered among the exhibits in the Congress House, I have the opportunity to visit with longtime colleagues, former speakers, the book store(!) and of course my own journey through the exhibit stands.

Although much always remains the same (like Dieter Jossner from Medical Electronics – BioPhotons – who has a big stand in the lowest floor), there are newcomers (like BioKat for the first time), weird stuff (oh never mind that one) and interesting curiosities to bring a smile or a questioning raised eyebrow. Although this is probably the 35th+ Medicine Week that I have had the privilege of attending, there is always something new to bring home.

As in previous years, just prior to the start of this OIRF Tour Program I was able to attend the Master’s Level MORA Therapy course at Med-Tronik (yes, I passed the tough exam!) and then also their International Distributors Meeting. I have come away from those meetings excited, optimistic and very impressed with the changes and improvements in this long esteemed company. I won’t go through all the history again – it’s over and done with. The new owners of Med-Tronik are actively involved with management of the company, and under the guidance of their Managing Director, Mr. Karsten Unger, they have grown back to a full staff of nearly 45 employees, have initiated a new internal computer/network system, increased their customer service, developed a full new training program that is presented in their education center in English and German, expanded their support of distributors, expanded sales worldwide, incorporated products and modalities in cooperation with other complementary companies and have added a range of new supplementary products.

In short, Med-Tronik is on the move into the future. The long standing connections between Med-Tronik and OIRF have not only been strengthened during these meetings, but are now forged into a cooperative partnership that gives you access to all of these exciting, effective and quality products. As in the past and as a fund raising activity of our non-profit organization, OIRF will again be able to make these products and devices available to you at or below the German export prices.

Here are some previews of the new products that will be featured in 2016 Issues of “The Bridge” as they become available:

  • Finally! A new RM10 diagnostic device. This device is produced in cooperation between Med-Tronik and MBA GmbH, Germany. It is designed for EAV-type diagnostics and comes with diagnostic, remedy and test set software. Additionally, at the touch of a button it will switch to the TPR-spread or Vega/Cornelissen style testing. Estimated in the $7,000 range this is a modern day version of the old reliable standby. Certification in Europe is pending and the device should be available early in 2016. This one is hot!!
  • Memon Bionic Instruments: Available in cooperation between Memon and Med-Tronik, these devices will neutralize negative environmental influences. There are a range of products from this highly respected scientific firm that neutralize the influences of cell/mobile phones and Bluetooth wireless devices as well as applications for your car, indoor climate and well being, offices, workstations, heating, harness solar power without side effects, water, pools and food.
    Watch for further details and information. These unique products will be available through OIRF early in the New Year.
  • Software application modules: An interesting range of new applications are in development for the MORA Nova. Among others there will be a new (exclusive) module for the BIT method of Bodo Kohler. This method is intended to replace the obsolete and discontinued BE-T-A (BEV) devices that required the use of blood, urine and saliva for testing.
    New remedy software is being developed.
    Exclusive software applications for health and well being have been researched and developed in conjunction with the MORA Beauty. Included are programs not only for cellulite (amazingly effective by the way!), but also for smoking cessation, relaxation, detoxification, stress reduction, revitalization, and weight control (!!).
  • In the cosmetic and beauty area, Med-Tronik and OIRF will also be making a new product called “Rush O Lash” (an eyelash density and enhancement product) available at our many conference and seminar exhibits during 2016.
  • And so much more . . .

In discussions between Med-Tronik and OIRF during the recent meetings considerable time was spent looking at the issues of registration and certification. All Med-Tronik devices (MORA Nova, MORA Color, RM10, and so on) are fully certified and registered to meet all the ISO and international standards in Europe. However, in view of the restrictions, disclosure requirements, challenges and excessive expense to seek registration with the US FDA for these same devices the decision has been made to delay US applications.

Note that US certification of the MORA Beauty for cosmetic applications is currently pending!

On the other hand though, Med-Tronik has promised full financial and documentary support for OIRF (and our sister company Praxis2Practice) to make applications to register all the devices with Health Canada. Because the older model MORA Super is already registered with Health Canada, we do not foresee too many challenges with our applications for these newer (more modern) models. Indications for the devices will likely be limited, but then OIRF is an established and recognized research organization – I don’t think I need to say more on that issue. Once registered with Health Canada, then all the devices become “legal” in Canada . . .

Applications for Health Canada registration are being prepared now and will likely be submitted early in the New Year.

An Update Article for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published November 2015

© Copyright 2015, Winsor/OIRF, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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