During the recent A4M conference in Las Vegas it was my great pleasure to meet and talk with so many practitioners and exhibitors. Especially supportive was to hear: “Carolyn, wow. It’s so good to see you again” from docs who had been members in years past and were renewing their connection to OIRF after long time work within our field. Also encouraging were the “networking” possibilities with colleagues and supporters. As a result of those new and re-newed connections it is my great pleasure to announce two new members to our elite and prestigious “North American” Board of Medical Advisors – plus one completely new device product, a new cooperation with a reputable German company as well as our plans for participating in four major conferences, one workshop/seminar and our regular Germany Tour program.

Silvia Binder, ND, PhD
President of the Ondamed Companies Germany & New York
Founder of the Binder Institute for Personalized Medicine (Germany)

My main task is the continuing education of medical professionals worldwide by offering a number of different courses, focusing on extended diagnostic perspectives along with a variety of pearls of wisdom from different cultures, as well as innovative technologies and therapeutic methods.

I collaborate with medical schools, local hospitals, and private clinics in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia. I am a faculty member of the Medical Wellness Association and a member of the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine in the US.

I write an online international newsletter, publish professional articles, give presentations at medical conferences, and frequently appear in the media.

Practice activity:

Most of my patients contact me via the internet and come from all over the world. I often support physicians in their treatment of difficult cases and get invited to treat celebrities and aristocratic patients. My community is also of great importance for me, and I treat patients in Schwanau, Baden-Württemberg and its vicinity.

I do not diagnose or treat any diseases. It is not my goal that my patients will depend on me or the treatment I offer. I like for them to assume responsibility for their own health and to actively work on their recovery and develop a healthy lifestyle.

It is my goal to identify the roots of medical conditions and use a non-invasive treatment approach. Dr. Binder primarily utilizes the ONDAMED in combination with biofeedback.”

Dr. Binder’s first article for “The Bridge” entitled “Energy Medicine Going Mainstream” will appear in Volume 11, Issue #5, May 2015, or follow this link.
Follow this link to see Part 1 of this article, Director’s Commentary
Follow this link to see Part 3 of this article, Introducing Dr. Michael Galitzer

As the CEO and Chairman of the OIRF Board of Directors, I want to welcome both Dr. Binder and Dr. Galitzer and thank them for their willingness to come onto our Board of Medical Advisors. We are grateful for their participation and look forward to working more closely with both of them in the future. Watch the website for updates and changes to the listings of advisors and directors.

s/ Carolyn
Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director

An Announcement for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published January 2015

© Copyright 2015, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

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