
This year’s article for “The Bridge” has proven to be more difficult than expected. I had intended to write about more specific techniques related to EAV but I have come to realise that this may not be appropriate. During the past year I have travelled in Europe, Russia, and Canada giving presentations in each country visited. I have been mildly surprised at the lack of questions or criticism that has arisen. When presenting new material or experience I had expected some degree of discussion and criticism which would have been welcome but, sadly, this has not been forthcoming. Private conversation with participants in each country has revealed the general lack of detailed knowledge of the full potential of BioResonance, especially in the area of EAV diagnosis. I had assumed that all users of MORA or similar instruments had a reasonably detailed knowledge of EAV, “Vega” testing, Five Element acupuncture and other allied subjects. Unfortunately it seems that this is not the case. It appears that these subjects are not being taught to any great degree which is a great pity. Without using these additional disciplines we are missing much of the potential of the MORA instrument.

Dr. Morell, the originator of MORA therapy was not only a good doctor but also deeply knowledgeable about acupuncture, homoeopathy, and had for many years been a close associate of Dr. Voll, the founder of EAV. Using his knowledge, Dr. Morell was able to fully exploit the endless possibilities of the MORA instrument. Since the death of the original pioneers of biological medicine it is very sad that the wealth of knowledge has not been passed on and is in great danger of becoming lost.

We cannot blame the instrument makers, nor the distributors for this state of affairs. After all, if you buy a Steinway piano you do not expect the makers to provide you with piano lessons. However, playing the piano is a fairly common art and there are many well-qualified teachers. A better example would be that if you buy a private aeroplane you are required to go on a familiarization course and demonstrate ability to fly the plane before you are set free with it. It deeply concerns me that in many countries anyone can purchase a BioResonance instrument and set themselves up in practice with no training at all. This state of affairs can bring both conscientious practitioners and the whole subject into disrepute. Perhaps it is time that we, as practitioners, together with distributors and manufacturers developed a detailed course of training of high level leading towards an internationally recognised qualification. We should seek to set up training centres in all major countries where these methods are used.

The request of practitioners over the past twenty years has been for increasing automation and simplicity of operation in BioResonance instruments. This is perhaps reasonable for the inexperienced but there are many limitations. When using pre-programs we are, in reality, offering little more than symptomatic treatment and not going into deeper causes of the presenting illness. This frequently leads to treatment failure or short-lived success. There may be an initial good response but the patient all too frequently regresses and other methods of treatment are then sought. For the practitioner this can be frustrating. How is the practitioner to know which is the best program to use; how can he monitor the effects of treatment to find out whether it has really improved the condition of the patient or whether it may have made some things worse? There are better ways which are ultimately more satisfying for both practitioner and patient.


Disease is an expression of imbalance in the body. Conventional medicine has progressed to such a specialist degree that we have lost sight of this simple fact. The patient presents him/herself to the consultant for cardiac problem. During the course of examination the patient mentions that there is also a respiratory problem only to be told that this is a different speciality and that he/she will have to make an appointment to see a different doctor. Unfortunately nature does not work like this. The organism is not divided into convenient neat little boxes, each being independent of the others. It works as an integrated whole and needs to viewed and treated holistically.

Symptoms are an indication that something is wrong but the presenting symptom is very often not an expression of the deeper underlying cause. It is the end result of a series of disturbances and imbalances. This is especially true of long standing illness.

Even in a simple case like influenza, why is it that this specific individual has been afflicted yet most of the population is not so afflicted? It is not sufficient to blame a virus. If it were that simple then we should all become ill when a virus spreads. Even in a pandemic most of the population manages to escape infection. We then blame the immune system saying that it is too weak to defend the body (which may be true) but do we go on to find out why the immune system of the individual is giving an insufficient response?

Let us take the case of allergies. Many so called allergies are not true allergies, they are hypersensitivities that have a deeper underlying cause. Treating the sensitivity usually results in failure. Although the presenting “allergy” responds and the patient can now tolerate the specific allergen, very often a new “allergy” develops. A patient with a milk intolerance might be treated. He/she can then take milk but has developed an intolerance to eggs. This process of substitution can go on for a long time and indicates that we are failing to address the root cause. It is our job as healers to find these causes and to try to deal with them. In the case of “allergies” the deeper cause is often due to a chronic inflammatory focus.

An example from my own practice concerns a case of Sjogrun’s syndrome. The patient presented with severe discomfort and pain in the eyes. He stated that it felt like broken glass in the eyes all of the time. He was also depressed and lethargic. The problem was so severe that he had to give up work and his marriage was becoming at risk because of the stress placed on the family

Testing revealed a strong allergy to wheat and to gluten. In turn, the cause of the allergy appeared to be a chronic sinus infection. When the patient omitted wheat and gluten products from his diet and the sinuses were treated then the eyes considerably improved. The patient has now returned to work and the family is once again at peace.

Another case is a lady suffering chronic fatigue, skin problems, and generally feeling unwell. Testing revealed a number of chronic disturbances affecting the nervous system. The main toxic agent was 2-4-5T Ester (Agent Orange). This is a highly toxic herbicide used to defoliate forests and jungles. When I expressed surprise at this finding the patient revealed that her husband worked in forestry and that he had used this chemical some years ago. Her symptoms started shortly after this.

EAV Diagnosis

EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll) is a wonderfully detailed system that addresses these limitations. Skilled application of EAV will provide a wealth of objective detail about the functional aspects of the individual. We can gain an overall picture of global disturbances such as geopathic and electromagnetic stress; TMJ dysfunction; or the presence of chronic inflammatory foci. When these problems have been resolved we can then go on to assess the functional state of the main organs and body systems. From this we can determine specifically which part of the organ is malfunctioning. For example, we might find a problem with the lungs. We can then determine whether its main weakness is in the alveoli, the bronchioles, the pleura, the bronchi, or the trachea. We can discover whether this is a problem of residual infection, chemical toxicity, faulty nervous steering, or poor lymphatic drainage. Using the MORA instrument we can then go further and determine which is the cause and which is a resultant effect.

From this we can then go on to design a course of treatment that is absolutely specific to the patient rather than a general treatment aimed at the symptom.

If EAV is so good why is not more widely used? Not only do we need a good knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology but we also need to learn an appreciable amount of acupuncture points. This is the problem. It is difficult and time consuming to learn EAV and to become proficient in its use. First, we have to learn point measurement. This involves learning the precise location of at least 200 acupuncture points (and later, many more. There are a total of 1860 measurement points!)

We then need to learn how to measure these points in order to obtain a reproducible measurement. This really does need to be taught with hands-on experience. An experienced practitioner needs to sit with the student and guide him/her. Having learned to take accurate measurements we then need to interpret them which means knowing what questions to ask and how to find the answers. When we can do this we are then able to make an assessment – not necessarily in terms of labelling the disease but in terms of cause/effect.

Having reached this stage we then have to learn about medication testing. Med-testing can be used both diagnostically and therapeutically. Unfortunately it does require a fairly considerable amount of learning about different homoeopathic remedies and their uses. We can use sarcodes (organ preparations) to determine the degree of chronicity; we can use nosodes to determine the nature of the infection or toxicity; we can use classical homoeopathic remedies as part of treatment; and, we can use complex preparations to enhance lymphatic drainage and to support various organs. We can also test conventional allopathic remedies to determine effect (or possible harm); or, foods for compatibility. The possibilities are almost endless. (It is also possible to test compatibility between two different people and where stress is likely to arise!)

From all of this a prescription designed to rebalance the patient can be given, monitored over time, and amended as necessary.

Further, we can ascertain different depths of disturbance and determine which “layer” needs the most attention. This often has the advantage of simplifying an outwardly looking complex case.

For those practitioners who do not have the inclination to take this approach, or who lack suitable software or access to a large number of test substances, MORA therapy can be applied with great effect to 5 Element acupuncture. It becomes possible to verify the traditional laws of acupuncture, apply them and rebalance the meridian system. In fact, a good practitioner should be able to use both EAV and traditional acupuncture. Detoxing the body does not necessarily mean that we have succeeded in balancing the meridian system.

Finally, how do we know when treatment is truly complete? Well, again we have answers. Let us take the example of a respiratory complaint. We might succeed in helping the lungs but have we brought the rest of the body back into balance and homeostasis? If not, then treatment is not complete. We should continue to treat the patient until all systems and meridians are balanced and stable.

For the more adventurous we can apply all of the above to the treatment of animals and, to some extent, even to agriculture. We are limited only by our inventiveness.

From the above description we might be forgiven for thinking that we have the panacea for all ills. Sadly, this is not the case. BioResonance is excellent for functional disturbances but it is not the complete answer to many advanced degenerative conditions. We cannot regrow joints that are badly affected with arthritis; we cannot re-grow a healthy myelin sheath in multiple sclerosis although we might well succeed in slowing down or halting the advance of the disease. We cannot always succeed in rescuing an advanced aggressive cancer but we might be pleasantly surprised with what we can achieve. It would be a mistake to think that BioResonance medicine is a substitute for conventional medicine. In many cases it might be but there are many situations where we need the help of conventional medicine including pharmaceutical drugs. We can, however, work very well in conjunction with more conventional approaches.

In conclusion

I wonder how many practitioners have spent thousands of dollars on equipment, become disappointed and frustrated, and finally put the equipment to one side believing that it does not work as claimed. This is a great pity but what can we do about it?

If you are really interested in developing your skills then think about putting pressure on to your own organisation or distributor. Ask for intensive [advanced] courses and training in diagnostics. In turn suggest that the distributor takes these requests up with the various manufacturers. For example, the Med-Tronik company has an excellent classroom that is fully equipped and ready for use. Alternatively, perhaps manufacturers could consider supplying main distributors with sufficient instruments to equip a small classroom in their home country. If we have sufficient numbers to create a realistic demand and if we have sufficient will and commitment then we can find answers.

So how long would it take to go from absolute beginner to master level? This is not an easy question to answer because it depends on the level of commitment of the student. For anyone interested I have designed a syllabus to take a serious practitioner through a number of levels. The course is designed to be modular so that each student can go through the whole course, or can complete only lower levels yet still be satisfied that they have reached a level of ability that satisfies themselves. I estimate that if an intensive week to ten days is devoted to classroom training once every six months then it would take five years to complete. If any reader would like an electronic copy of this syllabus please contact me.

I would like to think that I have made a case for fully exploiting all facets of BioResonance diagnosis and therapy and perhaps encouraged some readers to want to go further. For myself, I have reached the age of retirement (not that I intend to retire) and look back with immense satisfaction over thirty years of applying these methods exclusively. I have seen failures, but I have also seen many successes in cases that were considered to be hopeless. It has been an exciting and stimulating journey and much has been learned on the way. I am still learning and discovering and look forward to more years of being able to help patients who might have thought that they could not be helped, and to help aspiring practitioners by passing on everything that I have learned.

If we do not continue to advance our learning, improve our methods and – above all – to teach others, then BioResonance and EAV diagnostics will almost certainly fade into obscurity within the next ten to fifteen years. It is up to each one of us to ensure that this does not happen.

And a short PS from Tony after several e-mails back and forth:

“Dear Carolyn,

I have re-read your last e-mail and please be assured that I am not getting after OIRF or Med-Tronik. Yes, basic training is offered but there is little or no demonstration of the full potential offered by EAV (and VEGA). The diagnostic possibilities are extremely powerful and lead to much more effective treatment . . .

. . . Since Walter passed away there are now very few people left who are truly competent in electro-diagnosis and my great worry is that it will all die out within another 10 years or so. I truly believe that it is our duty to pass this wonderful knowledge on to the next generations. Yes, I do have some mild criticisms (with understanding of the difficulties) and I am prepared to stand up and fight for this.

I hope that we enjoy fruitful debate from all of this.”


Some further comments from your Director:

I really want to thank Tony for this exceptional article. You can tell from Tony’s response above that there has already been some “debate” between us.

But, Dr. Scott-Morley is not alone in his fears. Since the passing of Dr. Walter Sturm some six years ago there have been few North American training opportunities to properly and intensively learn EAV diagnostics. VEGA also seems to have diminished and provides limited training since the split with OIRF almost 20 years ago. The North American rep for Kindling did offer some good EAV training programs for several years, but again those also seem to have recently disappeared.

In Germany, I hear similar comments from Dr. Richard Kraßnigg (the current president of the German Medical EAV Society) concerning the status of EAV. Membership in their organization has reduced as other BioResonance methods appear on the market and many of their seminars and symposiums are attended by fewer and fewer practitioners. Dr. Kraßnigg also is most concerned about the future of EAV.

Over the years, I have seen countless practitioners turn to the “latest” and “fastest” and “greatest” new method that hits the complementary medicine market. Some last a few months, some even a few years but most are gone in a flash. Many American manufacturers attempt to make “cheaper” devices available but then do not even properly “copy” the technology. Remember, EAV has been a viable diagnostic method for more than 50 years and there are strict and precise guidelines for the technology. If “copies” of the instrumentation do not meet all those established (and published) standards of the industry, how can we rely on their diagnostic results? It is the very accuracy and depth of EAV (and VEGA) diagnostics that guarantees our therapy success and efficacy with MORA or other natural therapies – we cannot allow that accuracy to be diminished.

On the other hand it is quite complicated and costly to sponsor seminars (or especially individual) training sessions with the distances involved with a worldwide market. In Europe or the UK it is a matter of a short plane/train trip or at most several hours by auto. Here in No. America for example we are looking at up to 10 hour flights and extreme costs. The same applies with Australia, Russia, China and many other international countries.

All of us – Med-Tronik and their distributors – have done our best to compromise under these circumstances. OIRF has numerous programs and training materials available and many are even included in the sale of the devices. We have DVDs, books, manuals, and much more available – and these are also available to the other international distributors where English is the common language. Med-Tronik sponsors at least 3 seminars a year in English (and many in German) that include 1 or 2 basic training sessions (usually with Uwe Uellendahl or Peter Mahr) plus 1 or 2 advanced sessions (with the likes of Dr. Gottfried Cornelisson). We have offered individual training for years through the OIRF Board of Advisors and most new MORA purchasers take advantage of that possibility.

But, I agree wholeheartedly with Tony – This is a tragedy in the making! There are few instructors and practitioners left among us who have the training, expertise and experience to continue teaching this vital diagnostic method. And what can we do – now – to ensure that this incredible diagnostic information and method is not lost? Let us hear from you! As Tony says: “I truly believe that it is our duty to pass this wonderful knowledge on to the next generations. . . . I hope that we enjoy fruitful debate from all of this”!

Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO

An Exclusive Article and Commentary for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 2010

© Copyright 2010, Dr. Tony Scott-Morley, Dorset, UK

About the author

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