The homeopathic treatment is described for a complicated focal temporal lobe epilepsy with a suspicion of Ammon’s horn sclerosis* on the left. The clinical picture emerged based on several vaccinations and was ultimately triggered by a Gardisil® vaccination against Human Papiloma Virus1 (HPV).

In May 2012 a 15-year old girl came to see me accompanied by both her parents. According to a dismal report from the treating clinic, the girl suffered from a complicated focal temporal lobe epilepsy with an additional diagnosis of Ammon’s horn sclerosis2 on the left. At the time of her interview she was treated with Keppra®3 (250-0-750) and Lachesis C1,000 (1x monthly 4 globuli on the tongue). The attacks began 20 days after the administration of a Gardisil® vaccination and were not calmed down by medications. Already on the evening after the vaccination the girl complained of dizziness4 as well as sensations of numbness and electrical shocks in the arms and legs, making it more difficult for her to fall asleep. The temporal connection to the Gardisil® vaccination gave the senior treating physician at the clinic grounds for a spinal tap to exclude a fluoride encephalitis. The EEG findings showed a left-sided frontal and temporal focal disturbance with repetitive sharp-slow-wave-complexes as an indication of a focal epileptic excitability increase. The MRT of the skull resulted in an unobtrusively normal finding of the brain structures except for the suspicious diagnosis of “Ammon’s horn sclerosis”. On a physical level, in spite of highly dosed medication with Keppra®, in each case at approximately two week intervals a nightly convulsive seizure (always between 2 and 4 AM).

However in March there were already six attacks which worried the parents very much. The parents reported that up until now the observable attacks stopped in several minutes in each case, accompanied by violent twitches of all extremities and were [also] accompanied by very strong salivation as well as by upwards turned away eyes. The attacks always emerged from out of sleep and afterwards were not recalled any more by the patient. Until now an up to 24 hour continuing feeling of sickness, which got worse by inhaling and was accompanied by the sensation “to inhale cold air” always appeared on the following day. For many hours the face felt as if paralyzed, articulation was made difficult, the skin on the face was cold, and everything only became worse through speaking.

In some cases on the day after the convulsive seizure there were even noted regular paralysis symptoms on the legs. The back hurt very piercingly in the lumbar area so that bending down was impossible for the whole day. Since the beginning of the convulsive seizures a clear word-finding disturbance attracted attention. The parents were very concerned about their daughter, because they noted that their daughter’s social sphere was very unsure and reacted with restraint, which gave their daughter a hard time. Furthermore it frightened the parents very much that their daughter felt fear and disgust with the thought of her illness and since being medicated with Keppra® seemed very secluded, tired, listless, brooding/sad, as well as extremely moody and irritable. Meanwhile she was afraid to sleep alone in a room at night, did no more athletic sports and greatly gained weight. This is as far as the unprompted report of the patient and her parents.

Case History

The mother reported a sudden bleeding during pregnancy week nine, which by means of an ultrasound examination was diagnosed as a bladder pregnancy. However the resulting arranged curettage was omitted on the request of the mother. The first half of the pregnancy course was quite normal in spite of the menacing examination results. In pregnancy week 21 early labor pains started which were treated medicinally. This time meant great psychic stress for the nascent mother. Nevertheless, the birth proceeded in pregnancy week 37 without complications. The newly born infant showed some thick black back hairs and there was a large skin mark in the lumbar area called a “Eurasian Spot” by the parents. The patient reacted each time to each of the first standard vaccinations with fever, with restless nights and with herpes labialis (always on the left side). From approximately the fourth month of life she was often extremely tense, overextended herself and then sweated very strongly in her child car seat. According to the account of the parents, the subsequent vaccinations in the sixth and eighth years were always accompanied by fever, feverish infections and the herpes labialis.

As an infant the patient had a three day fever, and at the toddler age went through chicken pox and scarlet fever. Up to the beginning of puberty febrile infections appeared several times annually with a very stubborn and hacking (dry) cough persisting for weeks, and regularly appearing herpes labialis (always left sided). The persistent infections lasting for days not infrequently ran with a temperature rise over 40°C and brought the family many restless nights. Fever reducing medications and antibiotics came into use very often in these years.

General, Body and Emotional Symptoms

Fine white scales and small crusts which often itched were noted on the scalp. The skin on the face appeared notably oily, according to the patient she immediately reacted to exposure to sunlight with tingling sensations and on vacation by the sea the whole skin picture regularly became “gritty” like goose bumps. Moreover, a strong acne vulgaris dominated, which during menstruation tended to the formation of thicker and more painful lumps. In the mornings the eyes had regularly swollen thickly and notably watered strongly. If the earrings were removed the earlobes immediately swelled. Silver jewellery caused black discoloration on the skin. The herpes labialis attacks were absent for about three years (at that time treated with Natrium muriaticum C1,000) and again began the aforementioned Gardisil® vaccination only shortly after. For a long time she complained about burning, recurring aphthae on the inside of the cheek and under the tongue. The patient had noticeably full lips (especially the lower lip), which were often dried and cracked. The mouth taste often seemed acid to her. The left knee reacted with athletic burden with inflammatory swelling and with strong pains. Since the beginning of puberty the feet tended to swell and always felt cold. The patient preferred to eat cold [things] and favored drinks from the refrigerator. There was a clear desire for strongly spiced, sharp and above all salty things, and especially oranges. An aversion existed for milk, slimy [snails], fish and all kinds of vegetables. In the mornings she was bothered by a distinctive tendency to clear her throat with much mucus in the throat. With a sore throat she always felt a very disagreeable constriction/tightness in the throat. The patient indicated a fast and strong, but odorless, sweating above all under the arms, on the temples and on the upper lip. She preferred cool weather conditions, warm temperatures were rather disagreeable to her. In summer she was often stung by mosquitoes and reacted to them with strong and inflammatory swellings. She described herself as spirited, touchy, thinks she is always right, always has the last word, and tends toward outbursts of rage with aggression. She loves traveling, tends toward creative school subjects and to languages rather than to the scientific school subjects. She was afraid of arguments and of being unpopular or of losing important people.

Family Anamnesis in Point Form

Mother: Stubborn acne, mycosis, strong menstrual discomfort, painful plantar warts, often strong headaches, suppurating inflammatory reactions to costume jewellery earrings, neurodermatitis, chicken pox and scarlet fever in childhood.

Father: Frequent tonsillitis as a child, cardiac infarction and afterwards coronary fistula, persistent back pain.

Sister: Strong infant colic, diaper dermatitis and repeated conjunctivitis in infancy. Small and dainty child, many fears, fits of rage, skin on the soles of the feet occasionally completely peels off, night sweat smelling like Maggi, strong nightly salivation, claw-like nails.

Furthermore, within the relationship sphere fibromyalgia, alcoholism, addiction ailments, emotional illnesses, astigmatism, thyroid gland disturbances, cardiac illnesses, intestinal illnesses, allergy tendencies, tuberculosis with the (maternal) grandfather and different cancer illnesses were known.


The homeopathic treatment of these extreme vaccination reactions was begun at the end of May 2012 with Medorrhinum LM 18, a high caliber vaccination aftereffect medication from classical homeopathy (Repertorisation). Intake instructions: every third day 3 drops Medorrhinum given in a glass of water, stir hard, take 1 teaspoon full of it, begin creeping in with 1 drop and, if no bigger reactions appear, with the weeks slowly increase to 3 drops. Request progress report four weeks after intake beginning.

The first feedback came after five weeks time of Medorrhinum intake. According to the report by the mother there has been only one attack in this time period. The patient had persistent light pains in both wrists and in the calves. A left sided headache appeared every now and then, and now the eyes hurt more often than before the treatment with Medorrhinum (burning). It was agreed to reduce the dose to 2 drops Medorrhinum in the water glass and with satisfactory [treatment] course to report once more after about two months.

Then the second feedback did not come until the end of November 2012 (after the fifth month). Since the last feedback in July there have been no more attacks. The complaints existing from the first feedback quickly faded away with reduction of the Medorrhinum dose and up to this date have stayed away. In the fall the parents phased out the anticonvulsant Keppra®. In November 2012 the attending neurologist certified a normal EEG. The patient is now attack free since the middle of July 2012.


A very striking case of an undesirable drug reaction to a vaccination which fortunately did not leave any remaining damages.

It became clear in the course of the first detailed homeopathic anamnesis that the patient already had reacted to all the preceding vaccinations with fever and herpes labialis. The hypersensitivity appearing in the fourth month of life while resting in the child car seat (extremely tense, overextended and accompanied by sweating attacks) gives rise to the suspicion that already the first vaccinations had a negative influence on the developing nervous system of the patient.

From the homeopathic point of view the epilepsy treated here originated in the context of all the applied vaccinations, all the suppressing medical treatments and the extremely distinctive miasmatic burden of the patient, here the hereditary sycosis5. In fact the aforementioned Gardisil® vaccination stands in direct temporal connection to the appearance of the convulsive seizures, nevertheless it represents only the peak point in the miasmatic dynamics of all the preceding medical applications. The suitably selected homeopathics had a prompt and lasting effect. A continuing antimiasmatic treatment was taken into consideration by the parents.

An Exclusive Translated Article for Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published June 2014

From an article in Naturheilpraxis, Volume 67, March 2014 (3/2014)
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2014, Dr. Uwe Heyeres, Eckersdorf, Germany

About the author

This was followed by 15 years of activity as a lecturer and practical supervisor at the technical school for curative education in Bayreuth.

From 1998 I started under the supervision of Dr. Joachim-F. Graetz to study classical homeopathy intensively and to expand my knowledge by attending numerous seminars, specialist training courses and supervision weekends with well-known homeopaths.

In my own homeopathic practice, I only practice “classical homeopathy” according to the rules of Samuel Hahnemann. It is my concern, within the framework of a continuously continued homeopathic treatment, to understand the underlying dispositions of the disease, to gradually alleviate them through the use of individually adapted, deeply effective homeopathic remedies and thus to accompany my patients on their path to healing both homeopathically and in an advisory capacity.

Translator Footnote:
* This phrase can also translate as “sclerosis of the hippocampus”.


  1. The HPV-Virus Type 16 and 18 is supposed to play a priority role with the origin of cervical cancer. In the meantime altogether about 100 different types of HPV-Virus are known.
  2. The Ammon’s horn is part of the hippocampus and is localized at the side of the temporal lobe of the brain. In the medical view damage to this region is the most frequent neuropathological finding with temporal lobe epilepsy. However this diagnosis made in this case was explained as untenable in the further course by two consulted independent neurologists. Mistakes in the interpretation of the black and white shadows of the MRT-exposures are not rare.
  3. Keppra® is the trade name for the anticonvulsant with the active ingredient of Levetiracetam. This active ingredient releases increased amounts of the transmitter substances gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) into the brain, which on the other hand reduces the stream of chloride ions into the nerve cells and thus hinders the buildup of tension potential of the nerve cells. Epileptic activity can be decreased with this active ingredient or even be suppressed. Very often observed as life effects of this suppressing treatment strategy (Keppra®), i.e. in more than 10% of cases, are weakness and dizziness or somnolence, and in about 1%-10% of cases abdominal pains, agitation, anorexia, ataxia, dazed/stupor, depression, diarrhea, diplopia, dyspepsia, eczema, emotional instability/mood fluctuations, vomiting, exanthema, hostility/aggression, weight loss, increased weight, insomnia, itching, convulsions, headaches, myalgia, amnesia, nervousness/irritability, personality disturbances, thrombocytopenia, tremors, increased cough, dizziness, and many more emerge. à The emphasized symptoms were also complained about by this patient.
  4. For clarification that the following described symptoms of the patient did not represent an isolated case, here is an excerpt from a statement of the “Ärzte für Individuelle Impfentscheidung, e.v.” [The Physicians for Individual Vaccination Decisions, Inc. – note that the following is an English translation of their German language statement]. “Since the summer of 2007 the Permanent Committee on Vaccinations (STIKO) recommends the vaccination of all 12-17 year old girls against the HPV-Virus 16 and 18. Thereby they should be protected from cervical cancer, for which formation both these virus types are supposed to play a priority role … The side effect potential of the HPV vaccination is absolutely unknown. Already in the vaccination studies autoimmune and allergic side effects were conspicuous. The worst thing to suspect, if one assumes that the usual passive reporting system only shows the tip of the iceberg, is: In the first 16 months after introduction of the HPV vaccination the U.S. American reporting system VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) was informed about 3,461 suspicious cases of vaccination complications – one fifth of all currently reported undesirable events after vaccinations. More than ten percent of the reports were classified as serious, among them neurological problems like speech disturbances, sensitivity disturbances, convulsive seizures and paralysis illnesses, e.g. 15 cases of Guillain Barré Syndrome. With 18 of 42 women who were mistakenly vaccinated during pregnancy complications occurred …”
  5. The miasm concept (Hahnemann and J.H. Allen) which can help to reduce the complexity of chronic diseases and thereby to attain a productive case understanding, can be studied very well in the books of Dr. Joachim Grätz.


  1. Grätz, Joachim; Sanfte Medizin, Tisani Verlag, 2007.
  2. Repertorisationssoftware: “Com Rep Expert”. Entwicklung/Vertrieb: Franz Simbürger,

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