Acupuncture + Homeopathy =


With the introduction of modern practices, such as Electrotherapy, Ryodoraku, EAV, Bioresonance therapy, Laser-Acupuncture, Magneto-Acupuncture and so on, the face of Traditional Chinese Medicine has undergone sweeping changes during the last 30 years.

The discovery of a plethora of neurotransmitters, hormonal mechanisms and neural mechanisms, which are triggered by needling have swung the pendulum of credibility of acupuncture in one great leap forward, from a folk medicine to the sophisticated finely tuned neuro-humoral mechanism which it probably is.

The combination of acupuncture with anesthetics (Acu-esthesia) for anesthesia in surgery was initiated by Prof. Anton Jayasuriya in Sri Lanka. The combination of acupuncture and homeopathy on the needle (homeopuncture) has brought Complementary Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine to a higher level.


We can define it as the puncture of acupuncture points after dipping the needle in a specific homeopathic remedy. We can also describe Homeopuncture as a methodology by which the specific homeopathic remedy is placed directly in the tissue by first dipping an acupuncture needle in the (liquid) remedy and then puncturing at the specific acupuncture points.

In smaller doses 30C (i.e. 1/30,000 dilution) and when taken for longer periods he would develop symptoms like running nose, asthma attack, skin and nerve disturbance. According to the homeopathic law that “like cures like”, patients displaying such symptoms have been cured by Arsenic irrespective of the disease (eczema, asthma, sinusitis, etc.). Similarly we use Belladonna 30C for asthma with different symptoms, e.g. wheezing.


Homeopuncture has the following advantages:

  1. Normally in homeopathy, the remedy is placed under the tongue (liquid) or swallowed as a tablet. But in homeopuncture the remedy is placed directly in the tissue. The saliva and other oral barriers are avoided (bypassed).
  2. Action is direct and immediate.
  3. The complementary action of acupuncture therapy helps to enhance the cure.

No two patients with headache require the same medicine. Each one’s headache has its own peculiar symptoms and therefore its own remedies, e.g. headache from dental amalgam, use Mercurius solubis 30C.

One major advantage of homeopathy is its safety. While its medicines are powerful in action working with the body’s own defense, their actual measurable strength is too low to give rise to the undesirable side effects that many modern drugs produce in orthodox medicine.

[See References below.]

Five Frequently Used Distal Points in Homeopuncture:

Lu7 – Lique – head/neck, lung, cervical and thoracic spine
LI4 – Hegu – headache, analgesic point
P6 – Neiguan – abdomen, tonification point
Sp6 – Sanyinjao – low backache, genitourinary disorders
UB40 – Weizhong – pelvic disorders, tonification point


Everyone desires to keep oneself healthy. But most of the people think that absence of disease is the sign of good health. It is a myth because a disease is like an iceberg.

As only the tip of an iceberg is seen outside water, likewise, only a small portion of a disease is clinically detectable. Therefore to prevent the occurrence of disease is far better and far cheaper, than a cure.

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE newsletter of OIRF
Published June 2008

© Copyright 2008, Prof. Dr. Justin Morais, Singaport

Redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor and Esther Treitl, OIRF

Dr. Morais presented this paper at the Fourth International Congress of Traditional Medicine held in Singapore, January 17-19, 2007.

About the author

His football playing career started in the late 1940s, as a sprinter-like winger for Tampines. He had superlative speed and tactful footwork to match during an era when Singapore produced some of the greatest post-war players.

Morais never ever believes in smelling the roses or sitting idle at home. He made bigger headlines after retirement when he opened in 1987, the Sports Acupuncture Centre in Hougang Central, which specialised in complementary and alternative medicine here. Indeed, there were a flock of patients, majority sportsmen because of his reputed involvement in football.

Few know that the former radiographer from Toa Payoh Hospital is now recognised as Prof. Justin Morais, for his advances in propagating biological medicine. Just goes to show that he never stopped learning and upgrading his medical skills to be hailed regionally as an advocate of alternative medicine.

After his retirement as chief radiographer, more than 25 years ago, he upgraded himself medically. He is now recognised as Prof. Justin Morais PhD (Alt. Med) DCR (UK); MRSH (U.K.); MBAcC (UK) Dip in Biological Medicine (UK, USA, Germany and Australia); Dip in Ac (Singapore, Hong Kong; China; Sri Lanka, India); Assoc. Member of the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.

Dr. Morais participated in many OIRF Biological Medicine Tours to Germany and was a strong proponent of MORA Therapy and BioResonance as well as Complementary and Alternative Medicine.


  1. Essentials of Medical Acupuncture, Prof. P.B. Lohiy.
  2. Clinical Acupuncture, Prof. Anton Jayasuriya.
  3. Mystical Energy Healing, Margaret Totle-Smith.
  4. Electro Acupuncture According to Voll, Dr. R. Voll.
  5. Understanding Acupuncture, Dr. Sam Batlivala
  6. Practical Approach to Acupuncture, Dr. P. Bowankav.
  7. Modern Techniques of Acupuncture, Dr. Julian Kenyon.
  8. Homeopathy Keynotes, Prof. Anton Jayasuriya.
  9. Homeopathic Treatment of Sports Injuries, L. Morgan.
  10. Sports and Exercise Injuries, Steven Subotnick.
  11. Ryodoraku Acupuncture, Dr. Y. Nakatani & K. Yamashita.
  12. Homeopathy Therapeutics, Prof. Anton Jayasuriya.

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