“Focus on Solutions”

An Interview with Christian Krämer (Hp.), Lamerdingen,
by Claudia Scheiderer, Wolfratshausen

raum&zeit spoke with the experienced Heilpraktiker [naturopath] and nosode expert Christian Krämer about his practical experience with the controversial vaccination nosodes. Krämer has been working with them for around 30 years and has registered numerous healing successes. Nosodes have also proven to be very valuable in the treatment of Long- and Post-Covid.

raum&zeit: What exactly are nosodes?
Christian Krämer: They are homeopathic remedies, which are produced from diseased organs, pathogens, excretions of infectious pathogens, materials or toxins of all kinds. Within naturopathy, they occupy a niche. The word nosode is derived from the Greek term “nosos” (disease). For me, it is an effective, simple and incredibly strong treatment concept in naturopathic practice. I have been working with it from the beginning and can say: Nosodes work – I have already experienced it a thousand times. They therefore also form the basis of my naturopathic practice. Nosodes also reflect the psychological-spiritual component of a person.

r&z: What nosodes are there?
CK: Strictly speaking, everything that can burden you: for instance, cancer, metastases, chemotherapy, the pill, viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV or mononucleosis) or the herpes family, Corona, post-Covid, bacteria, fungi, neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, but also environmental toxins such as heavy metals, PCBs, nano-particles, glyphosate, or geopathic stresses such as electrosmog, water veins, earth faults, etc. When I started, I could buy nosodes at any pharmacy. In 2006 came the ban. Now only selected manufacturers offer nosodes.

Nosodes reflect the physical and mental component of a person.

r&z: How do they work?
CK: A virus, for example, oscillates in a sinus curve in the body. Also the virus nosode. Only that it writes the sinus curve exactly the other way around, so that the bellies of the virus sinus curves are balanced out in each case. The mechanism of action of a nosode is therefore always the counter-oscillation. Thus, it neutralizes the harmful substance. A virus, for instance, always produces metabolic toxins in the body or triggers autoimmune processes. The nosode compensates all that. By means of the counter-oscillation, the virus sinus curve again becomes a calm line. Balance has been restored.

r&z: How are they made?
CK: You surely know the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto? He has proven that water can absorb a wide variety of information within half an hour and, depending on the type of information with the change of aggregate condition – thus from water to ice – may or may not form different crystal forms. With a heavy metal, the water could not form a crystal – on the other hand, with Beethoven Emoto was able to photograph a beautiful, uniformly shaped ice crystal. That is exactly how you make nosodes. For example, you transfer the “virus” information to water. We must never forget that the human body is made up of 75 percent water! Thus there is a lot of capacity for a lot of information.

The mechanism of action of a nosode is therefore always the counter-oscillation. It neutralizes the harmful substance.

r&z: How do you work with it?
CK: Depending on the symptoms, I test my patient with certain nosodes and electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV). If a resonance phenomenon occurs, the patient is correspondingly stressed. That’s good: In addition to the diagnostic indication, at the same time we also have a remedy at hand with which we can treat: Nosode therapy is a drainage* procedure. Expressed differently, with each administration of the nosode, we are asking the person’s energy field and thus their immune system to repair the diagnosed damage. It is often the case that the immune system itself can no longer “see” the damage – because the body has temporarily stored certain heavy metals in the connective tissue. Figuratively speaking, the nosode then points out to the immune system that there is something else that needs to be better drained.

Nosode therapy always needs accompanying therapy. That means we need a truck that can transport all the dirt out of the body.

r&z: Do you have any examples on hand?
CK: A thirteen-year-old athlete came into my practice because she was totally exhausted. The anamnesis revealed: She had been vaccinated twice with Biontech-Pfizer as well as against papillomaviruses and had fallen ill with Corona once. In addition, the corona virus has settled on her weak point, the lungs. During the hour in my practice, she must have coughed at least 50 times. Here I also used the nosode as a diagnosis to find out exactly where the onset of the disease was and what was exactly the cause. Vaccination, trauma – anything is possible. Then I choose the appropriate nosodes in order to dissolve the healing rigidity in the body and combine them correspondingly with an accompanying therapy. But I can also use the nosode as a drainage method. If, for example, I have a patient with an acute cold sore sitting in front of me, then he gets a nosode (globules or dilution) in low potency – i.e., a D4 or D6 – because it is an acute event. I always individually test the potencies kinesiologically. I can give up to eight (mixed) or more nosodes (alternating intake) at the same time. Which ones exactly, that results in each case from understanding the anatomical and physiological relationships.

Why are nosodes controversial?
Critics of homeopathy in general – such as the Informationsnetzwerk Homöopathie [Homeopathy Information Network] (INH) – naturally also doubt the effectiveness of nosodes, which, different from Hahnemann’s homeopathy are not based on the principle of similarity, but rather cure like with like. Thus on www.medwatch, the conclusion is: incomprehensible according to the current state of evidence-based medicine. In April 2021, the Schloss-Apotheke in Koblenz was prohibited from selling nosodes online by the pharmacy supervisory authority. Allegation: Violation of the Drug or Therapeutic Products Advertising Act. Why? A homepage text of the pharmacy about vaccination and Corona nosodes had been circulated on social media. Since then, pharmacies have been especially cautious and emphasize, above all, that vaccine nosodes are not the same as vaccination. A pharmacist, who prefers to remain anonymous, responded to our inquiry about his experience by e-mail: “We work a lot with therapists who are in favor of vaccination accompaniment and get extremely many and a lot of very good feedback. But the legal situation is not always easy.”

Where to Buy Nosodes

r&z: And how do you work with draining vaccine, Corona or Long-Covid nosodes?
CK: Here, the therapy can last six to eight weeks and, depending on the physical reaction, can be useful two to three times a year. It’s about lowering the viral load, getting the immune system back to normal, etc. Here I have to add a drainage procedure. Nosode therapy always needs an accompanying therapy. That means I need a truck to get all the dirt out of the body. These can be high-dose vitamins (orthomolecular medicine), enzymes, snake enzymes, plants (herbal medicine) or probiotics (intestinal building cures). However, Wala’s organ preparations, called sarcodes, are also interesting. They are, so to speak, the antagonists of nosodes: they do not indicate to our body system what is sick, but rather what is healthy –  they also have something like an exemplary function for the body. Important to know: Post- or Long-Covid was acquired by both unvaccinated people after an infection or vaccinated people without or with additional Covid infection. And: The corona virus reactivates other viruses, such as Epstein-Barr, herpes zoster, etc. This is now also provable with blood tests from specialized laboratories. This means that I have to explore a wide variety of virus and vaccine nosodes.

r&z: Please, your word as a naturopath still follows the vaccinations together with aftereffects …
CK: With the vaccination, we were all lumped together; everyone got the same treatment. But this is not scientific, because everyone has a different history or a different genetic disposition. In plain language: I cannot give the same therapy to an 80-year-old, a cancer‑patient and a healthy child. That’s one thing. But the other thing is that the body needs to understand the vaccination in order to be able to produce antibodies. If it does not do this, then so-called silent inflammations can develop over time, which can eventually lead to autoimmune processes. I can already see that people have changed their personalities due to corona diseases or vaccinations. Many are irritable, many are permanently tired, suffer from brain fog – simply because micro-inflammations have arisen in the central nervous system. I also expect that there will be more cancer illnesses in six to eight years, as the change in the immune system is equivalent to a precancerous phase.

r&z: Do you have a final sentence for us?
CK: I do not want to spend so much energy on everything that Corona has changed. It is important to me what good solutions there are. It brings along nothing to reflect on the bad – it is much more important to offer solutions. Nosode therapy is a gentle method that can be easily combined with other naturopathic procedures. It can neutralize side effects – that’s how it works.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published February 2024

From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 42, Nr. 247, Jan/Feb 2024
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2024, raum&zeit, Wolfratshausen, Germany

About the author

* Translator footnote: The use of the word “drain” or “drainage” in the context of this article should be read with the interpretation of “homeopathic detoxification” or “removal of toxins” with the use of homeopathic remedies.

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