16 October 2023

As I have moved forward with preparations and organization for my two forthcoming conference travels (be sure to watch my “away from my desk” dates!), it has been a pleasure to talk with a number of “old” friends and colleagues. I appreciate every single one of those calls and Zoom meetings. It helps to ground and focus my thoughts and to ensure the information I’m sending you remains relevant and useful. Many of us are once again venturing back into the busy conference and seminar schedules. Since I am participating on a personal level, it is interesting how many of you are asking if I’m going to do another tour or teach in any of the programs.

Additionally, it has been fun to remember previous conferences, and it is always enlightening to hear about your personal experiences and how each of us are moving forward in this supposedly “post-pandemic” era. What has fascinated me most are the different approaches and concerns that are slowly coalescing into a general understanding, or consensus, of how we need to help and treat our patients.

At one point after a few discussions about all the politics and somewhat reduced censorship scrutiny, I played with the idea that it was perhaps time to reopen the discussions about viruses in terms of all the mainstream-acceptable “scientific” explanations in contrast to experiential and ongoing research leading away from that tired old germ theory. I was kind of excited when I saw the article by Sayer Ji from GreenMed Info titled “Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG!” (follow this link). And then – of course – hard reality set in. Just don’t get your hopes up too much – as I watched our provincial government of B.C. return to the ridiculous draconian measures of mandated vaccinations for all health care workers along with heavy propaganda campaigns to get everyone who is “eligible” and “susceptible” into the fall vaccination program for RSV, Flu, COVID (any strain you want), pneumonia, shingles and so many others. And even better yet, they recommend you get two or three of them all in one go. Argh.

Again, the “disinformation” notices and accompanying rhetoric against any who simply don’t want anymore vax jabs is ramping up. It seems the legislation enacted in B.C. last November has come full circle in that they can now totally control all aspects of health care in this province and force all healing professions to either follow their mandates or suffer the severe penalties outlined in that act. Quite simply, this is not the Canada I grew up in and loved.

In at least three of the recent conversations I’ve heard how docs who have practiced within their field for years or decades are simply walking away from all the licensure and restrictions. They are moving instead to having a small, private “practice” under the guise of “biological healing” or “natural health” without licensure. Much of this is similar to the early days of acupuncture when OIRF first began teaching back in the 1970s. Another cycle within a cycle and back to wondering why – or how – we have relinquished our rights and ability to seek the form of healthcare that most aligns with out beliefs and understanding. I must admit that I certainly don’t have the answers to the many questions, but I will continue attempting to get as much information out to you as I can for as long as the powers that be will allow it.

But my thoughts seem to follow those endless cycles, so I’ll try to get back on point here. My translations for this month follow this pattern of information that just doesn’t seem to fit into the mainstream narrative. Oh well . . .

The article on PTSD (follow this link) was of personal interest to me, and I look forward to your comments. With the help of homeopathy, lots of counselling and the understanding of loved ones and my faith community, I have been able to move forward with a “normal “ (well for me anyway) lifestyle. Most of my triggers are under control and quickly recognizable for me now, and a short dose of “my personal pellets” quickly brings any episodes under control. Much more work is needed in this area of mental and psychological disorders. With the current experiences of war, disaster, violence, domestic abuse, unchecked criminal activity, addiction and so on, this Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder will become an ever growing consideration in every practice.

And then we go back to Corona Vaccinations and how they are affecting our fertility, our pregnant moms, and the unborn and infants (follow this link). This is a terrifying narrative – I cried when I read through it again. We’ve seen two previous articles (see links below) by Heilpraktiker Florian Schilling regarding the mRNA vaccines and their consequences. In this particular article all of his footnotes are in English. His research is impeccable, and every one of those footnotes is explosive. All I can say is thank goodness for the German journals like Raum&Zeit where information and research of this depth can still be published and made available.

On this website see also:
V-AIDS and Turbo Cancer follow this link
Post Vaccine Syndrome follow this link

Speaking of Turbo-Cancer, I see some of this information is slowly filtering into the English literature, and I here is another another of Dr. Mercola’s articles on his website entitled “Turbo Cancers” Linked to COVID Jabs (follow this link available for only a few days). “Funny” how all these jabs are still being touted as “safe and effective”. Argh.

One of the main points of consensus in all of these conversations however, has been to focus on the fact that we cannot control or stop or impartially advise our patients about the vax. It is – as it has always been – a personal decision. Each of us as practitioners, and each of our patients, had to make a decision (I won’t say a choice) about whether or not to get the jab. But, we need to be aware of the vax status of each patient we assess or treat. Dr. KD advises that it is clear in the darkfield who is and who is not and who has recovered. But, our treatment and approach is different if we are dealing with natural immunity, the spike protein of the vax, the nanoparticles and other additives – or – the individual’s reactions. I’m reminded of the old joke about the aged acupuncturist who was approached by the newly formed western acupuncture association, asking him about his records. He was quite indignant. “Why keep records? The patient different every time!” Oh, how the times have changed, eh?

Well, as I move into final preparations for my travels to Germany and the Baden-Baden Medicine Week Congress, I’ve already found another article on chem trails by the author/journalist Thomas A. Hein. His previous astute and well researched articles were most insightful. Between a report on the Congress and that translation, I’ll try to get more info out to you in November. My NeuroSync is certainly going to get a lot of workout boosting immunity and mental clarity over these next weeks.

In closing one further quote that seemed appropriate:
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” Harry Truman.

With all best wishes, talk to you again in November . . .


Added Points of Interest from the English literature:

10 October 2023
Global Research Newsletter
mRNA Detected in Breast Milk After COVID-19 Vaccination Can be Passed On to Infants: New Study
Read more here

04 October 2023
Natural Medicine Journal
Intravenous N-acetylcysteine in Respiratory Disease With Abnormal Mucus Secretion
Large new study – Read more here

27 Sept. 2023
Orthomolecular News
Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome: Rapid Resolution with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation
Read more here

Canada’s woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary
38 Minutes – Canada is the Canary in the political left.

An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published October 2023

© Copyright 2023, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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