Specialty: Regulation Medicine

 Importance of Bioresonance in
Diagnostics and Therapy

For those in a hurry
Living organisms can absorb, process, store and release energy. Bioresonance, which belongs to the field of regulation medicine, works with this energy. It influences the patient’s own electromagnetic oscillations and can successfully treat many diseases that have long been considered difficult to influence.

Bioresonance therapy is the practical implementation of regulation medicine of the vital dynamic equilibrium in everyday therapeutic life. It is primarily working with and influencing the patient’s own electromagnetic oscillations on the basis of the principle of (bio-)resonance.

This means that an impulse must resonate with the body (activation of the oscillation-capable systems) in order to achieve an optimal effect in both diagnosis and also in therapy.

All matter, including every patient, is (condensed) energy at the subatomic level. Living organisms can absorb, process, store and release energy. Today, bioresonance is used in numerous therapeutic practices because it can be used to successfully treat many diseases that have long been considered difficult to influence. The three most important facts of bioresonance are quickly summarized:

  1. By means of the patient’s own and substance’s own electromagnetic oscillations the patient’s energy levels, and acute and chronic stress, can easily be determined in the diagnosis.
  2. By means of suitably modulated oscillations the functional and organic weak points of the patient can be found quickly.
  3. By means of the transient prefabricated oscillation spectra it can already be determined in the diagnosis which therapeutics will have a positive effect on the patient.

The bioenergetic diagnosis is assumed through the knowledge gained from experience and the scientific knowledge that about 80% of all diseases are purely functional-energetic disturbances, that biochemical processes are controlled and regulated by information, and that energies activate biochemical processes. As a result, information and its energy, one of which is the origin of matter, occupy central positions in the functional events of the body. The primary goals of bioenergetic diagnosis are therefore to determine the total potential of the body’s energy, to determine the energy content of the individual energy pathways (meridians) and to find out the disruptive factors that cause the regulation disturbances and trigger the dysregulation.

The Basics of Bioresonance Therapy

Initially, bioresonance therapy was purely an empirical science. It was discovered from observation and critical questioning, used in practice and confirmed by practice. It works without having to be given the blessing of scientific confirmation, according to the motto: He who heals is right! Nevertheless, bioresonance therapy fared like many other naturopathic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures – eyed with suspicion by conventional medicine, they were often dismissed as not scientifically recognized. Critics often had neither real knowledge of certain procedures nor their own experience or the will to complete a lack of knowledge first. They formed their point of view on the basis of theoretical considerations and a preconceived notion, often based on the conventional medical paradigm with its linear and symptom-oriented thinking. The rules of naturopathy and thus also of bioresonance stand for the exact opposite: for networked thinking, questioning and acting (treating) on all levels of life – psychologically, energetically, chemically and mechanically. And for this very reason, bioresonance therapy has now also become a scientifically based therapy concept that has been tried and tested in holistic medicine.

Bioresonance therapy is integrated into the large field of regulation medicine.

Bioresonance therapy is integrated into the large field of regulation medicine, the central concern of which is the restoration of the regulatory ability, which is particularly severely disturbed in chronically ill patients, i.e. the activation of the body’s own self-healing powers.

Diagnosis and therapy must be holistic, causal, individual and regulative.

Thus, bioresonance pursues the actual and at the same time highest goal of every serious healing art – and the healing of many thousands of patients proves that it does so successfully. Above all, this is exactly what we need today more than ever! In view of the increase in chronically ill patients, the active holistic therapist must assume that the vast majority of his patients are multimorbid and multifactorially burdened. This means that diagnosis and therapy are becoming more and more complex today, that patients can no longer be treated according to well-established schemes, but rather that you have to “go into depth”. Diagnosis and therapy must be:

  • holistic
  • causal
  • individual and
  • regulatory

Otherwise, there will be no lasting success, and the patient’s dissatisfaction is inevitable. Thus, what used to be the diagnostic and therapeutic ideal of a naturopathic practitioner has now become the indispensable prerequisite for his work today.

Background: The Energetic Nucleus

Everything around us and everything in our human body is energy. Because if we split matter down to the smallest particle and look what it is actually made of, we always encounter an energetic “nucleus”. Energy controls matter (and not the other way around) and thus our mind can also direct matter through its “thought energy”. Crucially, this causal level of matter, the energy, is often not recognized by conventional medicine, although quantum physics has long since proven it scientifically. It is also therefore not surprising that conventional medicine, in its materialistic and linearly limited way of thinking, does not perceive the human being holistically (thus psychologically, bio-physically, bio-energetically, bio-chemically and bio-mechanically in their interactions) either in diagnosis or in therapy.
A holistic view according to the naturopathic way of thinking means the exact opposite: The human being is considered and treated equally physically, mentally and spiritually. When making a diagnosis, the main question is why. The therapy is based on full-time, networked thinking. Above all, it is about making the patient aware of the rhythm of life as well as showing what the basic requirements are for getting well and staying healthy. In this way, every person can find their way back to a natural rhythm of life and optimally shape their own existence in harmonious order with the laws of nature.

Human Beings Can Only Be Treated Successfully and Sustainably as a Whole

Every naturopathic therapist knows that the subject-specific division of the human organism into individual organ system areas, such as ear, nose and throat, cardiology, dermatology et cetera, does not take into account the reality of the whole person in any way. The human being can only be successfully treated as a whole, with diagnostic and therapeutic focal points resulting from the respective case of disease, including many anatomical, functional, physiological, pathophysiological and pathological whole-body relationships, interactions and dependencies. It is thought here for example that mesenchymal, nervous, humoral, energetic, informational control circuits and regulatory systems, control and integrate the body. Often, you can only pursue a causal therapy of diseases and their symptoms by the inclusion of distant causes.

The Cause of Chronic Diseases Usually Does Not Lie Where the Symptoms Are

In this connection in the modern naturopathic practice, the bioenergetic dimension moves more and more into the central focus. This is generally based on traditional Chinese acupuncture, in diagnostic terms especially on Electroacupuncture According to Dr. Voll (EAV). Particularly interesting for the holistic bioenergetic diagnosis is the Chinese doctrine of the 5 phases of change, better known in the Western world as the doctrine of the 5 elements. The assignment of the 12 main meridians and 8 vessels (according to Dr. Voll) to the 5 elements as well as the inclusion of the teeth, tonsils and sinuses enable a holistic bioenergetic status.

Anyone who wants to take the step from symptomatic to causal treatment as a responsible therapist – and actually all therapists should do this – must therefore adjust for a multitude of disturbances. The crux of the causal treatment is, of course, that you cannot treat these disturbances “approximately”, but rather that you have to diagnose and treat very precisely. This precise control is possible due to the (bio-)resonance and its own resonance sharpness when used professionally. During the test, the exact disturbing-factor test ampoules must be found which go into (bio-)resonance with the patient. For example, mycotic disturbances can be differentiated in bioenergetic testing with appropriate test ampules, e.g. Candida, both with regard to their species such as albicans, glabrata, parapsilosis, and with regard to their occurring organs, such as intestine (intestinal mycosis), joints and nervous system (mycotoxins). The individual combination of disturbance factors requires a precise understanding of the individual situation of the patient.

Biocybernetics is the science of controlling and regulating living organisms through information.

The Body’s Own Regulation by Means of the Logic of Information

Health, illness and healing depend on the individual’s ability to react, regulate and compensate. Thus, the body’s own regulation is also at the center of bioresonance therapy. This takes place on the informational level according to biocybernetic laws. Biocybernetics is the science of controlling and regulating living organisms through information. In the sense of the naturopathic paradigm of body, mind and spirit and the eternally valid law: “Everything acts (vibrates) in everything, and acts (vibrates) on everything”, arises the profound fundamental logic that possesses bioresonance therapy and its methodical application when it is applied – therapeutically used – in the logic of this naturally given law of information. All this happens in the living organism, in the electromagnetic field which is in it, in the bioplasma field on its body shell and around it. We refer to this as a biofield, a vital field and finally, in complete logic, as an aura.

Bioresonance is an information therapy that uses the transmission of information in the form of electromagnetic waves. Since matter is condensed energy (according to Albert Einstein) and the formation of this energy into matter is a continuous process (according to Max Planck), it is possible through the specific and individually tested supply of informational medications from the bioresonance device – no matter whether via the patient’s own vibrations, therapy ampules or excretions and secretions – to influence the information field. This controls the formation of energy into matter and we thus offer the organism the chance in the here and now to lead back into a process of recovery.

As a result, the input information field is intensified via various possibilities and modifications of the bioresonance device. The therapy impulse inscribes itself, so to speak, with its information field onto the information field of the patient. The patient’s field is changing, because he has received new, different information. This makes it possible to form a changed matter from energy in the future. In this way, the therapeutic impulse becomes the decisive healing stimulus, which sets the healing in motion through the resonance reaction in the patient.

The Original “Networked Test and Therapy Technology” (VTT)

A major problem with bioenergetic tests has always been that they were either very time-consuming, or that a large number of disturbances were tested, the value of which often could not be clearly differentiated. The result was often a therapeutic overload of the patient. This is not the case with VTT, a central element of bioenergetic diagnosis and therapy according to the concept of this therapeutic establishment. It adds a whole new dimension to bioenergetic testing, because it is now possible to easily distinguish between central (primary) and ancillary (secondary) disturbances and thus to create a more targeted, effective and less stressful therapy for the patient. However, as previously explained, finding out the real causes of a causal chain is essential for the therapeutic approach. This gap could be closed with the development of the VTT by incorporating the time factor into the tests.

The goal of bioresonance therapy is to restore the patient’s ability to regulate.

The decisive factor for this legitimacy is that the patient may only be exposed to the test vibrations for milliseconds. During this time, he reacts when the vibrations immediately resonate with him; or he doesn’t respond to it when they can’t resonate. In this millisecond, the test impulse reduces the pathological vibrations in the organism, and the therapist tests the success of this impulse. This is the basic and special thing about VTT: the therapist tests the patient’s response to a therapeutic impulse. It means, to clearly emphasize the advantage, that therapy is already underway during testing.

The reason for the lightning-fast reaction of the sick organ is the urge of the organism to heal. Oscillations that stabilize the body are immediately accepted by the organism because they are highly relevant for this patient, and additional stresses only after a longer exposure time. This principle of life is an essential factor for the preservation of our mental and physical health.

Conclusion on the Systematics of Bioresonance Therapy

The special bioresonance therapy according to Martin Keymer is the logical consequence of the bioresonance diagnosis, i.e. what has been tested is also treated, according to a structured superior therapy plans developed by Martin Keymer. The goal of bioresonance therapy is to restore the patient’s ability to regulate his or her control circuits and mechanisms. Only when the body’s own regulation again functions optimally, can its self-healing powers take effect again and bring him back to health. The specific therapy contains elements which even for the beginner can lead to good therapeutic results and for the advanced to great subtleties in the therapy. Depending on the disease and patient status, it is always broadly a matter of balancing, relieving, stabilizing and activating.

Knowledge of this test method is primarily important for diagnosticians and therapists, but also patients should know something about it, because networked test and therapy technology means greater diagnostic and therapeutic certainty for them. And in the end, it is up to the patient which therapist he chooses. In addition, he can better take responsibility for his health if he knows what it is all about.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published September 2023

From an article in Naturheilpraxis, Volume 76, June 2023
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2023, Martin Keymer HP, Richard Pflaum Verlag, München, Germany

About the author

The I.M.U. College, which he founded, focuses on this knowledge as an international and independent research and educational institution.

He is the managing director of the company apere GmbH. As an alternative practitioner he was one of the first in 1982 in Northern Germany to deal with bioresonance. His I.M.U. College is known throughout Germany and beyond its borders. It is thanks to Martin Keymer’s incessant spirit of research that the apere-BMS device is on the market today. He is never satisfied with the existing, but is constantly looking for new ways to enable people to live a healthy life.

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