The Campaign of mRNA Gene Therapy

The mRNA vaccination manipulates the organism in a massive way. It is obvious that such an intervention in the highly complex processes of constant health maintenance can have disastrous consequences, and unfortunately appears blatantly obvious in practice. Nevertheless, the application of this dangerous technology, which is actually a gene therapy, is to be expanded more and more – in humans and in animals.

If the mass media is to be believed, the novel mRNA technology used in vaccinations against Corona has been a complete success. It is claimed the (alleged) pandemic was successfully combated with these substances. The common tenor: Without the mRNA injection, everything would have been much worse.

However is this really so? Did this technology actually contribute in helping protect people from the virus, or did it end up doing more harm than good? Did it have any use at all?

For A Long Time Too Dangerous

Before Corona mRNA technology was only known to experts. Not because it was particularly new. Even 30 years ago at the beginning of the 1990s, the first research on this began. But all previous research had been more or less unsuccessful. Again and again studies had to be discontinued at the latest after the animal experiments because simply too many laboratory animals died. The BioNTech Company for example whose owner Ugur Sahin became a billionaire through the Corona injections, had been researching mRNA technology since it was founded in 2008. Not a single product was brought to market during this time. The company could only be saved from bankruptcy thanks to generous investor money. By the way, the American oligarch, excuse me philanthropist, Bill Gates is also among these investors. Just a few months before the outbreak of the so-called Corona pandemic, Gates invested 55 million dollars in BioNTech which until then had been crowned with failure(1). Only a scoundrel would think evil of this.

mRNA technology. What is actually being done here?

The Body Produces Virus Component

But back to mRNA technology. What is actually being done here? An mRNA or messenger RNA (in English messenger ribonucleic acid) is a single stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) that transmits genetic information for the production of a specific protein in a cell. It is hoped that the laboratory produced messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) will be able to transfer this genetic information into the body in order to induce the body to react in a way that is hoped will be of use to the body. Specifically in the case of the mRNA Corona injections this means, for example, that the vaccines have been built into the blueprint for a specific component of the virus, namely the blueprint of the so-called spike proteins. The body of the vaccinated person should be encouraged to produce this spike protein itself so that the immune system recognizes it as a danger (because the spike protein is part of the Corona virus according to official theory) and then afterwards to form antibodies against the spike proteins they produce themselves in order to be better prepared in the event of an infection with Corona. So much for the theory. Just by the way, in order for the mRNA vaccine to get into the body’s cells it was wrapped in a shell of fats. These fats are made up of lipid nanoparticles. Another novel technology that has been used and whose effects on us humans are not yet remotely foreseeable.

The side effects of the mRNA technology are becoming increasingly apparent.

Gene Therapy Under the Cloak of Vaccination

But back to the mRNA technology in the vaccinations which in truth, as some may have already guessed from the above description, are a gene therapy due to the technology used. Even Stefan Oelrich, a member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG, stated at the “World Health Summit 2021” which took place in Berlin from October 24 to 26: “. . . ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example of cellular gene therapy. (. . .) If we had done a public survey two years ago: ‘If you were willing to do gene or cell therapy that you injected into your body, we probably would have had a 95 percent rejection rate.’(2) Additionally, according to the definition of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, these concern gene therapy drugs: “A gene therapy drug is a biological drug whose active ingredient contains or consists of a nucleic acid (carrier of genetic information).”(3) They were only exempted by a legal trick, as Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg confirms.(4)

More and More Visible Side Effects

The side effects of the mRNA technology are becoming increasingly apparent. The renowned US pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole notes that the massive side effects of the injections are not only attributed to the harmful effect of the spike proteins alone, but also to the use of the lipid nanoparticles which, as already mentioned, serve as the carrier system of the injected mRNA. Thus on account of this combination the side effects of the vaccination are in Dr. Cole’s opinion as disastrous as an atomic bomb. The mRNA gene injections showed no benefit, only risks.(7) Figures from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) now dramatically confirm Dr. Ryan Cole’s opinion. The KBV collects the data of around 72 million German citizens with statutory health insurance. Citing the Freedom of Information Act, the KBV had to make its data available to Martin Sichert (AfD), a member of the Bundestag, who had the figures evaluated by data analyst Tom Lausen. Sichert and Lausen concentrated mainly on deaths as a result of the so-called “vaccination”, or rather mRNA gene therapy. Specifically it was about the ICD-10 codes requested from the KBV for the following four diagnoses:

  • “Sudden unexpected death”
  • “Death occurred within less than 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, without further indication.”
  • “Death without presence of other persons”, as well as the diagnosis
  • “Other inaccurate or unspecified causes of death”.

The devastating data was then presented at a press conference on 18.12.2022.(8)

Massive Increase in Sudden and Unexpected Deaths

According to the KBV in the years 2016 to 2020, thus before the start of the mRNA gene therapy, an average of 13 to 18 people died per day in Germany who were put into one of the four diagnoses mentioned above as the cause of death. In 2021 as masses of mRNA were injected there were an average 97 deaths per day were lamented. An increase of 600 percent! Particularly strong was the increase with the diagnosis “Death occurs within less than 24 hours after the onset of symptoms, without any other information”. This is a full 1,474 percent as well as in “sudden unexpected death” with an increase of 1,004 percent. These figures also coincide with the sharp increase in reports of sudden and unexpected deaths since 2021 – especially in the younger age range between 20 and 50 years. These figures alone should lead to an immediate halt to mRNA gene therapy.

These are unbelievable and devastating figures.

Karl Lauterbach – from Skeptic to Propagandist

Initially experts warned against using this technology as a vaccine against the Corona virus. Even the current Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, who has been suspected for many years of being a pharmaceutical lobbyist, in a June 2020 video conference with the Harvard School of Public Health said the following about mRNA technology in the injections: “Messenger RNA vaccines may work, let us hope they work, but it’s not very likely. Up to now, when administered to humans, they have never worked and have never been used. I’m very curious to see how it succeeds in establishing a vaccine that has never worked in humans. With any other disease ever before.” (5)
Just one year later, and just seven months after the start of the vaccinations, the same Karl Lauterbach claims that the vaccination saves the lives of many people.(6) In the same tweet on Twitter he even writes – most likely against his better knowledge – that the mRNA vaccination is free of side effects. As Minister of Health he should have long since noticed the side effects that had already occurred including death. In this case he consciously and intentionally lied to the population to drive even more people into the injections – at that time in spite of the increasingly emerging reports of deaths in chronological connection to the vaccination. In spite of the intensive warnings of pathologists who had examined these deaths and identified a clear connection to the vaccine with mRNA technology.

Additionally, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians recorded almost 2.5 million cases of side effects from the injection in 2021(9). This results in an increase in cumulative vaccination side effects of around 30-times compared to the years 2016 to 2020.

The big elephant in the room seems to be invisible to politicians and the media.

Increase in Cancer, Neurological Diseases and Infertility

The side effects of the mRNA shot extend to almost all diseases that can be imagined. It seems that they have a particularly negative effect on the respective weak points of the respective body. Studies showed that the spike protein is also found in the cell nucleus and interferes with our cells’ ability to repair DNA by inhibiting the important DNA repair protein BRCA1(10). The lack of ability to repair can then cause those cells, that are damaged and no longer repaired but remain viable, to become cancer. So since the start of the vaccinations we have seen a massive increase in cancer cases. Prof. Dr. Hannes Strasser, vaccine physician, emergency physician and urologist, reported on this on 12.02.2022 on the Auf1 television channel(11) about a study by the US Army on the side effects of mRNA technology in the injections. Diseases in the US Army on the average of the years 2016-2020 were contrasted with the diseases from the year of the start of vaccinations in 2021. Vaccination was mandatory in the US Army. According to this study cancer diagnoses have increased about 4-times (!) within a year since the start of vaccination. Neurological diseases rose from an average of 82,000 per year in the year of vaccinations to an incomprehensible 863,000 cases. High blood pressure increased by over 2,000 percent, multiple sclerosis by 680 percent and female infertility increased by 472 percent to name only some of the figures. Many of these patients die from their illnesses as a result of vaccination. These are unbelievable and devastating figures. The massive excess mortality since the start of the vaccination campaign also points in this direction, as I have already been able to show in detail in raum&zeit(12). Excess mortality in Germany remains consistently high. In January 2023 13 percent more people died than the average of previous years(13). An unbelievably high value, but one that doesn’t seem to interest anyone in the mainstream media. The big elephant in the room seems to be invisible to politicians and the media. Additionally the fact that the German pension insurance is recording a profit of 2.1 billion Euros instead of the expected loss of 6.5 billion Euros due to excess mortality in 2022 gives you an idea of the dimension of the whole affair(14). Besides the high excess mortality observed in almost all countries that have vaccinated with mRNA technology now also have a high decline in birth rate(15).

mRNA in Breast Milk and the Human Genome

However the side effects of the mRNA technology in the injections go even further. Contrary to all the assurances of the proponents of mRNA technology, mRNA can also get into breast milk and thus be transmitted to the child, as a study published in JAMA Pediatrics on September 26, 2022 shows(16). Even more vehemently disputed was (and still is) the possibility that the mRNA from the injections can change the human genome. However already in February 2022 Swedish scientists have provided proof that the mRNA passes into the human genome. Especially cells of the liver are already changed within six hours and overwritten with the new genetic material(17). The consequences are not yet foreseeable.

Vanishing Protective Effect

Even the official narrative propagated by the media and politicians about the capability of the new mRNA technology in the injections had to be corrected downwards every few weeks from the beginning. The initially promised 100 percent effectiveness of the vaccination became less and less as the weeks and months went by. From 100 to 90 to 70 to 50 to 30 to: We need a booster. Initially one spade should be enough to be protected for the rest of your life, then it was two, then three (boosters) etc. . . . Many who still believe in the technique have already received the fifth or sixth injection. Meanwhile you had to admit that the vaccination does not offer any protection for others, then that it does not offer any self-protection and finally the myth of protection against a severe course also fell.
So although mRNA technology is a complete disaster even by the standards of the officially propagated narrative and, as Karl Lauterbach suspected in 2020, has not worked in any way, this topic is almost completely ignored by the public.

Gene Therapy for Livestock and Wildlife

In spite of the complete disaster with the mRNA technology in injections, this technology is now supposed to become the new standard. The pharmaceutical industry already has dollar signs in its eyes and is hoping for a new, huge market. As Report 24 reports(13) mRNA technology is to be used for example to save bees from the Varroa mite. The Varroa mite is considered to be a major threat to bees. With the help of mRNA gene therapy, these are now to be rendered infertile. The RNA-based syrup developed by Greenlight Biosciences should interrupt the ability of the mites to produce offspring. However the bees should take this mRNA syrup and the mRNA syrup should reach the mites attaching to the bees via their excretions. But no thought has been given to how this mRNA syrup affects the bees and whether it also gets into honey and thus also into humans.

The US editorial team of Eva Herman(19) reports that the market for vaccinations on animals is to be massively expanded and grow to more than 26 billion US dollars by 2030. The goal is to administer the novel vaccines, such as mRNA gene therapy, not only to farm animals, but also to domestic and wild animals. Veterinarian Dr. W. Jean Dodds explains: “There is currently insufficient knowledge of whether the mRNA vaccines can have long-term effects on reproduction or lifespan of livestock. As farm animals become part of the human and animal food chain, we need to be sure that this type of vaccine cannot induce abnormal cellular or molecular changes in the animals.” (20) You can bet that this aspect will not – once again – be taken seriously and that the mRNA injections will be widely used in the animal world without further investigation.

Health Thanks to mRNA Injections?

Further mRNA gene therapies are also to be developed for humans. For example, BioNTech is developing mRNA vaccines against various types of cancer. For this this purpose the types of cancer, the vaccine candidates and the locations are currently being selected. Clinical trials on humans are to begin before the end of this year(21). The Moderna company also has a whole range of other mRNA preparations in the pipeline. In addition to mRNA gene therapies against cancer and – of course – the normal flu (influenza), an mRNA injection is also planned against the Epstein-Barr Virus. Additionally they are working on an experimental treatment for patients with damaged heart muscle – ironically (or fittingly?) one of the main damages after the Corona mRNA vaccination. The mRNA injection against the damaged heart muscle is to be injected directly into the heart(22). What could possibly go wrong?

So as we can see from the example of the Corona vaccination, mRNA technology or gene therapy has even worse effects than the biggest pessimists had previously suspected. Not only does it not offer the hoped-for protection, it is also extremely dangerous to the life and limb of those who take it. Regardless of the technology used, it should be clear to everybody with common sense that something cannot be right if everyone, whether big or small, young or old, fat or thin, healthy or sick, gets the same dose of a drug (mRNA injection). Children are given a smaller dose, but again the dose is the same for all children regardless of individual differences. One can only hope that the knowledge of the dangers of mRNA technology will reach the general public as quickly as possible so that even more suffering and death can be avoided. By the way in the meantime Bill Gates has sold a large part of his BioNTech shares. Subsequently he declared the Corona mRNA gene therapy ineffective(22).


An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published May 2023

Translated and re-published in an effort to spread the information and research to as many practitioners of complementary, integrative and energy medicine as possible:
From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 41, Nr. 243, May/June 2023
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2023, R&Z, Thomas A. Hein, Bingen, Germany. All rights reserved.

About the author


  8. (This video now removed – CLW)
  12. raum&zeit 237/2022, „Plötzlich und unerwartet”

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