Alternative Medicine for Consequential Damages

What can be done if the vaccination is not as tolerated as it is so often advertised?

Heilpraktiker Theda Sebald has been treating patients with negative vaccination consequences for 25 years and has already compiled experiences relevant to Corona vaccine consequences.

Here she explains how natural healing substances, homeopathic remedies and, above all, also Bioresonance therapy can clearly help to alleviate the side effects.

Since 27.12.2020 [people] in Germany are vaccinated against Covid-19. In the meantime, nearly 75 percent of the population has been vaccinated twice. Unfortunately this has not been without consequences: Currently, the health insurance company BKK ProVita published a projection of the services billed by doctors in connection with side effects or complications after a vaccination. According to that, 2.5 to 3 million people consulted a doctor in 2021 because of a suspicion of a vaccination reaction, vaccination side effect or vaccination damage.(1) In relation to Germany, this is 4 to 5 percent of those vaccinated.

The WHO global vaccination database (vigi-access) registered 2.45 million worldwide reported side effects and deaths after Corona vaccination between 2020 and 2021. In comparison: For the conventional flu vaccine there were officially 272,202 reported side effects/deaths over a much greater time period, namely between 1968 and 2021, or another example shows that 121,988 vaccine side effects/deaths for the polio vaccine also calculated between 1968 and 2021 were reported to the WHO. This database can be seen by every citizen.

Current Figures on the Corona Vaccinations

At the beginning of February 2022, 62.1 million German citizens were vaccinated twice which corresponds to a percentage of 74.6 percent. To date (as of the end of February 2022) around 46 million people have been boosted. In Western Europe the vaccination coverage rate is 70 to 80 percent on average.
In Eastern Europe the figures are significantly lower, actually at 40 to 60 percent.
Recommendation for the Corona vaccine is imposed from the age of 12 by the Stiko (Standing Committee on Vaccination) and is urgently recommended by the government. Pregnant women and under 30-year-olds are recommended to be vaccinated exclusively with Biontech and not with Moderna, because pericarditis and heart muscle inflammation often occurs with it.(2) This is the only warning pronounced by Stiko. Just now work is being done with emphasis on vaccine licensing for 5-12 year-olds.
This is where we now stand in 2022. Within just over a year almost 75 percent of the population in Germany has been vaccinated at least twice. A compulsory vaccination for people working in the health sector has been in effect since 15 March 2022.

The Official Reporting Procedure for Vaccine Damages

There is a distinction between vaccine reactions, vaccine complications/side effects and vaccine damages. I will discuss this in detail at a later time. With vaccine damage it concerns a prolonged health disturbance. The previously mentioned vaccine database usually only registers the most severe vaccine damage and deaths that emerged immediately after vaccination. According to §8, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 of the Infection Protection Act (ifSG), physicians and Heilpraktikers [naturopaths] are obligated to immediately report a suspicion of health damage to the responsible health authorities. According to §11, Paragraph 4 (ifSG), the health authorities are obligated to pass on reported suspicious cases to the higher federal authority, the Paul Ehrlich Institute (hereinafter referred to as PEI). The PEI produces its own database of vaccine damage and passes on its registered cases to the WHO. An example: From 27.12.2020 to 31.07.2021, 1254 people who died in timewise connection after the vaccination were reported to the PEI. However the PEI considers only 48 cases to be perhaps likely.(3)

A distinction is made between vaccine reactions, vaccine complications/side effects, and vaccine damage.

The reporting procedure is very time-consuming and complicated. Timewise you must have reported the affected person no later than 24 hours after the occurrence of the side effects of the case.(4) Because little time for such formalities exists in everyday practice, the complicated completion of registration forms is usually lower and thus is lost. Additionally, physicians who themselves carry out the vaccinations in their practice, are very reluctant to report suspicious cases. It is quite possible that they could also be legally prosecuted by those affected.

Only Five Percent Reported

Conclusion: Far too few cases are officially reported. The cases that are reported are quickly questioned by the authorities and undermined. Here it is repeated over and over again that there is not enough information to draw conclusions about a causal connection between the vaccine and a certain side effect ( Vaccine damage may appear within three weeks after a vaccination, [however] all symptoms after that officially have nothing to do with the vaccination. In the end, those affected or their immediate family look after the reporting and recognition of their vaccine damage with the Paul Ehrlich Institute. However, if they tackle this formally-legally incorrectly or are too late with the report, because they are not able to carry out the report within a time frame of 24 hours due to vaccine damage, these people have no chance of recognition of their vaccine damage. This explains the high estimated number of unrecorded cases of vaccine damage of approximately 95 percent. This means that only approximately 5 percent of vaccine damages and deaths reach into the official database. To stay with the above example: If only 5 percent of vaccine damages are officially recorded by the PEI or the WHO, around 573 million people worldwide between 2020 and 2021 were affected by the Corona vaccine. These are just only the severe cases with massive health consequences or death.

This means that only approximately 5 percent of vaccine damages and deaths reach into the official database.

Vaccine Side Effects and Vaccine Damage Made Taboo

In spite of massive vaccine side effects and vaccine damage, only a few citizens are critical with respect to the approved vaccines (Johnson&Johnson, Biotech/Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca) and question this large-scale field test. And those who do so publicly are shouted down as conspiracy theorists or unconventional thinkers and predominantly receive derogatory evaluations in the public media as if their statements avoid any scientific basis. In that case, it has to be questioned exactly what science then assesses the vaccine damage? Here there is no committee and no committee of experts who nevertheless devote themselves critically and above all scientifically to this highly charged topic. There would be enough numbers and cases as the above example shows. On the contrary, not only the manufacturers and the so-called experts, but also the public media and our politicians do not take a critical position on this topic. In other words, vaccine side effects and vaccine damages are not critically discussed, nor are the true numbers published. The topic of vaccine side effects and vaccine damages after a Corona vaccination is downright taboo.

The famous French virologist Luc Montagnier, who recently died, but on 12 January 2022 said: “These vaccines are terrible unknowns. They are not real vaccines. The mRNA allows its message to be reprogrammed uncontrollably through the whole body (with the help of spike proteins).As early as 1995 Luc Montagnier said: “Doubts are scientific. There is no dogma in science.” Anyone who looks around today in the year 2022 must realize that science will soon consist only of these dogmas.

Personally, I do not know of a single case of serious vaccine damage that has been recognized and compensated as such.

Experiences with Vaccine Side Effects in My Practice

I have been working as a naturopath for 25 years in the field of critical vaccination education and have been treating vaccine side effects and vaccine damage in my practice for just as long. I have given many lectures on this topic and there I have met even more affected people who told of the fate of their relatives. Severe vaccine damage that was never compensated. Personally, I do not know of a single case of serious vaccine damage that has been recognized and compensated as such. None! All these affected people live with their grief and the loss of their health from a supposedly protective vaccination.

Three Reaction Categories After a Corona Vaccination

Vaccine reactions immediately after vaccination which are considered as a sign of the body’s interaction with the vaccine are: reddening, swelling and pain at the injection site, increased temperature, fever, dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, or flu-like discomfort with chills and painful limbs and joints. Such symptoms develop within two days of the vaccination, stay only a few days and after that usually completely fade away.

Vaccine side effects are such symptoms which can go beyond the above mentioned period of a few days after the vaccination and can lead to longer-term health damage. These include locally limited numbness sensation, neuralgia, reactivated post-shingles pain, reactivated chronic diseases (shingles, mononucleosis, Herpes simplex rash), chronic headaches, persistent tiredness and exhaustion, concentration disorders, shortness of breath, cardialgia, muscle pain, cycle disorders, heavy menstrual bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding in women, tingling under the skin, skin rashes, circulatory disorders, inflammation of the veins (vasculitis), swelling of the arms and legs, insomnia, visual disturbances, general immune weakness, recurring infections, anxiety and depressive moods.

Under vaccine damage you see the health and economic consequences of a health damage beyond the usual extent of a vaccination reaction. The health damage is irreversible and usually lasts a lifetime. Only in this case does the right to compensation by mean of the Federal Benefits Act (BVG).(5)

A list of vaccination damages that occur after Corona vaccinations (with vaccines from Astra Zeneca, Biotech, Johnson&Johnson and Moderna): Fatal myocarditis, hemorrhagic stroke, aplastic anemia, cerebral hemorrhage, status migrainosus, pericarditis, sinus vein thrombosis, autoimmune hepatitis, liver failure, activation varicella zoster, multi-organ inflammation, transverse myelitis, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, autoimmune encephalitis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, blindness, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Kawasaki syndrome.(6)

Possibilities of Holistic Detox of Vaccination

I assume that a vaccination with an mRNA vaccine triggers a similar reaction-chain in the immune system as the disease itself, only that the immune system is challenged even more widely by means of the spike protein. Therefore our patients usually receive the same active substances as in the acute Corona disease. In our practice we prepare the patients with the medications at least seven days before each upcoming Corona vaccination and they receive these at least 14 days afterwards, with complaints longer. These are the following active substances: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc, bromelain, quercetin, milk thistle.

Vitamin D: Improves the immune response, has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects vessels, promotes glutathione synthesis and regulates the synthesis of the ACE-2 receptor. The ACE-2 receptor is one of the most important entry points for the virus into the cell. The risk of getting infected is significantly reduced with an optimal Vitamin D level. Intake: Over the entire winter, and before and after vaccination slightly higher doses, with in each case 5,000 IU (international unit)/day after a meal.

Vitamin C: Inhibits the cytokine storm after vaccination, has a virus-inhibiting effect, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, promotes lymphocyte development and differentiation, has a blood-thinning effect and thus against the dangerous coagulation disorder. Regenerates the mucous membranes. In other countries, for example China, in severe Covid-19 courses, high-dose parenteral (past the intestine) is given by infusion in the intensive care unit. Intake: 3 times 400 milligrams (mg) tablet per day.

Zinc: Zinc stimulates the activity of the immune cells. It is involved in the action of over 3,000 endogenous enzymes and proteins. With regard to Covid-19 disease, normal zinc levels improve the immune response, have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect and act as a mucosal protector. A zinc deficiency results in an increased risk of a more severe course of the disease. Intake: Zinc 50 mg in the evening before bedtime.

Bromelain: the enzyme from pineapple has an inhibitory effect on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It affects blood clotting, prolongs bleeding time and prevents platelets (thrombocytes) from accumulating, thus inhibiting the danger of thromboses and embolisms. It has an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and digestive effect. Intake: 500 mg of bromelain 1 time daily.

Quercetin: Has a general antiviral effect, destabilizes as a bioflavonoid Protease CL-pro which is responsible for the multiplication of the virus. This is one of the most important proteins occurring in SARS-CoV-2. Without this protein, the enzyme activity and thus the multiplication of the virus grinds to a halt. It also effects blood circulation. Intake: 1 capsule 500 mg one time daily.

Milk Thistle: Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the liver and causes a toxic effect there, like many other viruses, the liver is particularly affected by this disease. There is severe fatigue and lack of energy and blood clotting increases with declining liver performance. Milk thistle has a special property of protecting the liver cells from the penetration of toxic viruses. It also has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It inhibits cell damage and promotes cell regeneration. Taken in time, it protects against vaccine side effects, as it also protects the liver from adjuvants (additives) of the vaccine.

Treatment with Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) belongs in the field of complementary medicine. Primarily, the body’s own self-healing powers are activated and harmonized by the natural biophysical magnetic fields of our earth (Schumann Waves).(7) This method is very successful in the treatment of allergies, but also bacteria, viruses and environmental toxins. I have been using Bioresonance therapy for 25 years in the elimination of vaccine toxins, especially in the treatment of vaccine side effects in children who have reacted to the early childhood vaccinations.

It can happen that the immune system goes haywire after a vaccination. Especially from the mRNA vaccines, the immune system can be very strongly irritated and overstimulated so that it begins to switch into a hyperactive mode in which it remains for a longer period of time. The vaccine thus triggers serious and diverse immunological disorders (see above list of vaccine reactions and vaccine damage). Within the context of the Corona vaccination, we work with this method both in preparation of the immune system as well as in after care from a few days to weeks after vaccination. Important for the therapy is the vaccine, which we use through the therapy similar to a disturbing allergen in the treatment. The patient usually comes for treatment once or twice.

Bioresonance therapy helps the body to deal with the vaccine.

With stronger vaccine reactions we work with supporting glutathione infusions. I have a patient with multiple sclerosis (MS) who has been doing amazingly well in the last three years due to our steady immune-stabilizing and metabolism-relieving treatment. She had hardly any discomfort and was symptom-free. After the first two Biontech vaccinations, she was briefly weakened but had recovered. We always treated her immediately after and detoxed the vaccine. Only after the booster vaccination she has again been back to where we started working years ago: extreme weakness, no longer resilient, headaches, intestinal problems. She has to sit down and rest with every little effort. Detoxification with Bioresonance has not improved her condition. Only treatment with glutathione infusions brought a strong improvement. Here there was a chronic mitochondropathy which still needs to be treated additionally. This often occurs with patients with chronic pre-illnesses. The vaccination has absolutely demanded too much of her immune system. However, with patients without chronic predispositions with vaccine side effects, the Bioresonance therapy shows astonishing success with detoxification of the vaccine as well as the preparation before vaccination.

Finally, I would not like to leave unmentioned that the four homeopathic polychrests (much-tested remedies with a broad sphere of action) Thuja, Nux vomica, Sulfur and Silicea in each case in C30 have proven themselves as good support for vaccine detoxification. One of these remedies is given to our patients immediately after the vaccination in a single oral intake, 80 percent of patients get Thuja C30.

My conclusion: After vaccination, it is similar to chemo/radiation therapy for cancer. If the organism is overwhelmed with toxins, an accompanying holistic detoxifying and strengthening treatment of the immune system is very valuable for recovery of the affected person. These patients are much better both after cancer treatment and also after vaccination with such an accompaniment.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published May 2022

From an article in Raum & Zeit, Volume 40, Nr. 237, May/June 2022
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2022, R&Z, Theda Sebald, Münsing am Starnberger See, Germany

About the author

Book Tip: Uwe Friedrich: „Corona-Impfung und jetzt? Impfungen heilsam begleiten”, Klar Verlag Baltrum, 2022, €10,- ISBN: 978-3938461129


  3., „Corona-Impfung – Schadenersatz- und Versorgungsansprüche bei möglichen Impfschäden”
  4. archiv/ SARS-Cov-2: „Meldepflicht bei Impfkomplikationen”

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