Electromagnetic Information fields
as the Basis of Life

“Every man and every woman is a star”, was claimed by the notorious English Occultist Aleister Crowley about one hundred years ago in one of his rare moments of higher realization. (1) He could not prove it or did not want to. That the allegedly poetic statement is much more, namely a hard physical fact, could only be proven experimentally decades later. Actually all of our ten billion cells radiate a few hundred photons per second in the wavelengths of visible light. Therefore altogether a whole lot. Or also not. Because although our retina, in principle, is capable of registering individual light particles, we cannot see the lights. The low intensity is no easy task even for the supersensitive measurement apparatus called the Photomultiplier.

Although recognized in the meantime, this fact was disputed by the generally established science for a long time. The credit for this, to have made an old realization acceptable, falls substantially to the German researcher Fritz-Albert Popp. The doctoral graduate quantum physicist [working as] a radiologist in Marburg made an astonishing discovery in the early 1970’s: that there are obviously no chemical, but rather optical-physical properties of the molecular structure of a substance which makes it the cancer trigger. In fact it is not that they initiate cancer growth, but rather that they hinder the natural repair mechanism of the cell system instead. (2)

According to his interpretation of the observations, it relies substantially on the information exchange by means of weak electromagnetic radiation. It gives a spark into the foreign materials like lametta strips into a radar field of an air defense system. Yes, more still: The radiation forms an often complex electromagnetic field which steers the infinitely complicated metabolic processes in the organism and consequently can be regarded as a prerequisite of life. Popp therefore called it the BioPhoton field.

Nevertheless, this was too fantastic for the medicine and biology of the seventies. In the end this put not only the more or less approved theories about biochemical information processes between the cells into question, but also shook directly to the foundation of medicine: Disease thus threatened to become an area of information theory and physics. So it was not very surprising that the employment contract of the visionary assistant professor in the medical faculty of the Marburg University was not extended in 1980. And so it was to be read in the Upper Hession press that there is no demand for BioPhotons in Marburg. (2)

The Light in the Cells

Besides, the knowledge was already old hat in the 1980’s that, for example plants also communicate by means of electromagnetic radiation. Finally, even in 1922 the Russian Alexander Gurwitsch found out that young onion roots, sea urchin eggs or blood cells mutually stimulate an ultraweak light emission through cell division – a discovery that would have brought him the Nobel Prize by a hair’s breadth. (3) He called it the Phenomenon of Mitogenetic Radiation. The only bad luck for him was that direct proof failed because of the too low sensitivity of the measuring technique at that time. However, some sixty years later, Popp and his graduate student Bernhard Ruth rigged [one] up from discarded components of the German Federal Armed Forces. Place of the action: a retired barrack on a former NATO rocket base in Neuss, which was later declared as the International Institute for Biophysics (IIB). This “civilized” light amplifier was capable of making out even a glowworm at a distance of ten kilometers. That was enough for the first proof of a clear light emission with cucumber and potato germinations. (5) Many more followed that were also confirmed by other researchers. And also about the same time a Russian team had discovered that a virus brought into a cell led to characteristic light reactions, which vary between violent radiation outbreaks and complete radio fluctuations, until a slow wavy dying away of the radiation finally signals the death of the cell. The discoverers wrote that the process reminded them of the screams of pain in an animal. (2)

Also Popp identified that the photon radiation of sick organisms looks different than healthy ones.

It becomes more irregular or shoots up eruption-like into the height. Besides, it was found out that healthy humans radiate the BioPhotons symmetrically and in a smaller quantity. If there is an asymmetry related to the body’s longitudinal axis, it is somewhat bad. Cancer patients therefore exhibit a strong asymmetry. With patients with multiple sclerosis however the emission is increased approximately 100-times – “probably because increased photons are used in the repair attempts, also like is the case with inflammations”, suspects the biophysicist.

Cancer Model from BioPhotons

Soon from these realizations a far reaching logical and basically even mathematical cancer model could be developed. It states in essence that these are signals in the form of BioPhotons which in the organism make sure that cells cannot grow infinitely, but rather restrain themselves to a certain cell number of safe growth – if they are healthy! Experiments at the federal University Utrecht (Denis Schamhart) and at the cancer research center in Heidelberg (Werner Scholz) confirmed that in principle. (6) Normal cell tissue, according to the results, re-emit fewer and fewer BioPhotons after exposure (so called induced absorption) with increasing cell number, while in contrast the re-emission lights of the tumor tissues increase above-linear with growing cell density. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1: (Measurements according to D. Schamhart). With increasing cell density the delayed luminescence of the
re-emission of the photons is decreased (lower curve) – a phenomenon which is characteristic of normal
(healthy) tissue, while with malignant tumor cells an above-linear increase of luminescence can be observed
(upper curve). However, weak malignant cell tissue with increased cell density shows a weak increase
of the BioPhoton emission x. *

The formula developed from it reads: dn/dt = αn + βn2. Thereby the cell number is n, dn/dt the temporal alteration of the cell number of the group, and α and β stand for a constant slightly dependent on time. If β<0, describes the function curve for growth of normal tissue; thus for tumor tissue β≥0 is valid. Consequently a hidden mechanism works behind β<0 as a growth brake for the cells. “The understanding of that leads to the understanding of cancer growth, and its understanding means the solution of cancer problems” Popp summarizes the problem.

The discoveries of the BioPhoton [researchers from] Neuss are extremely significant not only for medicine, but have also proven useful for other areas of life.

For example with quality control of foods. Thus with eggs it can be clearly measured whether they originate from biological chickens or from a laying battery. The same is valid for fruit and vegetables. And even for genetically changed food! The standard for quality and freshness (aliveness) is thus not the number of transmitted photons, but rather the characteristic hyperbolic decay curve of the light emitted again after short irradiation. The technical term for this is delayed luminescence.

From extensive test series researchers all over the world came to the same result: “The more natural the meats, fruits or vegetables are, the flatter the curve. That is to say, the more slowly they give off the BioPhotons again”, explains their discoverer. In contrast to the costly chemical examinations this method of quality control requires only a few minutes – an advantage which is important for wide commercial use. At present particularly in Japan they have tried to work this out with suitable devices.

Where Does the Light Come From?

Although worldwide about 50 research groups with partly substantial financial and technical resources try to fathom the secret of BioPhotons in the meantime: however still no agreement prevails about the question of its origin. But nevertheless it seems clear that DNA plays an important role. Model calculations prove that the double helix consisting of approximately ten billion molecules is able to store and also again to deliver incident light through changes of its spatial structure. Nevertheless it concerns not just ‘normal’ light, but extremely coherent light – photons which swing (simply expressed) in a strictly regular identical rhythm. Since coherence is a characteristic of laser light, the DNA molecule in this case would represent an ultraweak laser. So the human being is therefore not seen as a star like Crowley thought, but rather as a pulsating light pump.

Additionally, as the Indian mathematician Raychaudhury proved, besides being able to modulate the light wave generated by it through its special geometry, the DNA is therefore able to impress information on them. At the same time it functions as an antenna, which constantly receives information from the BioPhoton field. (2)

Whether this field is also identical or at least partly identical with the human aura is at present still unsolved. If you assume that the phenomenon of electromagnetism is not really understood so far despite the Maxwell equations, enough area for the integration of esoteric or complementary models remains – even if the scientist Popp practices restraint in this direction. Thus as a first step the optical proof of the meridians took place in 2004 by means of a highly sensitive infrared camera (see Figure 2). It can be shown that it does not deal with ‘classical’ heat radiation as previously accepted, but rather with BioPhotons. (6) The meridians would therefore be light conductors.

Figure 2: Stomach meridian picked up with an infrared camera (Therma CAMTM PM 290,
enlarged model) which is sensitive in the area of 3.4 to 5 nm and taken in a temperature
range from 10°C to 450°C. (Details about the camera at www.flir.com) *

It would seem, the processes which we call life, at the lowest level are steered by a complicated highly regular information or regularization field at the BioPhoton basis whose information channels are known as ‘meridians’. Popp is certain that “without this field we would change in the shortest time into a kind of chemical porridge”. His colleague Hans-Peter Dürr, former director of the Werner-Heisenberg Institute in Munich agrees with him: “For me this radio traffic between the cells is plausible. Solely chemically, the logistics are barely explainable in an organism.”

Opponents and Refutations

Other researchers see it differently and consider in particular the coherence as not proven. Thus the Freiburg biophysicist Reiner Vogel suspects the origin of BioPhotons is in similarly well known chemical reactions, rather than in very strong bioluminescence. Fritz Schäfer from the Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen admits that the ultraweak cell radiation is generally recognized in science, but regards Popp’s other theses as “clearly disproved”. (5)

Thus more distance between the coworkers of the BioPhoton Research Group (a kind of working community or study group of various institute groups and businesses) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research was supported.

Nevertheless, their small distance from the painstakingly privately funded International Institute for Biophysics seems more politically-economically motivated than scientifically founded, because in the end their research subject matter is completely different in spite of identical names (see box).

Science Can Be So Fantastic

Since 2004 the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) clearly thinks to promote BioPhoton research. Therefore through the German Association of Engineers (VDI) was brought into existence the BioPhoton Research Group, in which the methods followed exclusively with that founded by Fritz-Albert Popp and internationally conducted genuine BioPhoton research, but at best it was done on the periphery. The scientists with the group coordinator Prof. Jürgen Popp (who just by coincidence claims the same [family] name as the BioPhoton pioneer) by no means deal with the light which is emitted by living tissue (BioPhotons), but rather with light reflected by tissue – which is a fundamental difference because otherwise everyone could examine a piece of skin with a flashlight and designate it BioPhotons.

Remarkably and strangely for the political grants however, it was not just another research subject and it was the same family name. At that time, when it was about the money the applications were referred to the newly formed research group in spite of the other content adjustment to the original work and the great international reputation of Fritz-Albert Popp – naturally and ‘properly’ with the signature of Jürgen Popp who at that time at least claimed to have first established the field of BioPhotons. A scoundrel, who while doing so meant malice. Because the privately funded International Institute for Biophysics founded by Fritz-Albert Popp was classified by the BioPhoton Research Group or the VDI evaluation authority as not worthy of support, they saw no Euros out the state millions.

The results of the BioPhoton pioneer and his co-workers were confirmed without substantial qualifications by hundreds of publications in renowned professional journals. On the other hand, there is no respectable work which would disprove even one of the fundamental statements – Popp is sure.

Nevertheless over three decades the guild of skeptics has steadily become smaller.

Moreover, for more than ten years people have used the knowledge diagnostically and analytically in practice. In Japan for example, in the last couple of decades three-figure million sums have flowed into suitable research and development. Also Brazil has purchased analysis devices from Neuss.

Popp was accepted as a professor where he was appointed to the secondary and also the renowned German universities, and also into the teaching body of the famous Princeton University in the USA. Only recently he was invited to an international specialized conference in Tokyo to present a principle paper on BioPhotons. Also in Germany they have (supposedly) recognized the luminous sign of the times: at least 50 million Euros were made available over five years for suitable projects (see box).

Thus, BioPhotons built a bridge between the old mystic knowledge of the light and spiritual nature of human beings and modern physics: Every man and every woman is a star.

An Exclusive Translated Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 15, 2008

From an article in CO-MED. Volume 13, Number 08, August 2007
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2007, Joe Romanski, Hitdorf, Germany

About the author

*All illustrations with the friendly permission of the International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss www.biophotonen-online.de


  1. Crowley, Aleister; Das Buch des Gesetzes, Kersken-Canbaz (1992)
  2. Bischof, Marco; Biophotonen – Das Licht in unseren Zellen; Verlag Zweitausendeins (1995)
  3. Bischof, Marco; Tachyonen, Organenergie, Skalarweilen – feinstoffliche Felder zwischen Mythos und Wissenschaft. AT-Verlag, Aarau (Schweiz) 2002.
  4. Bauer, Dieter; Nachweis der ultraschwachen Lumineszenz an Gurkenkeimlingen; Diplomarbeit, Universität Ulm (1983)
  5. Berndorf, Jan; Das Leben leuchtet, Magazin natur+kosmos; 6/2004
  6. Popp, Fritz-Albert; Biophotonen -Neue Horizonte in der Medizin. Von den Grundlagen zur Biophotonik; Haug-Verlag (2006)

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