A Guest Commentary

To Vaccinate in Times Like These?

A Few Energy Medicine Notes

By Ulrike Güdel, MD

For 17 months one small virus had us firmly in control. The power of the widespread media pictures of coffins, overcrowded intensive care units and the daily special broadcasts have been embedded into our collective memory, just like the evening hand clapping on balconies for the courageous nurses and orderlies. The fact that thousands of these “heroes” gave up their jobs last year because the working hours are inhumane and the pay is miserable (compared to the clinic bosses, CEOs and pharmacologists – and this for many years) has not led to a rethinking in currently running collective bargaining.

Worldwide however, fundamental rights were restricted in a never before known way, the new figures were announced daily in the conventional media. But whether these are actually able to portray the events in society, may almost not be critically questioned. However, where critical discourse is absent, censorship is not much further away – and at the same time governs the fear which is strongly heightened through persistent scaremongering, makes many contemporaries panic-stricken and drives bizarre [ideological nonsense].

In my general medical practice which has focused on naturopathic and energy medicine for over 20 years, since the beginning of the pandemic I have seen beyond coincidental many stressed, anxious and insecure people. Depressive conditions are frequent, desperation, anxiety about the future, poverty, short-time work, excessive demands from home office, home schooling, loss of social network and unfulfilled longing for nearness and embracing (especially for singles), various somatoform disorders, sleep disturbances, listlessness, weight problems because of missing athletic activity, loss of the joy-of-life, self-worth problems of all kinds, to mention only the most important.

Since the beginning of 2021, I have been experiencing intensified discussions about how to handle the social and professional pressure to finally allow the vaccination now. Even medical personnel, teachers, educators and others therapeutically employed are forced by their employers or colleagues to lead the way to social responsibility in the matter of vaccination and nevertheless to certainly be “models” for the still undecided. The fundamental right to physical integrity seems to play as small a role as the Hippocratic Oath which orders above all to do no harm.

With worldwide limited emergency authorization* the vaccines were ordered brought to market by governments, and – shame on he who thinks evil – at the same time the manufacturers were released from liability for these products. Large scale vaccine campaigns started and every federal state (or here in Switzerland every Canton) tried to come into the top vaccination rankings.

Those who get vaccinated are considered social, caring, in short as better people. For a long time a rift goes through society and divides them, and the split goes all the way into families – here the “good” vaccine willing, there the “evil” sceptic.

“Divide and Rule . . .”

Only the old Latin phrase occurs to me about this: “Divide et impera” – divide and rule. The more people are isolated, the better they become manipulable and controllable – in the absence of lively discussion the door and the gate are opened for propaganda. Thus, it is wholeheartedly promised that the vaccinated can travel again, can freely move – and additionally there are new Apps, contact tracing, electronic vaccine proofs, more and more digitalization and surveillance of individuals – through the back door of the pandemic laws a two-class society is being  cemented.

I rub my eyes surprised: “Vaccine centers” were stamped into the ground. Where are the family doctors who know their patients exactly and can estimate who has high risk factors and should be vaccinated? However, family doctors also know who has already reacted badly once to a serum, who should be careful because of allergies or autoimmune illnesses in regard to foreign genetic material – in short, who should wait until long term experiences are present.

Speaking of long term experience: Up to now none of these vaccines can be proven that they are safe in the long term for healthy people who are treated with this serum! Because this new technology is too young for it – never in the history of mankind has this new vaccine technology been tested – even the EMA [European Medical Agency] writes that they do not exactly know whether the vaccine works, how exactly it works and whether a sustained protection from infection can be expected from it.

Meanwhile, a gigantic field trial (on living people) is running with many collateral damages which have already led to the fact that certain countries have pulled certain vaccines from circulation . . .

Case Study from the Practice

In my practice I not only observe my patients with my five senses, but I also have a good opportunity to illuminate energetic events a little more exactly with Kinesiology and a test device. This is why I would like to describe an impressive case example here: I have been looking after Mrs. M. for about a year. She came to me because of a pronounced exhaustion condition with sleep disorders and daily headache attacks.

For a healthy regulation the organism needs 100 points of body energy, soul energy and mental energy as well as 50 points of intuitive energy, briefly notated as 100/100/100/50. At the beginning the patient had the values of 30/20/40/60, thus a severe exhaustion condition.

Then during therapy issues also appeared, like exhaustion, discontent, lack of self-assurance, feeling of being in the role of a victim – and these can be resolved by means of homeopathic remedies and instructions for awareness of the possibilities for change. Within 6 months her energy values rose to 60/70/100/70 and gradually her discomfort was reduced – to her and my joy.

Shortly after – without consultation with me – she let herself be vaccinated against COVID for the first time, four weeks later the second time. One week after the second vaccination I saw her again. Now her values were 50/30/70/50 – she suffered once again from daily headache attacks and was very exhausted. To my great regret I had also found out that her body cells were strongly over acidified, a sign of degeneration, and some organ systems like kidney, pancreas, spleen, liver and bronchi were functionally weakened.

Since I was previously able to experience a consistently positive build-up of her energy values and her condition, and also at the same time no drastic events existed in her life, I cannot avoid the conclusion that this crash of the energy values as well as the dramatic weakening of the organs is in a causal connection with the preceding vaccinations. I am aware that this is only ONE casuistry that makes no claim to universality. Nevertheless, I found the course devastating and evocative, and I would like to send a reminder of caution.


The human community has survived many crises in the course of its existence. Wars, famines, natural disasters and epidemics have cost many people their lives and continually claim victims. However, the human organism has also learned over the millennia to live together peacefully and evolutionarily with bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms in us and around us, and to further develop as a result.

The human community could do this again during this time, using many naturopathic possibilities of which I would like to mention only a few:

  • Vitamin B, C, D
  • Bryonia D6-D12
  • Omega 3 oils
  • Echinacea
  • Forest bathing
  • Thyme tea, pine needle tea
  • Sufficient sleep without WLAN
  • Sufficient movement in nature
  • Joy, humor, love
  • Friends, laughter, trust
  • Gratitude, humility
  • Compassion for the earth and all fellow creatures
  • Self-responsibility, self-care, self-esteem

If we could then stop being greedy and exploitative, not only could we heal ourselves, but also our planet – since we do not have a second one.

Keywords: Corona, vaccination, mRNA vaccine, energy medicine, commentary

* Update 16 Sept. 2021: The US F&DA has granted full authorization to Pfizer now called Comirnaty. Moderna (Spikevax), Pfizer (Comirnaty), AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) have all been fully authorized by Health Canada. CLW

With apologies, no further author information is available at this time.

An Exclusive Translated Commentary/Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published September 2021

From an article in Naturheilkunde, Volume 23, August 2021
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2021, Ulrike Güdel, Switzerland, Raum&Zeit, Germany

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