Advanced Medicine Conference

May 29-31, 2021
Sioux City, South Dakota USA

Conference Website

The afternoon of May 31, 2021

My dear colleagues and friends,

After the closing of this amazing conference a few hours ago, I have tried to bring myself back to the reality of home, Monday morning emails, looming publication deadlines and the myriad of events and obligations that represent our daily lives whether or not there is COVID.

There has been an astounding amount of information shared with an even more astounding number of healers and practitioners around the world. There were hundreds of in-person attendees – people who braved international and domestic travel by air, or drove for up to 26 hours – and an unannounced number who like myself attended virtually. There is no comparison between virtual and in-person attendance, and I truly missed the ability to talk to other attendees and visit all the exhibitors, but in spite of that I did get to hear these amazing and brave men and women inform us about the truth concerning the current Pandemic situation.

And why do I say brave? Every single one of the experts who spoke and shared their expertise these past few days had a tale of persecution that ranged from loss of their practice licence to loss of their job to . . . I’ve lived that type of pressure and control during the near 50 year existence of Occidental Institute [and yes, I am that “mature”] and I have only the greatest of respect for them. And so I came away from this conference with a range of emotions and a depth of understanding that has confirmed the many articles, commentaries and translations that I have published over the past year-and-a-half.

Here’s a list of the speakers I heard – I’m not going to attempt to outline everything they spoke about. They have promised to make the video presentations available and I will send you the information as soon as I receive it. Hopefully, and probably, it will be available publicly rather than just to attendees.

Day One
  • Robert Scott Bell, DA
  • Jose Rivera Dugenio , PhD – sorry I missed these two gentlemen when I couldn’t get logged into the Zoom conference meeting room early Saturday morning.
  • Bruce Lipton, PhD – Quantum physics, we are energy beings, genetic determinism makes us victims, the use of fear to “scare the shit out of us” to get this so-called vaccine
  • Rashid Buttar, DO – Critical steps to the appropriation of response, the organizer and sponsor of this conference
  • Sayer Ji – philosopher, founder of GreenMed Info and Stand for Health Freedom
  • Christiane Northrup, MD – The truth is light, we are witnessing the “death knell of the old order”, beware of energy vampires, this vaccine is the gateway to universal slavery, and note that the first things they shut down were singing, church and private events.
  • Carrie Madej, DO – Transhumanism, mRNA is the equivalent of a human operating system and with the utilization of nanotech an attempt at human trafficking. Consider the Microsoft Patent 2020060606 of March 2020 regarding the “Wellness Pass”.
  • Out of the Day 1 Q&A
    • This is an evolutionary process
    • To outwit the “devil” – don’t give him permission
    • Consciousness gives us power – trust yourself
    • We need to stand up to the bully – do not accept restrictions that are based in fallacy.
    • Remember the Nuremberg Trials: it is illegal globally to experiment on humans. The mRNA “vaccines” are untested, unapproved and illegal gene therapies that are being utilized under the changed definition of a vaccine only under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
    • One of the additives in the mRNA “vaccines” is glyphosate
    • Remember Buckminster Fuller and Ephesians 6:11-12: Don’t try to fix the broken system – start your own!
    • Numerous organizations have begun to help/protect people who are “refusing” or “delaying” the vaccines

Day Two

  • Eileen McKusik, MA – Sound therapist, Book “Tuning the Human Biofield”, use of tuning forks, Schumann Waves and manipulation of the magnetic field with sound, the language of frequency [hmmm – sound a bit familiar?]
  • Lois Laynee – Affects of the cranial nerves, respiration and the 7 nasal reflexes
  • Morgan Kalani – We must be the truth seekers, the importance of intention
  • Thomas Cowan, MD – [WOW! – and OMG!] 1954 experiment of Ender debunked but still used, exogenous pathogenic viruses do not exist and no virus has ever been isolated. This is expert critical analysis and research.
  • Andy Kaufman, MD – Falsehoods of the current narrative, there are no known pathological viruses.
  • Ty Bollinger – With his wife Charlene, Ty is the author and producer of “The Truth About Cancer” and “The Truth About Vaccines”. The “Center for Countering Digital Hate” has put out a list called the “Disinformation Dozen” that includes 13 well know experts (including 6 of the present speakers) who oppose the narrative about COVID and the restrictions (masks and lockdowns), discussion and history of medical censorship and propaganda, inclusion of toxic chemical SM102 in the Moderna COVID vaccine
  • Leila Centner – A teacher and founder of the school in Florida which forbids enrollment of students who were inoculated and the use of masks for children.
  • Lee Merritt, MD – COVID 19 is the weaponization of medicine and represents unrestricted warfare. The reason for the mask is as a symbol of obedience.
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – I don’t think any introduction is necessary. Key points:
    • A brief history of US health policy dating back to his uncle JFK and the Congo’
    • Remember that all health agencies are also military!!
    • Most of the fatalities from the Spanish Flu of 1918± were from bacterial pneumonia and respiratory illness which could have all been successfully treated with antibiotics [and better sanitation] – not from that corona virus!
    • Gates and Fauci have been in partnership for decades
    • In his position with the health agencies and the government, Fauci has the capacity to reward or destroy (remember also the Flexner report from the early 1900s) all medical research and practice [think of Judy Mikovits]
    • Fauci is deeply involved financially with the development of many drugs [think here also of Judy Mikovits] and is a great part of the epidemic of opioid addiction
    • It is under Fauci’s decades of power, that the USA now is home to the most unhealthy children in the world [think of mandatory vaccinations from infancy!!!]
  • Out of Day 2 Q&A – I’m sorry – no notes. I just sat and stared. I can’t explain or annotate a question period with the experts we heard on this day. My mind is still reeling. Please understand that as controversial as this research is in terms of the mainstream narrative, there was no – let me repeat – no negativity or anger or threat here. This conference included meditation sessions, and three “Demonstrations of Being Connected” via frequency (that were highly effective even virtually), the recommendation for prayer within your own religious or philosophical faith, and a determination to ensure that the truth is here and we can continue to spread this information.
    • One remembered question: If this virus is so virulent, why do they have to send a swab all the way up to the back of your sinuses to find the sample? Can’t we just spit in a cup?

Monday Morning; Day Three

  • Michael Yeadon, semi-retired, researcher, past vice president of Pfizer, co-founder of his own biotech company and recently proclaimed as a “whistle blower”.
    • I’m mostly retired and have nothing to gain or lose from the truth that I have expressed and that I continue to spread as widely as possible.
    • What is going on is very scary, but it’s not just the vaccine
    • There are 6 other known similar corona viruses including the common cold, and some 40 other respiratory illnesses
    • We are being lied to by the government and the medical advisors. This is not a mistake. It is not a misunderstanding. It is a deliberate deception.
    • Lie #1: Everyone is vulnerable
      • Truth: At least 30% of everyone is completely immune
        This is only fatal to those already at the end of life due to age or chronic illness
    • Lie #2: There is no therapy
      • Truth: [If needed] Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc, ivermectin, steroids
    • Lie #3: Test, test, test
      • Truth: Should only be tested with symptoms
        Too many amplification cycles cause too many false positives and false negatives
        Same mortality as previous years for flu
    • Lie #4: We are pathological to each other – with no symptoms we are a threat – distancing
      • Truth: If you have no symptoms, you do not have sufficient (or any) virus and thus there is zero chance to transmit the disease.
    • Lie #5: Masks are necessary to stop transmission
      • Truth: Mask should only be worn by physicians in surgery
        They do not protect from a virus and are not designed for it
        Cloth masks are more susceptible to contamination
        Constantly playing with your face after touching objects
    • Lie #6: Lockdown
      • Truth: In order to transmit the disease you must have symptoms
        Lockdowns were pointless – healthy people do not infect healthy people
        In many poor countries, the lockdowns caused massive starvation
        There were an extra 1,000 deaths per week because people were too frightened to go to the hospital when they were ill with any disorder. Totally unnecessary fatalities.
    • Lie #7: Another variant – a variant is a mistake in replication.
      • Truth: According to UK and global gene sequences, there is a variance of 18% between the SARS 1 (2002) virus and the SARS-CoV-2 (2019). Patients who contracted SARS 1 have sufficient antibodies and immunity against SARS-CoV-2. However, the biggest variance for the UK Variant shows that it is 99.7% similar – or only varied by 0.3% – which the body can easily overcome.
    • We must recognize the lies, and take back our lives.
    • Closed Borders where it is illegal to cross [he mentioned traveling UK to France – but this is also here between USA and Canada]: This has never been done before, not even during WWII. This is not reasonable, and is based on a lie [distancing].
    • Gene based vaccination: top-up or booster is absolutely useless.
    • Emergency Use Authorization only. For this reason they had to change the definition of what comprises a vaccine, and then suppress any possible therapy so that they could scare you and then allow the vaccine onto the market.
    • They want to vaccinate everyone, not only the vulnerable.
    • This is 50 times more dangerous than previous vaccinations.
    • Do not allow children or pregnant women to be vaccinated
    • Vaccination Passports or Digital ID: These have been under consideration in the EU since 2018 and in the UK for more than 2 years.
    • These represent the end of democracy and of individual freedom.
    • They provide totalitarian control,

And all of this in less than one hour. My fingers are cramped . . .

  • Thomas Cowan, MD: The fallacy of vaccine pathologic priming, viruses are primarily remnants of cell breakdown [Whoa – see that “new” article by Dr. Schimmel about viruses!!]. For both cancer and measles, detoxification leads to maturation and immunity to the disease [I think I muddled this a bit, sorry, but my brain was really muddled after Dr. Yeadon]. We must introduce positive energies and resort to resonance and energetic measures. Most important:
    • I am not afraid!

Although a “Surprise” Speaker was scheduled now, she was apparently unable to participate – as was Del Bigtree from Highwire Times. Thus, what followed was a discussion and brief guided Q&A led by Dr. Buttar, Dr. Bell and Dr. Northrup. There were:

  • Comments about the “Disinformation Dozen”
  • The difference between a conspiracy and the truth is usually 6 to 12 months
  • Visit and follow some of the gathered intel on vaccinated vs un-vaccinated kids here:
  • Knowledge is power.

The closing of the conference included thanks to speakers, staff and the hotel/convention center, and was followed by the “Demonstration of Being Connected” frequency and a special meditation – or prayer if you will – to the Divine to dissipate fear led by Dr. Northrup.

My conclusions and benefits from this conference:

Encouragement: This is an evolutionary stage in history and there is hope – or better yet intention – that we can leave the current virus narrative aside and create a new paradigm with natural and energy medicine.

Courage: That I am not alone with this understanding, and that if we link our arms together and continue to openly present the truth, we can bring this propaganda narrative to a close and move forward with natural medicine.

Gratitude: That we are not alone in preserving and protecting this knowledge, that we are able to share the light of truth, health and personal freedom, and finally that transformation is possible.

Carolyn L. Winsor
Biological Healing Consultant
Praxis2Pactice Consulting

An Exclusive Announcement/Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published June 2021

© Copyright 2021, Praxis2Practice Consulting/Winsor, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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