Of course we can trace the use of energy in all its various forms for medical applications back to the beginning of man. But it is during the time of the past 60 or so years that has brought energy and biological medicine back into everyday use by natural healing experts around the globe. It is modern day research and technology that has given us the ability to return to and effectively use these natural energetic methods. But I’m not going to lay out thousands of years of history (yawn!) or use the knowledge of the ancients (double yawn!) to try and explain what we are experiencing in this exciting field today. We need only a few words to reach an understanding of the background and the basis of the ultimate energetic method – BioResonance Therapy.

By now most of you know the fundamental background of how Dr. Franz Morell was one of the original members of the study group who worked with Dr. Reinhold Voll developing and working with what later became known as Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll, or EAV (the first documentation was seen in the early 1950’s). As changes and innovation crept into that study group, some of these brilliant physicians split away to work on their own developments. Many of those practitioners such as the dentist Dr. Fritz Kramer who helped develop the low pressure electrode tip, brought innovation, credibility and accessibility to this diagnostic method that remains to this day one of the most widely used point and medication testing methods.

In time Dr. Morell also split away from that prestigious study group. Initially Dr. Morell and his son-in-law, the engineer Erich Rasche, worked to develop such devices as the sender/receiver (transmission of the remedy information electronically) and the spin tester (measurement of the spin characteristics of remedies and bodily fluids). Dr. Morell’s interests also extended to his friend and colleague the hydrologist Prof. Louis-Claude Vincent and together with Mr. Rasche they developed the BioElectronic Vincent (BEV) method for medical applications. Mr. Rasche actually won a prestigious international award for his design of the device’s unique measurement electrode which measured pH, resistivity and redox potentials of the patient’s blood, urine and saliva.

As the end of the 1970’s approached research began on the concepts of what we today call BioResonance. BioResonance Therapy was originally researched and developed beginning as early as 1978. The Med-Tronik Company was founded in 1979, and the first BioResonance devices – initially called “Input-Output” devices – were brought to market later that year as a MORA II. The name is of course composed of the first two letters of each name, MOrell and RAsche. With a team of dedicated engineers and technical personnel, Med-Tronik expanded into a range of biological medicine products that included some of the earliest BEV, PEMF and BioResonance devices and by 1982 was an acknowledged force within this field.

But all things change, don’t they? The best example I can give you is to look briefly at the many methods of point and medication testing currently utilized in practice. Even with the beginnings of EAV there were those who were challenged by the testing method and tried new and different ways to collect the information they needed in their practice. It is this kind of “rebellion” that led to the development first of Biological Functions Diagnosis (BFD, first seen in the mid-1970’s) and then on to VEGA (early 1980’s). Today we can see multiple different approaches to each diagnostic method, and it always boils down to the fact that each individual practitioner understands and works with the procedures in their own way. While strict EAV works perfectly for one practitioner, only VEGA makes sense and works for another. As long as we have learned the basics of the method correctly, then it becomes a matter of personalizing the procedure for the individual practitioner’s application.

In recent years we have seen a proliferation of new BioResonance devices coming onto the market. There are now multiple different devices and companies which have picked up the use of the term “BioResonance”. It’s to be expected as the method and the technology move into this century and incorporate modern electronics, software and technology. As Dr. Uwe Uellendahl says in his recent article [The Bridge, Volume 11, Issue #12, December 2015], “But of course everybody longs for the day in which we finally find out for certain which electromagnetic oscillations in BioResonance Therapy can influence and control exactly which extra- and intracellular processes.” That day will come. But for now we must all work to maintain the credibility of this method as it continues to evolve and move forward into the future.

I will be bluntly honest with you here, in that Med-Tronik has faced some horrendous challenges in recent years following the death of the engineer and founder, Mr. Erich Rasche. Quite frankly we almost lost this company due to mismanagement, criminal fraud and bankruptcy. The company was literally stripped of its many long term loyal employees and supporters, who then each sought other employment or development within the field. About 18 months ago, new owners (from China) took over Med-Tronik. In the interim new (and some previous) staff have been hired and I must say that the changes and development have not only turned Med-Tronik around but are pushing it strongly into the future.

In spite of these challenges and changes, MORA® [and currently 2023 also BioKat] is the only true and classical BioResonance device available in the Biological Medicine market today. All other so called BioResonance devices are either copies of MORA or are some alternative type of technology. Included in this category are BICOM, Holimed, Rayonex, IMEDIS, and too many others to mention here. And how can I make this kind of claim?

The essence of MORA BioResonance is the biological/electronic filter system. The concept of MORA is that when the patient is attached to the device, it will read the information of the patient’s electromagnetic oscillations, process them in the device and instantaneously send them back to the patient as therapy. It is individualized, precise and highly effective. This proprietary and unique filter mechanism measures the incoming oscillations and can then:

  1. Amplify all incoming oscillations (to assist with diagnostics or therapy)
  2. Invert all of the incoming oscillations (designated Ā or A-Bar, i.e. for allergy treatment)
    And the key here which is unique to only MORA [and BioKat]:
  3. The proprietary biological/electronic filter can separate Harmonious (H) and Disharmonious (D) oscillations

What? Yes, this is the true classical BioResonance Therapy application. By separating the Harmonious (healthy, calm, “good”) oscillations from the Disharmonious (unhealthy, chaos, “bad”) oscillations we are now able to process the information and give the body the support and information it needs to initiate self healing. Thus, in most MORA therapy applications you will see what is called the “H plus D-Bar” mode. The filter has separated the H and D components, and is returning the oscillations to the patient in such a way that the Harmonious oscillations are amplified, and the Disharmonious oscillations are inverted. Although we all know that you cannot cancel energy, we are in essence teaching the body to “cancel” the disharmonious oscillations similar to the way our noise cancelling earphones work when flying.

I’m not going into a long technical or theoretical discussion here either. But we must bear in mind that this filter system is proprietary and unique. Although there are many other so called BioResonance devices, they are not able (or allowed) to copy that filter system. However even though many of these newer devices coming onto the market may consider themselves “just like a MORA”, they are all only able to work with variations of the filter system. Some have only inversion, some have inversion and amplification, some are even only radionic and some have electronic-only filter systems.

I can’t resist another short analogy here. Remember the restaurant patron looking at the menu in an exotic establishment that serves unusual dishes? As the waiter informs him that the alligator tastes “just like chicken”, he decides that he will just have the chicken please. Hmmm.

I personally remember Dr. Morell promising us during a seminar that once we understand the concepts of BioResonance and the operation of the device, our use and application in practice will be limited only by our imagination.

But true to Dr. Morell’s promise the result of this proliferation of new devices and approaches has brought us new research, new approaches and new applications for the MORA BioResonance devices. Like the old high school taunt – “I can do everything you can do, and I can do it better!” Throughout the “troubles” at Med-Tronik, OIRF stayed steadfast in our support of this company on the trust and hope that in light of the quality and unique technology of their devices they could recover. Like the fabled phoenix with the restoration of full service, repair, domestic and international marketing, training and r&d departments under the new owners, this is a company and a method that is ready to move into the future. Over the past year their upgrades and recovery have had an obvious influence throughout the field of Biological Medicine, and all I can say is “They’re back!”

OIRF maintains a strong philosophical, commercial and policy connection with Med-Tronik that now dates back more than 35 years. In spite of the appearance of the many device copies, but yet based on our ongoing quality and effectiveness research, OIRF has chosen to maintain our exclusive but highly respected recommendation for MORA and Med-Tronik.

To close I would like to update you on the status of the various models and products from Med-Tronik. The MORA Beauty is pending acceptance in the USA. This is a cosmetic and wellness device using BioResonance as the basis of applications. The MORA Super made by Med-Tronik has been registered with Health Canada for more than 5 years. Additionally the following devices are in pending/application process with Health Canada:

  1. MORA Beauty
  2. MORA Nova
  3. MORA Color
  4. RM10

From both a professional and a personal perspective, I am proud and pleased that our loyalty and commitment to Med-Tronik and the MORA® brand allows us to continue to bring these proven quality products to our OIRF members and supporters. Here is the optimum way to enhance and complement the effectiveness of your diagnostic and therapeutic practice methods.

Carolyn L. Winsor,
Managing Director

An Exclusive Article for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2015

© Copyright 2015, Carolyn Winsor, OIRF, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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