The applied methodology with the ONDAMED System is founded on the basis of respect and honor for each individual life and the individual truth within each patient. The goal of ONDAMED’s physiological treatment in using focused electromagnetic waves is to stimulate improvement of systemic functions as well as improving stress tolerance levels without connecting the patient to health hazardous induced labelling of diagnosis.

The ONDAMED is a combination of various philosophies and its frequency selections are based on ancient and pioneering Western and Eastern healing methods including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Homeopathy.

A Visualization Software lets the patient visualize the frequencies in colors, providing color therapy at the same time the frequency stimulation takes place. The Software also allows for recording the information found on the patient, and printing the patient information sheet.

Humans are electromagnetic beings, and are receptive to electromagnetic vibrations. ONDAMED stimulation induces subtle current impulses in the body’s fluids, organs, tissue, and cells. Our connective tissue, also known as “the matrix”, is our largest organ in the body. Connective tissue connects all cells and organs in the body.

The flow of electrons takes place in connective tissue. The perineural and perivascular system sits in organs, around muscles, bones and nerves. What takes place here may be compared to a semiconductor. Let’s take the following example: Isolated areas in the body, such as inflammation, are collecting a different electrical potential widely known as the ph-level in the body.

Once the ph-level is outside the neutral range of close to ph7, it indicates an electrical potential of the isolated area. This potential has an electrical field, which influences the conductivity in the surrounding area – just as the gate does in a semiconductor.

Ondamed GmbH, and
The Binder Institute for Personalized Medicine
Schwanau, Germany and Cornwall, NY USA

Please follow this link to see the Introductory article by Dr. Binder.

An Informational Article for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published May 2017

© Copyright 2017, Occidental Institute, BC, Canada

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