The Physical Basis of the
BioResonance Method

The triumphant progress of classical physics was possible with the understanding that the world is objectifiable, the smallest component is reducible, and all processes run off linearly and causally. This had considerable consequences for the world view: The sensual, emotional, spiritual, etc. areas were excluded from the scientific picture and thus the holistic approach was negated. Modern physics emphasizes against the holism of the world and shows that processes in general, and in particular in Biological Systems (BS), are predominantly non-linear and mutlicausal.

Essential characteristics of the BS are omitted if the demands of reproducibility and objectification are maintained as the basis of the scientific approach. Quantum physical processes which do not meet this postulate from classical physics, obviously control important processes in biological systems. Life on earth is connected with electromagnetic radiation (e.g. light) which is also available for the transference of information in a wide spectrum. With the BioResonance Method we try to bring the information into the BS which stimulates the self healing forces as well as makes it possible to have an effect on healing.


In 1975 Professor (for histology and embryology at the University of Vienna) Alfred Pischinger introduced the System der Grundregulation [The Ground or Basic Regulation System]. The Ground Regulation System is a further development of Virchow’s cell theory. In his writing of cellular pathology Virchow referred to the concept of illness exclusively as a disturbance in the structure of a single cell. Pischinger could show that the common active and information field of the terminal vascular bed, the connective tissue cells and the vegetative-nerval end formations is the extracellular fluid. Thus it regulates the “cell milieu system” (e.g. food, disposal) and simultaneously is the subject of all inflammation and defensive processes (Fig. 1).[Note: Instead of the diagram design included in the German Co’Med version of this article, I substituted an original and historic diagram from the English language edition of Prof. Pischinger’s book – my apologies for the background bleed through.]

According to Pischinger and Heine (Pischinger, 1990) the control of processes in the extracellular space and within in the cells are successful through the humoral system, the nerval system, the electro-ability (charge fluctuation, charge exchange, etc.) and electromagnetic oscillations. Electrically (and magnetically) controlled processes in people seem to be fundamental (Eckert, 2009). Changes in the Pischinger Ground System (PGS) already developed before an orthodox medical proof is successful (Pischinger, 1990, Draczynski, 2000). In addition to chemical, also energetic and informative processes, which however can be engaged with the help of regulative medicine, go here. However these methods (e.g. homeopathy and acupuncture) also belong to the BioResonance Method which comprises both diagnostics as well as therapy.

The BioResonance Method (BRM) belongs with those healing methods which are not recognized academically and whose success is based on experience. On the one hand, this lies with the classical definition of the academic standard which would have to be changed from the view of modern physics. On the other hand, it becomes clearer and clearer that in biological systems quantum physical processes run off. The technical measuring capture of such processes (for example in the living cell) only now comes into the realm of possibility (Ze Wail, 2011). Nevertheless modern development of the natural sciences, in particular in physics, offers a lot of knowledge on which basis the effect of BRM can be explained without logical contradictions.

Here we will try to show this knowledge in a clear form. Furthermore it should be made clear, how the undesirable trend originated which led to the mechanistic world view of a linear, deterministic, reductionist, etc. thinking. For this purpose the mechanistic theories are contrasted with the new physical world view. The consequences of the new world view are varied.

The World View of Classical Natural Sciences

The worldview of classical natural sciences was stamped by a transition from a holistic consideration (which contained objective characteristic features as well as sensuality/experience, etc.) into an “object-only-consideration” (in physics e.g. by the abstraction of the celestial bodies as a mass point). The foundation was laid down by Descartes and Newton in the 17th century – by the possibility to assign exactly one point in space to a mass (Cartesian coordinates) and to precisely describe the movement of these points (Newtonian laws). With this began the victory march of classical natural sciences. It started to disassemble, to calculate the parts and their movement, and was meant to be able to predict the development of the world. The philosophy of this natural scientific thought was characterized very well by the remark of the French mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827): If he had stood beside God at the moment of creation, he could have predicted the whole future of the universe (because then he would have known the beginning conditions – the coordinates and impulses of every particle – and could have predicted those movements for all time). The person and his thinking processes were also integrated into this mechanistic world view.

This world view is based among other things on the views:
Determinism: Everything is predetermined by external or internal causes (if I know the beginning, I can predict the development).
Reductionism: I can explain the final questions by disassembling into the smallest component (the opposite of holism).
Linearity: Clarity of cause and effect as well as the causal connections.
Scientific Approach: The object in consideration must be objectifiable (that also means that its properties must be quantifiable) and the result must be reproducible.

The New World View and its Consequences

This world view came staggering to an end in the 19th century. Many questions and problems could no longer be resolved within the scope of classical physics. The discoveries at the beginning of the 20th century that energy appears only in quanta (Planck, Einstein) and light can appear as both waves and as particles, already pushed open the gate to modern physics. In quick succession new knowledge with greater range was gained: the fact that atoms consist of a heavy nucleus and are surrounded by electrons (Thompson, Rutherford, Bohr and others), and that electrons, atomic nuclei and matter likewise possess wave qualities (de Broglie among others). Einstein found out that mass and energy are equivalent and that a relationship exists between the curvature of space-time and gravity.

A new physical foundation became necessary in which physics could again find a unity, which means that a mathematical description of the new knowledge also became possible. Schrödinger (at the same time also Heisenberg) developed the characteristics of quantum mechanics in which the focal point equation named after him stands. This equation was expanded by Dirac to relativistic movements. In quantum physics the movement of the particles is described by a wave function whose square of the sum can be interpreted as probability. That is to say it no longer succeeds in predicting precisely where a particle (e.g. an electron) is to be found at a certain point in time, but you can only give a probability for the whereabouts. Nevertheless it is possible to perceive the whereabouts with precise measuring technology. However it is not simultaneously possible to also exactly determine the velocity (precisely, the impulse) of the particles. This prohibits Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: Uncertainty does not reflect a technical problem, but rather is a consequence of the waves and particle natures of matter and light. With every measuring process there is an observer/experimenter involved. This observer influences the result both by his experiment setup (what he would like to measure) as well as by the measurement itself (measurement is also always an interaction between the measured object and the measuring instrument).

In the second half of the 20th century other discoveries could be added to quantum physics with immense effects for understanding the BS, and which can be added up under the catchwords “Dissipative Structures” and Chaos Theory (Prigogine, Lorenz among others, see also Ebeling, Feistel, 1994). It turned out that order/structures originate far away from the thermo-dynamic balance. Biological systems must take energy into themselves to prevent buildup of entropy (a buildup of entropy goes along with the dissolving of structures). Finally Burkhard Heim developed a new mathematical beginning (the Metronen Calculation) to be able to consider the quantification of the universe and to treat the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics uniformly (W. Ludwig, 1993).

There exist immense differences between classical physics and quantum mechanics not only in the dimension of the observed particles. Although Schrödinger’s wave function is able to describe the quantum system very well, many of the results of quantum physics are no longer to be understood within the logic of “healthy common sense” (Einstein: Healthy common sense – unites all prejudices which a person takes up from about the age of 16 years).

Our logic and our linear or three-dimensional (Euclidean) thinking, with which we cope well on earth and in daily life, in quantum physics and probably also in the universe is only approximately or are not at all valid. The contradiction between what is objective (e.g. can be described with the help of physics) and what we see (subjective, what we interpret) may be made clear simplistically with an example of a tree: From the tree a spectrum of electromagnetic (elm) waves are radiated/reflected, some are focused by the ocular lenses, reach the retina, are converted into electric signals in the rods and cones, the signals are conducted over the nerve tracts into the brain and cause there a colored image. This image perhaps leads to an emotion, which is of course individually different. The physical view of the tree primarily exists from the atomic nuclei, electrons and energy, and 99.9% of the tree volume is a vacuum. How did Democritis of Abdera more than 2000 years ago already formulate: Color is feigned, sweetness feigned, bitterness feigned and are really only atoms and emptiness (Schrödinger, 1954)? That is to say that an image of a closed (massive) matter is an act put on for us. Objectively, what is in an image that we see?

From this we can draw the following conclusions: We are still a long way from understanding how processes really run off in nature. Therefore we should be on guard about seeing an idea as the final truth (as dogma), even if the model has served with great advantage over many years. It can be regarded as proven that many processes in biological systems (BS) are quantum-physically controlled – and thus are not subject to our logic of “healthy common sense”.

In the meantime on the basis of verified non-classical physics, the aspects of the previously cited world view of classical physics (determinism, reductionism, linearity, scientific approach) are also necessarily subject to certain changes:

Determinism: there are deterministic processes (even Chaos has a deterministic portion), but Nature has freedom for its own decision.

Reductionism: Again we recognize more and more that the world is holistic. Everything is connected with everything else, we all consist only of atomic nuclei and electrons, which were in existence in the universe from the beginning on (?), were modified and distributed. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the sum of the electrons and atoms seem to be more than the sum of the characteristics of all the particles. This becomes clear particularly on the basis of the BS, where completely new characteristics appear which are not deducible from the characteristics of the elementary particles. Nevertheless reductionist thinking has not completely disappeared in either physics or biology. Nuclear physicists still search for the smallest component of the universe (nuclear research centers) and molecular biology anticipated the final understanding from the decoding of the genes, e.g. for the differences between species, types, families, the causes of illnesses, etc. (Sheldrake, 2010).

Linearity: In nature there is hardly any linearity, as almost everything runs off non-linearly. Also cause and effect are not separated or classified unambiguously. A cause can show different effects, and an effect can have different causes. Earlier it was regarded that small causes could also achieve only small effects, but today this is not valid anymore. We know that the smallest causes can have the greatest effects (Chaos Theory – non-linear dynamism). Phenomena like synchronicity (according to C.G. Jung a connection of sensuality/experience with objects from the outside world) can be interpreted as acausality and take place outside of space and time.

Scientific approach: If non-biological systems are examined the old definition is often applicable. For example, the characteristics of a solid body are to a large extent objectifiable (for the purposes of a particular question) and are also quantifiable. However, already a BS is no longer objectifiable if you do not want to give up essential characteristics which constitute individual differences. With this also appears the question whether a patient is objectifiable: From the health-political view the patient/person seems to be seen more and more as an economic object. We also know that the so called Placebo Effect depends on the credibility of the therapist or the therapy, thus from the non-objectifiable dimensions.

The reproducibility of results can be seen the same way. With many mechanical systems it can be assumed. But even relatively simple mechanical systems (e.g. coupled pendulums, but also the trajectories of more than two self influencing heavenly bodies) often are not simple to describe, tending to bifurcation and avoiding by this a reproducible prediction. With a BS this demand for reproducibility likewise seems to set a limit, because reproducibility presupposes a mono-causal Cause-Effect-Relationship.

In acute medicine and in emergency medicine multi-causality can be reduced with great success in favor of the emergency as a mono-causality and thus to linearity (Abele, 2003, Hanzl, 2006). The essential disturbance can be treated and smaller disturbances can be negated (for the time being). In chronic illnesses this is classified differently. Also here there is absolutely a hierarchy of disturbances, however this hierarchy is more difficult to recognize. Here only the thinking of the linked relationships, supplemental to the control and switching systems as well as their hierarchical relationships, can produce positive results diagnostically as well as therapeutically (Pischinger, 1990).

With a pathological change in the intercellular space a BS will usually react in such a way that a healing takes place. The correction process can be described with the model of the control circuit (Röhler, 1973), which means the desired value is again reached by a correction of the abnormality from the inside out (self healing forces). This is just no longer possible with chronic illnesses. Through burdens of many different kinds (energetic blockages, toxins/heavy metals, orthomolecular deficiencies, geopathic stresses, etc.) several control circuits as well as regulation levels can be disturbed (Abele, 2003). Thus reproducibility exists with regard to higher healing processes/strategies as regulation and disregulation. However the therapeutic regulation intervention and the endogenic reaction to it are individually different. For example, with each patient the regulation stress can be caused by quite different disturbances (with the same symptoms) (Pischinger, 1990). With such relationships reproducibility cannot be expected. The BS retains the integrity of freedom of choice.

It is clear that the demand for the “scientific approach” cannot be valid in the old sense for all processes in the BS. According to Popp (2006) it contributes rather to the monopoly position of orthodox medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in medical research – the more provable reproducibility is, the less relevant the process is for the system.

Nevertheless, there must be rules given to evaluate the quality of knowledge/research results, and additionally still belong to the scientific approach and reproducibility. Objectification is reached with difficulty (as in the example, the tree should not be displayed) and probably not at all if it is about a living system. However the demand for reproducibility can appear only if (to a large extent) mono-causal processes are examined or if statistical parameters are derived from the results. The (statistical) law of radioactive decay is reproducible; nevertheless it is not predictable which atom emits a particle at what time. On a statistical basis the reproducibility of a healing effect is considered as proven by the application of the BioResonance method: Healing success exists on a large scale and can also be proven statistically with allergies and in special other cases (Schumacher, 2004, Rummel, 2007, Brügemann, 2007, court judgment on allergy treatment with the BRM, 2009). With smaller case numbers, which cannot guarantee the quality of the essential statistical parameters in a necessary measure, the still valid demand for the “scientific approach” is hardly attainable. In that case the multi-causality of the causes and effects prevents the recognition of the method although the patients were cured. Thus it would be a time to devise rules for the scientific approach on the basis of modern physics which also possess validity for the BS and with it also for non-linear, multi-causal and chaotic processes as they occur in the BS.

The Adaptation of Biological Systems to the Environment

Life on earth probably originated within the framework of the interaction of matter and energy with the environment. An evolution following afterwards is also certainly understood as the optimization of the biological system to the ruling environmental conditions (Lauterbach, 1975, Weiß, 1991, Bischof, 2005, Popp, 2006, Sackmann, Merkel, 2008, Sheldrake, 2010). We understand from this that the sum of all conditions are observed as natural electrical and electromagnetic fields and radiation, magnetism, seismic including micro-seismic, gravity, etc. These dimensions are subject to variations with different periodicity and amplitude. An adaptation of the BS in the course of evolution must also be understood in such a way that normal/middle field dimensions as well as activities show a condition for normal behavior of a biological system. Deviations from the BS can be tolerated or compensated only up to a certain degree (stress); further divergences usually lead to “not normal” reactions. The influence of the electromagnetic fields on the human psyche or on the control processes in the BS is considered as proven (Weiß, 1991, Bischof, 2005).

Information and ELM Waves

Up until to now on the basis of non-classical physics it was established that many often used ways of thinking or thought patterns do not withstand an examination. “Healthy common sense” should always be scrutinized for its compatibility with the modern results of natural science. Since quantum physical processes play an essential role in the BS, interest should be shown in them and further important discoveries/developments that are necessary for understanding of the BioResonance Method. This concerns the role of information and of electromagnetic waves as carriers of information.

In the modern (non-classical) physics, mass and energy are equivalent (Einstein) and additionally the information comes as an independent dimension (Steffler, 2003, Bayer, 2005). Information is usually coupled with matter or energy. Mass can be understood as compressed energy. It is suspected that an information field exists in the cosmos which contains all the information of the universe and to which the animate and inanimate matter has access in order for example to receive insight into the architect’s plans (Sheldrake, 2010).

The spectrum of occurring elm waves in nature covers a very wide frequency range (Fig. 2), and the BS has adapted itself to it over the course of evolution (of course also to other kinds of waves, e.g. acoustic, seismic, etc.). Within the scope of a simple nuclear model (the electrons circle in certain distances around the atomic nucleus) the origin of elm radiation can be convincingly shown: It is generated as electrons jump from a higher to a lower energy level in the atom. In order to reach a higher energy level energy is required which is then emitted again. But also the acceleration of the charges leads to elm radiation.

Radiation sources are all substances with a temperature above 0°K (this corresponds to minus 273.3°C). All atoms, molecules, etc. explain a heat movement which leads to vibrations and oscillations in different levels. This corresponds to accelerated electrical charges which radiate elm waves. Therefore all matter on earth emits elm waves. The radiation spectrum of a source depends strongly on its temperature (Planck’s Radiation Formula). The higher the temperature is, the further the intensity maximum of the radiation spectrums shift into the high frequency range. For the sun with a surface temperature of about 6,000°K the intensity maximum is found in the green range. Life has adapted itself to it as that frequency range is used for photosynthesis (Fig. 2).

Figure 2: Overview of the frequencies of the
natural electromagnetic radiation in Hz.

Table of the Brain Waves

The BS can be understood per se as an antenna and sender of elm waves (Bischof, 2005). Both guarantee its communication with the environment. Also the brain waves of a person with frequencies between 1 and 30 Hz seem to fit this image. A normal function of the brain waves is obviously necessary for a healthy person, and vice versa divergences from normal behavior allow pathological conclusions (Holler, 1996, Ebe, Homma, 2002).

As already mentioned you can assume from that fact that in the course of mankind’s evolution this internal control (brain waves) has also become “clocked” by the natural environment. The Schumann Waves or Schumann Resonances, which correspond to the oscillations of the electromagnetic fields formed by the waveguide in the ionosphere and the earth’s surface and which are stimulated by worldwide thunderstorm activity, seem to work as a certain “metronome [clock generator]”.

Through Global Scaling it is estimated that certain homeopathic potencies influence different brain wave ranges especially strongly (Viehweger, 2009). Connections with the acupuncture meridians were seen by Mandel and Fuß (Hennecke, 2010). The surface waves of the sea, natural noises (especially the wind), pressure fluctuations of the atmosphere, variations of the earth’s magnetic fields, tellurian streams (in the earth’s crust) and seismic oscillations in the upper earth’s mantle likewise produce oscillations which also cover the frequencies from 1 to 30 Hz. Nevertheless it is first of all unimportant whether it concerns mechanical and/or acoustical oscillations. Also these atoms, molecules, etc. stimulated into oscillations (e.g. in the skin) again involve an elm signal.

The sun and stars are strong radiation sources. The intensity of the optical waves from the solar radiation has a maximum of about 5.45 1015 Hz (corresponds to the color green) and then decreases again into UV. It is adjacent to Roentgen [X-ray] radiation (source: sun, astronomical objects), gamma radiation (source: decayed radioactive materials, astronomical objects), etc. The spectrum of the elm waves forms a continuum; the gradations in the spectral range (e.g. extremely low frequencies, microwaves, radio waves, optical range, X-ray radiation, etc.) are of a technical nature and go back to certain properties, their technical utilization as well as their discoverers.

Elm waves are also technically generated and used to a broad extent. At the same time electrosmog occurs as a side effect (Freyer, 2008). With high field strength it comes to thermal effects (absorption of energy into the tissues leads to increased temperature). However lower field strengths can influence health in a different way, also negatively. Among other things, the effects of the disturbance fields depend on technical parameters (frequency, signal form) and are individually very different. Up to now this has prevented the “scientific approach” proof of health damages from low field strengths. Consequently relatively high limit values were defined for the electrosmog of technical devices (e.g. mobile/cell phones). However as we have known long ago, information transfer from the outside into the BS is only possible through a window (Adey Window) of low intensity (Köhler, 2003, Bischof, 2005).

Elm waves have great importance concerning information transfer and control in the BS. Therefore this will be dealt with in somewhat greater detail.

Electromagnetic Waves as Information Carriers

A harmonic wave can be completely characterized by the following parameters: amplitude, wave length and/or frequency and speed.

The amplitude is the measure for the energy of the wave (corresponds to the square of the amplitude). Wavelength and frequency are connected through the equation c = fxλ. C is the speed of light (c = 3 · 108 m/s), λ is the wavelength (m) and f the frequency (1/s).

The ability of the waves to transfer information is coupled to the frequency – the higher the frequency, the higher the possible information transfer.

In nature wave packages are normally available, that is to say overlapping harmonious waves of different amplitudes, frequencies or wavelengths. Additionally coherence and resonance have great importance for the information transfer into the BS and the control of the processes.

Coherence is the ability of two waves of (approximately) the same frequency to interfere. Through this overlapping the Maxima and the Minima (up to deletion) result according to the dimension of the phase displacement. This succeeds with natural radiation sources not over arbitrarily long times and distances. Therefore coherence times and coherence lengths are important dimensions. For sunlight they can be estimated to 10-9 and circa 30 cm (Popp, 2006).

Coherence also leads to intensity maxima of wave trains (constructive coherence) or to destruction (destructive coherence) which can also be understood as strengthening or deletion of the information. According to Fourier arbitrary curves (temporary change of the parameters) can be shown as the sum (overlapping) of the sine and cosine waves of different frequency and amplitude. Thus you receive the possibility through technology to influence the frequency spectrum (effects on the signal form – e.g. through a sharply rising flank).

Resonance: A system can be stimulated by an oscillation from the outside. If the stimulation occurs in the frequency range of the natural oscillation of the system, then the amplitude can become very large and occasionally leads to the destruction of the system if the deviations are not limited by damping. The other way around, stable wave states (e.g. in the cell) can then be achieved through low energy supply when the stimulation frequency lies near the natural oscillations or exactly meets them. Additionally to stimulate the BS a certain intensity window (Adey Window) must be complied with. Clearly with too great an intensity the oscillating protein chains are destroyed (Köhler, 2003, Schulz, 2007) if the mechanical deviation of the connection forces is overtaxed. Nevertheless, R.H. Dicke (Bischof, 2005) established that the coherence of light is clearly greater with low intensities and thus the information linked with it can be more effective (see also the paragraph following: On the Mechanism of the BioResonance Method).

The Necessity of a Control of All Activities in the BS

The fact that a precise, efficient and very fast control must occur in the BS can already be suspected from the number of activities running off in the cells. One estimates the number of activities/reactions in only one living cell to be 100,000 per second (Köhler, 2003, Popp, 2006, Schulz, 2007). Because a person possesses about 1013 cells, there would be about 1018 reactions per second in the body. It is hardly conceivable that these reactions run off chaotically and every cell works without coordination with the other cells (with cancer cells it seems to be different, they act egoistically). Finally in the BS like in every small company there must also be levels of information/hierarchies, which provide for the fact that the cells/structures at the subordinate levels work for the well being of the whole, which means the activities of all cells and the subordinate structures must be controlled. Signal transference through the body fluids or through a state of stimulation conducted only in the nerves is unsuited for this (see PGS, the nerves end in the extracellular space), and it is also hardly conceivable that the control is successful with the necessary precision and speed only by means of ions (electro-ability in the PGS through molecular biochemical processes), if one thinks about the huge dynamism of the regulations processes in the human body (Eckart, 2009).

In the meantime there are experimental findings and theoretical concepts which suggest a control of the life processes and information transfer through electromagnetic waves in the BS (Popp, 1984, Endler, Schulte, 1996, Bischof, 2005, Popp, 2006, Schulz, 2007, Smith, 2007). Such concepts already go back to the beginning of the 20th century. Fröhlich (Popp, 2006) expressed the thought that electromagnetic couplings and the coherence of elm waves could be regarded as general characteristics of life. Presman (Bischof, 2005) takes the view that elm fields have had a central role in the evolution of life. Popp (Popp, 1984) could prove experimentally that the cell can emit weak photon radiation, and can also store it. The DNA is suspected to be a memory storage and transmitter in the cell. The assumption that fixed elm waves could control the cell processes with a high precision and speed, was substantiated through model calculations. The resonance phenomena in the cells (the cells as a vacuum resonator) would also be suitable for modeling the cell division/mitosis and which are fascinating because of their extraordinary accuracy.

The direct and exact proof of a regulation controlled through light quanta in the cell hardly seems to be possible at the moment. Nevertheless, Ze Wail (2011) indicates that with the help of a 4-D-Electronmicroscope even processes inside a cell can be filmed, that is to say that atomic/molecular processes can be shown with a temporal resolution of femtoseconds (10-15 seconds). However even without such definitive proof there are quite different experimental results which now support the above mentioned hypothesis.

On the Mechanism of the BioResonance Method

In the preceding sections the basic physical processes of the BRM were introduced with a narrow reference. It should now be shown that the BioResonance Method can be explained on the basis of these results and is not in contradiction with these results. Every substance shows a specific electromagnetic oscillation. (Substances consist of molecules and atoms, in the end from a combination of charged particles – protons, electrons – which oscillate in the thermal field above 0°K and radiate elm waves from it.) As well biophotons which are distinguished by great coherence are in existence in the BS. These oscillations contain specific information of the substance (of the organs, etc.) which can also be transferred into water, globuli (milk sugar) and transfer media for elm oscillations (Ender, Schulte, 1996, Smith, 2007, Heimes, 2010).

With the further development of EAV substance specific oscillations were tested for the first time on the person medically (medication testing according to Voll): A substance [held] in a hand caused a change of the skin resistance (Brügemann, 1993, Schumacher, 2004)*. The fact that matter also radiates elm waves (light or heat) was already indirectly proven since 1889 (H. Hertz: lecture about the relationship between light and electricity). Yet unknown was the high sensitivity of people in relation to weak radiation, which is emitted for example at room temperature by a substance or a BS. Although it is not completely clear which radiation it actually concerns, one knows that it can be substituted by corresponding electromagnetic fields (Brügemann, 1993, Popp, 1993, Bischof, 2005).

For example resonance effects are suspected as an explanation for these sensitivities. As we know a weak signal from the outside can transfer a part of its own energy with the embossed information onto the receiver’s system (in this case onto a person) by resonance. Internally an amplification of these oscillations of this frequency can provoke an effect. However the elm signal can also lead to the movement of the charge (electrons, ions) or to a frequency shift in the acupuncture points of the meridians (Smith, 2007). Additionally the quantum physical processes by which a photon releases an avalanche of photons are proven (Bischof, 2005, Popp, 2006) – and the absorption of photons corresponds to an energy transfer. Such results stand in glaring contradiction to the interpretation of classical natural sciences, that only strong energetic signals can provoke clear effects. Also the Chaos Theory shows that minimal changes can involve maximum effects. With regard to the BS it was discovered by Adey that too weak as well as too strong intensities of elm waves coming from the outside caused no effect (Köhler, 2003). This has different positive aspects: That the BS can be protected (no destruction through resonance), and the coherence of light becomes stronger with low intensity (Bischof, 2005). Finally it should also be considered that an information transfer is possible with low energy and can provoke a natural effect (Köhler, 1993). From the experiences of Electro-Acupuncture and the medication tests, and on the basis of further knowledge the idea that the patient’s own oscillation spectrum could be used for therapy originated. Mersmann (Brügemann, 1993, Köhler, 2003) used oscillations for therapeutic purposes for the first time. The physician Morell and the engineer Rasche developed MORA Therapy with the first series device. *

Further developments from various user and research groups led to different devices, which differ concerning the technical implementation of the therapeutic concepts (Köhler, 2003, Brügemann, 2009, Herrmann, 2009, Heimes, 2010). The medically desirable principle of a therapy for the causal disturbances in the individual remains fulfilled. The processed information derives from the patient himself. The Regumed Company also integrated the brain wave frequencies in the range of 1 to 30 Hz into their BioResonance device to reduce with it corresponding disturbance frequencies (Brügemann, 2009).

On a similar physical basis other healing methods can be understood, primarily those which use radiation characteristics like color therapy, gem therapy, etc. Nevertheless in principle, it plays no crucial role whether sound waves (e.g. music therapy) or elm waves are emitted, and are conducted into or onto the BS. If external mechanical oscillations and sound meet at a BS, the acceleration of the charges linked with it leads to elm waves (acousto-electric effect) which can produce an effect on the skin (the interface of the BS with the environment) or in the tissue. If you consider the skin from the simple point of view as an electrical conductor, a surface current is induced. If you consider it as a nonconductor, the electrons of the skin are put into oscillation with the stimulating frequency, which also leads to a transmission of the signals inwards. According to the special dimensions of the stimulating systems, resonances (natural oscillations) are possible. A wider range (or the whole one?) of the known spectrums can be illustrated. Within the scope of BioPhoton research Popp (2006) and Bischof (2005) show investigation results which far surpass this simple point of view. Finally it must be admitted that the BS will still preserve its last secrets for centuries (millennia?) – nevertheless these systems will work “properly” (Straubinger, Dahlke, 2010).

An Exclusive Translated Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 2011

From an article in Naturheilpraxis, Volume 64, July 2011
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2011, Dr. Ulrich Kremser, Berlin, Germany

About the author

* Translator’s Notes: In the above comments I have stayed true to my tenet to translate what is written in Germany directly and faithfully into English – without my own interpretation. However, as with many similar comments in this article, this version of the history of BioResonance as therapy and diagnosis is quite slanted. It is clear that Dr. Kremser uses the BICOM device manufactured by Regumed and relies on their inhouse publications as a basis for his comments. Although their device concept is similar to MORA (initially BICOM was simply an incomplete copy of MORA), it is only in recent years that a true (harmonious/disharmonious) filter system was developed for their device.
Although this article is extremely well researched, with utilization of the BICOM device and Regumed’s training and publications there is a clear lack of understanding of the true history of EAV, BioResonance and MORA on Dr. Kremser’s part.
For instance the “further development” of medication testing in EAV took place during the 1950’s within the original EAV Medical Society rather than the related quotes from Brügemann (1993) and Schumacher (2004).
BioResonance and MORA Therapy were developed by Dr. Franz Morell and Mr. Erich Rasche of Med-Tronik (as grudgingly acknowledged in this article). However it was developed in the late 1970’s and the application of the patient’s own oscillation spectrum (or BioResonance) as therapy had been in use for nearly 15 years before the description above by Mr. Brügemann, Dr. Köhler and Mr. Mersmann.
Let it suffice to note that Mr. Brügemann was initially a salesman for Med-Tronik and is neither a practitioner nor a researcher. I must acknowledge that much has been researched and published about BioResonance through Regumed and all of that information is completely applicable to MORA Therapy.


  1. Abele, J.: Das Schröpfen, Urban und Fischer 2003
  2. Bayer, H. Chr. von: Das informative Universum. C.H. Beck, 2005
  3. Bischof, M.: Biophotonen, das Licht in unseren Zellen, Zweitausendundeins 2005
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