The following article was presented as a lecture by Dr. Nienhaus at the IPABM International Symposium for Biocybernetic Medicine as held in Bad-Homburg, Germany on June 3-6, 2010.

The theme of that meeting was: Classic Bioresonance methods (MORA-Therapy) and its importance for medical practice. Classic bioresonance methods (cbrm) has taken an enormous progress since its development by Dr. Morell and Erich Rasche in 1977 exactly like the common technical evolution. The cbrm is rightly described as an “electronic homeopathy”. The treatment with this works on the energy system propagated by Traditional Chinese Medicine. Not only humans, but animals and plants can react in their power of self-healing by treatment with cbrm. Approved old and recent knowledge in cbrm and supplementary system will be shown in the symposium.

What would a jubilee symposium of biocybernetic medicine be without looking back on the tried and true and the basics of biocybernetic medicine? By now there is a huge mass of so-called bioresonance procedures (BRP). Only a few BRP are able to demonstrate their principle of operation through classical electro-technical components with adequate plausibility concerning the technical processes of input and output signal at the device and additionally explain it with classic, physical models. But I merely refer to those BRP – to which also MORA bioresonance procedures belong – as “classic” BRP (= cBRP). I would like to mark the discovery of the classic BRP and the following evolutionary ideas as magic moments.

We begin with the year 1977 – the year of birth for classic bioresonance procedures – when Erich Rasche – owner of the company Med-Tronik back then – manufactured the first technical device for classic bioresonance procedures after researching medicine waves and their frequency together with Dr. Franz Morell. It was called “MORA device” and could realise the new treatment with the patient’s own and medicine genuine, electro-magnetic waves, which was referred to as “MORA therapy“. The name comes from MOrell and RAsche. Morell identified the idea as his intellectual property and Rasche was the first engineer, who created the classic technical basis for that idea [1].

What had happened before? Which ideas influenced the two of them to come to such a new, groundbreaking treatment?

  1. Morell’s therapeutic thinking was coined by the teachings of acupuncture. The theory of yin and yang, the dualistic principle and the classification principle of the 5-elements model are essential for an explanatory model of the micro- and macrocosm. Also medicine follows those laws. If a person applies those rules to put the 5 elements in order considering yin and yang whatever treatment is used – whether herbs, needles, cupping glasses, heat treatment, exercises or meditation, he or she gets the chance to balance an organism’s energies or keep this balance [2, 3, 4]. The biocybernetic effect of this treatment has to be based on electro-magnetic powers according to Morell [1].
  2. Another root of Morell’s and Rasche’s considerations can be found in homoeopathy. In addition to his work as a physician Morell was also a committed homoeopath. For that matter it is not surprising to find him using homeopathic remedies along with his MORA therapy later on. From his point of view homeopathic remedies are emitters for electro-magnetic waves, which may be accumulated in a ferromagnetic element or in a bipolar element like water or alcohol for example. [1, 10].
    In 1790 Hahnemann discovered the principle of homoeopathy in a self-experiment with cinchona that led to ascertaining the principle of resemblance. In taking cinchona specific symptoms appear like ague and weakness. This kind of drug study with healthy persons is described as “1st homoeopathic principle” today. In 1796 Hahnemann phrased his “2nd homoeopathic principle”: “similia similibus curentur”: If a patient showed symptoms of ague and weakness, he gave him or her cinchona in minimal dose rate and observed that the symptoms were alleviated rapidly or even healed. The principle means finding an agent that shows similar symptoms like the specific illness when it is taken. The “3rd homoeopathic principle” of dilution comes from Hahnemann’s thought that a poison must not be mixed into the mother tincture purely but only diluted, which causes antidromic regulation in the sense of self-healing processes in an ill organism similar to inoculation reactions [13, 14, 15]. For Morell these findings meant that if a substance is given into a bipolar medium and is taken out again by several processes of dilution, then a homoeopathic remedy is generated. The medium vibrates in the same rhythm of electro-magnetic waves as the eliminated original substance. The vibrating medium may now contribute in a biocybernetically initiated self-regulated healing process if applied to an ill organism.
    In 1958 Morell performed his legendary test with blood-lowering speed (BLS) and set off one of the most important magic moments of cBRP:
    He gave his test patients a homoeopathic remedy, which he had tested by EAP as the best one before, and checked the BLS prior to his EAP testing and 1 to 2 minutes after the application. In all cases, where he had found the best remedy with his testing method, he observed a significant improvement of the BLS. Morell thought about the rapid effect and then had the idea the rapid effect mechanism had to carry out by electro-magnetic powers. To examine the radiation theory he did further test. Thicker glass tubes, which fitted around the BLS glass tubes with 1 mm distance, were manufactured for him. He took 3 BLS samples of a patient who suffered from an illness similar to the M.Bang: 2 samples from before his search for the best remedy and 1 from after the testing and i.v.-application. It was a nosode of “M.Bang D30”. He put “M.Bang D30” into the thicker tube around the one with the first sample. He surrounded the second sample with physiological saline solution. The third sample contained the patient’s blood after the i.v. application of the homoeopathic agent. The third sample showed the already known improvement but the status of the first one was even better. The control tube with saline solution showed no effect. Morell was fascinated by the result and was highly convinced that electro-magnetic radiation comes from a homoeopathic agent and that the radiation affects the organism.
  3. The body of thought behind electronic acupuncture (EAP) influenced Morell’s diagnostical and therapeutical work. He was fascinated by the new possibilities back then like skin resistance measuring at the acupuncture points. The word electronic acupuncture was coined by a French physician Roger De la Fuye, and he treated his patients with a self constructed device. Niboyet, Marseille, found out that acupuncture points have a different electric “transition resistance” as the ambient skin. In 1953 Schmidt, Munich, examined patients with established diagnosis (i.e. cardiac insufficiency). He observed altered skin resistance and concluded that in cases of organ insufficiency the electronic behavior at the related acupuncture points/meridians was changed. He discovered that degenerative illnesses cause “indicator drops“. In the same year Schick, Stuttgart, ordered an electronic point assessment device. He gave the device to R. Voll, a physician from Plochingen and the engineer F. Werner, Stuttgart. According to their conceptions and improvements the company Kraiss and Friz (KuF) started manufacturing the first EAP device for diagnosis and therapy, called “KuF-Universal-Diatherapuncteur“, which spread amongst naturopaths. What made the EAP so attractive back then?
    3.1. The EAP could locate Chinese acupuncture points.
    3.2. Finding new skin measuring points was possible.
    3.3. It allowed for functional organ and tissue diagnostics with the help of the electric behavior at acupuncture points, high resistance (low value at EAP device) and indicator drop were considered as signs for chronic degenerative development. Low resistance (high value at EAP device) suggested an acute allergic-toxic process of a disease.
    3.4. The general energy situation could be detected by conductometry between hand and foot.
    3.5. With low frequent pulsed current, which had a selectable waveform, i.e. sinusoidal, and a frequency ranging from 0.9 up to 10 Hz showed effects on the energy balance and could reach a biocybernetic influence.
    3.6. Homoeopathic agents were added to the electric circuit and with help of skin resistance measuring in many possible acupuncture points and a positive reaction meaning compensational reaction in the mesenchyme could be checked.
    3.7. The definition of a “reversal point” in which a measuring device showed the best balancing effect, the most efficient potency of a homoeopathy agent could be found.
    3.8. In differentiating and relating of acupuncture points to specific organs focus diagnostics – i.e. tooth, head or other foci – and also interaction effects could be eliminated by the electric system.
    3.9. Information on success and failure of naturopathic treatments were possible by observing the electrical behavior of a general acupuncture points (so-called control measuring points or summation measuring points)
    3.10. The electrical reaction of acupuncture points also gave information on injuries of attributed organs enabling prophylactic remedial action.
    In the German postwar and reconstruction period electronic acupuncture together with these empirically researched axiom offered a possibility for therapists like Morell who had his surgery in Siegen, Germany, to treat chronic illnesses successfully with the most simple and economical means [16, 17].
  4. F.A. Popp influenced scientific research of naturopathy like no other, which is the reason why his texts and his studies were and are still quoted – even in classic BRP. On the basis of A. Gurlitsch’s research who published his proof concerning light emission of onions in 1923, several scientists developed – but especially F.A. Popp and his assistant – a new measuring instrument for photon radiation in 1970. In 1975 they could verify ultra weak photon emissions of living organisms with the most modern photo multiplier detector by using single-photon counting technology. These photons belonged to the light’s spectrum of 200 – 800 nm wavelength and therefore also to the Hertz frequency spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Popp called them “biophotons” which was widely adapted. Popp and his assistants used this outcome as basis for further experiments with living objects, i.e. 1979 with cucumber sprouts and other herbal organisms, later on fleas with Dr. Galle (see lecture) and at present also with human beings. In doing so Popp could convey the following theses:
    4.1. Photon radiation comes from a coherent electro-magnetic field (EMF) in living organisms.
    4.2. The coherence of the EMF/ biophotons is the key concept for biological phenomena – the higher the degree of coherence, the lower is its necessary intensity to take over difficult regulative functions in cells.
    4.3. The radiation coordinates all biochemical processes in cells and transmits information – also out of the cells. For that matter it is the real regulator and information carrier in living creatures.
    4.4. Toxic substances and other stressors reduce light emissions of living cells for a short time. Then an abrupt rise is caused and afterwards an exponential decrease until the cell’s death.
    4.5. Basic sources are the DNA and other resonators in cells.
    4.6. Radiation is not restricted to the optical level alone. There are also other frequency spectrums, i.e. thermal radiation.
    4.7. The coherence degree of light emission in cancer cells is reduced causing higher radiation intensity, which leads to a rise in cell growth.
    4.8. The resonator quality (degree of light absorption and ability to store EMF respectively) in living cells is 1 billion times higher than in technical systems, demonstrating a high degree of sensitiveness of a system. For that matter living systems are able to react to specific “electro-magnetic interlinking”.
    4.9. The Weber-Fechner-Rule (strong stimuli are perceived less intensive and differentiated as weak ones) is explained by the ability of biological systems to absorb incoming impulses (photons, EMF), weaken or just leave them because they are always positioned at the phase border between chaos (without transfer) and coherence (with transfer). [5, 6, 19, 20, 21]
  5. Important for Morell and Rasche was also the physicist W. Ludwig from Horb, Germany. He knew how to explain the various physical modes for bioresonance phenomena and make them useable for developing devices [6, 20, 21].
    To him a fundamental basis of natural processes was the theoretical calculability of reciprocation and resonance phenomena concerning a nucleon. These reciprocations and resonance phenomena regulate the behavior and structure of matter. He created the term micromagnetism. Treatment success by bioresonance and all biological procedures respectively in an organism could not be verified in an efficient manner before the studies of the physicist Burkhard Heim, a student of C.F. von Weizsäcker and Heisenberg. Heim was the first one to describe two additional material dimensions (“entelechial dimension = possible organisation structure in cosmos” and “aeon dimension = realization of possible structures”) as well as two additional non-material dimensions apart from the four known dimensions (length x breadth x height x time) in his “unitary quantum theory”. It is only possible to calculate electrons within the additional frame of space and time independent dimension. Neutrons need five dimensions. For quanta without rest mass – like photons – the three spatial dimensions have to be left out. Quanta from gravity solely need entelechial dimensions. All reciprocations and resonance phenomena are calculable according to Heim’s theory even if it is necessary to add dimensions, which are hidden to the people.
    A further discovery that Ludwig integrated into the basic understanding of BRP are studies by the Nobel prize winner of 1984 the physicist Carlo Rubbia, who described the relation of reciprocation and resonance quanta (photons) to matter particles (nucleons) in a nature constant. Only one billionth of all appearances in the cosmos are matter, actually everything is energy. What people can sense is bound to the frequencies of 1015 Hz – visible light. But it is the invisible part of matter that determines and regulates it.
    Ludwig could also convey important physical terms to a mixed audience of physicians, alternative practitioners and naturopathically working laypersons:
    5.1. Resonance, the basic principle of life,
    5.2. Wave and swinging
    5.3. Overlay waves
    5.4. Beat frequency
    5.5. Linked resonators
    5.6. Swinging characteristics in the molecule
    5.7. Thermal noise
    5.8. Ultra subtle waves and swinging
    5.9. Signal detection of ultrasubtle waves by spectral analysis
    5.10. Pattern detection of multiple, ultra subtle signals in biological systems
    5.11. Fourier analysis of multisignals in thermal noise
    5.12. Resonator quality and attenuation
    5.13. Resonator bandwidth and setting time
    5.14. Supraconduction by protein chains and solitaire waves (solitones) and signal transmission without interfering frequencies. Therefore he also added research by I. Prigogine, H. Fröhlich, S.A. Davidov and E. el Giudice [6, 20, 21, 22].
    A further important natural phenomenon was also integrated into the basic idea of cBRP by him: the cluster structure of water. Due to its dipole character (also true for alcohol) it is possible to save information similar to tapes. The clusters attach themselves to the mother substance and stay unchanged if the mother substance is removed. That explains why homoeopathic dilutions still transmit information of the mother substance even if the substance is removed. The dilution with energy input by shaking etc. diminishes the natural cluster fluctuation and strengthens their newly generated structure [6].
    G. Ohlenschläger did some spectral measuring of electro-magnetic radiation from Atropa Belladonna dilutions with a REDEM-10 device. There were significant differences compared to the mother tincture. At first decreasing with similar frequency pattern but from D12 radiation emissions reappeared. That means a homoeopathic dilution consists of water + photons (quanta of electro-magnetic waves) + photons (quanta of sound) + ? + an imponderable amount of information (see Heim & Rubbia). Even Hahnemann noticed that the reversed effect compared to the mother tincture, which changes from toxic to healing, starts from a specific dilution onwards. Ohlenschläger could comprehend this phenomenon with the help of frequency analyses. D. Knapp received similar results with the color-plate method: the frequency jump from mere dilution to high-diluted homoeopathic agent was accompanied by a change of color from blue to reddish-violet [6].
    It is not surprising that Morell and Rasche included this phenomenon into their new idea.
  6. A lecture of Fritz Kramer, whom he listened to in Bad Homburg at a congress of the EAP association, inspired Morell. Kramer described experiments where an effect of remedies without direct contact to patients (5mm distance) was visible. Morell concluded that the found energies seem to act like radio waves. In a discussion with Erich Rasche he came to the opinion electro-magnetic waves from medications are able to modulate a carrier frequency. According to that waves would have to be amplified, sent and received. The development of a test-sending receiver (TSR), which Rasche built. The receiver was introduced to the market in 1974 and in 1975 also demonstrated at congresses. The fact that the TSR worked was another proof medications radiate electro-magnetic waves [1]. Further on it was concluded that those electro-magnetic waves are sent out by living organisms, by plants, animals and human beings as well. Because Erich Rasche had graduated as an engineer from a university his knowledge of classic components from electronic industries could be used to create a therapeutic device with patient-own electro-magnetic waves.

Which ideas that occurred in the above described environment – I would like to call them milestones and were developed in the magic moments of their inventor – are behind classic BRP and its devices?

  1. The modulation of skin resistance, which serves as a sign for mesenchyme reaction, was known from electronic acupuncture according to Voll and Kramer. This way of transmission was called “mode A” by Morell and Rasche because there were no frequency or amplitude changes of the input signal. Just the positive, the process of healing supporting radiation of homoeopathic agents was to be ensured in the device’s output.
  2. At first it was thought that illnesses radiate pathologic electro-magnetic waves responsible for the abnormal skin resistance values. Morell and Rasche tried to compensate skin resistances by linking coupled meridians. At the point with low resistance the input signal was taken and at the point with high resistance the output signal was attached. The success of this procedure was minimal. The next attempt was to treat by using frequency equal overlapping waves. The amplitude arranged laterally reversed because this form of overlapping (interference effect) was to eliminate both waves. This specific mode of the new devices was called “mode Ai (inverse)” or “aquer” due to the fact that at the signal output of the device frequency equal but in the amplitude inverse countershafts of the patient’s less coherent EMW of “pathologic vibration” were stored in the signal input gate.
  3. The signal ought to be adaptable to the patient’s needs. For that purpose an amplifier was integrated to weaken or strengthen the signal. The latest device offers the possibility to amplify the input signal up to 100 times. Additional devices even allow for more. If one wanted to check the seriousness of a pathologic development, i.e. the characteristics of pathologic waves caused by an allergy, one had to test the skin resistance through EAP to find out the right output impulse sufficient to normalise the electric behavior of the acupuncture points.
  4. To transmit a signal – whether the patient’s own or that of a medication – a matching frequency range has to be found. After many testing series Morell recognized that homoeopathic agents could regulate the electrical behavior of acupuncture points in low frequency range best. The latest device is able to operate in a frequency range of 1 – 180.000 Hz. The testing results are interesting. For the mother tincture a frequency up to 100 Hz was identified, for homoeopathic agents in D3 – D10 a range between 100 Hz and 1,000 Hz (low dilution = low frequency), for homoeopathic agents in D12 – D60 a range from 1,000 Hz – 10,000 Hz (medium dilution = medium frequency) and for a homoeopathic agent in D100 – D400 a range between 10,000 Hz and 100,000 Hz (high dilution = high frequency). Sometimes Morell noticed that treatments with patient-own waves had minimal success in balancing the electrical behavior of acupuncture points when he transmitted within the whole frequency range. So frequency windows for output waves were introduced, which were called “low pass”. The therapist only needs to choose a limit value, which is not exceeded then. A similar principle is applied for “high pass” – a certain frequency is not under-run, “band pass” – two limit values are chosen, which act as some kind of channel, – and “band-stop filter” – a specific frequency range is blocked.
    For standardized programs, where the patient has not been tested before, for the output signal’s frequency response it sometimes is better to apply a so-called “sweep” of frequencies. The therapist chooses specific frequencies that are run through for the duration of treatment. If the frequency window is very small, i.e. just around one frequency, this is called “wobbling”.
  5. What was observed additionally was the fact that the output signal had to be applied in a rhythm between impulse and break to reach a long-lasting effect with just a short exposure time. A break should follow the impulse to give mesenchyme time for stimulus processing. That procedure was accordant to the model of a “biocybernetic circuit”. That model was fundamental for Morell’s therapy form since 1978 already. The temporal pulse-break-ratio may be adjusted during a treatment with EMW. The commonly used adjustment, which is most successful, is a ratio of 7:3 – meaning 7 seconds impulse with output signal followed by 3 seconds break.
  6. Nevertheless some patients reacted negatively to such a treatment. For that matter the idea arose to weaken the output signal continuously during the treatment. Due to the fact that measurements of biological systems follow log-normal distribution, the gradual attenuation of the output signal has to be adjusted logarithmically. This course of treatment was called “physiological reduction” and became integrated as a therapy option.
  7. In 1978 Ludger Mersmann, an employee of F.A. Popp, had a genius idea – a real magic moment for cBRP. He first did reflectance experiments of materials with and without phase-shift of EMW as well as different kinds of filtration. His examinations led to creating the new “Hdi mode”. Harmonic and disharmonic swinging could be separated by a complicated physical mechanism: the molecular absorption circuit. By using high frequency technology and the resonance principle (sender-receiver) the input of the patient’s signals caused specific materials, that also exist in biological systems and human beings respectively and are called “physiologic”, to vibrate. That way the waves of i.e. quicksilver and other harmful substances are not in the output signal / in the harmonic vibrations of the “molecular circuit”. The disharmonic vibrations, which resulted from subtracting the harmonic/physiologic frequencies from the input signal’s frequencies, were simply inverted like in mode Ai (as above). Additionally it became possible to therapy dualistically (like yin and yang) with supporting and harmonic waves corresponding to the patient’s physiological waves but also to treat with inverted disharmonic waves. This method turned out to be most gentle [5, 7, 9].
  8. Test persons dealing with MORA devices continuously had problems with precision and reproducibility in the measured values when defining the electric skin resistance of an acupuncture point. Rasche propagated so-called “differential measurement” following the EAP measuring technology by F. Kramer and integrated a curve representation displaying how the electrode was pressed against the skin. During the measurement it was possible to notice
    a) Whether the electrode was pressed steadily
    b) Whether the electrode was pressed to fast or slow
    c) When a further continuous pressing of the electrode did not cause a significant resistance decrease or scale division increase at the EAP display what is called “dead centre” and the device saved the value automatically
    d) When a relevant indicator drop was registered.
  9. Antony Scott-Morley from Dorset, England, had a genius idea to focus an adjustment of the bioresonance device. He took an EAP point, which had been pathologic at the skin resistance measurement, as initial point and set the bioresonance device for continuous therapy. Now he could switch successively through all possible modes and other adjustments. In doing so he always could check which adjustment was best for normalising the skin resistance. Additionally by using this method it became possible to classify the patient’s “pathologic vibration” indirectly: If the measuring of the skin resistance leads to reactions, the therapist is able to assign it to a specific frequency range. Consequently the treatment is even more focussed. This method was called the “Scott-Morley-Test”.
  10. While reading about testing interference field, the dental focus testing according to Franz Christians caught my eye first [23]. The idea behind it was – another magic moment for cBRP – that pathologic swinging could also be taken in with a matching electrode at the interference field directly. The skin resistance testing at specific acupuncture points in relation to question (i.e. tooth test: lymph 2) shows an improvement, if mode Ai or Hdi is applied and the electrode is put on the focus. In principle this form of searching interference fields is valid for the whole body. The various electrodes known from EAP were integrated into cBRP [7, 16, 17].
  11. Another important development is color According to Morell’s demands Rasche created the special device “MORA-Color” in 1981. A special bulb of 6500° K white light is generated at first. Together with 3 color filters in the primary colors red, yellow and blue the white light can be split up (all color spectra). Optoreceptors convert the light into low frequency, electro-magnetic vibration. The vibration is altered electronically to use it as output signal for the treatment. The primary colors can also create secondary colors. An EAP testing of the skin resistance finds the right color matching [7]. Some therapists report on successful therapies without testing and feeding the MORA device – just by stimulating the meridian, where the pain was perceptible, and its interlinked meridians with a special electrode. That was the corner stone for engaging external signals for the treatment with bioresonance devices. A lot of aids whose electro-magnetic radiation influences the healing process positively are known from the history of naturopathy: sounds (music), gemstones, precious metals and others [8].
  12. Morell often treated acute stresses for the patient first (yang situation) and then turned on to the chronic stresses (yin situation). He used configurations with low frequencies for yang situations (analog with low dilution in homoeopathy) and high frequencies (high dilution) for yin situations. He knew about the polarity yin and yang from Chinese acupuncture and from EAP teachings. Morell and Rasche decided to construct a technical device that could treat yin and yang at the same time with two channels. The polarity testing and based on it the correlation of input and output electrodes by automated conductometry between hands and feet was possible with the new device which more or less combined two old MORA devices: The beginning of two-channeled treatment enabling the therapist to treat with two treatment strategies at the same time. The first device of this generation was called “MORA-Super” and was introduced to the market by the manufacturer Med-Tronik in 1990.
  13. In the beginning a therapist needed about 10,000 test ampules for electronic acupuncture to choose the right one for the treatment. A time-killing process. The idea to save the electro-magnetic vibration of external signals as medications, harmful substances or from color vibrations started the process of digitalization and electronic saving of low energetic information. In 1976 already a physician named Teichmann tried the following: He contacted a small flat iron washer with a medication and stirred it with his hand [13]. The medication and the flat iron washer showed the same results in the following testing. Morell was inspired by this observation and prepared approximately 500 flat washers, which he used for his now much faster tests. The next magic moment for cBRP was when Rasche found a way to digitalize the information. A special converter transformed the analog signals into digital ones: a “broadband saving” of signals, even of the so-called “white noise” onto an exterior hard disc he called “interface” [11]. The beginning of “electronic homoeopathy”. Managed by PC signals of medications, allergens, harmful substances, etc. could be used for diagnostics and treatment through the MORA device.
  14. Well equipped with those time-saving test methods Cornelissen could develop his systematic testing. He evolved a systematic procedure with a special test kit with allergens, harmful substances and medications, etc. he himself and Rasche had digitalized. Thereby the testing procedure of interference fields, foci and stresses in the mesenchyme was simplified and allowed for taking the variety of therapy blockages into consideration. Furthermore he propagated the testing at one or just a few electronic acupuncture points only and for that purpose he created his MEBE ampule (Mesenchymbelastung = mesenchyme burden), which pretended stress for the organism with harmful substances. Those signals balancing the pseudo stress were useable for therapy. He also registered that the definition of a dead centre is not necessary in electronic acupuncture testing if one realizes the change of the acupuncture point’s electrical behavior in the pressure phase already – meaning a reaction to the output signal of the bioresonance device. According to the digitalization and their separation into 2 conditions (yes or no/1 or 2) a therapist is able to approximate the best adjustment or the best medication and its dosage. Due to the procedure he called the method “digital measuring” [30].
  15. I occupied myself with the energetic impact of psychic conflicts and published a correlative pilot study in 1999. The following axioms for treating patients suffering from mental illnesses with bioresonance procedures:
    15.1. The testing concerning psychic stress works in the points Heart 6 and Stomach 36. The best mode for the treatment is HDi.
    15.2. The shorter the stressing emotions were dated back and the more intensive they were the higher was the amplification to balance the output signal.
    15.3. The frequency range of the output signal is always high, 50 – 180 KHz (accordant high dilution in homoeopathy).
    15.4. The headband electrode proved of value for taking over interference field swinging from brain activity.
    15.5. Possible treatment: a point therapy according to the rules of TCM and an intensive therapy with meditation or psychotherapeutic dialogue, where the patient talks about his or her feelings to present his or her “pathologic swinging” making them useable for a treatment with bioresonance [24].
  16. Recent study results with high scientific value verify assumed hypotheses from the past. Consequently there cannot be doubts about the efficiency of biocybernetic procedures:
    16.1. In 1992 van Wijk published a huge double blind, placebo controlled study to verify electronic acupuncture testing. Distinct informative value and adequate specificity of the measuring results are the achievement. That confirms the skin resistance test is a qualified means to utilise the reaction in the mesenchyme for the testing of homoeopathic agents etc.
    16.2. J. Benveniste, a biologist at the Université Paris Sud, and his colleagues published a study in 1988 in which they had to observe the efficiency of potentiated anti-immunoglobuline E from goats concerning human basophile leucocytes. Even though a new pipette and a new jar were used for every dilution step and a membrane filter was attached so that there was only water in the test substance the leucocytes still reacted. Water has to be a storage medium for information. Further studies, which suggested that water can store information, were presented by Pongratz 1996, by Endler 1996 and by Galle 1997 [5]. Benviste published his study with a digitally saved signal from acetylcholine. The electro-magnetic swinging from acetylcholine derivated analogously and linked to a frog heart by electrodes. The frog showed the same reaction as if acetylcholine had been directly injected. One year later the experiments trying to transfer digitalized antigens via telephone lines. The published results were the same in principle. [5, 28].
    In 2009 Luc Montagnier et al. could prove radiation – not known so far – of electro-magnetic signals coming from smaller DNA fragments deriving from specific E-Coli bacteria, mycobacteria or the HI virus. The microorganisms that were cultivated in solution of human lymphocytes were taken out by a micropore filter. After two to three weeks a new culture of the completely culled microorganisms could be detected in the filtrate. Montagnier et al. put this effect down to bioresonance phenomena of electro-magnetic waves from the DNA fragments to the watery solution. These electro-magnetic signals apparently alter the nanostructure of the cell water in a way that new microorganisms are cultivated in spite of their former filtration. In the control sample of the solution that had not been infected the regeneration of the microorganisms was not possible. For our work with cBRP this means: We can expect an accordant effect of the incubated substance to the patient’s biocybernetic systems if we transmit electro-magnetic waves from previously incubated solutions (i.e. nosodes) to the patient’s body water or to bottled water which the patient takes. I regard this study as a further basic principle for our treatment with MORA therapy and other classic bioresonance procedures.
    16.3. By means of a randomized, placebo controlled study – published in 2006 – I could assess the clinical efficiency of MORA bioresonance procedures myself. In this study I examined the effectivity of MORA therapy in cases of functional gastrointestinal disorders. According to the patient and the therapist the condition improved whereas the laboratory parameter did not show any side effects. The difference to the placebo group was significant. It can be concluded that psychosomatic disorders in the gastrointestinal area respond to MORA bioresonance therapy [25].
    16.4. The university study presented by A. Pihtili et al. 2009 is a company and organization independent, prospective, randomized, placebo controlled double-blind study to demonstrate the effectivity of MORA bioresonance procedures with smoking cessation. The study shows a highly significant superiority of the MORA bioresonance therapy towards the placebo treatment. The follow-up after one year proves this superiority and also the same success rate as the treatment with medications. This study has to be regarded as level 1 study after classification by the AHA and verifies the clinical effectiveness of MORA bioresonance therapy. [29].
    16.5. E. Herrmann 2009 substantiated the effect of his treatment with MORA bioresonance procedures in an observation period of approximately 10 years with nearly 1,000 patients retrospectively. He partially combined MORA bioresonance procedures with the Zapper device after H. Clark [31].
  17. All previously mentioned hypotheses, studies and experiences suggest the conclusion that a successful treatment with means of classic bioresonance procedures is an evidently effectual and gentle biophysical procedure to stimulate self-healing powers. Both acute and chronic illnesses can be treated with them. The more a therapy is personalised the more success can be expected.

In considering all of these theses and experiences I created a Scheme of Diagnostics and Therapy with MORA Bioresonance (MORA-Super, company Med-Tronik), which I have successfully used for 10 years by now and which I like to pass on in seminars. The following issues are important:

  • With the help of EAP differential measuring method testing of all terminal points and the points triple heater 20, heart 6, stomach 36, spleen-pancreas 4, in some cases the control measurement points according Voll.
  • Analysis of graphic and classification according to cause for illness and therapy blockages respectively, especially differentiation between somatic/somatopsychic and psychosomatic causes and their hierarchy, the most serious problem is treated first.

In cases of more somatic/somatopsychic causes:

  • Testing of interfering substances in mode Ai, amplification and if necessary individual frequency test through Scott-Morley procedure, treatment (pulse-break 7:3) via 1st channel in 1st step
  • Testing of necessary, orthomolecular substances in mode A, amplification and if necessary individual frequency test through Scott-Morley procedure, treatment (pulse-break 7:3) via 2nd channel in 1st step, with physiological reduction of signal
  • Testing of homoeopathic agents, nosodes and organ preparations that are useful for the accordant main meridian and its yin-yang or 5-elements partner in mode A, amplification, if necessary individual frequency test through Scott-Morley procedure, treatment (pulse-break 7:3) via 1st channel in 3rd step
  • Testing in mode HDi or anamnestic definition of main interference field and choice of electrode, amplifications and if necessary individual frequency test through Scott-Morley procedure, treatment (pulse-break 7:3) via 2nd channel in 3rd step, Di with physiologic reduction
  • During treatment creation of MORA drops, in 2nd and 4th step the adjustments of the 1st/ 3rd step are adopted, input is linked to hands and feet, duration pulse is switched on

In cases of psychic causes:

  • Testing in mode HDi individually with Scott-Morley procedure: 8 amplifications of Di, H (mostly at 25) and frequency band (mostly between 150 and 180 KHz), treatment in 4 steps each with 2 channels and therefore assigning of the 6 amplifications and the related frequency bands possible (pulse-break 7:3) MORA drops at double-electrode output
  • Testing or choice of one color with negative emotional effect on patient
  • Testing or choice of one favourite color with positive emotional effect on patient
  • Treatment in 2 cycles:
    1st cycle: meditation or short therapy dialogue about emotionally stressing factors, color with negative effect at MT1at the same time
    Afterwards in 2nd cycle: meditation or short therapy dialogue about emotionally supporting factors, color with positive effect at MT1 at the same time

In cases of chronic illnesses healing success is possible only after many sessions until all therapy blockages are eliminated and the impulses for self-regulated healing get through, it works faster with children than with adults, but faster than it is the case with other naturopathic procedures. The method seems difficult due to all the technical devices but the therapy steps are also understandable and comprehensible for non-physicians. It is possible to delegate them partially or fully to medical staff.

The International Physicians’ Association for Biocybernetic Medicine ( offers group training as well as individual training by arrangement to guarantee and increase quality and treatment success with cBRP at the same time.

An Exclusive Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 2010

© Copyright 2010, Dr. Jürgen Nienhaus, Mülheim, Germany

The new OIRF Logo and Newsletter Masthead as appears above was first introduced in this September 2010 Issue of THE BRIDGE Newsletter.

The preceding article was presented as a lecture by Dr. Nienhaus at the IPABM International Symposium for Biocybernetic Medicine as held in Bad-Homburg, Germany on June 3-6, 2010.
To see the report of the Placebo Controlled Study concerning MORA-Bioresonance follow this link.
© Copyright Dr. Nienhaus, Germany.

About the author


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