Increasing the Efficiency of Allergy Cancellation Therapy by Application of Substance Specific Frequency Ranges

Approximately 20 years ago, exactly 1977, the German physician Dr. Morell discovered the actual operating principle of homeopathy. To be sure, homeopathy had proven its efficacy in everyday therapeutic life over two centuries in endless cases, but only empirically. Until now an explanatory model was lacking, namely that homeopathic substances were nevertheless effective, on the basis that in highest dilutions not one molecule of the original substance could still be present.

Dr. Morell now postulated that the material part of the homeopathic remedies served only as carriers for electromagnetic oscillations with modulated information. Therefore, the inherent immaterial information of the remedies is the true operating principle. Thus the therapeutic effectiveness of homeopathy could be explained as the interaction of specific pathological frequencies in the organism and the same specific homeopathic frequencies which are shifted out of phase by about 180°. Likewise Dr. Morell discovered – and we will particularly consider this here – that the pathological information pattern of food allergens can be cancelled in the organism, if one supplies the organism with the appropriate phase-inverted electronic oscillation pattern of positively tested allergens such as milk or kiwi.

During development, Dr. Morell improved the effectiveness of the cancellation of allergens, in that he treated the organism with fixed impulse sequences for therapy and recovery [pause] phases. A further step for the improvement of the therapy was the rhythmically changing treatment of the body with a low frequency block (TP) which extends from 0 to 1,000 Hz, and a high frequency block (HP) which extends from 1,000 to 180,000 Hz.

Since then this model for the cancellation of pathological frequency patterns, that is intolerances, has essentially changed little until the introduction of the Mora-Super.

The consideration now is if through experiences gained over the last years and along with deeper insights into the nature and mode of action of Bioresonance Therapy, the cancellation efficiency can be improved – especially since complaints about the lack of therapy successes are clearly increasing.

Four questions arise:

  1. Are the frequencies used to date optimally selected?
  2. Is the electrode placement optimally selected?
  3. Is the bipolarity of the Mora-Super being optimally utilized?
  4. Are the amplification levels as well as the modes H and inverted D being optimally utilized?

Testing for the Specific Cancellation Frequencies

Up to now all intolerant materials were cancelled in an always unchanging linked dual sequence, regardless of whether dealing with food, viral and bacterial pathogens, or synthetic products. The mode was always inverted A, which means the entire frequency spectrum of 0 to 180 KHz is inverted.

This now brings up the question whether this broad and thereby nonspecific frequency range can be narrowed down for individual substances or substance groups.


  1. Do the various substances being cancelled possess specific frequencies or frequency ranges?
  2. Are there substance groups that apply within those same frequencies?

In answer to these questions, first of all food such as wheat and milk were tested with a view as to whether they exhibit definable frequencies. For that purpose the following procedure was selected:

First the Mora-Super including the Mora-Mouse is set to low-pass (TP). After that the individual materials, like for example wheat, are tested with electroacupuncture for any possible resonances. One begins with 0 Hz and increases the frequency in small steps by means of the Mora-Mouse. No change in value of the indicator occurred over a broad range until a resonance phenomenon near 49.5 KHz, that means an improvement in value of the indicator reaction toward 50 is registered.

This is the lower limit frequency

Now TP is switched off and the high-pass (HP) itself is selected. Beginning with 180 KHz we now reduce the frequency step by step with the Mora-Mouse. No resonance effect was present over a broad frequency range until near 53.5 KHz, where an indicator improvement is again registered.

This is the upper limit frequency

The exact frequency range for the most effective cancellation in this case is thus 49.5 to 53.5 KHz.

Only this limited range is now programmed in and specifically used for cancellation. By means of this narrowed frequency range we are dealing here virtually with a rifle shot direct to the heart in comparison to the previous shotgun effect.

These measurements were then carried out on different patients with various food allergies.

The amazing result: All foods show the same above-mentioned frequency band.

It is different for artificial, therefore synthetic materials – in short called “Synthetics” – with the spectrum extending from formaldehyde to preservatives and right up to amalgam. Here the frequency range is 7.6 to 13.5 KHz.

In a third group are pathogenic organism burdens, which are viruses, bacteria and fungi. Here the frequency range is 22 to 34 KHz

The entire substance realm of living and inanimate nature, is thus covered in these above three groups.

Now, why do two so different foods, for example milk and kiwi, possess the same frequency range?

The explanatory model is the following:

For example like a radio transmitter can broadcast both speech and music in any form on only one frequency, thus all materials of these three groups in spite of their diversity are located in a defined frequency range. The individuality of a material is defined only by its material-specific harmonic oscillation spectrum. All other frequencies which influence the cancellation process, must therefore be taken into account as possible interference factors.

A further important factor as a result of narrowing the frequency ranges manifests itself in that side effects in the course of the cancellation therapy are virtually completely avoided – as well as an enormous improvement of depth and duration of the cancellation.

Now why three groups of materials?

Those allergic to wheat or milk have true, although masked allergies, which means their allergy occurrence takes place on a purely informational, or otherwise phrased, immaterial level. Logically, in contrast to the other groups, the relevant frequency band must be sought in the upper range, namely as we have indicated, around 50 KHz.

The second group, the viruses, are known to consist of pure DNA, which represents nothing else than a concentrated information pattern. Because of that the viruses are at the threshold between material and immaterial. Consequently the appropriate frequency band must be sought in a lower range. It is as mentioned, about 25 KHz.

With the third group, the synthetics, it is no longer a matter of allergies, but rather substantial burdens as well as intoxications. Logic again requires lower frequencies. They lie around 10 KHz. Summarized that means: The greater the material burden portion of a substance is, the lower the frequency. The smaller the role played by the substantial aspect of a substance during the triggering of a pathological occurrence (e.g. strawberry allergy), the higher the frequency.

The fact that food (for example milk) shows resonance only in a certain higher frequency range, is made clear by the following test: With the existing Allergy Program, which as known contains all the frequencies from 0 to 180 KHz in inverted A mode, the milk shows positive when tested with the accepted measurement protocol. Now one exclusively selects the low pass with the frequency range of 0 to 1,000 Hz and tests once more: The indicator improvement is missing, thus no more positive test result, because milk tests only in the high pass, namely around 50 KHz.

Selection of the mode

Next to be verified was whether these three groups exhibit the same modes, i.e. whether inverted A – as programmed in the device – actually confirms the clearest measured value improvement, or whether H and inverted D is preferred. Extensive test series produced the following result:

Group 1 – vital substances – H and inverted D

Group 2 – pathogenic organisms – inverted A

Group 3 – synthetics – inverted A

Explanatory model: Vital [important to life] substances such as milk and wheat are not problematic for our organism per se, and never entirely intolerable; they also possess their “good” aspects and thus always positive information, which is expressed in mode H. These harmonious frequencies certainly must be incorporated in the therapy, because they significantly increase substance tolerance. Exclusively negatives for the organism are found in Groups 2 and 3, consequently inverted A mode is to be selected, because dioxin for example contains absolutely no positive information.

Pollens however originate from the plant world, which initially are always tolerated by humans. For this reason pollens are included with the vital substances, as mode H and inverted D.

Selection of the amplification for allergy testing

Before I go into more detail of the close interconnection of amplification, frequency and homeopathic potency, I would like to delve into the tremendous importance of the selection of amplification in testing.

For that, the following case is cited:

Some time ago, a desperate colleague reached me by telephone: He simply could get no further with his neurodermatitis therapy for a 32 year old woman. In the process he had meticulously worked through and therapeutically applied all the points for the management of adult neurodermatitis, which I had published elsewhere. The masked base allergy was milk, which naturally was conscientiously cancelled.  He requested an appointment with me for the patient.

If the therapy simply will not take hold, then initially attention is first directed towards the few central allergies such as cereals, milk, eggs as well as dysbiosis. The therapeutic progress must be clearly discernible here; all further burdens for the time being are of secondary importance. Testing of the previously mentioned milk was repeated with the Allergy Program. No resonance phenomenon was found! Now the amplification was turned down to V 0.5 – suddenly at this value the milk clearly tested positively again, i.e. a residual burden of the milk intolerance still existed. But without the deep and thus genuine cancellation of the base allergens any therapy of allergic caused diseases must fail. Because of that, the apparently paradoxical conclusion means that smallest burdens must be tested with lowest amplifications, whereas greater burdens must be tested with higher amplifications.

According to Adey * the “biological window” – which is the prerequisite for any reaction in the organism – is defined by frequency and amplitude. Consequently: If only minimum burdens still exist in the body, then logically the amplification in the device must likewise be minimized, so that resonances or rather indicator value improvements occur. Now only amplifications below V 1.0 particularly interest us with the base allergens, because any residual burdens of allergens can again build up the relevant allergies in the case of a heavily compromised immune system. This can for example cause a Salmonella infection or also a serious flu. Non-observance of this knowledge, namely testing the base allergens with reduced amplification, as a rule is the reason for most “therapy failures”, which are then falsely blamed on the method or the device.

Thus one could now conclude in principle to select a lower amplification under V 1.0 for testing. That is not logical for the following reasons: For example if a patient has extensive corroded amalgam fillings, which in this case would constitute an immense burden, then the amplification is taken up to V 24, 48 or even 64 before the amalgam test becomes positive. The device must virtually defy the heavy burden in the organism with a high amplification in order to cause resonance.

In conclusion the happy ending: The pleased colleague called three weeks later; after he had again cancelled the milk with V 2 and V 0.6 the neurodermatitis melted away like snow in the spring sun.

* William Ross Adey, M.D. Dept. of Biochemistry, University of California (Riverside). Also seminal contributions to the crucial role of nitric oxide in carcinogenesis, etc.

Amplification and its relation to other parameters

As is inferred in the above explanations, until now certainly too little importance was given to the amplification factor. Thus it is for example too shortsighted, if one interprets the amplification as pure amplitude increase. Because with that, there is an unexplainable but nevertheless legitimate relationship between the extent of the amplification and the frequencies of the substances to be tested. Dr. Morell had already worked out a fixed relationship between the substance frequencies and homeopathic potencies, whereby generally speaking low potencies in fact represented low frequencies and correspondingly, high potencies high frequencies.

This means for example:
D6                     corresponds to a frequency of 250-500 Hz
D12                    corresponds to a frequency of 1,000-2,500 Hz
D30/60            corresponds to a frequency of 5,000-10,000 Hz
D100                 corresponds to a frequency of 10,000-20,000 Hz

If one now considers substance potency series, like those in the KuF-Series [now called “Potency Series”] available from Staufen-Pharma, in regard to amplifications, then the following generally valid legitimate relation results:
D6                    corresponds to an amplification of approximately 32
D12                  corresponds to an amplification of approximately 12
D30                 corresponds to an amplification of approximately 1.0
D100               corresponds to an amplification of approximately 0.1

As is clearly shown by the table, high amplifications thus correspond to low homeopathic frequencies. There is a basic rule in Homeopathy that low potencies possess a particularly close correspondence to the individual organs, thus they work organotropically.

Low potency medications are generally regarded as completely harmless, i.e. they work without side effects. However application of high potencies should be handled considerably more carefully, because these act on the entire organism, and beyond that can act deep in the psychological realm and correspondingly cause unwanted disturbances. Working with high potencies or more precisely high frequencies, means carrying out electronic psychotherapy.

In practice these considerations mean that cancellation therapy should generally always be started with high amplifications, meaning with completely harmless low potencies.

If we now link the previous tables together, then in fact a most interesting interconnection of all three parameters results:

  • Low potency corresponds to a low frequency and a higher amplification.
  • High potency corresponds to a high frequency and a lower amplification.

The reciprocal behavior of inverted D and H

In daily clinical practice the cancellation of food allergies, in short vital substances, take on a dominant position; and perhaps in addition in a couple of weeks pollen season begins. As we have seen, these two substance groups however are more effectively cancelled with H and inverted D, than with the inverted A used to date. The interesting question now is whether H and inverted D behave synchronously in a cancellation act, namely when we instrumentally set a physiological lowering of the amplification.

In other words, does a high inverted D correspond to a high H, and do both values move towards zero by setting a physiological lowering in the cancellation process? Exacting measurements prove entirely the opposite, namely H and inverted D behave reciprocally, that means with a high inverted D, H always tests low, and vice versa H increases as inverted D decreases.

This finding is logically compelling and therefore should be strictly taken into account in the allergy cancellation program. As an explanation, we look at an incompatible tested vital substance, e.g. wheat. Before cancellation the disharmonious information, defined here as inverted D, is basically high, while the harmonious component H is set on low. In the course of a cancellation process the portion of inverted D will continuously decrease, which represents the object and goal of cancellation, while on the other hand the harmonious, and thus the compatible portion in the form of H, must accordingly increase. The significant proportions from inverted D to H are indicated in the following example (V = amplification):
Inverted D V = 64 corresponds to H  V = 0.1
Inverted D V = 8 corresponds to H  V = 0.8
Inverted D V = 1 corresponds to H  V = 2
Inverted D V = 0.1 corresponds to H  V = 4.5

It follows from this relationship that a further optimization of the cancellation efficiency could thereby be achieved, so that instrumentally a reciprocal programming would be possible.

Chain cancellation

Numerous test series have determined that cancellation is more effective in several rhythmical intervals with wave-like amplification sequences, than the application of a rigid program in which one only lengthens the time. All four possible steps of the program are actually used in such a way whereby the four chained links are programmed into a rhythmical increase and decrease regarding amplification. Namely, it clearly turned out that these increases and decreases of amplification are better accepted by the organism.

Chain programming for all vital substances from milk to kiwi fruit is carried out as follows (* = physiological lowering, using an open MORA-Super program, for example No. 66):
66/1                 Inverted D = *64, *H = 0,1
66/2                 Inverted D = *6, *H = 0,8
66/3                 Inverted D = *24, *H = 0,5
66/4                 Inverted D = *2, *H = 1,0

As already described, the pertinent frequency band for vital substances is: 49.5 – 53.5 KHz

The same rhythm is selected for groups of materials that just contain inverted A, only instead of inverted D, inverted A is used, while H is not taken into consideration. Naturally the corresponding group-specific frequency ranges come into play as well.

For various reasons it can be useful to integrate substances from all three groups into a single cancellation process. For this reason the Universal Program was developed. The frequency range correspondingly includes all three ranges and thus is: 7.6 – 53.5 KHz

The mode is inverted A. The remaining programming is maintained.

The existing allergy cancellation program

If we look at the electrode arrangement of cancellation programs 153, we find the output lies at channel 2 through which the cancellation takes place, and surprisingly only at the right foot. This is truly an exceptionally meager selection, given that the allergy constitutes a systemic problem in which the entire organism is involved. If only one foot is used for the output, then considered from the stand point of acupuncture physiology and meridian structure, such important systems as Lung and Large Intestine, Allergy and Heart meridians are not included, because these are located only in the upper extremities.

Moreover the important allergen signal is further superimposed by foreign frequencies and thereby weakened, namely because at the input besides the allergen the left hand is still connected. How can an effective cancellation take place with such a reduced access?

Optimization of electrode placement

An effective systemic cancellation, that means acting on the entire organism’s allergic burden, can thus only take place via electrodes as diversified as possible creating an access to as many organ systems as possible. Acupuncture physiology teaches us that the organism constitutes a completely connected structure via the meridians, whose beginning and ending points are all located on the hands and feet. Thus for comprehensive access to the organism during allergy cancellation, both hands and feet are to be utilized, in order to allow the instrumentally inverted allergen signal to become totally effective. A single foot as exclusive output is completely insufficient.

Permanent equalization of the organism

The number of allergens to be cancelled in a therapy session is thereby limited, in that over and above a certain number unpleasant side effects and initial aggravations must be feared. It is to be noted in this context that in many ways the allergic person can be compared with an addict. Namely, if one takes away the central allergen – which can occur in actuality or via cancellation – the allergic person develops comparable withdrawal symptoms as addicts from whom the drug is taken away. In both cases, the soma as well as the psyche are most strongly challenged.

Additionally the biophysical engrams of the central allergen are so firmly anchored in the mesenchyme that it would be amazing if during their cancellation no somatopsychic disturbances develop. However the expected stress can to a large extent be leveled off, by carrying out an energetic equalization of the organism during the entire cancellation process for the reduction of mesenchymal disturbances and interference.

This permanent equalization proved of utmost importance.

Exclusively for that purpose the remaining unused channel 1 of the Mora-Super is brought into play. For this a continuous band-pass is programmed with the following parameters:
Band Pass (BP) = 0.01 KHz
Bandwidth (BW) = 50% KHz
Amplification (V) = 1

The amplification rhythm is programmed synchronous to those of the cancellation, thus 64, 6, 24 and 2.

Here again mode is H and inverted D, because body signals fundamentally also possess a harmonious portion. Furthermore that means, all programs should use mode H and inverted D, when the organism is connected to the input of the Mora unit.

The input and output connection is made at the double roller symbol, whereby Input E 1 is positioned at Conception Vessel 6 using a surface electrode below the navel; while at output A 1 (coded red) a round magnet is positioned on Governor Vessel 14, that is [in the depression] between the spinous processes of the 7th cervical vertebra [and 1st thoracic vertebra].

Therefore the quintessence is:

Channel 1 exclusively for energetic equalization

Channel 2 exclusively for cancellation. Thus only the allergen remains at Input E 2.

Output A 2 is set to cover both hands and feet.

An exclusive and confidential report for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 15, 2005

Translation and redaction by: Dr. Walter D. Sturm † and Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2001
© Copyright (English) 2002, Dr. G. Cornelissen, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany

About the author

Diagnostics and application with system diagnostics according to Dr. Cornelissen.

Precise detection and analysis of loads using the so-called one-point method, the testing takes place using various substance test sets to determine the cause. In addition, targeted treatment takes place from a holistic point of view. Primary developer of the MORA module for chronic diseases, testing systemic burdens, combination of endogenous and exogenous bioresonance frequencies, lecturer/teacher special training in workshops and specialist seminars

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