This year the foundation-owned company WALA Heilmittel GmbH (Bad Boll, Germany) celebrates its 75th anniversary. During the jubilee year a series of events will take place which lay out a trail of the history of WALA as well as the motives of the WALA founder:

  • In a series of lectures witnesses contemporary to those times tell stories about the stages of WALA.
  • On September 24th the jubilee year reaches its highest point with a big ceremony to which numerous guests from around the world are invited.
  • Various accompanying displays will take place on the premises of WALA: with Rudolf Hauschka watercolors and paintings, with historical packaging of WALA medications and historical photographs of WALA production.
  • A jubilee book summarizes the history of WALA from the original ideas of Rudolf Hauschka until today.
  • Among others, Prof. Dr. med. Peter Selg, a leader of the Ita-Wegman-Institute for anthroposophical basic research, will publish a book including the correspondence of Dr. Rudolf Hauschka with the anthroposophical physician Dr. med. Ita Wegman (1876-1943). Ita Wegmann had invited Rudolf Hauschka to her clinical-therapeutic Institute in Arlesheim, Switzerland for research work, and there he developed his rhythmical production procedure.

Originally from Vienna, the chemist Dr. Rudolf Hauschka (1891-1969) founded the company in 1935 in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart for production of the WALA medications, which we may also congratulate for their 75th birthday. From that one-man company, has resulted today a corporation with a turnover of 98 million Euros (2009). The firm with more than 700 employees produces a palette of about 1,000 preparations: the anthroposophical WALA medications, the Dr. Hauschka certified natural makeup cosmetics as well as the Dr. Hauschka Med, the natural medical care products which are coordinated for special needs. For worldwide export it works together with 40 countries.

A matter of basic concern with the WALA preparations is to again harmonize the life processes which have gotten into imbalance.

Further Information: and

An Announcement for Members
From THE BRIDGE Nerwsletter of OIRF
Published June 2011
© Copyright 2011, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

This announcement originally published in CO’MED, No. 7, 2010. Translated from German by Carolyn L. Winsor for OIRF.

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