90 years of PASCOE natural medicine

90 years of declaration to science and quality

220 products, more than 190 employees, diverse ideas and solutions and an outstanding reputation – this is PASCOE natural medicine.

Tradition and innovation are no contradiction for PASCOE. To develop approved formulas, or new ways in production, or new ways in customer service, is part of the company philosophy.

This third generation family led business is among the largest suppliers of phyto-pharmaceuticals and complex homeopathy in Germany. Their more than 90 years of experience and competence in natural medicine already delivers the basis for development of new remedies and for the improvement of established preparations.

The business was established in Giessen by Pharmacist Friedrich H. Pascoe in 1918. His personal contacts with Pastor Felke (1856-1926) who is regarded as the founder of complex homeopathy, placed the cornerstone for the natural medicine adjustment of the PASCOE formulations. This knowledge is retained and further developed through until today.

Since 1961 the undertaking of hundreds of clinical studies and application observations on the effectiveness and compatibility of its medications has been done.

In 2002 the subsidiary PASCOE Vital was established for food supplements as well as complementary balanced diet products.

In 2007 this Giessen based business sold over three million packets and proved to be in one of the foremost positions in the total German market for natural medicine.

Not only in Germany, but also worldwide in 25 countries, patients and therapists choose products and treatment concepts of PASCOE.

In the last ten years the turnover of the business has more than doubled. Further components for the success of PASCOE natural medicine are the high quality and the reliability of the products. All products are manufactured in Germany.

Great importance is attached to selecting raw materials. If the required quantities are not available in the desired quality, production pauses are put into place at once. Additionally every individual work step is checked and documented generally without paper. This electronically SAP/R3 supported organization and data processing makes PASCOE natural medicine the forerunner of the international pharmaceutical sector and brought the business the Innovations Top 100 Prize, which annually awards medium sized businesses within the scope of a nationwide comparative study.

At regular intervals PASCOE natural medicine takes comprehensive and representative surveys of the population. In 2007 PASCOE had grasped the attitude of the German citizens to natural medicine. The core result was: “Over 80% of the population wishes for natural medicine as their primary medicine.” A further important result of the investigation was: The patients attach great importance to the quality and medical respectability of natural remedies.

“Because I have a choice” is the core message of our business and stands for the freedom of choice of our customers. Each patient has the right to get the remedies and the medicine which are correct for their individual situation. This corresponds to the conceptions of our more modern, health conscious people.

For 90 years we have concerned ourselves with the health of the people. Innumerable therapists and patients since then gave us their confidence and made their choice – PASCOE products. But here we would like to say a cordial thanks to them, connected with the promise to also provide the highest quality in the future and with the goal of strengthening and developing natural medicine further in our western culture.

s/ Jürgen F. Pascoe

The Entreporeneurial couple,
Mr. & Mrs. Jürgen F. Pascoe

Senior Managing Director,
Ingeborg Pascoe

NOTES: Occidental Institute and Dr. Walter D. Sturm first introduced English speaking practitioners to the PASCOE firm during our early Germany Tours in the early 1980’s. This is also the firm that initially prepared a series of remedies for Dr. Helmut W. Schimmel. Although an “old time” firm, it appears they have taken many steps to remain at the forefront of the homeopathic field. Congratulations to them on this amazing anniversary! CLWS

An Exclusive Translated Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2008

From an article in Naturheilpraxis mit Naturmedizin,
Issue #61, October 2008
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2008, Pascoe Natural Medicine, Giessen, Germany

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