OIRF Invited to Participate in Medicine Week, 2009

Recently Occidental Institute has been invited to organize and sponsor one full day of English language lectures during the 2009 Medicine Week Congress in Baden-Baden, Germany. This program would be integrated into the full Med-Week program and listed in the catalog.

All who have followed (or participated in) the activities of our many Biological Medicine group tours to Germany will be familiar with the Medicine Week Congress.

We have received a very positive response from most of the speakers we contacted in our preliminary enquiries while preparing to plan and organize such a prestigious event.

Dates for the Institute’s Tour #36 have already been set, and you can expect to see further details on the content of this program as early as Issue #1 next February! Tour will run from Nov. 1 through Nov. 7, 2009 – this should be sufficient advance notice for you to set aside these important dates!

Planned speakers include German and international doctors and researchers. Theme for the Med-Week congress has not yet been announced but will be incorporated into the lectures.

Watch for details in forthcoming Issues of “The Bridge”

An Informational Release for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2008

© Copyright 2008, OIRF, BC, Canada

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