Immune System

So Much for Reappraisal

mRNA and No End

Post-vac syndrome, cardiac death, infertility – the damage caused by the Corona vaccinations should also be urgently reviewed by politicians and the media. But nothing happens. Requests for an investigation into the reasons for excess mortality in recent years do not help either. Neither are further alarming studies or revelations regarding vaccine production. – Obviously, nothing is supposed to stop the triumph of mRNA technology.

Recently, Hungarian researcher Katalin Karikö and American Drew Weissman were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. According to the jury, they provided crucial foundations for the development of the mRNA technology used for the corona vaccinations. The honored researchers themselves did not seem to have complete confidence in their development, because after the announcement that they would receive the Nobel Prize, they were seen in a photo wearing a respiratory protection mask. Comedians gloomily predicted that Vladimir Putin deserved the Nobel Prize for Medicine, because with his invasion of Ukraine he ended the Corona crisis from one day to the next. At least in the media. But joking aside. Because this award also shows us that mRNA technology in injection form, which was supposed to end the corona p(l)andemic, should be promoted further. And what’s more: the distinction of the Nobel Prize in Medicine elevates it to the Olympus of cutting-edge medical research. A slap in the face for the millions of people harmed by the mRNA injection.

But this side of the story is not focused on by either mainstream science, politics, or the mass media. There, they continue to pore over the alleged success of the injection.

Study Models Vaccination Success

More than 14 million people are said to have been saved from death by the new technology, at least according to a modeling study that was published on June 23, 2022 in the journalTHE LANCET Infectious Diseases by Watson et al.1 These figures were also mentioned again and again in connection with the Nobel Prize ceremony. “The mRNA injection was a blessing” is the slogan that should get into people’s minds. The organization “Doctors for Covid Ethics” has taken a closer look at this modelling study and comes to the conclusion that the publication of Watson et al. is not only completely unscientific, but is also seriously afflicted with conflicts of interest.2 The Swiss association ALETHEIA, an association of practising doctors and scientists, also endorses this statement by “Doctors for Covid Ethics” in a detailed paper.3 Obviously, this modeling study is not worth the paper it is written on. So millions of saved people are invented, while at the same time millions of injured people are hushed up.

mRNA Soon Also In Cancer

The myth of life-saving mRNA technology should be maintained by all means. This technology should become the new standard. Not only against corona viruses, but also against all possible other diseases. For example, mRNA technology will soon be used against cancer. Representing the argumentation of the application of mRNA technology as compared with the previous technology, chemotherapy, is fascinating. For example, Telepolis writes: “Chemotherapy, which even still today is the usual treatment for cancer patients, has a reputation for often killing the patient before the cancer could be successfully fought. Great hopes are therefore placed in mRNA therapy.” 4 As a long-time critical observer of chemotherapy, one only thinks to oneself: “Oh? Suddenly, it is permissible to criticize chemotherapy in such a way? All of a sudden, these truths are mentioned?”

`The theory behind the use of mRNA against cancer is to enable the patient’s immune system to recognize the tumor and fight against it with the weapons at its disposal, for example with antibodies directed against the cancer cells. As already reported in raum&zeit 243/2023* they are also working on an experimental treatment for patients with damaged heart muscle – ironically (or fittingly?) one of the main damages after the Corona mRNA vaccination. The mRNA injection against the damaged heart muscle is to be injected directly into the heart. Meanwhile, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is investing $40 million dollars into Africa and other countries to produce new mRNA vaccines against diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria.5 The huge market for vaccinations on animals will also be massively flooded with mRNA technology. Large sums of money are invested. By 2030, the market is expected to grow to more than $26 billion US dollars.6

So millions of saved people are invented, while at the same time millions of injured people are hushed up.

WHO Command Center

Politicians are playing a gamble and are gradually creating the necessary legal basis to further advance mRNA technology. Meanwhile in Brazil, vaccination with the mRNA injection against Corona has now been introduced even for all children from the age of six.7 Those who refuse are threatened with hefty penalties. In Germany, too, the compulsory mRNA vaccination for soldiers has not yet been lifted. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) is currently working on an international pandemic agreement, which is to be adopted in June 2024. As already reported by many critical journalists and doctors, in the event of a pandemic (defined by the WHO itself!) this agreement would lead to the political autonomy of the countries being annulled. Measures against this pandemic, such as vaccinations, would then have to be adopted by the member countries without further decision-making power. A WHO goal: To further expand the highly lucrative market for mRNA gene therapy. In the pandemic treaty, this is called “precaution”, which must be “brought closer to the most needy population groups“.8 This is how marketing works. “Of course”, the German Minister of Health is one of the proponents of this pandemic treaty. Fortunately, however, more and more countries are now noticing what is planned here and have announced that they will not sign the pandemic treaty.

Airborne Vaccines

But in the future, people may no longer need to be asked whether they want mRNA therapy. That is because researchers at Yale University have developed a new form of “airborne mRNA” that in their opinion can be quickly used to vaccinate large populations without their knowledge or consent.9 According to the scientists, this new mRNA technique transports the vaccine from the air directly into people’s lungs, so that no more injections are necessary. The method has already been successfully used in intranasal vaccination of mice.10

Molecular physiologist Mark Saltzman, who led the team of Yale scientists, says he now has high hopes for the airborne delivery method, which goes far beyond vaccines: “But we have also shown that, in general, you can deliver different types of mRNA. So it is not only good for a vaccine, but possibly also for gene replacement therapy for diseases like cystic fibrosis and gene editing… We have shown with a vaccine example that it works, but it opens the door for all these other types of interventions.” 11

They try over and over again by all means to whitewash the dirty laundry of mRNA technology.

Elegant bioweapon?

One has to wonder why this technology is being expedited so much. Is it really all about business? To research on a clandestine vaccination via the air? U.S. health researcher Dr. David E. Martin suspects that the mRNA vaccine was developed as a bioweapon. The mRNA injections trigger cancer and heart disease – this has been known for many years, reports. Dr. David E. Martin in an interview with AUF1.12

He says that the Corona mRNA vaccination was one of the largest genocides in history. So was that the goal? The deliberate reduction of humanity? If you look at health development since the beginning of mRNA vaccinations, this is definitely a point that speaks in favor of this thesis. Because, as already reported in raum&zeit 237/2022*, we have had an enormous and persistent excess mortality since the beginning of vaccination, not only in Germany. Everywhere that there was mass vaccination.

In addition, Dr. Naomi Wolf 13 reports on the TV channel AUF1 about the work of the Swiss Dr. Chandler, who found out that nine months after the introduction of mRNA injections against Corona, the birth rate in 13 out of 19 European countries has fallen significantly. The same applies to Wales, Australia and Taiwan. She found that the decline in the birth rate in Switzerland was the largest in 150 years. A greater decline than during the two world wars. According to Dr. Chandler, in Germany there was an 8.3 percent decline in the birth rate in the first three quarters of 2022. In England and Wales, it was even more than 12 percent. As Dr. Naomi Wolf reports, from the moment the figures became known, the British government stopped publishing these statistics. By all means, attempts are made over and over again to whitewash the dirty laundry of mRNA technology.

The SPD, the Greens and the FDP, together with the CDU/CSU and the Left Party, voted against the reappraisal of excess mortality.

Silent media

But it is becoming more and more difficult to keep up appearances. This is because the consequences of the mRNA technology used in the injections are getting into the public more and more numerously. From time to time the politicians and mainstream media still arrive afterwards with the cover-up. They still just manage to keep things small, for example by not reporting at all on important and enlightening events in the first place. Did you learn anything in the public media about the fact that the second-largest opposition party in the Bundestag [parliament], the AfD, held a two-day major Corona symposium in place in mid-November 2023? It was about a reappraisal of the Corona period with many well-known doctors and scientists. However, there was no trace of the responsible politicians and government scientists – although they were invited. Nor is there any trace of the public media, which collect their billions in compulsory fees under the condition, among other things, of reporting comprehensively and in a balanced manner. Instead: silence in the forest. The Swiss magazine Die Weltwocherightly asked: “If ARD and ZDF don’t deliver, why should German viewers pay at all?” 14

Briefly, they call this kind of “non-news” “dead news”: “Fake news is one thing. The other is dead news. I don’t know if the term even exists, but it meets that for which mainstream media : has a substantial weakness: They kill and bury a piece of news without even having disseminated it.” 15

Likewise, the so-called leading media are (still) silent about the above-mentioned high excess mortality since the administration of mRNA gene therapy. When the parliamentary group of the AfD tried to initiate a reappraisal of the excess mortality during the years 2021 to 2023 with the health committee, this was rejected by all (!) other parties in the parliament. The SPD, the Greens and the FDP, together with the CDU/CSU and the Left Party, voted against the reappraisal of excess mortality.16 Once again, it is abundantly clear that the responsible politicians in the government are not concerned with people’s health, as they have emphasized over and over again. If they were really concerned about health, they would not first have to be asked by the AfD to investigate excess mortality. This vote, too, was not worth reporting by the “balanced and comprehensive” public media.

“… Mainstream media has a considerable weakness: They kill and bury a piece of news without even having disseminated it.”

“Long Covid” Because of Spike Proteins?

But again and again, undesirable reports make it into the mass media. Although they have not yet arrived at ARD and ZDF, smaller media are slowly breaking the silence. For example, the Berliner Zeitung and the magazine Cicero reported about a research group that can prove that the mRNA vaccination against Corona is more dangerous than Corona itself. Cicero reports 17 that the spike protein is not only responsible for the destruction of lung tissue, but that it can also trigger or at least encourage a variety of other serious diseases. This is because the spike protein will disrupt important cell and immune functions. The research group clearly states that the spike proteins are much more dangerous when our bodies produce their own after using mRNA gene therapy. What is explosive in this context is the fact that every second person who has been treated with mRNA gene therapy against Corona permanently produces these spike proteins.18 Incidentally, this could also explain the cases of “Long Covid”. Critical scientists have long seen a connection between “Long Covid” and the vaccination. So “Long Covid” seems to be more like “Long Vaccination”. This, too, is a form of cover-up by simply reinterpreting the real reason for the disease. Whether fake news (14 million saved by vaccination), dead news (Corona symposium) or completely twisted news (Long Covid), the means of propaganda are diverse.

The subsequent thawing of the vaccines only makes them more unstable.

Dead News As A Result

Do you still remember at the beginning of the mRNA vaccinations, it was always said that the vaccine had to be refrigerated? Have you ever learned why this was suddenly “no longer necessary”? One more Dead News that they would have rather concealed. Because the mRNA vaccines are very unstable, they tried to make them stable by means of refrigeration and they were only stored and transported refrigerated. Until it was discovered that the subsequent thawing of the vaccines only made them more unstable. Before admitting that millions of people had been injected with dangerously unstable mRNA, they would rather conceal this news. Dead News. As already mentioned: Obviously, it was never about health. Thus also the fact that the number of sick leaves after vaccination in year 2021, so with the start of mRNA vaccinations, increased 213 times compared to 2020, i.e. by more than an incredible 20,000 percent, was studiously concealed by both politicians as well as the media. These figures come directly from the Federal Ministry of Health.19 Once again, a new finding that would be a serious warning sign if it were a matter of human health is simply swept under the carpet.

With a normally functioning media, this would be a scandal of the first order.

Dead Scandal

Another scandal, the nature and scope of which has so far been largely concealed both by science as well as politics and the mass media, is that the pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer produced the mRNA vaccination against Corona in the approval studies with a seriously different manufacturing method than the mRNA vaccination that was later administered to billions of people. The procedure used in the approval studies was clean but expensive. The procedure for worldwide sale was cheap, but led to contaminated injections and a massively increased number of serious side effects, as Radio Munich reports.20

Pfizer calls the two processes “Process 1” and “Process 2” internally. As medical expert Florian Schilling* reports in an interview with Multipolar magazine,21 the vaccines produced with “Process 2” have a dramatically different efficacy and safety profile than those produced with “Process 1”. Florian Schilling explains: “The procedure used in the approval studies is a sterile procedure. This is pure in vitro. This means that the RNA is duplicated by machine using PCR. The advantage is that there can be no contamination. We get a high-purity product that essentially consists of RNA for the time being. The other method used for the population is based on the fact that the RNA is not copied sterilely by machine, but rather by bacteria.” In this process, the bacteria are provided with the desired genome, stimulated to divide, whereby the desired genome is also copied, and in the end the bacteria are killed again and the desired genome is removed through a purification process. The disadvantage of the process is clearly obvious: you end up with material massively contaminated with bacterial components, which has to be cleaned. This is very complex, especially in the bulk [quantity] in which production took place. As pointed out, there were significant differences in quality here and it could be established that individual batches were responsible for a large part of the vaccine damage, while other batches were substantially more harmless. Although the European Medicines Agency (EMA) established this, Pfizer could continue in principle as usual, as the physician Florian Schilling further reports.

With a normally functioning media, this would be a scandal of the first order. But the fact that this, like all the significant warning signals of mRNA therapy described above, is concealed, and even more so that this type of therapy is also elevated to the best achievement of our time by the Nobel Prize, clearly shows that the fears of the American health researcher Dr. David E. Martin could actually be correct. The mRNA gene therapy is a bioweapon and it should be brought to people as widely as possible. Fortunately, more and more of these devastating consequences and scandals of mRNA gene therapy are making it into the public and the progress in the matter of the pandemic agreement, as already described, seems to be getting rougher and rougher for the backers of the whole story at the WHO, because many countries do not want to participate. So there is reason to hope that this danger can still be averted.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published April 2024

From an article in raum&zeit, Volume 42, No. 248, March/April 2024
Machine Translation by Lernout & Hauspie, & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2024, r&z, Thomas Hein, Bingen, Germany

Footnotes and Links from P2P:

  1. We do not have the previous article by Hein mentioned from raum&zeit 2022, Nr. 237, and thus that article unfortunately is no longer available.
  2. From raum&zeit 2023, Nr. 243, May 2023, The Technology of Horror, The Campaign of mRNA Gene Therapy: Read this article here:

Three additional translated articles from Florian Schilling:

  1. From raum&zeit 2022, Nr. 238, July/Aug. 2022 V-AIDS and Turbo-Cancer, Long-Term Inhibition of the Immune System by Corona Vaccines, Part 1: Read this article here.
  2. From raum&zeit 2022, Nr. 239, Sept/Oct. 2022 Post-Vaccine Syndrome, Basic Countermeasures, Part 2: Read Part 2 here.
  3. From raum&zeit 2023, Nr. 245 Sept/Oct. 2023, Corona Vaccinations, Highly Dangerous for the Unborn?: Read this article here.

About the author



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