April 2024

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Although we continue to see an avalanche of information and commentary as the pandemic and political narratives escalate, my commentary section will be a bit shorter this month. I will be participating in Dr. Simon Yu’s Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) standard workshop April 25-28, 2024 [see Dr. Yu’s website for current registration information]. For now I am busily updating my lectures since I last dusted them off for presentation. Although the history lecture changes little, we are seeing more and more information about energy, resonance and the newer approaches arising from current research. We can pray (and vote) that there will be great and good changes for natural medicine developing over the coming year.

The article that I’ve translated out of the current journals is once again by Thomas Hein, the German freelance journalist who has so astutely and meticulously guided us through the still unfolding politics and corruption surrounding the pandemic. His understanding of the historical background combined with a precisely researched perception of the inner workings of the orthodox health-”care” industry allows us a better understanding of the hurdles we face as we work to help our patients heal with natural and biological methods. Please follow this link to see his most recent article: So Much for Reappraisal, mRNA and No End.

To take a deeper dive into such information here, I’ve once again resorted to outlining a series of articles that have wandered across my monitors as a way of organizing some of the random information received over the past few weeks.

Although seldom mentioned among the nations with “full vaccination”, I’ve babbled about our Canadian situation several times. After being caught in numerous scandals and “naughty deals” our charismatic Prime Minister has frequently shown us his spoiled-trust-fund-baby arrogance in dealing with his citizens (the folks who actually pay the taxes that fund his ½ million dollar a year salary). Rumors continue to circulate about the Trudeau Foundation funding of a pharmaceutical (well at least it is a Canadian) company which manufactures all the nanoparticles (thus use of graphene oxide) utilized in the Pfizer and Modern injections globally. No wonder he demanded mandatory vax for one-and-all and stuck with it as long as he could. As he attempts to play in the “foundation” and “philanthropy” games of the really rich, this is a story that left me simply shaking my head and wondering how we ended up here.

Follow this link to the Global Research Newsletter (16 March 2024) to see: Canadian Government Authorized the First Plant-based COVID-19 Vaccine and Spent $300M Buying 76 Million Doses: “It never made it to market. Story of the world’s first plant-based COVID-19 vaccine failure … Canada ordered [and prepaid for] 76 million doses of Covifenz … Ottawa getting $40 million refund from former parent company of Quebec COVID vaccine maker, but Medicago closed in February after it received $300+ million in federal money, failing to bring vaccine to market.”

“This is a fascinating story. How does a company get a deal like this?” Most funding provided to the company was NON-REFUNDABLE!!! And, “it’s safe to say that the technology probably doesn’t work and the Canadian government was either scammed or was in on the scam.” OMG – I am so embarrassed to be Canadian right now!

Anyway, enough of those shenanigans. There does seem to be some brighter and more optimistic information coming into the public attention. Here are a few and I’ll try not to get too carried away with my perceptions.

In another Global Research Newsletter (26 March 2024) we find Bombshell: Official Data from Germany’s Ministry of Health Confirms the Devastating Impacts of The Covid Lockdowns, “More Harm Than COVID-19”, by Averre, Chossudovsky, Yeadon, Rancourt and Keenan: “The German Government’s Report Confirms the legitimacy and validity of the numerous independent scientific reports on the alleged pandemic, which have been the object of censorship … What is significant is that the German Health authorities based on official data have now been obliged under Freedom of Information to reveal the devastating nature and impacts of the Covid lockdowns imposed on 190 countries, starting March 11, 2020.” Follow this link to see the full article.
Chossudovsky video on Rumble follow this link
Yeadon video on Rumble follow this link

And, from our ever so optimistic philosopher and data collector, Sayer Ji, the founder of Greenmedinfo.com this article about: Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream: Exploring the Global Shift Toward Traditional Healing. Follow this link for the full article. I must admit that it would be nice if such a vision were to come into reality, however after more than 50 years of experiencing and following this field, I have become a bit more cynical.

And here – this is the kind of information and research that we need. From Expose News (20 March 2024) The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health – The Pasteurian Paradigm Still Fails to Deliver. This is the time to push these theories and research. Before they come up with the next pandemic and conclude the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Let’s get some of the research of Landa, Cowan, Morell and so many others into the forefront for consideration. Presented in the middle of another p(l)andemic it will only create controversy and censorship. It’s time to listen to ‘terrain theory’ of Claude Bernard instead of ‘the germ theory’ of Louis Pasteur – to force the Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Foundation and the NIH to revert to their purpose of helping people get and remain healthy. How did that famous phrase go? The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything. But of course, what on earth would Big Pharma do with that? Follow this link to see the full article.

It appears that Dr. Joseph Mercola has finally been able to re-post almost all of his former website and take it back into open access – I recognize the marketing aspects of him putting it all behind a pay ‘membership’ wall, but the pressure, censorship, de-banking and gaslighting during the pandemic took a massive toll on him personally as well as his family and staff. So, I won’t be re-posting any more of his articles and I urge you all to support his efforts. He was and remains, along with the rest of the misinformation dozen, a strong voice for alternatives. Here’s a link to one of his more recent articles: “Long Vax Finally Enters Lexicon”. Based on the work of Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik we see a similar conclusion regarding Long Covid as described by Thomas Hein in the article mentioned above. Please follow this link for the full article.

And finally two articles from the Townsend E-Newsletter. Pay attention! This longstanding English language journal is struggling – they need our support. I’ve forgotten how many years, but it is at least 30 or more that this journal turned e-newsletter has been in publication. Become a subscriber and let’s keep this excellent journal going.
The Effect of Covid-19 on Parasites and Inflammation Challenges Us to Think Outside the Box. By Sue Visser. This is an interesting topic considering a bunch of us are heading off to St. Louis in 10 days or so for Dr. Yu’s workshop. It offers us not only a challenge but one alternate effective approach for treatment. Follow this Townsend Letter link.
A New Generation of Dental Appliance, by Bob Frost. For those of us who clench (or grind) our teeth, and do not have a parasites, this may be a partial answer. It certainly aligns with much of Dr. Yu’s work and research that emphasizes the absolute and critical importance of dental health as a primary link to our overall health picture. Follow this Townsend Letter link.
And subscribe while you’re there looking!

Okay, that’s the gems for this month folks. Be well and be healthy . . .
Carolyn L. Winsor,
Praxis2Practice Consulting

An Exclusive Commentary Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published April 2024

© Copyright 2024, CarolynWinsor, P2P, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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