So many folks are completely captivated by the mainstream (conventional) narrative concerning the virus and thus believe there cannot be any viable alternate perception. Any dissenting information should be stopped because it is unacceptable, will harm those dissenting and jeopardize the rights of everyone else. Most of these folks have no understanding of the manipulation and propaganda that surrounds their belief in this view.
On an opposing view are the so-called “anti-vaxxers” who are just as stridently vocalizing their beliefs that the virus is a hoax, the vaccines are ineffective and have many adverse effects and/or this is a genocidal conspiracy involving mega-rich investors and “Big” corporations. Here, most of these folks have taken an understanding of the manipulation and propaganda directly into the “conspiracy” belief that surrounds much of this information.
This hoary tactic of information warfare – case the other side as evil and suppress anything that humanizes them – is a symptom of a problem for humanity much greater than the one posed by Covid or by the vaccines, even if they prove as harmful as the more alarmist anti-vaxxers fear.
Charles Eisenstein, Antisemite, Aug. 14, 2021 Read full article here.
Mixed into the mess are those who should not to be confused with either of the preceding groups. These are the “anti-mandate” folks, and organizations such as the Freedom Convoy Truckers, who have made personal choices that adhere to both views. To me this has become an area of far greater interest and perspective as there is recognition of the “belief” structure to the opposing conventional vs. anti-vax views. This “anti-mandate” perspective allows not only for freedom of choice (“yes” or “no” to vax is your personal choice), but adheres closely to the democratic constitutions of the USA and Canada as well as the Nuremberg Code of 1947 which all clearly state that we cannot be forced to accept a medical treatment that we do not want. The criminalization by our government of the organizers and participants of the Freedom Convoy in Canada has become an international focal point of disrespect concerning the tyrannical response that ignored the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
“Censorship, disinformation, and propaganda have a crucial ally without which they would never be effective. The ally is mob psychology and the social habit of dehumanization. These tactics work only when we are ready to see others as the propaganda says we should, and don’t try to find out for ourselves by actually listening to them.”
Charles Eisenstein, A Temple of this Earth, Moving Beyond Redemptive Violence, Sept. 20, 2021 Read excellent full article here.
In the latter two views, the constitutional right of freedom of speech has simply been pre-empted under the guise of protecting public safety and health from “harmful”, “unacceptable” and “extremist” information. The perspective that the conventional approach is the only effective and acceptable view has been decided by politicians based on their belief in “science”. But, the science touted by the conventional narrative is not about belief – belief can be nurtured in our places of worship. Rather science is, and should be, a search for knowledge, a series of respectful debates and discussions. A search that seeks and expands the existing theories and discoveries of the world around us and that is always questioning. We can “think” that we’ve found an answer or explanation, and yet again reconsider the findings based on new or current data or anomalies. To stop questioning, to stop searching and simply believe that today’s answer is the only answer, will never take us into the future.
I repeat again, that for us as practitioners of energetic and biological healing methods, we must be able to help every single patient or client that walks into our office. To do that we need to understand and consider all sides and aspects of this madness called the pandemic – the history, the corruption, the politics, the economics, the conventional theories, the “conspiracy” theories and the belief patterns of the patients themselves.
With that bit of a rant out of my system, I really did turn to other sources in an attempt to work through my confusion and frustration when talking with that wide variety of family and visitors over the past few weeks of birthday activities. I guess in many ways, I have always been the rebel of the family. Since I began my adult professional life as a musician and teacher, many wonder how I have the audacity to talk about these topics or more importantly consider myself relatively well informed. But this summer represents 50 years since my husband and boss Walter Sturm and I started Occidental Institute as a traditional acupuncture teaching organization. Although I am not a practitioner (and never claimed to be), I have studied and worked within this field with a deep respect and understanding of the history, concepts and overall application for all of those 50 years. Now, I have the time and the ability to collect, analyze and coordinate the rapidly expanding information and present you with a perspective that can enhance your practical application in the practice.
Interestingly an overview of the field at this point in time is a bit mixed up. A broad spectrum of authors, philosophers and researchers are presenting a picture that mixes up the “conspiracies”, the corruption and the global organizations. An overview of the Corona narrative in general is clearly negative and until recently there was little optimism or hope for a resolution to the madness. I found myself wandering through the writings of Charles Eisenstein, the usual alternate newsletters and many of the current journals (sorry no translation this month as I was busy with the birthday and family). The approach and description of the background to the current situation seems to differ in each article, but each offers another consideration in how to reach our own understanding and that of our patients.
Following are several quotes and a bit more rambling on my part to try and bring this into a clearer picture. I’m simply not going to go through all the negative stuff again. You have all heard it, or read it and as intelligent practitioners are able to discern your own viewpoint. You can follow the included links for further detailed analysis. Instead I would like to look at some of the different exit approaches and how they see ways for us to adapt to and move into the future.
Ø First up, an article I read in the Global Research newsletter by Dr. Robert Malone and Ernst Wolff. Dr. Malone advises:
“In August 2021, German author, journalist, International Monetary Fund and financial expert Ernst Wolff provided his explanation and hypotheses in a seminal lecture which many find useful as they try to make sense of all that we have experienced and continue to find ourselves having to adapt to. [An English translation of his lecture was] included. Whether you agree or disagree, I suggest that his insights deserve consideration. I always recommend that you do your own thinking, and some may dismiss his thoughts as conspiracy theories, but this presentation provides plenty to think about.” Read the full article at Uncovering the Corona Narrative.
Here are his closing remarks:
“. . . the truth will appear in our time, and this naturally has an enormous meaning for us, because ironically it opens up for us that which Klaus Schwab has termed “a unique window of opportunity”. However in exactly the reverse dynamic (to what he intended).
Namely, that via the collapsing narrative, the credibility of those who have led us into this situation is being buried by the day, and because of that, a unique window of opportunity has opened for all of us for a vast and comprehensive campaign of enlightenment. The objective conditions to enlighten others about the real background to the alleged “pandemic”, about the real balance of power in the world, and the real threats we face, have never been as good as now and they are getting better day by day because the other side are getting entangled in their increasingly unbelievable lies and even if the digital-financial complex should succeed in introducing the new currency that would also not be the end of the world. Digital central bank money can, namely only function as the basis of a comprehensive coercive system. One will always introduce new price controls, continuously increase the Universal Basic Income and create permanent inflation with emphatic pressure, which in turn will lead to a continuous impoverishment of the population and constant conflict with the state and the authorities.
What we need to understand is the following:
Without any doubt, we stand before turbulent and also dangerous times, but we hold an historic trump card in our hands. It consists in the fact that the other side does not act according to the rules of reason but strives out of motives of greed and power and therefore, cannot do anything other than bring itself into ever greater difficulties. We should use exactly that (weakness) and always keep in view, that the other side likes more money, more property and additionally, to have available all the weapons in the world. But their power is not based on their money, nor on their possessions or their weapons but relies solely upon one factor: And that is the ignorance of the majority of people. i.e., the majority doesn’t understand the evil game that this minority are playing with them.
As terrible as everything is that the digital-financial complex and it’s helpers have served up in the past 18 months, and still continue to serve up, it has put itself in a situation which it cannot get out of and in which, out of despair it must cross ever more “red lines.”
This means for all of us, that in this exceptional situation we should quite simply, keep the peace, consistently expose all the lies, and show people bit by bit, why, and by whom, they are being deceived.
When we do that, and in doing so reflect on the strength of our arguments, then, we can not only solve the current problem, but possibly, achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history, and so, open the door to a new (and better) era.”
Thank you.
Ernst Wolff
Ø The new Novavax Vaccine:
“Novavax is an “old school” protein vaccine. You can compare it well with, for example, the tetanus vaccination or the 6-fold vaccination”, states Dr. Helmut Retzek. I was particularly interested in his comments about “why nano particles in the Novavax vaccination”. You can see Dr. Retzek’s full article here, and Mr. Google will translate it for you.
CLW Note: Here in Canada, we have learned that the Trudeau Foundation is alleged to have an approx. 40% investment in the Acuitas Therapeutics Company in Vancouver, BC. This company apparently manufactures all the nanoparticles (with graphene oxide?) for Novavax, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, and has recently “won international awards for their research and contributions to the effectiveness of the vaccines”.
Ø And again, from the heavily censored and vilified Global Research, March 27, 2022
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
Open Letter to the Vaccinated
Although political in nature and aimed at our very politically and democratically challenged Canada, it is clear that our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is coming under heavy censure internationally for his handling of the Freedom Convoy Truckers and the “no exceptions” vaccine mandates. Important information for patients who are unsure of their vaccine choices.
Ø Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how, The Health Ranger at Natural News, Feb. 17, 2022 Read the full article here or here.
Ø It’s Time to Follow the Science, Children’s Health Defense, April 6, 2022
Read the full article here.
Vaccine Science Guide
Mask Science Guide
Clearly spelled out information, data and studies to help the practitioner understand what you’ve seen in practice and to support the information you provide to patients.
Ø Letter to the California Legislature, Say No to the COVID Tyranny Bills
By Margaret Anna Alice (Through the Looking Glass)
Read the full article here.
“Over the past two years, every single COVID policy championed by tyrants, “experts,” colluders, and Covidians yielded grotesque profits for megacorporations; dictatorial powers for governments; and enormous losses of life, health, and rights for individuals.
The more research and data that has accumulated, the more evident it has become that the physicians who courageously challenged the propaganda machine were correct, while the policymakers were deadly wrong.
Let’s look at a few examples:
- Masks: FAIL
- Lockdowns: FAIL
- Experimental injectable products (“vaccines”): FAIL
- Anti–early treatment protocols: FAIL
- Anti–natural immunity: FAIL
- Discrimination against the unvaccinated: FAIL
- Censoring information that contradicts the narrative: FAIL
- Abrogating human rights in the name of the public good: FAIL
- Incentivizing lethal CDC hospitalization protocols: FAIL
- Turning the world into an open-air prison: FAIL
Indeed, the chiseled commandments issued from on high by the WHO, NIH, CDC, and FDA were so catastrophic, it’s like they were designed to fail.
History has repeatedly shown that when policy is guided by political science instead of medical science, people die. Lots of people.
As Groucho Marx said:
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”
If you care about saving lives and protecting the health of California citizens, you must begin listening to the physicians who have been censored and silenced—not blacklisting them like AB2098 proposes.”
Ø Rhoda Wilson of the Daily Expose in the UK stated:
“As debate over ‘The Science’ has increased, people are questioning whether there was more to COVID-19 in terms of underlying agendas, in particular with respect to global-level actors. Was it incompetence or coordination?
It’s been two years since COVID-19 became a dominant and all-consuming issue. Now there are signs we are witnessing the unravelling of some of the key policy . . . There is also reluctance by many to concede there have been problems with the COVID-19 responses to date. . . And it is at least clear that very significant numbers of people, including scientists and academics, are expressing views that are at odds with authority or mainstream claims that lockdowns reduce mortality and that mass injections are a rational and efficacious solution.”
Read the full article at Cock-Up or Conspiracy? Understanding Covid-19 As A ‘Structural Deep Event’ With these words she introduces the comments by Dr. Piers Robinson, a university professor and lecturer who researches and writes on propaganda, media, international politics and conflict. His closing remarks are yet another look at future pathways:
The task confronting humanity
“For those occupying corporate or mainstream positions in politics, media or academia, the fear of being tarred with the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label is usually enough to dampen any enthusiasm for serious evaluation of the ways in which powerful and influential political and economic actors might be shaping responses to COVID-19 to further political and economic agendas. But the stakes are now simply too high for such shyness and, indeed cowardice, to be allowed to persist. There are strong and well-established grounds to take analyses along the lines of the ‘structural deep event’ thesis seriously, as set out in this article, and there are clear and present dangers to our civil liberties, freedom and democracy.
Building on the work already started, researchers must explore more fully the networks and power structures that have shaped the COVID-19 responses and which have sought to move forward various political and economic agendas. Analysing more fully the techniques used, including propaganda and exploitation of COVID-19 as an enabling event, is now an essential task for researchers to undertake. Equally important is for scholars of democracy and ethics to further unpack the implications of these developments with respect to liberty and civil rights. Such work, ultimately, can not only deepen our understanding of what is going on; it can also provide a guide for those who seek to oppose what is being described by some as ‘global totalitarianism’ or ‘fascism’.
It could of course be the case that such a research agenda ultimately leads to a refutation of the ‘structural deep event’ thesis and confirmation that everything witnessed over the last two years has been one almighty cock-up. But if that is not the case, and we have all buried our heads in the sand by assuming there is nothing deeper going on, we will have failed ourselves and future generations. The stakes could not be higher and it has never been more essential to seriously engage with uncomfortable possibilities – even if that means interrogating explanations that move beyond reducing what we are all experiencing to blunder and incompetence.”
Ø Then back to a more philosophical viewpoint taken from The Conspiracy Myth, by Charles Eisenstein, May 2020.
A Call for Humanity
“The wise monarch pays attention to an unruly subject, such as a fact that defies the narrative. Maybe it is simply a disturbed trouble-maker, like a simple lie, but maybe it signals disharmony in the kingdom. Maybe the kingdom is no longer legitimate. Maybe the myth is no longer true. It could well be that the vociferous attacks on Covid dissent, using the “conspiracy theory” smear, signal the infirmity of the orthodox paradigms they seek to uphold.
If so, that doesn’t mean the orthodox paradigms are all wrong either. To leap from one certainty to another skips the holy ground of uncertainty, of not knowing, of humility, into which genuinely new information can come. What unites the pundits of all persuasions is their certainty. Who is trustworthy? In the end, it is the person with the humility to recognize when he or she has been wrong.
To those who categorically dismiss any information that seriously challenges conventional medicine, lockdown policies, vaccines, etc., I would ask, Do you need such high walls around your kingdom? Instead of banishing these unruly subjects, would it hurt to give them an audience? Would it be so dangerous to perhaps tour another kingdom, guided not by your own loyal minister but by the most intelligent, welcoming partisans of the other side? If you have no interest in spending the several hours it will take to absorb the following dissenting opinions, fine. I’d rather be in my garden too. But if you are a partisan in these issues, what harm will it do to visit enemy territory? Normally partisans don’t do that. They rely on the reports of their own leaders about the enemy. If they know anything of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s or Judy Mikovitz’s views, it is through the lens of someone debunking them. So give a listen to Kennedy, or if you prefer MD’s only, to David Katz, Zach Bush, or Christiane Northrup,
I would like to offer the same invitation to those who reject the conventional view. Find the most scrupulous mainstream doctors and scientists you can, and dive into their world. Take the attitude of a respectful guest, not a hostile spy. If you do that, I guarantee you will encounter data points that challenge any narrative you came in with. The splendor of conventional virology, the wonders of chemistry that generations of scientists have discovered, the intelligence and sincerity of most of these scientists, and the genuine altruism of health care workers on the front line who have no political or financial conflict of interest in the face of grave risk to themselves, must be part of any satisfactory narrative.
After two months of obsessively searching for one, I have not yet found a satisfactory narrative that can account for every data point. That doesn’t mean to take no action because after all, knowledge is never certain. But in the whirlwind of competing narratives and the disjoint mythologies beneath them, we can look for action that makes sense no matter which side is right. We can look for truths that the smoke and clamor of the battle obscures. We can question assumptions both sides take for granted, and ask questions neither side is asking. Not identified with either side, we can gather knowledge from both. Generalizing to society, by bringing in all the voices, including the marginalized ones, we can build a broader social consensus and begin to heal the polarization that is rending and paralyzing our society.”
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers. Socrates
And two miscellaneous footnotes from Eisenstein’s A Temple of this Earth (his words not mine):
- “I am quite aware of the criticisms of Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, and Stefan Lanka of viral germ theory. While I think they raise some important unanswered questions, from what I’ve seen the main thrust of their arguments is based on a misunderstanding of how viral gene sequencing works. Here I just want to assure the reader that I am not ignorant of their critiques.
- In fact, in my view there are serious flaws in the standard paradigm of germ theory, which focuses on pathogens as the prime cause of infectious disease. While that lens offers some insight, it leaves crucial issues in the shadows, such as coevolution between germ and host, symbiosis, beneficial gene transfer, and the benefits of immune challenge. Particularly neglected is terrain theory, which looks at the bodily conditions under which disease flourishes, and which standard thinking reduces to a simplistic matter of whether one has immunity or a strong immune system.”
Ø And as a closing commentary here’s yet another, but I feel more basic, look at how to move forward out of this madness. This article is again from Dr. Joe Mercola and I will post the full article on my website for a few days so you can download the full article if you wish. Find it at Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency. [PS. Also note the section called The ‘Green Fantasy’]
“So, in summary, the pandemic and the global countermeasures implemented in response to it, the wealth transfer and economic destabilization, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, programmable CBDCs and the WHO plan for global control are all connected.
It’s important to realize that these are not separate and unrelated events, but a coordinated effort to herd the global population in a specific, predetermined direction – one they know we’d never choose voluntarily, were we to be given all the facts. After all, who wants to “own nothing” and have every moment of your day and night surveilled in every way possible, from your correspondence and geolocation to your innermost thoughts and biological functions?
The good news is that resistance is not futile, because they need our cooperation. There’s simply too many of us for them to do anything if everyone refuses to go along with their plan. At least it won’t be easy for them if the majority simply say no.”
In life, it’s important to know when to stop arguing with people and simply let them be wrong. Author unknown.
Ø As I approached completion of this commentary, I’ve been watching the ongoing controversy and drama of Elon Musk’s offers to take over Twitter. Interesting how it’s okay for Mark Zuckerberg and his descendants to own Facebook privately, but the implication of reduced or removed censorship means Twitter should not be privately owned. Hmm. Here are a few highlights as Tucker Carlson explained Thursday why Elon Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter is: “the single most important development for free speech in the modern history of the United States,” noting that the platform is “where elite opinion is incubated.”
“So, by doing this, Elon Musk is putting everything on the line. He knows how important Twitter is to the people who run our system and run the global system. For them, censorship and propaganda are not a feature of their rule. Their rule depends on censorship and propaganda.”
“If you are offering policies that really benefit nobody but yourself, you have to lie about them, and you must prevent anyone from complaining about it. So, censorship and propaganda are at the very heart of neoliberalism and Elon Musk is challenging all of that directly.”
Already we can hear the mainstream media leaping to villainize and repudiate Mr. Musk. Interesting times . . .
“Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy.” Elon Musk
Yes, there is hope that all these negative influences and madness can be turned toward a much more positive future. But let us stop trying to move these energetic methods based in physics into the conventional medicine paradigm of chemistry. It’s the equivalent of a square peg into a round hole.
And, perhaps it’s time to stop expounding about all the corruption and lies. The information is out there – it’s moving more and more into common and populous knowledge. The purpose for us now as practitioners is not to continue the battle to prove how bad the background history surrounding the pandemic truly is. But rather, it is time to look at how we can emerge from the battleground with integrity and our methods of energy and biological medicine intact.
Carolyn L. Winsor
Biological Healing Consultant
Praxis2Pactice Consulting
Birthdays, Philosophy & Exit Strategies
With the culmination of the 101st Birthday celebrations and activities for my beloved Mom Catharine, I’ve once again found myself wandering through the newsletters and ever changing information about the virus, the vaccines and the possible resolutions for the health of our families and patients. I’ve stated it before that without a doubt, this is a unique time in history – for conventional medicine, so-called alternative medicine, politics, economics and society as a whole.
I am not so prideful and self-centered as to believe I hold the answers or the understanding to resolve any of these global transitional situations. As I’ve searched for and contemplated how to take the OIRF legacy and my work with Praxis2Practice into this new future, I found myself reading and questioning much of the recent literature. Most interestingly as the discussions between family and friends and colleagues rolled around during the birthday activities, I came face-to-face with the necessity to listen to – and talk about – the many facets of this pandemic.
So many folks are completely captivated by the mainstream (conventional) narrative concerning the virus and thus believe there cannot be any viable alternate perception. Any dissenting information should be stopped because it is unacceptable, will harm those dissenting and jeopardize the rights of everyone else. Most of these folks have no understanding of the manipulation and propaganda that surrounds their belief in this view.
On an opposing view are the so-called “anti-vaxxers” who are just as stridently vocalizing their beliefs that the virus is a hoax, the vaccines are ineffective and have many adverse effects and/or this is a genocidal conspiracy involving mega-rich investors and “Big” corporations. Here, most of these folks have taken an understanding of the manipulation and propaganda directly into the “conspiracy” belief that surrounds much of this information.
Mixed into the mess are those who should not to be confused with either of the preceding groups. These are the “anti-mandate” folks, and organizations such as the Freedom Convoy Truckers, who have made personal choices that adhere to both views. To me this has become an area of far greater interest and perspective as there is recognition of the “belief” structure to the opposing conventional vs. anti-vax views. This “anti-mandate” perspective allows not only for freedom of choice (“yes” or “no” to vax is your personal choice), but adheres closely to the democratic constitutions of the USA and Canada as well as the Nuremberg Code of 1947 which all clearly state that we cannot be forced to accept a medical treatment that we do not want. The criminalization by our government of the organizers and participants of the Freedom Convoy in Canada has become an international focal point of disrespect concerning the tyrannical response that ignored the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In the latter two views, the constitutional right of freedom of speech has simply been pre-empted under the guise of protecting public safety and health from “harmful”, “unacceptable” and “extremist” information. The perspective that the conventional approach is the only effective and acceptable view has been decided by politicians based on their belief in “science”. But, the science touted by the conventional narrative is not about belief – belief can be nurtured in our places of worship. Rather science is, and should be, a search for knowledge, a series of respectful debates and discussions. A search that seeks and expands the existing theories and discoveries of the world around us and that is always questioning. We can “think” that we’ve found an answer or explanation, and yet again reconsider the findings based on new or current data or anomalies. To stop questioning, to stop searching and simply believe that today’s answer is the only answer, will never take us into the future.
‘Who is to decide what is “misinformation,” “disinformation,” “false,” “misleading,” or “harmful”? To claim the State has the right to override medically trained physicians is to subject medical science to political science, consequently putting not only individual patients but all of humanity at grave risk.
You would be fulfilling Carl Sagan’s darkest fears, which have already become manifest over the past two years of politically-formulated COVID absolutism:”
Quote from Sagan video of 25 years ago:
“We’ve arranged the society based on science and technology in which nobody understands anything about science and technology, and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is gonna blow up in our faces.…
“Science is more than a body of knowledge. It’s a way of thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask skeptical questions to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan—political or religious—who comes ambling along.”
Margaret Anna Alice (Through the Looking Glass), Letter to the California Legislature Read the full article here. [Bold emphasis CLW]
I repeat again, that for us as practitioners of energetic and biological healing methods, we must be able to help every single patient or client that walks into our office. To do that we need to understand and consider all sides and aspects of this madness called the pandemic – the history, the corruption, the politics, the economics, the conventional theories, the “conspiracy” theories and the belief patterns of the patients themselves.
With that bit of a rant out of my system, I really did turn to other sources in an attempt to work through my confusion and frustration when talking with that wide variety of family and visitors over the past few weeks of birthday activities. I guess in many ways, I have always been the rebel of the family. Since I began my adult professional life as a musician and teacher, many wonder how I have the audacity to talk about these topics or more importantly consider myself relatively well informed. But this summer represents 50 years since my husband and boss Walter Sturm and I started Occidental Institute as a traditional acupuncture teaching organization. Although I am not a practitioner (and never claimed to be), I have studied and worked within this field with a deep respect and understanding of the history, concepts and overall application for all of those 50 years. Now, I have the time and the ability to collect, analyze and coordinate the rapidly expanding information and present you with a perspective that can enhance your practical application in the practice.
Interestingly an overview of the field at this point in time is a bit mixed up. A broad spectrum of authors, philosophers and researchers are presenting a picture that mixes up the “conspiracies”, the corruption and the global organizations. An overview of the Corona narrative in general is clearly negative and until recently there was little optimism or hope for a resolution to the madness. I found myself wandering through the writings of Charles Eisenstein, the usual alternate newsletters and many of the current journals (sorry no translation this month as I was busy with the birthday and family). The approach and description of the background to the current situation seems to differ in each article, but each offers another consideration in how to reach our own understanding and that of our patients.
Following are several quotes and a bit more rambling on my part to try and bring this into a clearer picture. I’m simply not going to go through all the negative stuff again. You have all heard it, or read it and as intelligent practitioners are able to discern your own viewpoint. You can follow the included links for further detailed analysis. Instead I would like to look at some of the different exit approaches and how they see ways for us to adapt to and move into the future.
Ø First up, an article I read in the Global Research newsletter by Dr. Robert Malone and Ernst Wolff. Dr. Malone advises:
“In August 2021, German author, journalist, International Monetary Fund and financial expert Ernst Wolff provided his explanation and hypotheses in a seminal lecture which many find useful as they try to make sense of all that we have experienced and continue to find ourselves having to adapt to. [An English translation of his lecture was] included. Whether you agree or disagree, I suggest that his insights deserve consideration. I always recommend that you do your own thinking, and some may dismiss his thoughts as conspiracy theories, but this presentation provides plenty to think about.” Read the full article at Uncovering the Corona Narrative.
Here are his closing remarks:
“. . . the truth will appear in our time, and this naturally has an enormous meaning for us, because ironically it opens up for us that which Klaus Schwab has termed “a unique window of opportunity”. However in exactly the reverse dynamic (to what he intended).
Namely, that via the collapsing narrative, the credibility of those who have led us into this situation is being buried by the day, and because of that, a unique window of opportunity has opened for all of us for a vast and comprehensive campaign of enlightenment. The objective conditions to enlighten others about the real background to the alleged “pandemic”, about the real balance of power in the world, and the real threats we face, have never been as good as now and they are getting better day by day because the other side are getting entangled in their increasingly unbelievable lies and even if the digital-financial complex should succeed in introducing the new currency that would also not be the end of the world. Digital central bank money can, namely only function as the basis of a comprehensive coercive system. One will always introduce new price controls, continuously increase the Universal Basic Income and create permanent inflation with emphatic pressure, which in turn will lead to a continuous impoverishment of the population and constant conflict with the state and the authorities.
What we need to understand is the following:
Without any doubt, we stand before turbulent and also dangerous times, but we hold an historic trump card in our hands. It consists in the fact that the other side does not act according to the rules of reason but strives out of motives of greed and power and therefore, cannot do anything other than bring itself into ever greater difficulties. We should use exactly that (weakness) and always keep in view, that the other side likes more money, more property and additionally, to have available all the weapons in the world. But their power is not based on their money, nor on their possessions or their weapons but relies solely upon one factor: And that is the ignorance of the majority of people. i.e., the majority doesn’t understand the evil game that this minority are playing with them.
As terrible as everything is that the digital-financial complex and it’s helpers have served up in the past 18 months, and still continue to serve up, it has put itself in a situation which it cannot get out of and in which, out of despair it must cross ever more “red lines.”
This means for all of us, that in this exceptional situation we should quite simply, keep the peace, consistently expose all the lies, and show people bit by bit, why, and by whom, they are being deceived.
When we do that, and in doing so reflect on the strength of our arguments, then, we can not only solve the current problem, but possibly, achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history, and so, open the door to a new (and better) era.”
Thank you.
Ernst Wolff
Notice how every COVID mandate has been the perfect pretext to dismantle a given human right:
Michael P. Senger, GreenMed Info, 23 Feb. 2022
Ø The new Novavax Vaccine:
“Novavax is an “old school” protein vaccine. You can compare it well with, for example, the tetanus vaccination or the 6-fold vaccination”, states Dr. Helmut Retzek. I was particularly interested in his comments about “why nano particles in the Novavax vaccination”. You can see Dr. Retzek’s full article here, and Mr. Google will translate it for you.
CLW Note: Here in Canada, we have learned that the Trudeau Foundation is alleged to have an approx. 40% investment in the Acuitas Therapeutics Company in Vancouver, BC. This company apparently manufactures all the nanoparticles (with graphene oxide?) for Novavax, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, and has recently “won international awards for their research and contributions to the effectiveness of the vaccines”.
Ø And again, from the heavily censored and vilified Global Research, March 27, 2022
Open Letter to the Unvaccinated
Open Letter to the Vaccinated
Although political in nature and aimed at our very politically and democratically challenged Canada, it is clear that our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is coming under heavy censure internationally for his handling of the Freedom Convoy Truckers and the “no exceptions” vaccine mandates. Important information for patients who are unsure of their vaccine choices.
Ø Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how, The Health Ranger at Natural News, Feb. 17, 2022 Read the full article here or here.
Ø It’s Time to Follow the Science, Children’s Health Defense, April 6, 2022
Read the full article here.
Vaccine Science Guide
Mask Science Guide
Clearly spelled out information, data and studies to help the practitioner understand what you’ve seen in practice and to support the information you provide to patients.
Ø Letter to the California Legislature, Say No to the COVID Tyranny Bills
By Margaret Anna Alice (Through the Looking Glass)
Read the full article here.
“Over the past two years, every single COVID policy championed by tyrants, “experts,” colluders, and Covidians yielded grotesque profits for megacorporations; dictatorial powers for governments; and enormous losses of life, health, and rights for individuals.
The more research and data that has accumulated, the more evident it has become that the physicians who courageously challenged the propaganda machine were correct, while the policymakers were deadly wrong.
Let’s look at a few examples:
Indeed, the chiseled commandments issued from on high by the WHO, NIH, CDC, and FDA were so catastrophic, it’s like they were designed to fail.
History has repeatedly shown that when policy is guided by political science instead of medical science, people die. Lots of people.
As Groucho Marx said:
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.”
If you care about saving lives and protecting the health of California citizens, you must begin listening to the physicians who have been censored and silenced—not blacklisting them like AB2098 proposes.”
Ø Rhoda Wilson of the Daily Expose in the UK stated:
“As debate over ‘The Science’ has increased, people are questioning whether there was more to COVID-19 in terms of underlying agendas, in particular with respect to global-level actors. Was it incompetence or coordination?
It’s been two years since COVID-19 became a dominant and all-consuming issue. Now there are signs we are witnessing the unravelling of some of the key policy . . . There is also reluctance by many to concede there have been problems with the COVID-19 responses to date. . . And it is at least clear that very significant numbers of people, including scientists and academics, are expressing views that are at odds with authority or mainstream claims that lockdowns reduce mortality and that mass injections are a rational and efficacious solution.”
Read the full article at Cock-Up or Conspiracy? Understanding Covid-19 As A ‘Structural Deep Event’ With these words she introduces the comments by Dr. Piers Robinson, a university professor and lecturer who researches and writes on propaganda, media, international politics and conflict. His closing remarks are yet another look at future pathways:
The task confronting humanity
“For those occupying corporate or mainstream positions in politics, media or academia, the fear of being tarred with the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label is usually enough to dampen any enthusiasm for serious evaluation of the ways in which powerful and influential political and economic actors might be shaping responses to COVID-19 to further political and economic agendas. But the stakes are now simply too high for such shyness and, indeed cowardice, to be allowed to persist. There are strong and well-established grounds to take analyses along the lines of the ‘structural deep event’ thesis seriously, as set out in this article, and there are clear and present dangers to our civil liberties, freedom and democracy.
Building on the work already started, researchers must explore more fully the networks and power structures that have shaped the COVID-19 responses and which have sought to move forward various political and economic agendas. Analysing more fully the techniques used, including propaganda and exploitation of COVID-19 as an enabling event, is now an essential task for researchers to undertake. Equally important is for scholars of democracy and ethics to further unpack the implications of these developments with respect to liberty and civil rights. Such work, ultimately, can not only deepen our understanding of what is going on; it can also provide a guide for those who seek to oppose what is being described by some as ‘global totalitarianism’ or ‘fascism’.
It could of course be the case that such a research agenda ultimately leads to a refutation of the ‘structural deep event’ thesis and confirmation that everything witnessed over the last two years has been one almighty cock-up. But if that is not the case, and we have all buried our heads in the sand by assuming there is nothing deeper going on, we will have failed ourselves and future generations. The stakes could not be higher and it has never been more essential to seriously engage with uncomfortable possibilities – even if that means interrogating explanations that move beyond reducing what we are all experiencing to blunder and incompetence.”
Ø Then back to a more philosophical viewpoint taken from The Conspiracy Myth, by Charles Eisenstein, May 2020.
A Call for Humanity
“The wise monarch pays attention to an unruly subject, such as a fact that defies the narrative. Maybe it is simply a disturbed trouble-maker, like a simple lie, but maybe it signals disharmony in the kingdom. Maybe the kingdom is no longer legitimate. Maybe the myth is no longer true. It could well be that the vociferous attacks on Covid dissent, using the “conspiracy theory” smear, signal the infirmity of the orthodox paradigms they seek to uphold.
If so, that doesn’t mean the orthodox paradigms are all wrong either. To leap from one certainty to another skips the holy ground of uncertainty, of not knowing, of humility, into which genuinely new information can come. What unites the pundits of all persuasions is their certainty. Who is trustworthy? In the end, it is the person with the humility to recognize when he or she has been wrong.
To those who categorically dismiss any information that seriously challenges conventional medicine, lockdown policies, vaccines, etc., I would ask, Do you need such high walls around your kingdom? Instead of banishing these unruly subjects, would it hurt to give them an audience? Would it be so dangerous to perhaps tour another kingdom, guided not by your own loyal minister but by the most intelligent, welcoming partisans of the other side? If you have no interest in spending the several hours it will take to absorb the following dissenting opinions, fine. I’d rather be in my garden too. But if you are a partisan in these issues, what harm will it do to visit enemy territory? Normally partisans don’t do that. They rely on the reports of their own leaders about the enemy. If they know anything of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s or Judy Mikovitz’s views, it is through the lens of someone debunking them. So give a listen to Kennedy, or if you prefer MD’s only, to David Katz, Zach Bush, or Christiane Northrup,
I would like to offer the same invitation to those who reject the conventional view. Find the most scrupulous mainstream doctors and scientists you can, and dive into their world. Take the attitude of a respectful guest, not a hostile spy. If you do that, I guarantee you will encounter data points that challenge any narrative you came in with. The splendor of conventional virology, the wonders of chemistry that generations of scientists have discovered, the intelligence and sincerity of most of these scientists, and the genuine altruism of health care workers on the front line who have no political or financial conflict of interest in the face of grave risk to themselves, must be part of any satisfactory narrative.
After two months of obsessively searching for one, I have not yet found a satisfactory narrative that can account for every data point. That doesn’t mean to take no action because after all, knowledge is never certain. But in the whirlwind of competing narratives and the disjoint mythologies beneath them, we can look for action that makes sense no matter which side is right. We can look for truths that the smoke and clamor of the battle obscures. We can question assumptions both sides take for granted, and ask questions neither side is asking. Not identified with either side, we can gather knowledge from both. Generalizing to society, by bringing in all the voices, including the marginalized ones, we can build a broader social consensus and begin to heal the polarization that is rending and paralyzing our society.”
And two miscellaneous footnotes from Eisenstein’s A Temple of this Earth (his words not mine):
Ø And as a closing commentary here’s yet another, but I feel more basic, look at how to move forward out of this madness. This article is again from Dr. Joe Mercola and I will post the full article on my website for a few days so you can download the full article if you wish. Find it at Why the New World Order Wants Programmable Currency. [PS. Also note the section called The ‘Green Fantasy’] “So, in summary, the pandemic and the global countermeasures implemented in response to it, the wealth transfer and economic destabilization, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, programmable CBDCs and the WHO plan for global control are all connected.
It’s important to realize that these are not separate and unrelated events, but a coordinated effort to herd the global population in a specific, predetermined direction – one they know we’d never choose voluntarily, were we to be given all the facts. After all, who wants to “own nothing” and have every moment of your day and night surveilled in every way possible, from your correspondence and geolocation to your innermost thoughts and biological functions?
The good news is that resistance is not futile, because they need our cooperation. There’s simply too many of us for them to do anything if everyone refuses to go along with their plan. At least it won’t be easy for them if the majority simply say no.”
Ø As I approached completion of this commentary, I’ve been watching the ongoing controversy and drama of Elon Musk’s offers to take over Twitter. Interesting how it’s okay for Mark Zuckerberg and his descendants to own Facebook privately, but the implication of reduced or removed censorship means Twitter should not be privately owned. Hmm. Here are a few highlights as Tucker Carlson explained Thursday why Elon Musk’s attempted takeover of Twitter is: “the single most important development for free speech in the modern history of the United States,” noting that the platform is “where elite opinion is incubated.”
“So, by doing this, Elon Musk is putting everything on the line. He knows how important Twitter is to the people who run our system and run the global system. For them, censorship and propaganda are not a feature of their rule. Their rule depends on censorship and propaganda.”
“If you are offering policies that really benefit nobody but yourself, you have to lie about them, and you must prevent anyone from complaining about it. So, censorship and propaganda are at the very heart of neoliberalism and Elon Musk is challenging all of that directly.”
Already we can hear the mainstream media leaping to villainize and repudiate Mr. Musk. Interesting times . . .
Yes, there is hope that all these negative influences and madness can be turned toward a much more positive future. But let us stop trying to move these energetic methods based in physics into the conventional medicine paradigm of chemistry. It’s the equivalent of a square peg into a round hole.
And, perhaps it’s time to stop expounding about all the corruption and lies. The information is out there – it’s moving more and more into common and populous knowledge. The purpose for us now as practitioners is not to continue the battle to prove how bad the background history surrounding the pandemic truly is. But rather, it is time to look at how we can emerge from the battleground with integrity and our methods of energy and biological medicine intact.
Carolyn L. Winsor
Biological Healing Consultant
Praxis2Pactice Consulting
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published April 2022
© Copyright 2022, Carolyn Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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