raum&zeit Health Issues

Practice Experiences from Jens Wurster, MD

The world renowned homeopathic cancer specialist, Jens Wurster, MD reported about the side effects of the Corona vaccines and their treatment in the International Homeopathic Online Congress “United to Heal” in November 2021.

Damages from Corona Vaccines

Based on 340 self-documented vaccination damages, Dr. Wurster developed the following list of side effects:

  • Disturbance of blood clotting
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • Disorders of the heart-circulatory system
  • Inflammation reactions
  • Anaphylactic reactions (severe allergic overreactions)
  • Fatigue and exhaustion for months
  • Reactivation of latent viral diseases
  • Reactivation of chronic illnesses
  • Hormonal disturbances (menses, prostate)
  • Activation of autoimmune illnesses
  • Reactivation and triggering of tumors
  • Sudden deaths

Dr. Wurster considers the Covid-19 vaccination very questionable for people who have previously been ill with cancer or an autoimmune illness. The vaccine manufacturers would not have done any studies concerning this. However, in his practice Dr. Wurster had experienced that four patients with lymphoma, a severe cancer illness of the lymphatic system, had reacted to the vaccination with relapses.

A female patient of his with lymphoma, to whom he provided support for twelve years, had been stable for twelve years, but four weeks after the vaccination with BioNTech suffered a recurrence and now had undergone chemotherapy.

Another patient with lymphoma, whom he had been treating for 17 years, had been vaccinated because he wanted to go to Italy. After the second vaccination he is now very bad in spite of individual treatment.

Homeopathy Helps

Nevertheless, Dr. Wurster reported that in principle often good success can be achieved with treatment of vaccine damages. Currently he already gives Apis C200 as well as dietary supplements before the vaccination in order to avoid allergic reactions. After vaccination he carries out – according to the findings – drainage, gives nosodes of the respective vaccines if needed and individually treats homeopathically coordinated with the symptoms.

Graphene Oxide

Then Dr. Wurster dedicated himself to the circulating fear that Graphene oxide is contained in the vaccines. He asked: “Why do the vaccinated suddenly acquire Guillain Barré Syndrome, epilepsy-like disorders or anaphylactic shock?” In his opinion, all data on the vaccines should be disclosed so that correlations can be better clarified. Courts in Spain would now demand this. At least there would be studies in which Graphene oxide together with polyethylene glycol was tested as an additive in the vaccine. Dr. Wurster also briefly presented a Chinese patent in which Graphene oxide serves as the transportation substance in the new Corona vaccines. There are already some studies on the effect of Graphene oxide that have shown that this material raises the conductivity in the brain which could clarify some of the side effects of the vaccines.  (AF)

Source: https://unitedtoheaL.com/

With apologies, no biographical information is available at this time.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publicatons of P2P
Published February 2022

From an article in Raum&Zeit, Volume 40, Issue #235, Jan/Feb 2022
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2022, R&Z, Wofratshausen, Germany

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