Research and Quotes from the Industry,
Along with a few Comments from this Peanut Gallery:
June 2021
Spring passes to summer once again and here we are. We’re still locked down, still being vaccinated and tested and the narrative has become nauseatingly repetitive and authoritarian. Will we ever again have the opportunity to stand up, say “NO!” and return to a free, private and “medically” unrestricted lifestyle?
I have kept my eye on current journals, media and publications while I spent the past weeks working through some 35-40 years of OIRF files, research, translations and publications. It has been a rewarding, even though time-consuming, project and I must admit I am relieved to see the end nearing. With the exception of some of the old video programs, everything has been carefully preserved, organized and updated. Separately I have outlined some of the treasures that I retrieved and there is a new listing called “Treasures from the Vault” on the website under “Publications”.
But back to this month’s ramblings from Carolyn. Rather than put together another one of my rants, I decided to simply share some of the links, comments and information that has crossed my desk in recent weeks. Enjoy!
Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, April 2021
Notes from the Field, Nov. 2020 by
Jared L. Zeff, ND VNMI, LAc
- “The following is not an article prepared for a medical journal. Not every statement of fact is cited or referenced. This is a commentary on the medicine, a running set of observations about practice in the field. It’s not meant to be a peer-reviewed presentation; rather, these are notes and thoughts from a practicing naturopathic physician, a primary care doc in general practice.”
- “As I contemplated that case, it struck me that I had used a homeopathic remedy to help diagnose an acute abdomen. I began to consider the implication of this: I could use remedies to help with diagnosis.”
- “Giving a [homeopathic] remedy is like downloading information into a computer. It is not a chemical process; it is an information or programming process. A remedy is like a thumb drive in this regard. It conveys new organizational information into the biological system.”
I was quite impressed with these three separate and independent quotes from the article by Dr. Zeff. The first one is interesting considering the ever-growing requirement/dependence on “scientific studies” that simply contradict one another one day after another. I hope we see more of this approach.
In the second quote – I wonder if he’s ever heard of EAV or VEGA?
And the third one is very astute. Thanks for this Dr. Zeff. This is a very modern and easy way to explain homeopathy and other natural – dare I say energetic – therapies?
Articles from the recent Townsend Letter for Doctors, May 2021, Issue #454:
- Vaccination Support: By Debbie Hamilton, MD, MPH
- Examining the COVID-19 Pandemic: Book Excerpts from
The Truth about COVID-19 by Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins
Page 70-73 of the journal itself – or go to Dr. Mercola’s site and get the book!
From Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021
Resolving “Long-Haul COVID” and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein
A Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link are included.
Click here to see a web copy of this news release
This is an excellent, well documented commentary!
A tip from Doc R.J. suggested that Spruce and Pine Tree needles were effective to get rid of the spiking post vax: A follow up search showed both to be very high in Vit. C and anti-oxidants. One source mentioned that indigenous tribes have long used spruce needles for relieving coughs and sore throats. Herbalists, Homeopaths or Shamans could advise you better than I for this. But, basically anything that will boost the immune system and reduce the spike protein production should help. Test, test, test folks!
Dr. Joseph Mercola
The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm your Health
Interview with Stephanie Seneff, PhD and Judy Mikovits, PhD
Satirical commentary by CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory: New Normal Germany
If you can temporarily set the serious aspects of this commentary on a side-burner, this is quite funny and very well written.
Natural News, March 31, 2021
Comments about Michael Yeadon, UK
Additionally, I spent the weekend of May 29-31, 2021 glued to my computer monitors listening to the speakers and presenters at the Advanced Medicine Conference. This conference was held in Sioux City, South Dakota. There was no social distancing and masks were not only not required – they were not allowed. Separately in PDF format I’ve outlined my reactions and responses to this amazing Zoom and in-person conference. Although they did record these presentations and promised to make them available, to date I have been unable to contact them again or obtain information on availability. Should they become available generally or privately later, I will let you know. Follow this link for my comments:
These and many other reports, articles and releases can be found in the OIRF/P2P listings of publications.
That’s it for June. Thanks for your time and for your support. Be well and be healthy . . .
An Exclusive Commentary Report for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publicatins of P2P
Published June 2021
© Copyright 2021, Praxis2Practice Consulting/Winsor, BC Canada
Research and Quotes from the Industry,
Along with a few Comments from this Peanut Gallery:
June 2021
Spring passes to summer once again and here we are. We’re still locked down, still being vaccinated and tested and the narrative has become nauseatingly repetitive and authoritarian. Will we ever again have the opportunity to stand up, say “NO!” and return to a free, private and “medically” unrestricted lifestyle?
I have kept my eye on current journals, media and publications while I spent the past weeks working through some 35-40 years of OIRF files, research, translations and publications. It has been a rewarding, even though time-consuming, project and I must admit I am relieved to see the end nearing. With the exception of some of the old video programs, everything has been carefully preserved, organized and updated. Separately I have outlined some of the treasures that I retrieved and there is a new listing called “Treasures from the Vault” on the website under “Publications”.
But back to this month’s ramblings from Carolyn. Rather than put together another one of my rants, I decided to simply share some of the links, comments and information that has crossed my desk in recent weeks. Enjoy!
Naturopathic Doctor News & Review, April 2021
Notes from the Field, Nov. 2020 by
Jared L. Zeff, ND VNMI, LAc
I was quite impressed with these three separate and independent quotes from the article by Dr. Zeff. The first one is interesting considering the ever-growing requirement/dependence on “scientific studies” that simply contradict one another one day after another. I hope we see more of this approach.
In the second quote – I wonder if he’s ever heard of EAV or VEGA?
And the third one is very astute. Thanks for this Dr. Zeff. This is a very modern and easy way to explain homeopathy and other natural – dare I say energetic – therapies?
Articles from the recent Townsend Letter for Doctors, May 2021, Issue #454:
The Truth about COVID-19 by Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins
Page 70-73 of the journal itself – or go to Dr. Mercola’s site and get the book!
From Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021
Resolving “Long-Haul COVID” and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein
A Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link and also the OMNS archive link are included.
Click here to see a web copy of this news release
This is an excellent, well documented commentary!
A tip from Doc R.J. suggested that Spruce and Pine Tree needles were effective to get rid of the spiking post vax: A follow up search showed both to be very high in Vit. C and anti-oxidants. One source mentioned that indigenous tribes have long used spruce needles for relieving coughs and sore throats. Herbalists, Homeopaths or Shamans could advise you better than I for this. But, basically anything that will boost the immune system and reduce the spike protein production should help. Test, test, test folks!
Dr. Joseph Mercola
The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm your Health
Interview with Stephanie Seneff, PhD and Judy Mikovits, PhD
Satirical commentary by CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory: New Normal Germany
If you can temporarily set the serious aspects of this commentary on a side-burner, this is quite funny and very well written.
Natural News, March 31, 2021
Comments about Michael Yeadon, UK
Additionally, I spent the weekend of May 29-31, 2021 glued to my computer monitors listening to the speakers and presenters at the Advanced Medicine Conference. This conference was held in Sioux City, South Dakota. There was no social distancing and masks were not only not required – they were not allowed. Separately in PDF format I’ve outlined my reactions and responses to this amazing Zoom and in-person conference. Although they did record these presentations and promised to make them available, to date I have been unable to contact them again or obtain information on availability. Should they become available generally or privately later, I will let you know. Follow this link for my comments:
These and many other reports, articles and releases can be found in the OIRF/P2P listings of publications.
That’s it for June. Thanks for your time and for your support. Be well and be healthy . . .
From the Monthly Publicatins of P2P
Published June 2021
© Copyright 2021, Praxis2Practice Consulting/Winsor, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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