January 2021
Yes, it has been awhile since I sat at my keyboard and attempted to put my questioning and often contrary thoughts into an understandable perspective. The months since the USA election last November have truly been chaotic, confusing and frustrating. But why am I wading into that morass of US politics now? What does that have to do with us as natural and energy healers?
It is my belief that we have finally moved through that period of change and transition that many expected with the turn of the century/millennium – remember Y2K and all our preparations for surviving the changes? Or the “end of the world” with the end of the Mayan calendar on Dec. 20, 2012? No matter. There are always such predictions of an “Armageddon” that will change the world and bring horrible uncontrollable events raining down on our heads.
But, does such change always have to be negative? Change is always frightening, unexpected, unwanted (why abandon what we know for the unknown?) and challenges our beliefs in what should be. As usual however, my contrary understanding of the many changes unfolding south of our Canadian border dictates that we have to actively and personally participate in this transition in order to ensure that the powerful and positive alternative natural medicine practices of the past can be carried forward into the future. Too much philosophy? I’m starting to sound a bit radical?
Well, quite frankly as a so called child-of-the-60’s I’ve been called a radical since the very early 1970’s when we first started Occidental Institute as a training organization for traditional acupuncture. Within the space of two years (when we rapidly grew to over 6,000 acupuncture students), we were charged with being an illegal medical school well before the practice of acupuncture had been considered the practice of medicine. I’ve personally experienced the persecution, censorship, blatant media bias and authoritarian control in numerous situations, while we stood our ground and insisted that natural healing methods have a place within the medical care practices of Canada and the USA – and many other (English speaking) countries.
As the political winds in the USA swing strongly in favor of “science” (read “chemistry”), Big Pharma and western orthodox medicine, it is once again time for us to take a stand. As I have commented previously, quietly continuing our alternative practice without making our voices heard will leave us without choices, without options and without the ability to obtain the remedies, devices and information that we need to continue effectively treating our patients.
Several years ago we watched the CODEX decimate the homeopathic industry. There are ongoing battles in the US to eliminate and over-regulate the few remaining homeopathic companies. I’ve been writing about the global regulations and restrictions on medical equipment for more than two years as I’ve watched the alternative medical device industry also ripped apart. What is next? The scientific and orthodox focus of the current “new era in US politics” is leading us into direct opposition with its proposed mandatory masks, mandatory vaccines, mandatory vaccine passports and disregard for any and all counter-measures, alternative therapies or preventive applications.
Are we too to be labeled conspiracy theorists and extremists simply because we do not agree with or promote the current political virus-response policies? As one of my colleagues recently commented: “What the heck do we do now?” What are our options? And what choices are left for us to follow? I certainly don’t have all the answers, and it is way to late in my lifetime (and too dangerous?) to take up the front line battle once again.
I have continued to follow the news – both mainstream and alternative (often censored) – regarding the politics, the virus and the ongoing restrictions over these past months. I saved many of the links, jokes (we need at least our sense of humor in all this) and commentaries as I attempted to chart a pathway forward in this maze of information, emotion and change.
I know it’s not my place to comment on such topics but have you ever known Carolyn to keep quiet? There are two aspects of the past year (well really five years) that I have watched closely and tried to understand from a broader perspective than the news we hear everyday through the mainstream media. The first aspect about this recent election (and the four years preceding) is that it has pulled every single one of us into making choices and getting involved. Every single one of us has strong emotions and equally strong opinions. A good thing as far as I can discern.
The second aspect was the incredibly biased information fed through the mainstream media that literally followed classic marketing strategies. The old create a problem, offer a solution, take the solution away and then offer it back at double the price. On the one hand, if you believe everything you saw on the TV news, then I understand why there is such raw hatred and disparagement for the former president. However on the other hand, if we look to the alternative (often censored and ridiculed) media, and step back to look at an overview of events there is definitely a pattern to how we have been presented with information on personalities, events and policies. But there are always at least two sides – two opposing interpretations – of every event, and the truth or reality usually lies somewhere in between.
I followed the dramatic theater of the so-called “murderous siege of the Capitol” on Jan. 6 as portrayed on CNN, but then reconsidered my perceptions as I read the article by the editors at Natural News(1) about that same event as seen through the eyes of those who actually marched to the Capitol after the speech by Mr. Trump when he exhorted them to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”.
I watched in amazement as Tucker Carlson gave us a 20 minute rant – oh sorry, monologue – on Fox News(2) about the military buildup in DC shortly before the inauguration, as a result of that same Jan. 6 event. Yet another perception of what happened that day. And yet we are still told that the only solution to this problem is to get rid of the former president even though he has already left!
And a few days ago, an interesting (and relatively un-emotional) commentary by Dennis Prager appeared in WND News(3) concerning “the most important question about the 2020 election” that offers yet another perspective regarding these historical times. I am not saying or stating or arguing that there was election fraud, nor that if there is a re-count or re-election that anything will change. However, we owe it to ourselves to consider the anomalies and inconsistencies of this election in view of the media bias against the former president. Really, such serious charges and allegations deserve just and true attention. And – just as food for thought – what if he was not lying?
Alternatives and Options
And so what, you say! What has this got to do with us as practitioners of the natural healing methods? it is challenging and more than a bit scary to work through these many perceptions and maintain our ability to care for our patients in an effective and safe manner.
But each and every one of you has watched the roll out of the propaganda and marketing strategy with regard to this virus situation. I don’t have to lecture or comment on this – you have all experienced or seen the mainstream presentation of this situation. Again, like with the previously discussed political/marketing strategy we see:
Create the problem: introduction of a new influenza, make it appear deadly and of pandemic proportions.
Offer a solution: We can create a new revolutionary vaccine at “warp speed”, and then ensure that the focus remains on magnifying the problem with no other solutions allowed except those of the mainstream media and orthodox medicine – censor anything non-orthodox because it’s all lies and conspiracy theories
Take it away: Now there are shortages, and queue jumpers , and new mutations of the virus and . . .
Give it back at double the price: ? Still to be seen?
So where does all this leave us? I have talked about this all before and tried my darndest to be optimistic and hope that we can see a better day and a greater acceptance of alternative and natural healing methods. The opportunities are still there – I have to believe. My nearly fifty years of experience and work within this field for which I hold such passion, leaves me shaking my head and wondering if the cycle of acceptance/restriction is now taking not only a temporary downward spiral but perhaps a fatal one?
There are solutions for this and almost all virus illnesses. We need to push and state our case that almost all of the alternative therapies offer preventive and therapeutic possibilities. Here are a few links for some of the recent non-orthodox virus information:
An excellent article by Dr. Mercola
“The deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”
And I quote from my “questions file”:
The disease is so DANGEROUS, you have to take a test to even realize you have it.
The vaccine is so SAFE, you have to be threatened to take it.
The election is so SECURE, you can’t examine the machines that ran it.
The economy is so STRONG, they have to pay you to stay home and not work.
Society is so FREE that you have to be censored to reimagine it.
Please continue to follow and support the companies and individuals who are bravely and openly advocating these alternatives. Follow the regular updates from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, GreenMed Info, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Natural News and so many others. For now, I will continue to bring you as many articles and translations from the German journals as I am allowed, although already several commentaries from my site have been externally deleted (I just reposted under another title, but . . .).
For this month, please follow this link to the translated report “Viruses – Masters of Camouflage, Natural Healing Strategies for Prevention”, by Sylvia Püttmann, DSc, HP: “The extract of Cistus x incanus L. Pandalis makes it impossible for viruses to force an entry into host cells and to multiply. This reduces the virus load and gives the adaptive immune system time to learn a specific immune answer for the remaining pathogens. Also attention is paid to a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, especially zinc.”
In conclusion to all this rambling, it is clear to me at least that one of our fundamental freedoms has been badly damaged during this time of transition. We are people. We don’t always agree with each other. And it really doesn’t matter which leader or approach we support or believe. We have a right – an obligation – to look at, listen to and consider all aspects of any issue. We are not obliged to agree with anyone. We are supposed to have the right to freely speak our opinions and beliefs. When dissent or disagreement becomes illegal or unacceptable or must be censored, we have lost our semblance of democracy and our fundamental freedom. In order to move through the coming months and years and to maintain a successful natural or energy healing practice, it is going to become necessary for us to stand up and make our voices heard. Until next time . . .
Politics, pandemics, censorship and ongoing restrictions. All topics front and center on the mainstream media. As the political winds in the USA swing strongly in favor of “science” (read “chemistry”), Big Pharma and western orthodox medicine, it is once again time for us to take a stand. As I have commented previously, quietly continuing our alternative practice without making our voices heard will leave us without choices, without options and without the ability to obtain the remedies, devices and information that we need to continue effectively treating our patients.
January 2021
Yes, it has been awhile since I sat at my keyboard and attempted to put my questioning and often contrary thoughts into an understandable perspective. The months since the USA election last November have truly been chaotic, confusing and frustrating. But why am I wading into that morass of US politics now? What does that have to do with us as natural and energy healers?
It is my belief that we have finally moved through that period of change and transition that many expected with the turn of the century/millennium – remember Y2K and all our preparations for surviving the changes? Or the “end of the world” with the end of the Mayan calendar on Dec. 20, 2012? No matter. There are always such predictions of an “Armageddon” that will change the world and bring horrible uncontrollable events raining down on our heads.
But, does such change always have to be negative? Change is always frightening, unexpected, unwanted (why abandon what we know for the unknown?) and challenges our beliefs in what should be. As usual however, my contrary understanding of the many changes unfolding south of our Canadian border dictates that we have to actively and personally participate in this transition in order to ensure that the powerful and positive alternative natural medicine practices of the past can be carried forward into the future. Too much philosophy? I’m starting to sound a bit radical?
Well, quite frankly as a so called child-of-the-60’s I’ve been called a radical since the very early 1970’s when we first started Occidental Institute as a training organization for traditional acupuncture. Within the space of two years (when we rapidly grew to over 6,000 acupuncture students), we were charged with being an illegal medical school well before the practice of acupuncture had been considered the practice of medicine. I’ve personally experienced the persecution, censorship, blatant media bias and authoritarian control in numerous situations, while we stood our ground and insisted that natural healing methods have a place within the medical care practices of Canada and the USA – and many other (English speaking) countries.
As the political winds in the USA swing strongly in favor of “science” (read “chemistry”), Big Pharma and western orthodox medicine, it is once again time for us to take a stand. As I have commented previously, quietly continuing our alternative practice without making our voices heard will leave us without choices, without options and without the ability to obtain the remedies, devices and information that we need to continue effectively treating our patients.
Several years ago we watched the CODEX decimate the homeopathic industry. There are ongoing battles in the US to eliminate and over-regulate the few remaining homeopathic companies. I’ve been writing about the global regulations and restrictions on medical equipment for more than two years as I’ve watched the alternative medical device industry also ripped apart. What is next? The scientific and orthodox focus of the current “new era in US politics” is leading us into direct opposition with its proposed mandatory masks, mandatory vaccines, mandatory vaccine passports and disregard for any and all counter-measures, alternative therapies or preventive applications.
Are we too to be labeled conspiracy theorists and extremists simply because we do not agree with or promote the current political virus-response policies? As one of my colleagues recently commented: “What the heck do we do now?” What are our options? And what choices are left for us to follow? I certainly don’t have all the answers, and it is way to late in my lifetime (and too dangerous?) to take up the front line battle once again.
I have continued to follow the news – both mainstream and alternative (often censored) – regarding the politics, the virus and the ongoing restrictions over these past months. I saved many of the links, jokes (we need at least our sense of humor in all this) and commentaries as I attempted to chart a pathway forward in this maze of information, emotion and change.
I know it’s not my place to comment on such topics but have you ever known Carolyn to keep quiet? There are two aspects of the past year (well really five years) that I have watched closely and tried to understand from a broader perspective than the news we hear everyday through the mainstream media. The first aspect about this recent election (and the four years preceding) is that it has pulled every single one of us into making choices and getting involved. Every single one of us has strong emotions and equally strong opinions. A good thing as far as I can discern.
The second aspect was the incredibly biased information fed through the mainstream media that literally followed classic marketing strategies. The old create a problem, offer a solution, take the solution away and then offer it back at double the price. On the one hand, if you believe everything you saw on the TV news, then I understand why there is such raw hatred and disparagement for the former president. However on the other hand, if we look to the alternative (often censored and ridiculed) media, and step back to look at an overview of events there is definitely a pattern to how we have been presented with information on personalities, events and policies. But there are always at least two sides – two opposing interpretations – of every event, and the truth or reality usually lies somewhere in between.
I followed the dramatic theater of the so-called “murderous siege of the Capitol” on Jan. 6 as portrayed on CNN, but then reconsidered my perceptions as I read the article by the editors at Natural News(1) about that same event as seen through the eyes of those who actually marched to the Capitol after the speech by Mr. Trump when he exhorted them to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”.
I watched in amazement as Tucker Carlson gave us a 20 minute rant – oh sorry, monologue – on Fox News(2) about the military buildup in DC shortly before the inauguration, as a result of that same Jan. 6 event. Yet another perception of what happened that day. And yet we are still told that the only solution to this problem is to get rid of the former president even though he has already left!
And a few days ago, an interesting (and relatively un-emotional) commentary by Dennis Prager appeared in WND News(3) concerning “the most important question about the 2020 election” that offers yet another perspective regarding these historical times. I am not saying or stating or arguing that there was election fraud, nor that if there is a re-count or re-election that anything will change. However, we owe it to ourselves to consider the anomalies and inconsistencies of this election in view of the media bias against the former president. Really, such serious charges and allegations deserve just and true attention. And – just as food for thought – what if he was not lying?
Alternatives and Options
And so what, you say! What has this got to do with us as practitioners of the natural healing methods? it is challenging and more than a bit scary to work through these many perceptions and maintain our ability to care for our patients in an effective and safe manner.
But each and every one of you has watched the roll out of the propaganda and marketing strategy with regard to this virus situation. I don’t have to lecture or comment on this – you have all experienced or seen the mainstream presentation of this situation. Again, like with the previously discussed political/marketing strategy we see:
Create the problem: introduction of a new influenza, make it appear deadly and of pandemic proportions.
Offer a solution: We can create a new revolutionary vaccine at “warp speed”, and then ensure that the focus remains on magnifying the problem with no other solutions allowed except those of the mainstream media and orthodox medicine – censor anything non-orthodox because it’s all lies and conspiracy theories
Take it away: Now there are shortages, and queue jumpers , and new mutations of the virus and . . .
Give it back at double the price: ? Still to be seen?
So where does all this leave us? I have talked about this all before and tried my darndest to be optimistic and hope that we can see a better day and a greater acceptance of alternative and natural healing methods. The opportunities are still there – I have to believe. My nearly fifty years of experience and work within this field for which I hold such passion, leaves me shaking my head and wondering if the cycle of acceptance/restriction is now taking not only a temporary downward spiral but perhaps a fatal one?
There are solutions for this and almost all virus illnesses. We need to push and state our case that almost all of the alternative therapies offer preventive and therapeutic possibilities. Here are a few links for some of the recent non-orthodox virus information:
An excellent article by Dr. Mercola
“The deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”
And I quote from my “questions file”:
The disease is so DANGEROUS, you have to take a test to even realize you have it.
The vaccine is so SAFE, you have to be threatened to take it.
The election is so SECURE, you can’t examine the machines that ran it.
The economy is so STRONG, they have to pay you to stay home and not work.
Society is so FREE that you have to be censored to reimagine it.
Please continue to follow and support the companies and individuals who are bravely and openly advocating these alternatives. Follow the regular updates from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, GreenMed Info, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Natural News and so many others. For now, I will continue to bring you as many articles and translations from the German journals as I am allowed, although already several commentaries from my site have been externally deleted (I just reposted under another title, but . . .).
For this month, please follow this link to the translated report “Viruses – Masters of Camouflage, Natural Healing Strategies for Prevention”, by Sylvia Püttmann, DSc, HP: “The extract of Cistus x incanus L. Pandalis makes it impossible for viruses to force an entry into host cells and to multiply. This reduces the virus load and gives the adaptive immune system time to learn a specific immune answer for the remaining pathogens. Also attention is paid to a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, especially zinc.”
In conclusion to all this rambling, it is clear to me at least that one of our fundamental freedoms has been badly damaged during this time of transition. We are people. We don’t always agree with each other. And it really doesn’t matter which leader or approach we support or believe. We have a right – an obligation – to look at, listen to and consider all aspects of any issue. We are not obliged to agree with anyone. We are supposed to have the right to freely speak our opinions and beliefs. When dissent or disagreement becomes illegal or unacceptable or must be censored, we have lost our semblance of democracy and our fundamental freedom. In order to move through the coming months and years and to maintain a successful natural or energy healing practice, it is going to become necessary for us to stand up and make our voices heard. Until next time . . .
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published February 2021
© Copyright 2021, Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P, BC Canada
About the author
Carolyn L. Winsor
Carolyn’s decades-long involvement with the work of OIRF has given her the tools and skills to offer you unique and valuable insights into the ongoing developments in this always expanding field. Her Biological Medicine background includes:
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