Homeopathic Treatment of
Epidemics and COVID-19


What do Richard Wagner, Prince Charles and the court chaplain of St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Vienna) Father Johann Emmanuel Veith have in Common? They were all affected by historical epidemics and they were treated for it homeopathically. This article deals with the use of homeopathic remedies for epidemics from the 18th up to the 21st century: For every major epidemic homeopaths have found the most important remedies, and have acted on the basis of Hahnemann’s fundamental work “The Organon of the Art of Healing”. Hahnemann’s experiences with epidemics and the corresponding guidelines are found in numerous paragraphs of the Organon. He recommended to understand each epidemic like an individual and to search for the appropriate homeopathic remedy that is similar to the totality of the symptoms. Hahnemann coined the term “Genius epidemicus” for it. This article endeavors to compile the most effective remedies against COVID-19 found worldwide for the current Corona pandemic, both prophylactically as well as therapeutically for the various stages of the illness. A pool of remedies should be available so that homeopaths worldwide can prescribe more safely in the further spread of the Corona virus.

Epidemics in the Time of Hahnemann

The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, collected the initial experiences during the Scarlet Fever epidemic of 1799. The mortality rate wavered with the different epidemics at that time between 1% and 40%, mostly between 6% and 16% [1]. In his article “Healing and Prevention of Scarlet Fever”: [2] Hahnemann describes Belladona as an appropriate healing remedy at the beginning of the illness, and for prophylaxis (“uninfectable”). At the height of the illness Belladonna did not turn out to be a lasting healing, but rather Opium* and Ipecacuanha

The next acid test for homeopathy existed with the typhus epidemic in 1812/1813 (Typhus exanthematicus; Remark: The separation of Typhus abdominalis and Typhus exanthematicus was first carried out by Schoenlein in 1839). During the Russian campaign of Napoleon, 220,000 soldiers succumbed to typhus. Typhus was probably also introduced through Napoleon’s troops. The mortality was very high and amounted to 40%-50% [3]. Hahnemann treated 183 patients in Leipzig – no deaths! [4]. His homeopathic remedies for the first stage were Rhus toxicodendron and Bryonia and for the second stage Delirium Hyoscyamus.

In the winter of 1839 Richard Wagner became ill with typhus. By the way, his father Friedrich died of typhus in 1813 – just a half year after Richard’s birth. At that time Richard Wagner was employed in Riga and in spite of a severe cold was compelled by theater director, Karl von Holtei into an appearance. “The result of this was Typhoid fever that emaciated me so quickly (Holtei thought) that now . . . I would never conduct again and am presumably certain to depart. I am indebted for my recovery to an excellent homeopathic doctor, Dr. Prutzer.” [5]

In 1831 and in several later waves Cholera asiatica invaded Europe as an epidemic. The mortality amounted to more than 50% so that fear and unrest was gigantic in the population. Hahnemann intensively engaged with cholera and his homeopathic treatment. Thus you can also designate cholera as a “homeopathic archetype” of an acute epidemic illness. [6] In his writings Hahnemann recommended Camphor as a healing remedy, for later stages Cuprum, Veratrum album, Bryonia and Rhus Toxicodendron. The healing success with homeopathic remedies was so convincing that by “so brilliantly proving homeopathy, thousands of new supporters for Hahnemannian healing methods could be won in all of Europe.” [3]

Hahnemann described Belladonna as the most important Scarlet Fever remedy for the beginning of the illness and for prophylaxis.
Source: Renate Stockinger/Thieme Gruppe.

In Austria successes with homeopathy led to the abolition of the ban on homeopathy. Down from the pulpit of Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the court chaplain Father Johann Emmanuel Veith, praised homeopathy to the gathered nobility, politicians and common people as a rescuer from the plague. From the whole of Europe with the following waves of cholera there were also similar successful reports: In 1854 in Palermo 43% of 1513 soldiers died with allopathic treatment, of the 611 homeopathically treated only 4%. Also in St. Petersburg the mortality rate of the 901,413 conventionally treated lay at 51.3%, with the 16,436 homeopathically treated only at 8.8%. [7]

Hahnemann’s experiences with epidemics and the corresponding treatment instructions are found in §73 and §§100-102 of the Organon. Hahnemann differentiates between individual illnesses, sporadic illnesses (which some people get at the same time) and epidemic illnesses “which many people are struck down epidemically with a similar cause and very similar complaints” (Organon §73). [8]

What the homeopathic doctor should do for an epidemic is found in §101 [8]: “It can probably be that the physician with the first occurring case of an epidemic plague, does not immediately get the complete picture for the same perception, because every such ‘collective illness’ exhibits its model symptoms and signs only with closer examination of more cases. Meanwhile, the physician carefully doing research can already come close to the true condition with the first and second patients in such a way that he can be aware of a characteristic picture for it – and then already a suitable, homeopathically appropriate remedy found for it.”

Such a “collective illness” is distinguished through similar complaints, symptoms, modalities and accompanying complaints, so that you understand every epidemic like an individual and search for the appropriate homeopathic remedy that is similar to the totality of the symptoms. Hahnemann coined the term “Genius epidemicus” for it.

Spanish Flu 1918-1920

The Spanish Flu circled the earth in 1918 to the beginning of the 1920s in several waves. The virulent climax was the fall and winter of 1918. With the Spanish Flu worldwide every third earth inhabitant became ill – 500 million people, 50-100 million people died. [9] Primarily young people between 20 and 40 years old were affected. The illness course was rapid: “in the morning ill and in the evening dead”. Prominent victims were Frederick Trump (grandfather of Donald Trump), Sophie Freud (daughter of Sigmund Freud) and the sociologist Max Weber. In October 1918, the six-months pregnant wife of the painter Egon Schiele became ill. With her last strength Edith scrawled on a slip of paper: “I love you infinitely and love you more and more boundlessly and excessively, Your Edith.” Egon Schiele painted his wife for the last time. She died at 8 o’clock in the morning. After the funeral for his wife Schiele became ill, feverish and died three days after his wife. With his picture “The Family” Schiele set a monument for this cruel illness. His own family would never exist.

According to the Organon-Paragraphs the treatment of influenza patients in Germany developed problematically, because in war and revolutionary times communication and the exchange of technical literature was difficult and “no central reference was [given] to which the majority of German homeopaths were oriented” [11]. Moreover, the epidemic remedies partly changed within a few weeks. The most frequent homeopathic remedies for the Spanish Flu were Bryonia, followed by Gelsemium, Aconitum, Phosphor and Belladonna. [11]

The data situation for homeopathic treatment in Germany is not good, so that a judgement of the treatment success for the Spanish Flu is not possible. Clearly more data was collected in the USA and was published [12]: “A study in Ohio of 24,000 patients who were cared for conventionally resulted in a mortality rate of 28%. The mortality rate for the homeopathically cared for patients according to region lay at 0.01% and 1.05%.” Dean W.A. Dewey from Philadelphia collected 26,795 flu cases which were treated by homeopathic doctors. The mortality rate amounted to 1.05% while the mortality rate ratio for conventional treatment lay at 30%.

EHEC 2011

In May and June of 2011, especially in Northern Germany and North Rhine-Westphalia, the so-called EHEC (Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli) epidemic raged with the HUS Syndrome (Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome) as a serious complication. According to the Robert Koch Institute 4,321 people got sick with it, 50 people died. The symptoms of the patients extended from a gastritis to entero-hemolytic colitis, the HUS syndrome with or without neurological complications as well as thrombocytopenia.

The pool of homeopathic medications included Crotalus horridus with Thrombopenia, the umbelliferae plant Oenanthe crocata for epilepsy and complications of the speech center, Cuprum for diarrhea and epilepsy as well as Mercurius corrosivus as the most important remedy for bloody diarrhea and renal failure. In June 2011 a patient who lay ill in the hospital with EHEC with daily sinking thrombocytes reached me by a phone call. Crotalus horridus helped the patient. Her general condition improved and the thrombocyte counts increased without further conventional treatment.

Cholera Epidemic in Haiti in 2011

In 2011 and the following years cholera raged through the country still traumatized by the severe earthquake in 2010, with 700,000 people ill and 8,300 people dead. The Swiss homeopath Edouard Broussalian cared for cholera patients homeopathically. With conventional treatment the cholera patients were treated with intravenous drips. Additionally they spent 6-8 days in the hospital on a special bed with a hole in the middle under which the bowel movements were caught in a bucket.

In accordance with §101 of the Organon, Broussalian and his team quickly found the Genius epidemicus as a result of the symptoms of the patients. It was Phosphor. They administered Phosphor to the patients in the C200 potency as a spray. Broussalian [14] reported that the patients were mostly cured after 6-8 hours. Shortly after ingestion they could raise up in bed, after 1 hour pains were relieved, then diarrhea and vomiting reduced. The newly incoming patients no longer needed the intravenous drips – only Phosphor spray.

Table 1: Examples of Influenza Epidemics in the 21st Century [15]

Corona Pandemic 2020

In Europe most epidemics were caused by flu viruses (See Table 1). After the Spanish Flu in the 20th century there was a second major flu epidemic. It was the leisurely spreading Asiatic Flu in 1957/1958. During it about 1 million people worldwide died from it – in east and west Germany approx. 30,000.

The speed of the Corona virus was even quicker in globalization times than with the Spanish Flu. Like a tsunami it overcame the shocked humanity with untypical and varied illness courses from symptomless to life-threatening pneumonia with lung failure and multiorgan failure.

A hectic restlessness overcame the homeopaths in the first weeks of the pandemic. Particularly in India. Already on January 29, 2020 the Indian Ministry for AYUSH recommended Arsenicum album C30 as prophylactic [16]. In the following months a polarization in the homeopathic world originated. The one [side] hoped to be able to finally prove that homeopathy is able to do everything – linked with a pinch of hubris. The others chose a consciously defensive positioning with the recommendation of restraint in homeopathic treatment, like the Board of Directors of the German Central Association for Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ). In their statement from March 5, 2020 they said [17]:

“It also applies for homeopathic doctors that the recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) have priority before possible homeopathic measures for the containment of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (‘Corona Pandemic’) and for the treatment of people who are infected with the virus … Even if there were positive experiences with homeopathic measures in epidemic situations in the past and in different regions of the world …, the DZVhÄ recommends restraint to its members concerning every kind of homeopathic precaution or therapy recommendations in connection with the ‘Corona Virus’”.

Other German physicians like the homeopath Andreas Holling from Münster positioned themselves more offensively. He demanded [18]: “As qualified homeopathic physicians in Germany we have … the permission and even the mandate to treat acute viral illnesses … The mask should not become the muzzle.” However, in a survey conducted by FORSA initiated by the DZVhÄ up to 61% of the German population recommended a treatment with homeopathic remedies [19].

In Germany as well as worldwide the questions showed a bone of contention whether or not in spite of the symptom variety and the completely different course of the illness there is a Genius epidemicus. The following weeks showed that a “magical remedy” (Jeremy Sherr) did not exist worldwide, however a pool of homeopathic remedies corresponding to the various symptomatology crystalized. This pool originated through the worldwide homeopathic network and permitted homeopaths to reciprocate in this remedy pool. Then in the end Paragraphs 73 and 100-102 for the homeopathic treatment in an epidemic have not been annulled by Corona.

If you look at all the people affected by COVID-19, you can distinguish 3 groups [20]:

  1. Patients with light symptoms: With this group you must decide whether the patients need either no homeopathic treatment because their symptomatology is distinctive for a determination of a homeopathic medication and they themselves become healthy again, or you treat them nevertheless homeopathically to prevent an increase.
  2. Seriously ill patients: These must be treated in-patient or even in an intensive care unit. Here an adjuvant homeopathic accompanying therapy is conceivable, if it is then realizable.
  3. Patients with severe but not life threatening symptomatology: They suffer from headaches and rheumatic pains, dizziness, fever, dry cough, weakness or even already difficulty breathing. These patients can be treated by well qualified homeopaths according to the individual symptomatology, or if an appropriate remedy is found for the symptomatology from the pool of epidemic remedies. Thus the acute state can be improved and an in-patient treatment can be prevented.

Germany Overview

The DZVhÄ started a project for COVID-19 and homeopathy in March 2020. An interim report was presented in a Zoom Conference (coordinators Anna Gerstenhöfer and Stefanie Jahn) on July 2, 2020. With 15 patients verified infected with SARS-CoV-2 a total of 38 remedies were used:
6 times Bryonia alba, 4 times Lobelia purpurascens, 3 times Arsenicum album, 3 times Phosphor, 3 times Rhus toxicodendron, 2 times Gelsemium, 2 times Belladonna, 2 times Pulsatilla, 2 times Lycopodium, 2 times Carbo vegetabilis, 1 time Elaps, 1 time Sepia, 1 time Conium, 1 time Nux vomica, 1 time Antimonium arsenicosum, 1 time Antimonium tartaricum, 1 time Kalium iodatum, 1 time Sulfur, 1 time Stannum.

In one case Carbo vegetabilis within a few hours led to a very pleasing improvement of all symptoms including difficulty in breathing and taste loss. With 14 of the other above mentioned medications a noticeable improvement was also documented.

Ulrich Welte had good experiences with Bryonia and Camphora.

Bryonia alba (white bryony) seems to be one of the most important remedies for COVID-19. Source: Michael Zimmermann/
Thieme Group

International Case Collections

It should be said first that the validity of the data and the actual approach are partly not clear and a COVID-19 illness proved through a PCR-Test is not always proven (Remark: At the beginning of the pandemic a PCR test was often not possible because of lacking test capacities, so that patients with a unambiguous symptomatology and close contact to positively tested people were considered as COVID-19 patients).

  • The Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) recommended the following remedies in March 2020:
    Early stage: Gelsemium, Bryonia alba, Ferrum phosphoricum, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Belladonna, Arsenicum album.
    Late Stage: Arsenicum album, Phosphor, Antimonium tartaricum, Stannum.
    Afterwards the LMHI published a statement in which the search for a Genius epidemicus was held as an “unrealistic idea” on the basis of the weak data situation. [21]
  • Iran: In the foreground of the symptomatology with 40 patients stood an extreme weakness with collapse states (the cases were supervised by Rajan Sankaran). The patients in Iran responded well (partly with dramatic effects) to Camphora which was indicated as the Genius epidemicus for this particular symptomatology. [22]
  • A case collection from the Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy and the Macau Association of Homeopathy included 14 patients with moderate courses. In 8 cases a picture that resembles Gelsemium stood out, in 3 cases Bryonia. [21]
  • The Italian homeopath Massimo Mangialavori reported about his treatment of 95 COVID-19 patients with non-life threatening illness. All patients have recovered again. 67 patients were clearly better with the homeopathic treatment, 19 patients showed no reaction, with 9 patients the reaction was unclear. According to the different symptomatology of his patients the following remedies were the most important: Chininum muriaticum, Grindelia rubusta and Camphora. [23]
  • Other Italian homeopaths treated 100 COVID-19 patients with Arsenicum album C30, Bryonia 200K (better than C30) and Phosphor 200K. [22]
  • The British homeopath Jeremy Sherr is in charge of a network of some hundred homeopaths, particularly from the USA, Israel, Ireland, Great Britain and Moscow. On the basis of approx. 80 accumulated cases he laid out a databank and determined homeopathic remedies for the different stages. [24] The most important remedies (the stages are in brackets): Aconitum (1), Mercurius solubilis (1-2), Phosphoricum acidum and Phosphor (1-3), Antimonium tartaricum (2-3; the best remedy), Antimoniuim tartaricum arsenicum (2-3), Gelsemium (1-2), Bryonia (1-3).
  • Michael Frass and Gerhard Resch (Austria) suggest Lobelia purpurascens C200 as the Genius epidemicus (data situation unclear)
  • Michael Takacs (Austria) treated 19 patients at a district hospital. For him the remedy Arsenicum album and Ipecacuanha were far in front for treatment. He also points out to think about the nosodes (like Influenzinum) which seem rare in the repertorization. He had good experiences with his patients with intravenous drip of nosodes. [25]
  • Jens Wurster (Switzerland): the most important remedy is Bryonia which completely covers the symptomatology with many patients. [26] He urgently recommends to also treat the patients in Stage 1 in order to avoid an increase.
  • Holger Malchow (Clinica Dr. Spinedi, Switzerland): The patients usually got Bryonia, Phosphor and Arsenicum album, whereby Bryonia achieved the best successes. [25]
  • Lex Rutten (Netherlands, personal information passed on by Anna Gerstenhöfer): He reported more than 286 COVID-19 cases. His most important remedies were: 76 times Bryonia, 49 times Arsenicum album, 36 times Gelsemium, 17 times Phosphor, 13 times Camphora, 9 times Lobelia purpurascens, 9 times Pulsatilla
  • An interesting and high-quality case collection is also found under
  • Other tips [22]:
    • Franz Swoboda (Austria): Camphora and Antimonium arsenicum
    • André Saine (Canada): Bryonia, Beryllium, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Gelsemium, Lobelia purpurascens, Senega
    • Renzo Galassi (Italy):
      Stage 1: Bryonia, Gelsemium, Ferrum phosphoricum, Belladonna, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Nux vomica, Aconitum, Arsen.
      Stage 2: Phosphor, Arsen, Antimonium tartaricum, Kalium carbonicum, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sulfur.
      In severe cases: Opium and Carbo vegetabilis.
    • Paul Herscu (USA): Good experiences with the acute remedy Bryonia, however he often needed chronic remedies like Phosphor, Lycopodium, Natrium muriaticum and Arsenicum album. [27]
    • Resie Moonen (Belgium): Gelsemium, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Bryonia, Phosphor, Arsen, Anisum stellatum, Camphora, Chininum arsenicosum, Tuberculinum avensis.

Especially exciting and persuasive are the studies from Prof. Pradeep Kumar from Naiminath Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Agra (India). Two pilot studies with a total of 216 COVID-19 patients proved the following effective and most important homeopathic remedies: 73.19% Bryonia alba, 16.66% Gelsemium, 6.10% Aconit., 4.16 Arsenicum album.

In the third randomized study (with official approval and permission from the Ethics Board) 570 patients positively tested with PCR-Test in the district of Agra and the neighboring district of Firozabad were interviewed. There were 3,520 symptoms verified, from which 92% in a symptom pool recovered. Now this became repertorized. Although Arsenicum album was found in the first place, the second remedy Bryonia was favored on account of the Materia Medica.

In the fourth study on the isolation ward of the allopathic hospital F.H. Medical College & Hospital, Agra a placebo controlled study was carried out (official approval, permission from the Ethics Board of the clinic and written agreement of the participating patients). The first group got the standard conventional treatment plus homeopathic remedies; the second group the standard conventional treatment plus placebo (group size in each case 25 people). In the homeopathic group 22 patients receive Bryonia alba, 2 patients Arsenicum album and 1 patient Gelsemium on the first day. Because of a lack of effect all patients in the verum group received Bryonia alba on the second day. The potencies were C6, C30, C200 and C1,000. The frequency of the intravenous drip was dependent on the intensity of the illness. Severely ill patients received the medication 4 times every 10 minutes, then after 1 hour every 3 hours up to once daily. Every Bryonia case had no more symptoms after 4 days; for the patients with placebo an improvement of the symptomatology only entered after 10 days. [28] The study was presented on Indian television with 300 million viewers and in 22 local and national languages.

For prevention during the time from 16 May 2020 to 15 June 2020 60,000 people in 4 Indian districts received Bryonia as prophylaxis. None of the people fell ill with COVID-19. Now a prophylaxis with 200,000 people is planned – according to a statement from Prof. Kumar in order to avoid a vaccination against COVID-19.


On the basis of the compiled German and international proposals, you can put together the following category of remedies worth considering for COVID-19 (Value of the single remedy: Basic font 1-value, Italic 2-valued, bold 3-valued):
Aconitum, Anisum stellatum, Antimonium arsenicum, Antimonium tartaricum, Antimonium tartaricum arsenicum, Arsenicum album, Belladonna, Beryllium, Bryonia alba, Camphora, Carbo vegetabilis, Chininum arsenicosum, Chininum muriaticum, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Ferrum phosphoricum, Gelsemium, Grindelia robusta, Kalium carbonicum, Lobelia purpurascens, Lycopodium, Mercurius solubilis, Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphor, Phosphoricum acidum, Pulsatilla, Senega, Silicea, Sulphur, Tuberculinum avensis.

It should be pointed out particularly that the two most important remedies for complaints of the lungs and respiration are:

  • Antimonium tartaricum seems to stand in first place: Respiration with weakness, dry cough, but also rattling respiration, anxiety in the chest, attacks of suffocation, snatching at air.
  • Carbo vegetabilis: Respiration with the greatest weakness, would like to be fanned, cold.

The homeopathic doctor, Kerstin Peuschel (Germany) describes good success with Carbo vegetabilis C30 “stirred up” **, and the next day Carbo vegetabilis C6.

  • Case 1: Female patient, 49 years old, no pre-existing illness. Symptoms: sudden extreme weakness, like “collapsing” of the body, fatigue, closing of the eyes, mental listlessness, heavy head with pressure in the temples, shortness of breath with small load, with deep inhalations a narrowness feeling in the thorax and rattling in the lower areas of the lungs. In the evening already improvement of the breathlessness, no more rattling noises, general condition good, no more weakness. On the next day symptom free.
  • Case 2: Female patient, 40 years old, pre-existing illnesses endometriosis, migraine. Symptoms: Exhaustion, fatigue, rheumatic pains, tension headache, shortness of breath with load. The next day nearly symptom free.

For the dosage and frequency of the homeopathic remedies it must be noted that many doctors worldwide had very good experiences with the potencies C200-C1,000 which were often repeated – partially after a few hours (especially see Prof. Kumar).

The treatment of patients with psychic and psychosomatic illnesses took up a large area in many practices. There are tips for the effect of Anacardium for people who have gotten involved with conspiracy theories and Causticum is effective with patients who suffer under the restrictive regulations of the state. Beyond that Table 2 shows some examples.

Table 2: Homeopathic Remedies for Psychic Complaints

Particularly to be pointed out is the homeopathic remedy Smaragd (Emerald). The people who need this precious stone feel caught in the “restrictions”, would like to escape from them, have a strong desire for freedom if they are enclosed, or feel thus. There is initial feedback from patients who had fallen ill with COVID-19, had to go into quarantine and could not stand this “prison situation”. A patient wrote to me in such a way: “Emerald has helped me well, the confinement could be better endured. I then took it once again pre-Easter (C30), because actually I wanted to meet my family and then had panic about infecting the ‘elderly’. Because there again the subject of confinement was present, and also in that situation emerald was really first-class.

While the pandemic and the acute prescription stood in the foreground for homeopathic doctors until now, during the next months the treatment of a “complex illness” will raise problems and a complex prescription will be required. Namely with the “Ex-COVID-19 patients” remnants of the illness will merge with chronic, constitutional symptoms. This is the challenge for the homeopathic doctors for the next months. If it again comes to an increase in Corona infections all homeopaths worldwide should have learned from each other and can prescribe more securely.

The closing remarks belong to Prince Charles who had fallen ill with Corona in March 2020 and was also homeopathically treated. In an interview he said [29]: “We have exploited and dug out and cleared everything, as if there was no morning, as if it all made no difference.” If you learn nothing from the pandemic, the people could again be exposed to a similar threat in the future. “The more we weaken the natural world, the more we destroy the biological variety and expose ourselves to this kind of danger.”

Keywords: Corona virus, Organon, Genius epidemicus, pool of remedies.

Conflicts of Interest: The author indicates that no conflicts of interest are present.

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published December 2020

From an article in CO’Med, Volume 69, Issue #4 2020
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2020, Dr.med. Ulrike Keim, Bonn, Germany

About the author


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  27. Herscu P. Why he as a scientist gets annoyed with homeopaths and politicians. Interview vom 04.07.2020. In: Vereint zur Heilung, United to heal, Resümee der Krise – aus homöopathischer Sicht. Online-Kongress vom 25.6.-7.7.2020; Im Internet: https://unitedtoheal.com; Zugriff: 4.7.2020
  28. Kumar Treatment methods in the homeopathic hospital in Agra. How does homeopathy work for Covid patients? Situation in India. Interview vom 02.07.2020.1n: Vereint zur Heilung, United to heal, Hrsg. Resümee der Krise – aus homöopathischer Sicht. Online-Kongress vom 25.6.-7.7.2020; Im Internet: https://unitedtoheal.com; Zugriff: 2.7.2020
  29. Mills Coronavirus: Prince Charles says we’re paying the price for loss of biodiversity. Im Internet: https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-prince-charles-says-he-was-lucky-after-getting-covid-19-12000035; Stand: 4.6.2020

P.S. As at Oct. 2024 many of the above links have been removed or are non-functional. Sorry.

Translator Footnotes:
* Homeopathically of course!
** “Stirring up” – the German word used here literally translates as “whipping” as in whipping an egg. However it seems to be utilized within the German homeopathic application as a technique of applying the homeopathic remedies. I trust I got the correct “gist” of the instruction!
“Stirring up” has proven to be an effective method for taking homeopathic medicines. 2-3 small balls of the prescribed medicine are dissolved in a drinking glass half filled with cold tap water. Preferably by stirring until the globules are dissolved. Plastic spoons or wooden utensils (e.g. the handle of a wooden spoon) are suitable.
*** Smaragd = In this article is used to mean homeopathic “emerald”. It can also be connected with Smaragd Arborvitae, Thjua occidentalis or Emerald cedar

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