Biophysical Information Therapy

Has the Political and Social
Turning Point Arrived?

Corona Changes the World

From the Monthly “News” release for Biophysical Information Therapy (BIT)

Dear members of our BIT Physicians Society,
Dear users of energetic therapy procedures, and
Dear interested readers!

By now questions are raised about the sense. Reality without sense does not exist, because every event obeys spiritual laws and thus consciousness. Whoever so far still believes in orderly, justifiable operational procedures for Corona will now be disappointed.

Nothing from the still existing restrictions can be justified rationally and least of all scientifically. Only arbitrariness and chaos prevails. However, exactly therein lies our chance! The science once chiseled in stone disintegrates in the controversy of the parties involved. It is time for new thought structures!

How does SARS-CoV-2 really behave? It is by no means scientifically proven with Corona (and many other “infections”) that a virus is actually in play. According to the research of biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka 9) at the current time the proof of viruses has not been successful under any microscope in the world. From the lung secretions of Covid-19 patients genetic snippets (fragments of RNA) were isolated and put together on the computer (!!!) into a genetic sequence which should correspond to a virus.

From this genetic snippet, Dr. Christian Drosten 1) developed a PCR-Test (polymerase chain reaction test). Because these fragments nevertheless appear in the whole of nature, these tests very often show false-positives, which beyond all reason can absolutely lead to Hotspots. Because indeed even Tunisian papaya tests positive for Corona – this is no joke!

All important for further understanding: this “shot from the hip” PCR-Test is not validated at all, that means there were no ring tests 2) carried out, in order to secure the test. Therefore, it is not accredited! If we worked in such a way in practice, the public prosecutor would be in the house very quickly.

A positive Corona test by no means states anything about it, where the found RNA fragments came from and whether an actual infection with SARS-CoV-2 is present or whether this person is contagious or not!

Also, no cut off value is specified (at what number of constantly running doublings you broke off). This would be an important indication of the virus load (number of available viruses). Nevertheless, if it is deduced from the fact that a person is contagious or is even ill, it concerns a scientific manipulation behind which stands the intention to deceive people and to shift them into fear with blown up “infection” numbers – exactly what we are constantly experiencing. A positive test – to emphasize it again in all clearness – generally states nothing about whether infected with Corona virus or already ill. Only the symptoms can make that assumption(!).

Because just as well only a mundane cold can also be present. Even then the test responds and even with the completely healthy!

The shutdown with all negative consequences was based on this questionable method alone!

Virology was actually dissolved in 1952 for lack of proof of the postulated viruses and deleted from science. A renaissance occurred only on the basis of some young dynamicists who did not want to admit this. However – and this is to be seriously charged with today’s virology – with Covid-19 the four Henle-Koch Postulates 3) (in the meantime extended to seven) were criminally ignored and the additional necessary negative control examinations were not carried out. Why do scientists allow themselves to travel into such manipulations?

Virology – and you should let that melt in your mouth quite slowly – generally has no scientific basis because it criminally ignores the standards.

These deficiencies, or we better say these shenanigans, could be concealed until now because nobody knew correctly what actually really happens in the laboratories. The research millions flowed nevertheless. Only through the internal controversy of the virologists with mutually deceptive approaches (Drosten – Streeck 4)), it came to the surface that generally no consensus rules here. Everybody represents another opinion, it cannot at all be explained scientifically, because the proofs are absent and everything is based only on theories (claims).

Thus finally with Corona we now have the unique opportunity – and after 70 years – to uncover this science fraud and to blow the virologists into the marsh! We should remember Prof. Günther Enderlein 5), who during that time already pointed out the emergence of microbes in the body, even up to “viruses”, or whatever you want to call them. Above all he already knew that these “forms” originated in the body itself, and no infection from the outside takes place. In entirely determined stress conditions somatic cells dissolve and release parts, culminating in DNA and RNA fragments that are then falsely designated as disease-causing viruses.

These so-called viruses are the remains of declining tissues, mostly subsequent to an inflammation which must not be mistaken for an infection!

Corona has shown that school medicine with its Latin is completely at the end and on top of that has damaged countless patients. This was revealed by the fact that the scientific requirements in medicine are absolutely groundless and the approach is false. We urgently need a paradigm change, and a replacement of the applicable university apprenticeship. For nearly 140 years through that [apprenticeship] the infection theory is spread which Robert Koch 6) established in a groundbreaking lecture in 1883. He was in conflict with Prof. Louis Pasteur 7) who had seen the cause of illnesses – in contrast to Koch – not in the microbes, but in the terrain. ♦

Bacteria (or viruses) are not the illness triggers for which they are regarded. Their enrichment in the body indicates a metabolism change which was brought on by certain triggers (poisons, stress, but above all fear and panic) and the previously existing symbiosis was blown up like an international treaty.

“If you believe, you become ill, then you also become it” – whereby we would again be with consciousness.

Who can answer the burning question: after initial appeasement, from where the sudden change of heart came at the end of March by which all civil rights and liberties were suspended under disregard for all proportionality?

Fear is Stirred Up.

Already in March an internal paper from the Ministry of the Interior was passed around to the media, among others to Focus, Süddeutsche, WDR and NDR. In that respect, it should be consciously worked towards massively frightening people. Literally it says: “First of all many seriously ill people are brought into the hospital by their relatives, but are turned away and die painfully struggling for air in their home. Suffocation, or not getting enough air, is an old fear for every living being. Likewise, the situation in which you can do nothing in order to help relatives suspended in mortal danger.” Secondly, the paper even recommends to frighten children. “Children will be easily infected, even with permission-to-go-out restrictions, for example with the children next door”, it says in the text. “If they then infect their parents, and one dies of it agonizing at home, and they have the feeling of guilt about it because they have forgotten, for example, to wash their hands after playing, it is the most terrible thing a child can ever experience.” Thirdly, the authors suggest reminding about long term damages. “Also if we have only reports of single cases until now, they nevertheless draw an alarming picture”, it says in the report. “Even those apparently cured after a mild course, can apparently experience a relapse at any time, which then quite suddenly ends in death, through cardiac infarction or lung failure because the virus has found the way into the lung or the heart unnoticed.”

The primordial fear of suffocation should be activated, just like it is to be read in this criminal paper from the Ministry of the Interior? Who has an interest in that to move people for no reason(!) into fear and panic?

A virus for example (whether proven or not) can never be the cause! “Ill” means metabolic imbalance through information loss.

This is one point that school medicine does not understand for lack of background knowledge, because the actual cause always and without exception exists in an overloaded information processing. Our biological computer has hung itself up and needs a reset. Though the reasons for this are admittedly varied. However they can be clearly limited if the principle is understood.

Paternalism of the State

Life requires certain preconditions: It must make sense. It must be fulfilling and pleasure-oriented. Among those we understand the joy of life. This makes creativity possible, independent formation of the individual journey through life and optimism on the basis of faith in God, in order to be able to also master difficult situations.

Everything that opposes this, like the bullying paternalism through the – absolutely disproportionate – health dictatorship of the State, over long or short periods of time lead to an increased illness susceptibility.

But now comes the decisive factor: A real virus is not at all needed as a trigger. Purely virtual (in the imagination) is sufficient in connection with fear!

According to the quantum physicist, Prof. Thomas Görnitz 8) the probability of a situation works exactly the same as if the situation was real. This Nocebo Effect is very well examined and often more strongly effective than it would ever be in reality.

But the situation is even more obscure than so far accepted. The previously mentioned biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka 9) has written an article that is very worthwhile reading with the title “Misinterpretation Virus, Part II” published in the “Wissenschafftplus – Das Magazin” from which the following three quotes come:

“Large parts of our academic science function in such a way: You invent a theory, you move around within this theory, you call that science and state that the activity represents the reality. In actual fact it only represents before thought.”

“One of two decisive facts for SARS and the Corona Crisis is that at least 20 to 30 percent of all pneumonias are atypical. The causes for the atypical pneumonias are quite clearly known and accordingly may not be given out as a cause of an unknown virus. This fact is suppressed by infectologists and virologists and is the basis of the actual fear production and panic. Because the impression originates with the parties involved, in the public and with the politicians, that atypical pneumonias therefore would end especially dangerously and more often fatally, because there is still no medication or vaccine for the supposedly new illness. From the date from which a test procedure is offered for the supposedly new virus what is concealed by those involved is also healthy people test “positive”, and the case figures are automatically increased. Also at first people with typical pneumonia are recorded, then more and more people with other diseases. This is considered as practical proof for spreading of the virus. Automatically more and more other diseases are added additionally to the original disease “atypical pneumonia” and this “syndrome” is passed off as “the new virus Illness”.”

“Decisive for the evaluation is the fact that at that time (Jan/Feb. author’s comment) all involved virologists stated – and to this day state – there is no proof that this new virus actually brings on diseases.”

In the meantime, Dr. Lanka has denounced Prof. Christian Drosten because of the science deception.

Thus viruses are DNA or RNA fragments which are found in dead tissues. How can these lifeless materials suddenly awaken to life and (successfully) attack healthy cells? This is the missing link in the science which no researcher to this day can explain. Yet thereupon virology and with it the whole fearmongering is based.

Testing and Scaremongering

So what has happened? On the basis of test results from an absolutely questionable scientific procedure (Drosten-Test) a pandemic was proclaimed which never really existed according to (earlier) worldwide valid criteria. Through massively expanded testing of healthy people, constantly new Hotspots are created, in order to move people into always new panic.

With terrible images from Italy and later the USA terror was spread and a shutdown was forced that has cost quite substantially more human lives than the doubtful virus would have even been able. In developing countries famines will appear in unexpected magnitudes according to the first estimates.

Masks: “Prime bacterial incubator” instead of preventive measure

A mask requirement was implemented, although the professional masks cannot even offer protection before the tiny virus, and can become a dangerous source of germs. However if also scarves or cloths are permitted it is quite clearly shown that it is not at all about the policy of “protecting yourself and others”, but rather that empathy, human solidarity and love should be suppressed by this muzzle and people be split-up into unemotional individual subjects. Besides, complete obedience towards the state can be read from the mask loyalty.

However, pay attention: There is no law for mask requirement! The Bundestag would have to decide that. Namely then the Federation would have been responsible for compensation. The individual Federal States have issued regulations with exit clauses, for which one does not even need a certificate. The obligation to have to wear a mask against your will, is coercion. The reprimand from businesses or the train is discrimination – both are criminal offences. Inform yourself!

Nobody can be forced to wear a mask, also and above all no children, which is seen more and more often. This is bodily injury and can lead to substantial behavioral disorders.

With horror stories about a “second wave” and “serious long-term damages” people are further held in fear and panic, in order to put through a vaccine with specific additives which is forced through in a rush with disregard to all ethical and scientific criteria that would normally take 8-15 years. It is especially explosive with the fact that according to the announcement from the RKI (Robert Koch Institute) since the beginning of April 2020 there are no more proven Corona viruses. All positive tests have nothing to do with a new illness (see above).

Now it is high time for comprehensive information for all citizens! The Hamburg Association “Ärzte für Aufklärung10) has given away 500 books by epidemiologist Prof. Scharit Bhakdi 11). This valuable book belongs in every household library. About 2,000 physicians have already associated themselves and can be retrieved by Postal Code. Every physician can join here and should also do it. For the most part our patients are completely uncertain and in spite of the risks would allow a vaccination because fear sits so deeply. Unfortunately the refueling of pressure by the media has worked with many people.

Whoever still does not understand the principle of Corona should be able to look at the agenda which was put forward eight years ago to address worldwide threatening pandemics (real ones!) and to put forward a vaccine. Now this “pandemic” has unwound step-by-step, however with the disadvantage for the politicians that the necessary horror scenario has been missing, and every normally thinking person can see through this bad game.

5G Stimulates Production of Virus Particles

The necessary emergency laws already went through unhindered and the surveillance state with the upgrade to 5G mobile communication standards was further perfected.

But now an Italian investigation from physiologist Prof. Massimo Fioranelli 12) from Rome comes with the results that the millimeter waves of the 5G standards can stimulate the production of virus particles in the cells on the skin . . .

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel: Since July 2020 two extra-parliamentary committees of inquiry work up this political Corona scandal –one medical and one judicial. In the second week of August a collective complaint was submitted in the USA, because of false-positive results with supplied Corona tests and thus the consequences caused worldwide. Every citizen in every country can connect themselves. The expected judgment will have an affect globally.

Hundreds of Belgians reported a complaint against a WHO advisor and responsible politicians because of the disproportionate discrepancy of the measurements and threaten with compensation.

It remains to be hoped that as soon as possible also in Germany the persons responsible will be called to account for this human tragedy.

On July 25 the “Ärzte für Wahrheit” (Doctors for the Truth) 13) launched a conference in Madrid with 400 participants and specialists from the whole world linked up internationally. At the end of the meeting it was stressed: “This is a world dictatorship with a sanitation excuse.”

In Berlin on August 1, more than 1 million people went out into the streets to demonstrate against state despotism. This great event was played down in the media and the participant, Ms. Saskia Esken 14) was designated as a “Covidiot” (in the meantime, criminal charges were taken against her). But on August 29 an even bigger demonstration in Berlin was announced with substantially more participants. Now the media and the politicians have a real problem. The people (not some Covidiots) stand up. However, those who have not so far woken up and actively fought for truth, freedom and right will have a rude awakening in a short time. Everyone is demanded to once again recover our fundamental rights.

This concerns parents in some Federal States whose children must sit with masks in their lessons, or because of quarantine are even taken into isolation custody. Fight back in the interest of your children, do not allow them to sustain permanent damage, join the initiative “Eltern stehen auf” [Parents Stand Up] (! There you not only get the necessary information, but also legal support.

Additionally, teachers are also asked to stand by the children, and to speak out against the absurd distance regulations and the possible mask requirement (depending on Federal State). Each official has the moral-ethical obligation to remonstration, if the measure contradicts his conscience. Clarification and help also comes through the initiative “Lehrer stehen auf” [Teachers Stand Up].

Those who need legal help because they come into difficulties through their moral conflict can turn to the initiative ”Klagepaten” [Complaint Godfathers] ( In the meantime, the first policemen turn the system back. Whoever still doubts should regularly have a look at the figures from the Robert Koch Institute and compare to the statements of the media. It is vital to compare the supposed new infections with the number of constantly increasing tests. Then it becomes clear that there are no more new illnesses since April! The virus has worn out long ago, but just not for the media.

If we have lost our democracy then it is not because of politicians, but rather through the silent majority. This was already so in past dictatorships.

In spite of all injustice that happened to countless people and in spite of the arbitrariness with exaggerated “hygiene measures” enforced – Corona is our opportunity! School medicine has shown that its concept of symptom suppression is as wrong as the infection theory. Now the time has come for new programs, in order to finally overcome the division of medicine and the whole of society. Dialog is the key word. Whoever among the responsible persons is not ready for this, but excludes independent experts, and denigrates them with the trite concept of “conspiracy theorist” has worn out his usefulness and proven that he/she is no people’s representative but rather a people’s “treader” 15). Nevertheless the dignity of people is untouchable. Do you also belong to the silent majority, or are you willing to take over responsibility?

An Exclusive Translated Article for P2P Supporters
From the Monthly Publications of P2P
Published October 2020

From the Monthly “News” release for Biophysical Information Therapy (BIT)
From an article in CO’Med, Volume 26, September 2020
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, P2P Consulting

© Copyright 2020, Bodo Köhler, Freiburg, Germany

About the author

Translator Notes and References

I have included the following footnotes, references and information since most of us are not familiar with the politicians, experts and mainstream media outlets in Germany. Again, we see where history shows us the links and connections to present day activities and events. I understand and appreciate that I’m sending you information about Germany – but are we not experiencing these same controversial challenges here and globally? CLW

  1. Christian Heinrich Maria Drosten is a German virologist whose research focus is on novel viruses (emergent viruses). During the COVID-19 pandemic, Drosten came to national prominence as an expert on the implications and actions required to combat the outbreak in Germany.[See Rottenfußer’s comments in The Virus of Freedom’s Oblivion. CLW]
  2. A ring test or intercomparison or laboratory test (engl. Round robin test / proficiency test)
  3. Henle-Koch postulates: Syn: Koch’s postulates. First formulated by the German pathologist Friedrich Gustav Jacob Henle (1809–1885) and adapted and modified by the German bacteriologist Robert Koch (1843–1910), these are four criteria that usually suffice to confirm the causal relationship of a pathogenic organism to a specific infectious disease. The postulates are:
    1) The agent must be demonstrable in every case of the disease;
    2) The agent is not present in other diseases;
    3) After isolation in culture, the agent must be able to produce the disease in experimental animals; and (added by Koch)
    4) The agent can be recovered from the experimental animal.
    All four postulates can be demonstrated with many bacterial diseases but have not been confirmed in some in which a causal connection may have to be inferred from other evidence, e.g., HIV/AIDS. [Oxford Reference]
  4. Hendrik Streeck is a German HIV researcher, epidemiologist and clinical trialist. He is professor for virology and the director of the Institute of virology and HIV Research at the University of Bonn.
  5. Günther Enderlein was a German zoologist, entomologist, microbiologist, researcher, physician for 60 years, and later a manufacturer of pharmaceutical products [think SANUM here CLW]. Enderlein received international renown for his insect research, and in Germany became famous due to his concept of the pleomorphism of microorganisms and his hypotheses about the origins of cancer, based on the work of other scientists. His hypotheses about pleomorphism and cancer have now been disproved by science and have only some historical importance today. Some of his concepts, however, are still popular in alternative medicine. A blood test is named after him: dark field microscopy according to Enderlein. [Gee, could they be any more condescending here?! CLW]
  6. Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch was a German physician and microbiologist. As one of the main founders of modern bacteriology, he identified the specific causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax and also gave experimental support for the concept of infectious disease, which included experiments on humans and animals. Koch created and improved laboratory technologies and techniques in the field of microbiology and made key discoveries in public health. His research led to the creation of Koch’s postulates, a series of four generalized principles linking specific microorganisms to specific diseases that proved influential on subsequent epidemiological principles such as the Bradford Hill criteria. For his research on tuberculosis, Koch received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. The Robert Koch Institute is named in his honour.
  7. Louis Pasteur was a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of diseases, and his discoveries have saved many lives ever since. He reduced mortality from puerperal fever and created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax. His medical discoveries provided direct support for the germ theory of disease and its application in clinical medicine.
    However it is reported that: The French Louis Pasteur and German Robert Koch are the two greatest figures in medical microbiology and in establishing acceptance of the germ theory of disease. In 1882, fueled by national rivalry and a language barrier, the tension between Pasteur and the younger Koch erupted into an acute conflict.
  8. Thomas Görnitz is a German physicist. Until 2009 he was professor for physics education at the Johan Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Over 70 publications.
  9. Stefan Thomas Josef Lanka is a German molecular biologist, author and publisher. He takes various scientifically refuted positions such as AIDS denial and he is an opponent of vaccinations. He became known to a wider public through a lawsuit in which he denied the existence of the measles
  10. Ärzte für Aufklärung [Physicians for Clarification]: “We are an interdisciplinary working group of doctors and scientists in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, which makes its specialist expertise in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic available to the public.
    The serious clarification of the actual medical facts forms a necessary basis for the assessment and design of medical and political measures in dealing with the virus.
    We are non-partisan and are fully committed to democracy, the Basic Law and the rule of law.
    We are critical of disinformation, lobbying, the dismantling of democracy, political arbitrariness, social division and the restriction of basic rights.” They can currently be found at this website (previous site was censored and removed) :
  11. Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology. He studied at the Universities of Bonn, Gießen, Mainz and Copenhagen, and at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg. He is Professor Emeritus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and from 1991 to 2012 was Head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene there.
    He has prominently raised alternative viewpoints regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and has criticized certain states’ reactions to it, and he is a signatory to the Great Barrington Declaration.
    In turn, he has been criticized for his theses on the COVID-19 pandemic; according to Medical Tribune, they are classified as unscientific by a majority of experts.
  12. Massimo Fioranelli is currently working as Professor of Physiology, Guglielmo Marconi University, Department of Nuclear Physics, sub-nuclear and radiation, Rome, Italy. He is also the Director Centro Cuore, Casa di Cura Mater Dei, Rome, Italy & Director Centro Studi in Scienze della Vita, Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome , Italy. He is member of several scientific societies.
  13. Doctors for Truth – SPAIN Over 600 doctors from Spain, Austria and others countries held a large conference in Madrid on 25 July 2020 in the spirit of truth about Covid 19. They shared real science, experience and success in treatment of Covid19 dispelling all Fake News lies and suppression of cures by governments and mainstream media. The message is very clear – we do not have to be afraid. Cures are available. We just need to make people aware and stop the totalitarian control of governments over doctors who serve the people.
    Translator Note: Again ironically, all websites and publications for this organization have been censored and purged as being false information about the virus.
  14. Saskia Esken is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) who has been serving as co-leader of the party since being elected as co-leader on December 2019 (alongside Norbert Walter-Borjans). She has been a member of the Bundestag since 2013 and is an IT specialist.
  15. Translator’s Note: This phrase is a play on the German word for people’s representative, where they eliminate three letters from the middle of the word indicating “for” the people and change the meaning into “treading on” or “kicking” the people.

♦ An Historical Controversy

Translator Notes of Interest

Although I see the above mentioned statement regarding the microbe and the terrain as highly accurate, I believe there is a misunderstanding by Dr. Köhler in the nature of the conflict between Pasteur and Koch. As you can see even from their Wikipedia biographies, both Koch and Pasteur were definitely considered among the “fathers of germ theory”.

The phrase “Le microbe c’est tout” [the microbe is everything] is definitely attributed to Pasteur, but then we run into yet another small controversy as to the origin of the phrase “Le microbe c’est rien, le terrain c’est tout” [the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything]. This phrase is often attributed to Antoine Béchamp (see next paragraph), but we learned from Dr. Franz Morell in his 1982 lecture on BioElectronic Vincent this was also stated and supported by Prof. Claude Bernard (a contemporary of Béchamp).

Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp was a French scientist now best known for breakthroughs in applied organic chemistry and for a bitter rivalry with Louis Pasteur. Béchamp’s rivalry with Pasteur was initially for priority in attributing fermentation to microorganisms, later for attributing the silkworm disease pebrine to microorganisms, and eventually over the validity of germ theory. Béchamp also disputed cell theory.

But on to the controversy itself:

In the first decades of the 20th century, the term “pleomorphism” was used to refer to the idea that bacteria change morphology, biological systems, or reproductive methods dramatically according to environmental cues. This claim was controversial among microbiologists of the time, and split them into two schools: the monomorphists, who opposed the claim, and the pleomorphists such as Antoine Béchamp, Ernst Almquist, Günther Enderlein, Albert Calmette, Gastons Naessens, Royal Raymond Rife, and Lida Mattman, who supported the posit. According to a 1997 journal article by Milton Wainwright, a British microbiologist, pleomorphism of bacteria lacked wide acceptance among modern microbiologists of the time.

Monomorphic theory [from the late 19th century] supported by Louis Pasteur, Rudolf Virchow, Ferdinand Cohn, and Robert Koch, emerged to become the dominant paradigm in modern medical science: it is now almost universally accepted that each bacterial cell is derived from a previously existing cell of practically the same size and shape. However it has recently been shown that certain bacteria are capable of dramatically changing shape.

This is a simplistic and redacted (Wikipedia-type) version of this controversy. Isn’t it interesting however that all this time later – nearly 150 years! – orthodox medicine is still trying to convince us that germs and viruses not only exist but are the cause of all our woes and horrors. Gee, no wonder Prof. Pasteur was in conflict with so many different people!

However, as natural and energy practitioners are we to believe that there is still no possibility of at least compromise in the application of the two pathways of understanding? From the clear indication that energy and natural methods cannot be tolerated within the current COVID treatment and preventive protocols, it is obvious that economic and political concerns have more priority than the health and recovery of the majority of patients “infected” with this virus.

Carolyn L. Winsor,
Biological Healing Consultant

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