Ten Arguments Against the Orthodox
Medical Theory of Tumor Genesis

The entirety of western school [orthodox] medicine, research, teaching and licensed physicians, work on the assumption that cancer is caused by hereditary factors, chemical substances, radiation and viruses which damage the human genotype. 90 to 95% of all tumors are explained by the fact that random carcinogenic materials, radiation and viruses which have an effect on the body through mutation can transform normal body cells into evil tumor cells. With most cancer forms mutations are very heterogeneous [1].

A mutation is not only a genetic change. Rather it represents irreversible damage to the DNA [2], which is no longer reparable (inhibition of DNA repair [3]). Such damage leads to the fact that certain genes, those usually tumor inhibiting (so called tumor suppressor genes) are inactivated, and other genes which belong to the normal genotype of every cell (proto-oncogene) are transferred into cancer genes (oncogenes). These cause damage in the genotype (genome) of the cells influencing the control of cell division (mitosis) and the control of cell death (apoptosis), leading to resistance against the immune defense [4] and are further transmitted into the daughter cells [5]. As a whole school medicine works on the assumption of five to six [6] heterogeneous genetic damages which the developing tumor cells affect at random. All these processes lead to tumor cells with a malignant character, which is to say to tumor cells with the ability to endlessly grow (immortality [7]), to penetrate tissue barriers and to form daughter tumors (metastases).

Briefly: According to the school medicine opinion cancer originates from the random effect of five to six [6] genotype damaging factors on the body cells causing mutations. These mutations are heterogeneous [1], irreversible [2] damages to the DNA, by which these cells acquire among other things the ability to avoid [4] the cellular repair system [3] and the immune system and without therapy to attain immortality [7].

There are ten arguments against this theory which point to the fact that it cannot be mutations (genetic damage) which cause tumors.

1. Genetic damage comes about randomly – However tumors are not distributed according to the random laws in the body.

School medicine supposes that tumor cells originate from genetic damage (mutations) which can randomly affect every body cell. If this was correct, the tumor cells would also have to be distributed randomly into the body. However they do not do this. The body cells themselves do not react to the random influencing factors with their transformation into tumor cells.

2. Genetic damages are irreversible [1] – However there are spontaneous remissions.

Genetic damages which should transform normal body cells into tumor cells are irreversible. Therefore school medicine also supposes tumor cells are immortal [7]. If this was correct, there should not be any spontaneous remissions. However there are those [spontaneous remissions]. The body cells themselves show that their transformation into tumor cells does not trace back to irreversible mutations, but rather to reversible factors.

3. Genetic damages are irreversible [1] – However out of cancer cells emerge healthy frogs and healthy mice.

From genetically degenerated cancer cells no healthy daughter cells can emerge, because genetic damages are irreversible. However McKinney (1969) and Mintz/Ilmensee (1975) carried out experiments in which no wildly growing cell masses were found in the cell nucleus of a cancer cell, but rather healthy individual animals are resulting [8].

The tumor cells themselves show that they can transform back into normal body cells.

4. “Approximately five to six random changes to the DNA must occur for the transformation of a normal body cell into a cancer cell” [6]. – The likelihood that one(!) out of 100 billion cells is affected randomly five to six times is however infinitesimal.

According to the school medicine opinion in order to change a body cell into a tumor cell from five to six mutations are necessary in the DNA of a cell. One randomly damaged cell out of 100 billion cells must thus additionally be randomly damaged another four to five times until it can develop into a malignant tumor cell. With a lottery ticket it is about 6 out of 49 – here it would be a game of 6 out of 100,000,000,000,000.

The body cells themselves show that they react with their transformation into tumor cells not out of five- to six-fold damages to their DNA, but rather to the factors that appear more frequently.

5. Genetic damage is heterogeneous [1] – However, tumor cells do not correspond to these heterogeneous damages.

The genetic damages are very heterogeneous with most cancer forms according to type and place on the DNA. If genetic damages were responsible for the formation of a tumor cell, these genetic damages would thus have to express themselves in the cell, like molecular biologists name the sequences through which genes control the protein synthesis. However they do not do this. Cancer cells differ from their healthy neighbors only by the characteristics which identify the tumor. Nevertheless in contrast to the heterogeneous damages at the genetic level, methylome at the epigenetic level in the cancer cells shows characteristic patterns.

Obviously the tumor cells do not “express” the heterogeneous damages which are in their mutations correspondingly.

6. Every cell has at its disposal a repair system for DNA damages – However in tumor cells the DNA damages are not repaired [3].

School medicine concludes from this a degeneration of the cell by which the tumor cells acquire the ability to avoid cellular repair. More logically would be another conclusion, namely that: Deviant DNA structures in a tumor cell do not show degeneration, therefore exactly in fact because they are not repaired. The deviations can also be results of a function change of these cells.

The cellular repair system apparently looks at the genetic damages in the tumor cells not as damages to be repaired.

7. The immune system switches off the abnormal cells – Nevertheless the DNA damaged abnormal tumor cells do not switch off. [4]

According to school medicine opinion the DNA damaged tumor cells also possess the ability to override the immunological defense. If we check this statement, then we find that the immune system does not detoxify the active tumor cells very well which we can find in every body, just like the no longer active tumor cells with spontaneous remission. Nevertheless on the other hand active tumor cells are not bothered by the immune system. A sensible conclusion would be:

The immune system does not look at active tumor cells as abnormal cells to be detoxified.

8. DNA damage leads to errors in the protein household – According to school medicine opinion the DNA damaged tumor cells nevertheless acquire manifold new abilities.

DNA damage has the result that the protein for which the damaged gene codes are built up faultily, or are not formed at all [9], thus cannot fulfill at all or only restrictedly fulfill their function in the organism. In contrast school medicine works on the assumption that the tumor cell damaged in its DNA loses no abilities, but rather acquires additional abilities – and namely not a few [10]. Genetic damage should be able to produce numerous additional abilities.

9. Connective tissue cells protect tumor cells against chemotherapy.

In 2012 researchers in the famous Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centers found out that chemotherapy promotes cancer, instead of fighting against it. Responsible for this are the normal cells, fibroblasts, in the proximity of the tumor which like the tumor itself are exposed to this cell poison with the chemotherapy and thereby suffer DNA damage according to school medicine understanding, which in addition causes a protein named WTN16B to be produced and distributed in large quantities. This protein enables the surviving cancer cells to grow, to penetrate into the surrounding tissues and to resist further chemotherapy [11].

However, to understand the activity of the fibroblasts as a consequence of DNA damage is not easy to explain: You would have to be able to show that many fibroblasts were damaged in an identical manner at the same place on their DNA, so that they thereby acquire the same additional ability to produce WNT16B.

Genetic damage to a cell population should be able to provide for the protection of another cell population from the cell poison.

10. Tumor cells have a metabolism and produce useful products.

Some tumor cells produce useful products. Where they appear in glandular tissues they help with the production of hormones and secretions. The adrenal gland for example, produces catecholamine, adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine. A tumor in the adrenal gland additionally contributes to synthesizing more of these materials. Carcinomas of the parathyroid lead to hyperparathyroidism, an overproduction of parathyrin.

Maybe the fact that a tumor cell also contributes to the production of healthy cells may not be a surprise to school medicine doctors. The fact that it also further synthesizes the same products as its tissue neighbors, also does not contradict the school medicine view. Nevertheless, maybe here would be a starting point for research towards a possible biological sense of the tumors. At least some tumors could have grown for the purpose of guaranteeing an over function of certain tissues. Tumor cells could thus have a biological sense.

It cannot be the genetic level, it must be the regulative level which plays an active role in the neoplastic processes within the cells.

Four arguments speak on behalf of this:

1. Tumors also originate from epigenetic changes

Epigeneticists have found that neoplastic processes “also” originate through epigenetic changes. Epigeneticists can show the fact that a distinctive genome-wide under-methylation is typical for cancer cells, that tumor suppressor genes are dramatically against over-methylation [12].

2. A characteristic methylation pattern can be associated to every tumor type.

Beyond this epigeneticists have found that a specifically defined DNA methylome, thus a characteristic epigenetic pattern, can be associated to every tumor type. In relation to those [patterns] the mutations are very heterogeneous with most cancer forms [13].

3. There are spontaneous remissions with cancer.

From that it follows there can be no irreversible factors which generate cancer. Genetic damages (mutations of the DNA) are however irreversible. Methylome at the regulative level are reversible against it.

4. Healthy individual animals result from tumor cell nuclei.

From that it follows that the tumor producing factors are inactivated in fertilized ova. Nevertheless, genetic damages are irreversible. In contrast to that after the implantation of embryos into the womb mucous membrane, more than half of the inherited methyl groups of the parents are deleted and new embryo typical methylation patterns are built up [14].

If we assume from this that not mutations, but rather methylome (at the epigenetic level) provoke cancer, this has considerable consequences:

  1. Methylome (also) occur from experiences (burdening life events). The causes for cancer must be sought in the interface between the organism and the environment, where they have also been suspected for two millennia.
  2. Methylome are reversible. Therapy on it would have to be removed, not to use (only) operations, chemo- and radiation therapies, but rather to control the burdening life events. Our school medicine doctors must retrain.

An Exclusive Article for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published January 2016

From an article in CO’Med, Volume 20, November 2014
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2014, Dr. Alexa Mohl, Hannover, Germany

About the author


  1. KegeI B.: Epigeneti Wie Erfahrungen vererbt werden. 5. Aufl. Köln: Dumont 2012,5.263
  2. Sedlacek H.-H.: Onkologie – Die Tumorerkrankungen des Menschen, Entstehung, Abwehr und Behandlungsmöglichkei Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter 2013, 5.208
  3. ebd.
  4. ebd. S.210
  5. ebd. S.208
  6. Campbell N. A., Reece B.: Biologie. 8., aktualisierte Auflage, München: Pearson 2009, S. 500
  7. Sedlacek, a.a.0. S. 210
  8. Mintz und Ilmensee K.: Normal genetically mosaic Mice produced from malignant teratocarcinoma cells, in: Proc. Not. Acad. Sci. USA Vol 72, No 9, pp. 3585-3589, September 1975.
  9. Campbell et.al. a.a.0. S.370f
  10. Sedlacek, a.a.0. S.206f
  11. Vgl. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center: Researchers discover new mechanism behind resistance to cancer treatment that could lead to better therapies.
    http://www.fhcrc.org/en/newslreleases/2012/08/researchers-discover-new-mechanism- behind-resistance-to-cancer-t.html
  12. Kegel, a.a.0. S.261
  13. ebd.
  14. ebd. S.96f

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