The protocol is in 3 parts and is aimed at making a very individualised remedy for the patient. It is somewhat complex to follow but if you, the reader, follow it through in front of the MORA then it should make sense. Please note that D double bar does not bring us back to D. D double inversion appears to work differently from both D and D inversion. All testing is done using the Vega test. *

Part 1

The aim of this part is to prepare a classical nosode in inversion using the patient’s own signals.

  1. Use filter for key nosode (Zn met. D26) and test meridian complexes against this filter.
    This will determine the key meridian. It is this meridian that carries the disharmonic information corresponding to the key nosode. This will be the information that we will be using for treatment.
  2. Give therapy to the key meridian using the indicated frequency for the meridian (see MORA Handbook) or by using optimum therapy for 10-15 minutes or by giving therapy to the source points of the key meridian(s) bilateral.
    This should strengthen the harmonic portion of the information and weaken the disharmonic part of the signal.
    Now record D bar from the key meridian on to a few pills (from source point or using frequency filter.)
    Place a few blank pills into the output beaker (3 pills are sufficient or a few drops of good quality water) and record information from the key meridian for about 30 seconds. Use D bar only (set “H” to 0), no filter, amp = 1 (or try optimum setting). The information can be recorded either by using the frequency for the key meridian (see MORA Handbook) or by taking information from the source point of the meridian on the most disturbed side. (Test for laterality first or measure S.P. on both sides.) Point probe goes to input and output to the medicament pills or water.
    Next, put the D bar pills on the input plate and re-test for blockades, index values, etc. The idea is to filter out the disharmonic information and see what is left if the disharmonic signals are eliminated. An alternative possibility is to use H+D bar, No Filter, Amplification =1 and re-test using this setting.
    A further alternative is to treat the key meridian using optimum settings and then to re-test index values, blockades etc. using the optimum setting as a filter.
  3. Test and treat reversed spins if present. Either test body fluids using spin test or check for geopathic stress, radiation, electro-magnetic stress. It is important to treat this before proceeding further.
    Using the optimum setting for spin and keeping the fluid in the spin tester, treat the key meridian for a further 1-2 minutes. It may be necessary to use the source point of the meridian for this.
    Whether or not spin is present now make a few fresh pills using H only. (This is the strengthened H factor.) Set the MORA to H+D bar, No Filter, Amplification H = 1, Dbar = 0
  4. Using A inverse, no filter, A inverse = 1, transfer from the D inverse pills to a few fresh pills. This makes D double inverse. (Note that the double inverse is not the same as “D”.)
    Place both the D bar and D double bar on the input and re-check all index values. If any index has got worse then the treatment will be too strong and aggravation will occur. Additional drainage remedies will be required. Test the drainage remedies against the index until it is restored to the previous value.
  5. Place all pills (Spin, H, D bar, D double bar) at the input and re-test everything. If any problem remains then find the correct medication to correct the problem.
  6. Make the final remedy by transferring to fresh pills in the following order:
    Spin (if present)
    D bar + D double bar
    Correcting remedies
    Drainage remedies
    Allow one minute for each transfer depending on quantity.
  7. Test for dose.
    Using the Adaptation Reserve Index keep adding pills to input plate until there is no further improvement in the adaptation reserve. If you do not have test ampoules for the adaptation reserve use the Biological Index and aim for a 2-3 step improvement.
    This remedy should be good for 3-4 months.

Remedy 2

a) Use Remedy 1 as a filter and test meridian complexes against it. If any meridian is indicated then use this meridian as the new key meridian. (Remedy 1 will decrease the Vega test measurement. If any meridian complex restores the value then this meridian will require treatment.)
b) Test for blockades and then test the meridian (complex) against the blockade.
c) For the meridian that matches the blockade remove the pills from the input and treat the meridian for 10 minutes or the source point for 3 minutes. This will make H for that meridian stronger.
d) Now record a few new pills for that meridian using D bar only
e) Test the new pills against both the blockade and the meridian. If the block is clear transfer D bar only to new pills together with any tested flower remedy, nosode, drainage, etc.
f) Test for dose as above.
g) When all blockades are clear test for Remedy 3

Remedy 3

  • Test for any meridian that is still stressed.
  • Make H for these meridians
  • Use H and re-test these meridians. If any are still not balanced then find the cause – nosode, complex, drainage, etc.
  • Test also for vitamins and trace elements; allergies.
  • Make final H remedy (3 mins) then add nosode or other medicaments (2 mins), then add vitamin, trace element, allergy (1 min.).
  • Test for dose using Cu met. D400.

Repeat Visits

Test Remedies 1, 2, and 3 for continued effect (ask the patient to keep the last two tablets of each remedy). If a remedy is no longer effective, discard it.

Test the three indices including oncology. If any are not optimum then place an electrode over the affected area and record A bar.

Now record H for the area. Test against the Biological Index and against the Adaptation Reserve. These must not worsen.

Test for exact dose.

This is a somewhat complex and time consuming method but it is good for patients who can only make an occasional visit.

An Exclusive Article for OIRF Supporters
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2014

© Copyright 2014, Dr. Anthony Scott-Morley, Dorset, UK

About the author

Director’s Comment:
* Note: In this advanced BioResonance article from Dr. Scott-Morley, he assumes the reader is familiar with terminology specific to this method. With true MORA and BioResonance Therapy, all therapy is based on the processing of the patient’s information through the built in biological filter. When in use this filter will separate the Harmonious (healthy or organized) information from the Disharmonious (unhealthy or chaotic) information. Information from the patient is designated as A for “All” (no processing or filtration of the information), H for “Harmonious” and D for “Disharmonious”. Then further processing is accomplished electronically when all disharmonious information is inverted for “cancellation” purposes. This inversion is designated in the literature in several ways such as Ai, A bar and Ā. Thus as Dr. Scott-Morley discusses D bar he is indicating the inversion of the disharmonious information. Refer to books and literature available from OIRF for a more detailed description of the process of BioResonance Therapy.

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