A Personal Message from Theodore (Ted) J. Cole,
DO, NMD, Ohio, USA

Crowded rooms, same old hotels, boring lectures. Are you ready for the experience of a lifetime?

Carolyn Winsor-Sturm and Occidental Institute Research Foundation announce their 39th Biological Medicine Tour to Germany. Carolyn and her staff have produced the longest running and best tour of its kind in existence. Carolyn is an insider of the German medical scene, and personally knows all of the major researchers and practitioners. She has built these relationships over years, and is able to get you into places and meet people in a way that no else is capable of.

Most of the lectures are private affairs, given only to members of this tour. That means almost one-on-one training by the leading experts in the world. In many cases, the presenters are the very people who have developed the therapy that they are speaking on. And you have personal access to these medical experts, getting the information straight from the source.


First up is Juliane Sacher, MD. Her will lecture will be “Protocol for the Treatment of Cancer and HIV/AIDS – Combining work developed over the last 25 years with new research about awareness and its role in becoming healthy.

Juliane Sacher, MD is based in Frankfurt and has worked in general practice and naturopathy continuously since 1976. Dr. Sacher´s main interest is finding the causes of the chronic diseases of today, especially cancer, AIDS and chronic infections. While treating patients with nontoxic substances, her methods are informed primarily by environmental medicine, nutrition and psychological factors.

She is a founding member of IGUMED (Interdisciplinary Society of Environmental Medicine), DAGNÄ (German Community Medical Practitioners for AIDS patients), DGEIM (German Society of Energy Medicine), and a member of various other societies for alternative diagnosis and treatment. Her methods are influenced by the work of Dr. H. Kremer, Dr. G. Enderlein, Dr. J. Budwig, Dr. T. Gradl, Dr. D´Adamo, and Dr. T. Tallberg.

Over more than 20 years and in several countries, Dr. Sacher has given talks and seminars in which she imparts a deep understanding of the newest research into cell and evolution biology, as well as the mechanisms of progression of cancer and AIDS based on her more than 30 years´ experience in treating patients with these conditions.

Dr. Sacher has a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be applicable to any practice. Those who have attended her prior lectures give their highest recommendation and count it as one of those lectures that have changed the way they practice medicine.


The next speaker is Christine Schenk. If you truly want to understand what any type of Energy Medicine is really about, then you will not want to miss this opportunity. Christine is a unique individual with profound insights into the practical nature of Energy Medicine and its effects. After experiencing her lecture, you will never view life in the same way. I don’t know of anyone providing the kind of knowledge that she will share with you.

Christine has 32 years of experience in this field, and has authored several books on the subject. She was the first to address and publish the necessity of ethics and safety in the energy healing profession, in addition to topics such as energetic abuse, misuse, malpractice and manipulation

Christine has developed the CHRIS Technique (Cellular Harmonizing Regenerative Integration System), a unique approach to healing energetic damage. Christine takes what many believe to be “intuition” and places this into a logical and coherent system that can be used by anyone taking her training.

She has taught all over the world, and thousands of people currently utilize this therapy with great success. This is an event not to be missed, as Christine spends most of her time providing private training to her students. I strongly suggest that you read one or more of her books before the seminar. These can be found at www.ohioholistichealing.com or at www.amazon.com. More information about Christine and her work can be found at www.christineschenk.com.


Next up is Arno Josef Heinen, MD MSc, a specialist in Internal Medicine and natural healing methods. Dr. Heinen has specialized in stress research, and systems and evolutions theory. This experience has led him to develop a Voice Frequency Analysis program, on which he will present a half day seminar.

I have seen this technology, and I believe that it will be a game changer. The amount of information that it provides after taking a simple voice recording is truly outstanding. I can envision this being the first test used on all patients in order to get a rapid, in-depth evaluation to begin therapy. This program was utilized extensively in Japan after the recent earthquake and nuclear power plant incident with excellent results. This is an outstanding opportunity to train with Dr. Heinen in an intimate setting.


As part of the tour, you will be able to spend two days at the 46th Medicine Week
Congress in Baden-Baden
. Attendance at this conference should be on the “bucket list” of every person involved in any type of Biological or Integrative therapies. It is the largest gathering of its type, with up to 4000 attendees and 230 booths exhibiting the latest in cutting edge technology. If you’ve never been to Medicine Week, don’t pass up this opportunity. I do have to warn you that once you have been to one, you will want to

Included in our stay are two seminars which are part of the official Medicine Week program. The first is a full day English language seminar sponsored by Sanum. This presentation features Dr. Gudrun Mekle (head of Sanum’s Medical Department) and Dr. Thomas Rau.

Sanum remedies are an excellent method of treating infections without the use of antibiotics and their side effects. They work by converting pathogenic agents into harmless ones, and are based on the work of Dr. Enderlein. These medications should be in the office of every practitioner!

The second seminar while we are at Medicine Week is on the topic of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). It is presented by Advanced Medical Systems, the company which produces the equipment developed by Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Presenters include Dr. Frank Beck and Prof. Dr. Werner Becker.

In addition, our OIRF advisor Dr. Ted Cole is one of the very, very few North American physicians who have been invited to speak at Medicine Week. His topic will be on the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for the treatment of allergies.

If you are not familiar with PEMF, this tour provides an excellent introduction. PEMF is rapidly becoming one of the most important modalities in medicine, as it is useful in nearly every condition.

In addition to the above seminar, we will also travel to a small town in the Neckar-Odenwald district of Germany for a private visit with Advanced Medical Systems. We will again hear from Dr. Frank Beck, who will present an in depth lecture on PEMF. Here you will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss the therapy, and have hands-on time with some of the devices. I can guarantee you that this presentation will enable you to use the equipment in your office immediately (providing you have it to use, of course!).


If that’s not enough, we will also take a trip into the Black Forest to visit the famous Med-Tronik firm. Here we will again receive private instruction on EAV and Bioresonance testing and therapy. While here, we will be able to obtain training on and use the new MORA-Nova. For those not familiar with this equipment, now is your golden opportunity to see what it can do first hand. The Mora-Nova is the most advanced unit of its kind, with impeccable workmanship and unrivaled quality. Don’t miss this chance to learn from the very people who have developed this masterpiece.


The tour will start in Frankfurt on Tuesday, October 30, and go through Monday, November 5, 2012. It’s always best to arrive in Germany a day or two ahead of time in order to recover from the jet lag.

As mentioned, your Host is OIRF Director Carolyn Winsor-Sturm, who has 38 previous tours worth of experience. Dr. Ted Cole, who is a veteran of several of the tours, will be your Medical Research Advisor.

On this tour you will NOT be abandoned and forced to figure things out for yourself. Carolyn and Dr. Cole will give you an introductory overview of the Medicine Week Congress and the exhibits so you can plan your “attack”. In addition, Dr. Cole, Carolyn and other attending OIRF Advisors are available for discussions on integration of biological medicine into your practice throughout the tour, as well as being able to provide you with expert commentary on the discoveries you find at the Congress.

This tour is limited to fifteen participants, so you will never be lost in the crowd. Carolyn and Dr. Cole will make sure that your experience is both enjoyable and educational. There is always a great sense of adventure and comradery on these tours, and many long-term friendships have started here.

All attendees have single room accommodations in all hotel locations (unless you request a double room for couples). You will travel on a private luxury motor coach, and you will be able to experience Germany on an intimate basis. The country side is beautiful this time of year, especially once we reach the Black Forest.

In addition, this is the least expensive tour of its type, with a price of only $3,295 CDN. While this does not include airfare, it does include breakfasts, and all but three meals from Tuesday through Monday.

The restaurants and hotels that we visit are intimate, locally owned and run establishments, giving you a true taste of German hospitality. If you haven’t been to a full German breakfast, make sure to bring a belt that expands!

Add that to the 38 previous tours’ experience, and it equals one of the best CME tours you can ever hope to find. I’m looking forward to meeting you there. Contact OIRF now to reserve your spot!

Yours in Health, Ted

An Exclusive Commentary Article for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published September 2012

© Copyright 2012, Dr. Ted Cole, OH USA

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