The Energetic Resonance Test
Is Feasible in a Few Seconds

 It Essentially Saves a Lot of Work for the
Methods EAV – Kinesiology –
RAC Test – Tensor Test

The energetic resonance test which the veterans of Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV) still know as the “energetic EAV medication test” is often time consuming. Additionally fewer and fewer test preparations are coming available. An absolutely new approach reduces the time involved to a few seconds and is irrespective of test preparations.

The Definition

First we must clarify what the energetic resonance test actually is. In the following we use only the term resonance test in order not to enlarge the text. Keep “in the back of your mind” that by this the energetic reaction of the test preparations is meant.

At the beginning of every energetic procedure the beginning status is registered. The utilized test methods are quite different and depend on the preferences of the users. Today’s standard methods are Kinesiology, the Tensor Test, the RAC pulse wave Test and above all also the Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV). My own main focus of experience lies with EAV which is why I use that for the following explanations.

The principle is applicable in all test methods in the same manner.

For EAV there are countless sources and seminars. For this reason only a short explanation here: With EAV the electrical qualities of the acupuncture points and the EAV measuring points are measured. Values which deviate from the EAV normal value of 50 are considered as irritations. At the end of an EAV session, i.e. after the resonance test, all measuring values should be balanced to approximately 50. This leads us directly to the definition of the resonance test.

Figure 1: Traditional EAV Resonance Test EAV device, Honeycomb, Test sets

The task of the resonance test is to balance possibly all of the energetic irritations in such a way that at the end of the session no more irritations are tested or measurable. Test preparations or test sets are usually utilized for this. Most are homeopathic test preparations or homeopathic preparations like nosodes and organ preparations. Additionally mother tinctures and their simple dilutions are used. These usually come into use with energetic allergy tests.

The Actual Situation

Time Involved
As elegant as the resonance test is, so it also has its hidden weaknesses. In some practices there are a wide variety of different test sets with sometimes far over 2,000 test preparations. In older EAV practices there is a special staff person who brings in the desired preparations. Apart from the costs it also makes one suspect the effort: Clearly such tests sometimes last more than two hours. Both – costs and time – must be reduced.

How do I Find the Preparations?
The next hurdle is finding the right(!) test preparations. If you have more than 1,000 preparations for selection, you progress effectively only with a seventh sense and much experience. In a previous series on bioresonance in CO’MED I introduced an elegant method with which you can quickly solve this problem. Nevertheless, with more difficult cases you will still need about one half hour.

Available Preparations
The next problem is that more and more test preparations are disappearing from the market. This problem affects long established practices less than the new users of energetic methods. The “old rabbits” have already amply stocked up years ago, but the young users of the resonance test must give up a lot. Consequently it seems more and more frequently that you have several test preparations, but in the current situation no single one fits. You must leave a shoulder shrug standing for the clients under these circumstances. The result has a secondary frustration: no income and no image improvement. There must also be a solution here for these problems.

Are “Digital Ampules” a Solution?

You can quickly find out the answer to this question yourself: You should request written confirmation from the supplier that a certain sound file, e.g. that a virus should correspond exactly to the information contained in the virus. In [my] view today, it is relatively improbable that you will get a satisfactory answer. In my laboratory I have various analytical tools and a full scale arrangement with which signals with a strength of less than one Pico Volt (= 0.000000000001 V voltage) can be examined. Unfortunately I could not find one single “ampule signal” in the data provided to me up to now. Some users of such equipment will now argue: However for me it works! In this case I recommend repeating the test once more with real test sets. They will be amazed if suddenly a quite different preparation appears. I well remember such tests which I made together with a public health officer.

I would not like to make such a tightrope walk. Therefore a project was begun more than four years ago which has led to a much simpler solution:

We take the signals or the information of the clients themselves and structure it in such a way that it leads to an energetic balance just like a test preparation.

The Necessary Basic Conditions

So that the procedure functions basic conditions must be fulfilled. At first you need a bioresonance device which includes a considerable oscillation range. Tests have proven that as an upper border about 1 megahertz is necessary. That is one million oscillations per second and corresponds approximately to a radio medium wave range. As a lower border we not only need the lowest frequencies but also the DC voltage range, i.e. zero hertz. Already the tests which were carried out from about 1996 have shown that there are obviously extremely slow electrical voltage fluctuations on the surface of the skin which can play a considerable role with energetic procedures like bioresonance.

The bioresonance device must work with freely adjustable bandpass, this is a filter, which only allows a specific oscillation range through. This is possibly comparable with colored glass, which only lets through light of a specific oscillation group. In higher oscillation ranges the bandpass must have a very narrow passage width, one also says: it must work highly selectively. Simple “school book bandpass” solutions are hardly suitable for the procedure, because as a rule these become broader and broader and more unselective in high oscillation frequencies.

Another pre-condition is that the bioresonance device is exactly calibrated. If you want to compare values then it does not help if the tolerances from device to device are applied “liberally”. Additionally with technical devices it happens that we always have to deal with component aging. Even with bioresonance systems with selective bandpass systems the effective actual value “wanders” considerably away from the real set value in the course of time. Devices with integrated calibrating electronics which can be activated at any time appear best.

The last basic conditions to be fulfilled are that at least the bioresonance parameters of amplification, phase position (A/Ai) and mid-frequency bandpass can be exactly focused enough.

The Procedure

The procedure has its origin in endogenous bioresonance, the form of bioresonance which is done exclusively with signals/information belonging to the body. Many of you know the basic bioresonance application inversion (Ai). This is the most general endogenous bioresonance procedure, because the test person has the input and the output electrode, for example in the hand. Those among you who work with bioresonance programs already know one series of such settings which work exclusively with the body’s own signals/information. And as your tests proved, these endogenous programs mostly fulfill their purpose. Therefore why does it not work generally with the body’s own signals?

Well, we assume that can be done. Then however the problem still remains: How do I find the right setting? The situation is comparable with: How do I find the right test preparation? Only here, so to speak, we have over one million variation possibilities.

If the above mentioned basic conditions are fulfilled, now higher mathematics comes to our help. With the combination of different mathematical procedures there is a way that usually leads you in less than one minute to the goal. Now not everybody has such a special education so help must be found. We find the solution, like nowadays so often in a corresponding comfortable computer program which takes the calculations away from you – computers are actually made for this. The easiest is with a PC/Laptop if the bioresonance device is completely controllable remotely.

How Does It Work?

If all the conditions are fulfilled, then the search for the balancing bioresonance parameters is reduced to a question-answer-game.

Additionally you must connect the test person to the bioresonance device and the EAV device, so that you can measure during the bioresonance application. Figure 2 shows the configuration: The bioresonance input is connected to the clamp electrode; the bioresonance output is put to the EAV reference electrode. With other test procedures the cables are of course omitted from the EAV device; the rest is the same. Now you begin the program on the computer.

Figure 2: Bioresonance and EAV simultaneously

The computer adjusts the bioresonance device and you test whether or not the result is better. Dependent on this you click in the software on the screen on the “positive” or “negative” button. The PC calculates new parameters and adjusts the device anew. Accordingly you test with the new settings. Again you tell the software your test results “+” or “-” (see Fig. 3). Depending on the pre-settings this interactive process usually takes place five to seven times. Afterwards the parameters are found to be sufficiently exact and you can apply this bioresonance program to the test person. However according to the oscillations range also a few more tests can be necessary because under the circumstances even more exact settings are helpful.

Figure 3: Simple software control

If you post-test after the transfer, e.g. with EAV, whether the result is really a positive well balanced measuring point, you will not seldom establish that many other irritations have disappeared on the measuring points. Actually this means that you have equally balanced more energetic irritations with a detected setting. Similarly the sentence occurs to me: “seven at one blow”. Those among you who check a homeopathic repertorisation with EAV know a similar effect only with an ideal simile. Is this not amazing?

A special Feature

You very often equally find with the very first test a complete balance, and this first setting works on the [previously] mentioned configuration of the DC voltage field and the extremely low frequencies of the body surface. Experience shows that we have a similar “chicken-egg-problem” here as with the tooth test in EAV. I know no one who can state one hundred percent whether the tooth or an organic disturbance is the cause of the energetic irritation. Thus it is also here, because if you ignore the positive measurement value change (with EAV) of this first test and test again you almost always also find one or two oscillation frequencies which bring about a comparable balance. In these cases it has proved successful to use both the frequency as well as the DC voltage setting in succession with the bioresonance. In about 80% of the cases thereby all EAV measuring points on the desired EAV normal value are around 50 after the previous tests, even if before there were over ten measurable irritations. This is a huge time advantage. Thus we see that the same can be reached with the body’s own signals as with test preparations. Additionally the time needed is drastically reduced. However, in contrast to test preparations you have no indication of possible causes of an irritation because you “only” know the bioresonance parameters. But if you have no exactly matching test preparation, only a few alternatives remain for you to choose anyway. You can ascribe the possibility of being led elegantly to the goal to this presented procedure.


Today with the help of computers new, fast and comfortable ways can also work in classical bioresonance without being troubled by dubious interpretations of quantum physics.

An Exclusive Translated Article for Affiliates
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 2012

From an article in CO’MED, No. 01, 2012
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF

© Copyright 2011, Peter Barski, Erlangen, Germany

Commentary on the preceding article on
The Energetic Resonance Test by Mr. Peter Barski

The preceding article was of great interest to me in spite of the comments I will outline below. It shows quite clearly that all of us must quickly learn to deal with the ever changing regulations within the homeopathic industry. And, most importantly it shows how our field of Biological Medicine is developing – exponentially.

For me it is exciting to see new methods developing, but also to see that new and clever applications are being found for utilizing the familiar or older methods. This is a perfect example for those working with EAV. Here then is another approach for you to try out. I will be most interested in hearing about your findings!

But – and there always seems to be a “but” with all this innovation – let me at least fill in a bit of the foundation around Mr. Barski’s article, especially for those who are newer to the realm of medication or “energetic resonance” testing.

First (if you do not already have one) order a copy of the OIRF Medication Testing Report. Here you will find clear instruction on how to do point and medication (resonance) testing, how to do what the “old rabbits” called N-block testing, ways to work with multiple homeopathic remedies, and so much more. This report was translated by Dr. Walter Sturm from a number of EAV texts and leads very nicely into the big OIRF EAV Desk Reference Manuals (based on the actual Voll textbooks). This report is based on the work of Dr. Fritz Kramer and gives you an excellent start into point and med testing – the way that Dr. Reinhold Voll developed it!

Mr. Barski’s article is a bit disjointed and incomplete, but for those who are already testing there’s enough information here to attempt his suggested measurement technique. He did previously write a series of articles for CO’MED about this (and a similar) testing technique which I was unable to translate for inclusion in our newsletters due to their length. Mr. Peter Barski is the Managing Director of a company called Holimed. Some of you will remember that name as OIRF recommended their little BioResonance device quite a few years ago.

That less expensive device called the BioSwing offered basic but very limited BioResonance ability, but it was a way to get started. Unfortunately, we found that support, service and followup was lacking. Because there is no filter mechanism (the ability to separate harmonious or H and disharmonious or D), this device was only capable of offering basic amplification and inversion. As a result of these difficulties OIRF withdrew its recommendation. None the less, this company has persevered and today they continue to offer small testing devices and the basic BioResonance devices as mentioned above. But – and this is the politics part – they consider themselves competition to MORA (which has full BioResonance capability) and thus the often misleading comments regarding application of his devices.

So I will try not to harp on the differences and politics, but I feel it important for you to see the possibilities and background in order to see a resolution to some of the problems he discusses.

Time Involved”: Initial or intake EAV tests could at one time literally take hours and hours. Nowadays this is resolved by combining EAV diagnostics with other methods such as AMSAT, BE-T-A, SEG, etc. Once an overall diagnostic is achieved with these other methods, your EAV testing can be much more accurate, efficient and rapid.

How do I find the preparations?”: Yes, we have visited many clinics and practices where the “old rabbits” [taken from the German expression “alte hasen” meaning the older, venerable practitioners or “old hands”] have walls and cupboards and shelves and drawers full of remedies. And even Dr. Sturm’s treatment office has specially designed cabinets for all of his remedies – all 30,000 remedies at his seated test position! Here, as did most of the elder statesmen, most utilized devices like the previous Sender/Receiver units from Med-Tronik to speed their testing and to reduce the need for an assistant.

Are Digital Ampules a Solution?”: Well, my friends here is where Mr. Barski’s politics and competitiveness are showing. In spite of his engineering skills and knowledge it is quite obvious that he simply has not developed or understood the technology for the ‘recording’ of remedy information. We know this is possible just from an empirical sense. If remedies can be transferred via the Sender/Receiver unit or the Remedy Information Transfer Units, then they can also be digitally recorded. This has been accomplished with several technologies by several different companies (Med-Tronik, Staufen, Advanced Medical Systems, etc.).

There is simply no question that digitalized remedies are not only possible but highly effective. Even with early versions of the Electronic Homeopathy (ELH) from Med-Tronik, Dr. Sturm was one of the first in there with EAV testing the software against his (30,000) remedies. Actual remedies vs. Med-Tronik’s digital remedies always produced the same results. Newer Med-Tronik versions reflecting the latest technologies are even more accurate. It is for this reason alone that our recommendation for Med-Tronik software has continued for so many years.

Perhaps Mr. Barski has not utilized the best instrumentation for measuring these remedies – or? At any rate there are now multiple scientific studies available supporting the reality of the digital form of remedies from Drs. Benveniste, Montagnier, Galle and many others.

Band Pass and Filters: Band Pass and specific frequency ranges as well as the true H and Di) filter have been an integral part of MORA since the first prototypes. The accuracy of those band pass filters within MORA are the reason why the Med-Tronik devices are the standard of the BioResonance industry (all BioResonance devices including BICOM, BioSwing, the Russian versions and lately a Chinese version are all copies of MORA).

Calibration Issues: In our experience the necessity to repeatedly have your device sent back to the manufacturer in Germany (!) for “calibration” and “refurbishing” and (I think the phrase was) “clearing the filters” is simply a way to create an expensive followup service business.

Interestingly at the Tempe Pleo-Sanum Conference this past weekend a fellow we will call Jack, came up to my information table and announced that his colleague was getting ready to retire and wanted to sell his old MORA. Was there some way I could help and what it would be worth and . . . Since he had the machine with him I asked him to bring it in and I’d take a look at it. Well! What can I say? This MORA III RM100 was built in March, 1983 and is – to this day almost 30 years later – still in active daily practice. With even just a basic check it is easy to see it has been well used but is functioning without any problems or challenges. Although the top end models of the MORA are expensive they are almost always a purchase that lasts the life of the practitioner’s practice and which clearly has repays its purchase price back many times over.

But these issues aside, I challenge each of you who are working with EAV testing and/or MORA to give Mr. Barski’s method a try. I feel it is an interesting approach that is well worth further investigation.

Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director

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